Intel Mac :: Desktop Disappears When Clicking On Folders?
May 27, 2012
I have a 20" white 2.16 GHz Intel iMac running OS 10.6.8 with 4GB of memory. Over the past year it has developed an odd fault. Whenever I try to open a folder (or select 'new folder' or 'new finder window' from the drop-down menu), it hangs for a couple of seconds and then all the icons/folders on the desktop disappear, leaving only the dock visible. After about three seconds, the icons/folders all reappear. Oddly, if I persist in trying to open a folder, it eventually succeeds, typically after approximately 20 attempts, although sometimes the first couple of times a window actually does open, it disappears again as soon as I use the scroll bar. Eventually, it always seems to work, but takes around two minutes of frustrating effort to open any folder instead of the normal split second.Â
Has anyone else encountered this problem? I've tried reinstalling the operating system and initialising the hard drive, but the problem still always's really annoying!
the desktop, from which all icons and folders have disappeared, when I press command shift n, which should create a BLESSEDLY VIEWABLE folder on the desktop, nothing happens. I am a MAC convert, but have built up my hate muscle on this one.
I'm trying to buy more episodes for a show (Supernatural S9 if it makes any difference) and I try to click the SD button, but it doesn't change anything. I've only bought a few episodes of this show separately instead of a season pass because I've already seen several episodes, therefore I can't download them from cloud. the HD button next to the title and season of the show disappears after clicking the button, but nothing else changes. I tried signing out of my account and trying it on my sister's, and the switch between them worked perfectly fine? could this be an error with my account? I've tried restarting iTunes and my laptop, and nothing is changing.
My desktop have suddenly decided NOT to show files, folders and disks. I can se those files via Finder but not directly on the desktop. I have repaired permissions, verified the disk and ofcourse checked my Finder preferenses - but no go. The desktop shows what I want it to show if I switch user.
Is it normal for the Finder to quit using the Cmd+ Q? I thought it needs to be force quit. But of late, sometimes, accidentally if I press Cmd+Q on a finder window, it quits, and does not relaunch either. So to speak, the Desktop disappears. I have to launch Downloads/Documents from the Dock to start the finder running once again. Doesn't seem Mac like. Something wrong, is it? And I recall this started happening after I ran an update for 10.6.1. It was running fine with 10.6.0
I have no idea what happened, but a lot of small stuff on my mac either disappeared or changed. I took my macbook off the charger after a nights charging, and I noticed: all my icons on my desktop were no longer there, my widgets were all gone, and all my programs gave me a setup up screen when I tried to use them. I'm not too upset because everything on the hard drive is still there, but still I'd like if anyone has a clue to as what the heck I did to cause this?
In VIEWING (to print) my iTunes music (in finder), how can i view subfolders without clicking on the triangle of each main folder?I am trying to print a list of all my music. For example, main folder is BEATLES. Subfolders are Magical Mystery Tour, Yellow Submarine, Abbey Road, etc...and I want to view and print all the subfolders. This is a recovery project after my hard drive failed. I know this is truly a "finder" question and will double post there.Â
I don't know when started to happen, but when I open a window of Finder, and click in the left sidebar to see what is in Desktop, it didn't show in the right panel, it open a Terminal window. If I click Applications, or Music, it works good, but not with Desktop. I already installed Lion again 3 times, but when restoring from Time Machine, it starts to doing that.
Double clicking an icon in my Desktop no longer enables it to open to give the pertinent information available on the icon or folder.Have been unable to figure out what to do to remedy the problem. Did try shutting down computer, but that was ineffective.
When I run Softare Update (27' iMac, OSX 10.7.3), the application finds the needed updates and displays the usual updates available window. However when I click on Install (whether ot not i open up the details window), the update window disappears, the application icon remains on the dock with the dot uderneath indicating and open application but nothing happens.
When Safari is active, the menubar and the dock disappears. I have chosen not to show/hide dock in system preferences, and whenever any other program than Safari is active, the dock and menubar stays put. My OS is 10.7 - P.S. I have not maximized the Safari-window.
What could cause this, and how do I get the dock and menubar to stay even when Safari is active?
I've been noticing a dialog box that appears and disappears in a fraction of a second, just enough to annoy me. It happens at random times, and have noticed it while working in various applications. I've checked Console and determined that this is the culprit.
Quite often, when I open up mu HD, external drive, etc. folder on my desktop, they are sized different. I then have to re-arrange them by kind, date, etc. I would like to have my folders the same width and height all the time, is this possible?
I have a feeling this has been covered, but I couldn't find anything using "search," so if it has, forgive me. I'm just curious as to whether or not it's possible to place folders from different drives on my desktop without having to create an "alias" of said folder.
This morning my wireless mouse needed battery replacement. After that, the cursor disappears as I move it away from the dock area. If I move over buttons and am lucky, the proper action will take place but I cannot see the cursor. Sort of like playing Battleship game. Blindly move the mouse and hope I hit something. Although this is new this morning, I've had the same problem in the past but it went away. It seems worse or much more annoying this morning.My wired mouse displays the same problem. I had to borrow my wife's laptop to send this problem. The only program open is Safari.
I've recently purchased a 0.5m thunderbolt cable to connect my Macbook pro to my 27" iMac. All is fine until I exit Target Display Mode (apple F2). At that point the cursor disappears. Very annoyingly, I can just about trace it's whereabouts via the various cues on web browser windows, and through trial and error navigate to the apple menu and restart, whereupon it's all back to normal. How I can prevent it from happening?Â
I have a strange problem, which I don't seem to be able to properly troubleshoot, even with searching the 6U with and without our beloved Free Porn.
Btw, I solved the problem in between writing this post, but if anyone wants to share some light onto the situation, I invite you to read the following, as I am still flabbergasted by it and want to know, why I can't do what I want to do as laid out in the section below.
yesterday I wasn't able to click on my desktop icon in finder so I thought its just something silly. I turned off the computer and went to work. When I came back, I turned it back on, to realize that all icons are gone except my HDD, TM HDD and Windows HDD. Everything else is gone.
I entered the time machine and all back ups are gone too except today's and yesterday's. On yesterday's back up I do have the desktop folders and icon untouched but not on todays.
I tried permission, PRM reset, Onyx maintenance and cleaning but nothing is working. When I put a file name in the finder to find it it doesn't find it.
I use the black macbook and I have several folders and files on my desktop. However, lately after I shutdown my macbook and start it again, all the folders and files on my desktop move and scatter. I want to keep them in the same order that I originally arranged. How do I keep them in the same place? Is it normal for them to move around after shutdown? I don't want to sort them out by name or date modified or anything like that. I just want to keep them in the same order that I put them.
My files are there if I look into desktop folder through the finder but In the real scenario of Desktop The files does not display on the Desktop although they are there. how do I make them appear on the desktop?
I tend to keep my desktop clean, but current projects stay in a folder on the desktop for the duration of work. Lion won't leave the folders where they are, but instead it is creating dated folders in Documents> Desktop and leaving the files there. If I wanted to nest the files away I would have done so myself. The actual Desktop area is empty. It's kind of infuriating. Any clues as to how to make it stop doing this and leave my files where I put them?
The folders on my desktop are frozen to the right hand side of the desktop and will not move. How do I unfreeze them so I can rearrange them how I want?Â
I restarted my macbook pro (10.5.6) last night after really slow internet speeds, and when it booted back up all my desktop folders disappeared. I can't even find a single file name anymore anywhere on the harddrive.
Apple support said they've seen the desktop directory glitch with the finder, but we could not reverse whatever happend and they suggested I spend $100 bucks on Disc Warrior.
How am I going to find about 1700 files????? My time machine drive stopped backing up two months ago, ggggrrrrrrr -right when I needed it eh?!
Does anyone have any ideas what I can try to get back the file names and folders?
I know the data is still on the drive, just with no allocations.
I've repaired all disc permissions 3 times-it keeps having to repair them everytime I reboot.Terry