I've recently purchased a 0.5m thunderbolt cable to connect my Macbook pro to my 27" iMac. All is fine until I exit Target Display Mode (apple F2). At that point the cursor disappears. Very annoyingly, I can just about trace it's whereabouts via the various cues on web browser windows, and through trial and error navigate to the apple menu and restart, whereupon it's all back to normal. How I can prevent it from happening?
When someone logs off of Facebook, their name still appears in my buddy list. It's grayed out, but still there. I usually have to go to File > (My Facebook Account) > "Refresh Buddy List" for their name to disappear.
My wife and I used iChat at home (same network) to make sure it worked with video.
We are now on different networks and can't see each other on the buddy list via iChat but can using AIM. In AIM the video menu item is not lit up so it's not usable.
Also in iChat the menu item Buddies noting is lit up/able to be clicked on.
I've been using Adium... but I wanted to try out iChat for a bit. I created my facebook account, AIM, and google... but they all have separate buddy lists. That's dumb haha
Is there a way to combine these buddy lists like Adium does?
What does iChat do that Adium doesn't? Pros and cons of each?
My brother just got a new iMac 24". I have the older 24" white one. I'm trying to iChat with him. We can invite each other, but I can't see him. He can see me, and we can hear each other. Why can't I see him?
I can't see my buddy on iChat, after he/she accepts my request for video chat. What could be the issue? I just started using iChat for the first time and now have the issue of not being able to see my buddy on video chat. My buddy states the same thing, not being able to see me. I check the "Video" tab on the tool bar, ensuring that all items (microphone, camera, etc.) were enabled, and they all were.
I am currently running iChat 1.0.1 and if I add a new person in iChat, they don't show up on the buddy list. Their address card shows up in Address Book and when I am messaged by the person it shows their name given when I first entered them in, but the buddy list does not show them as being online.
Ok so I was my online textbook on my Mac and then when I exited Chrome I noticed some weird difference in my background so I looked closely and I saw translucent letters on it. I changed the background to a solid color so the letters are more visible, but how do I stop these letters. (I already tried restarting, shutting down, unplugging, but the problem continues to appear whenever I log in.
I thought replacing the old brother printer with a new hp laserjet would fix the problem with the printers going offline everyday. It still does the same thing, they will print fine until the imac goes to sleep and when we try to print again we either have to power down a printer or restart the computer. Sometimes just pausing the printer and resuming will work too, or maybe pulling the usb cable and plugging it back in. We have a 24" intel core i3 with 10.6.8 version 3.06 Ghz and 4GB memory. The printers are and HP laserjet 1536dnf as default printer and an Epson Stylus NX115 for the occasional color print and a Primera Bravo se disc publisher for printing on cd discs.
If the mail application is close, iCloud mail goes offline, although my other email accounts in the mail app do NOT go offline. When I open the mail app, there is a symbol next to the iCloud account (but not next to the others) that looks like a circle with a horizontal zig-zag. When I click on that symbol I get the following message: "This account (iCloud) appears to be offline due to a network problem." If I click the button in the dialogue box that says, "Take all accounts online,", then my iCloud mail comes in right away. However, all my other mail accounts already are delivered. It is not a network or connection problem.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
One of my email accounts (a MS exchange account) suddently went offline and hasn't come back online for days! I have the exclamation point in the triangle next to the ghosted name of my account. I've tried multiple times to go back online w/o success Connection doctor was not helpful
-I can still connect directly to the MS exchange account on the internet
When I run Softare Update (27' iMac, OSX 10.7.3), the application finds the needed updates and displays the usual updates available window. However when I click on Install (whether ot not i open up the details window), the update window disappears, the application icon remains on the dock with the dot uderneath indicating and open application but nothing happens.
When Safari is active, the menubar and the dock disappears. I have chosen not to show/hide dock in system preferences, and whenever any other program than Safari is active, the dock and menubar stays put. My OS is 10.7 - P.S. I have not maximized the Safari-window.
What could cause this, and how do I get the dock and menubar to stay even when Safari is active?
I've been noticing a dialog box that appears and disappears in a fraction of a second, just enough to annoy me. It happens at random times, and have noticed it while working in various applications. I've checked Console and determined that this is the culprit.
I have a 20" white 2.16 GHz Intel iMac running OS 10.6.8 with 4GB of memory. Over the past year it has developed an odd fault. Whenever I try to open a folder (or select 'new folder' or 'new finder window' from the drop-down menu), it hangs for a couple of seconds and then all the icons/folders on the desktop disappear, leaving only the dock visible. After about three seconds, the icons/folders all reappear. Oddly, if I persist in trying to open a folder, it eventually succeeds, typically after approximately 20 attempts, although sometimes the first couple of times a window actually does open, it disappears again as soon as I use the scroll bar. Eventually, it always seems to work, but takes around two minutes of frustrating effort to open any folder instead of the normal split second.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? I've tried reinstalling the operating system and initialising the hard drive, but the problem still always returns..it's really annoying!
This morning my wireless mouse needed battery replacement. After that, the cursor disappears as I move it away from the dock area. If I move over buttons and am lucky, the proper action will take place but I cannot see the cursor. Sort of like playing Battleship game. Blindly move the mouse and hope I hit something. Although this is new this morning, I've had the same problem in the past but it went away. It seems worse or much more annoying this morning.My wired mouse displays the same problem. I had to borrow my wife's laptop to send this problem. The only program open is Safari.
My iChat refuses to open. Every time I click on it to open it it will not open at all and a window will come up saying "The application iChat quit unexpectedly". How can i get my iChat to open and is someone or something hacking into my computer?
I'm sitting in the Coffie shop with a freaind of mine and next thing I know he is looking at my Itunes files from his computer, how the heck is he doing it ? Please give me exact directions on how to set up my computer from this happening again,
I added someone the other day, and now every time I log in it says "XXX@hotmail.com on the local list is inside the group "Friends" but not on the server list. Do you want this buddy to be added?" It doesn't say this on IM+ on my iPod Touch, and the contact doesn't show up until I click add. Is there any reason for this? Is there any way I can permanently add them or something?
My daughter's old I Mac won't start. It is not backed up. We want to get some things off of it if we can. When we turn it on, we get the Apple logo with spinning wheel for awhile, then a question mark briefly and then a sky blue blank screen. Is there any hope of getting this to work? This computer is out of warranty. Does it seem that if we reinstall the Operating System we might find old data?
I've been using adium for some time now, and suddenly I can't use the contact bubbles buddy list style because it will go through the dock, instead of stopping above it like a window. Anyone knows a solution to this?