An accept/deny box frequently but very briefly appears on my screen regarding "...Application 'kav'..." As it appears then disappears so quicky I cannot fully read it or copy it with 'Grab'. What is it and why does it keep appearing?
I foolishly installed PocketCloud Companion (which was a ripoff) and now am unable to delete it from my apps folder under Finder. When I try to move it to the trash, I get a message that the app is still open. Where can I see it running? This also happened on another occasion where the move to trash cannot be done because "The item can’t be moved to the Trash because it’s open". And I don't know how to find where it is open so I can close and delete it.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I do not have iWork
Then I tried to connect my IPAD and IPHONE and neither would update because it couldnt find the file or something and then i couldnt even restore.The next day itunes was gone completely: "The iTunes application could not be opened. An unknown error occurred (13014)" And then the next day ie today there is NO DOCK, NO BACKGROUND and NO DESKTOP ICONS! I had to open safari from the top bar that was only there because I have one random application called Garmin ANT that remained open (i never use this application, its a running computer watch thing)
I am about to clean up some unused programs on my Mac. Should there be an uninstall file for each application? If not, what is the recommended way to remove the application and all of its associated files?Â
When I was investigating a problem with my time machine backups I found that my mac constantly tries to start up something called com.tvmobilisvcd[number]. It then reports it cannot do so because it cannot find the file or folder. 08/05/2012[1](com.tvmobili.tvmobilisvcd[10598]) posix_spawn("/Applications/", ...): No such file or directory?I tried running disk permission repair but that doesn't seem to do teh trick (in fact when I repeat disk permission repairs it keeps doing teh same stuff over and over)Â
I've tried to download an app and it froze, so I tried to cancel it and couldn't. It's still in 'purchases' in the App Store and listed under 'other purchases'. The button next to it is blank (no letters). Also, the Launchpad icon looks like it's downloading and the app in it is greyed out.Â
Some of the basic application like textedit take much time to load (10 secs). Instead in Windows such application opens instantly.I am having 4GB RAM in iMac and I can see around 40% free(unused)
I have an account on my imac and so does my wife. I recently downloaded office on my account and I would like to load the app on my wife's account, but I do not know how to do that. I have the product key available.Â
I have just downloaded skype for the first time. I do not make many downloads. The problem is the application icon, appears in the side bar under places. I do not want it to be there. I'd rather it showed in applications or on my doc. How do i move it? Everytime I try to highlight it to drag it, it just opens up!!
Friends were having major problems with Mac OS 10.5.8. I tried to install 10.6 but the installation stalled several times. Through it all, I got OS 10.5.8 running for them again but the sound application is now missing, so I can't get the iMac to play sounds effects nor will it show the Harmann Kardon sound sticks as a sound output. They can't find their original install discs and I do not have that version. Will the sound application for system 10.6 work if I drag that file into their 10.5.8 system?
You must quit the following application before you continue. The installation cannot be complketed while the following software is running. I am trying to install Office MAC, What does this mean?
I installed a CDROM application on Leopard 10.6.8 which worked fine. I now try to install the same software on Lion 10.7.2 and it does not allow me to open the application. The content is fine, I think the issue lies with the installer?
I shut down my computer and when I turned it on I tried to launch Safari. I got the following message. The application Safari can't be opened. I checked the application in Finder, but could discover anything since it again couldn't launch therefore I couldn't access system preferences. My internet connection is fine. My software is completely up to date. Yosemite 10.10.1.
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Operating system 10.10.1
I am attempting to acces a website that uses the Java application. I am running the latest version of Java on FireFox and certain fields within the Java application cannot be typed into.
I am unable to fully access an application or even open a folder. If I press F10, I can see the folder for example but I cannot click on it. I have shut the system off and restarted and still no change.
Iphoto is no longer available to me after upgrading to Lion. Is this an error or something expected? How to reinstall it or is there something else I should install or buy?
Why some of my application cannot be open by double clicking the Icon ? and I also tried by right clicking it, the Open it< but still won't work. I tried this with Onyx, photoshop and vuze application.