Hardware :: Magnets Affect Performance Of A Mouse
Dec 2, 2010Odd question but would magnets affect the performance of an apple mouse.
View 4 RepliesOdd question but would magnets affect the performance of an apple mouse.
View 4 RepliesI just switched my old 120Gb drive with a 320gb one (FUJITSU MJA2320BH G2 -- speed should be the same as my old one), and I'm noticing a drop in battery performance of about 20%. Is this just a coincidence?
View 3 Replies View Relatedincreasing the amount of RAM in a MacBook Pro (latest model unibody 15" i7 processor). If I increase the amount of RAM in this laptop from 4Gb to16 Gb, should that in and of itself result in a decrease in battery performance? This is assuming no increase in number of active programs, etc. A friend of mine was told by an Apple employee that just increasing the total RAM in a laptop would result in the battery draining more quickly. I am no computer genius, but that does not sound right to me? After all, why should the battery work harder if the excess RAM is not being used at the time.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI installed XP onto Boot Camp, so I can run some Windows games on it. At first, it didn't seem like it was that bad but after loading Sims 2, 2 expansion packs and 1 stuff pack it was a little... different. Windows still starts up pretty quick and everything, but in OS X... the performance has been decreasing slowly. Doesn't the things only affect the things in the Windows partition instead of OS X? Safari's performance wasn't as smooth as it used to be.
View 14 Replies View RelatedJust upgraded to a 27" quad-core iMac yesterday and I noticed the startup time is much slower than it should be once I migrated all of my files from my old 24" iMac over. I usually keep my system up for months at a time, so startup time isn't an issue, but the question is: Does a slow startup time indicate that once I'm up and running, the system could be much quicker, too, or is that slow issue solely restricted to just the startup time?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know that back in the day, when I used Windows computers, they always said that you should have at least 10% of your hard drive free, and that less could affect the performance of your computer. Is this true for macs.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhich mouse would you get? If you have either mouse. I am getting a new mouse and I am having a hard time choosing between both mice. I am on a budget and the Magic Mouse is cheaper, but if the Performance Mouse MX is better, I will get it.
View 16 Replies View RelatedI just bought a carrying case for my 13" Mac Book Pro. It has two magnet closures. Is this okay?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust got the Logitech Performance Mouse MX. Awesome mouse, if anyone is in the market for one. Fits my hand perfectly.
As many of you probably know, Logitech's Control Center is horrendous. Heck, it doesn't even run in 10.6.
So, what do yall use to program your mouse buttons? USB Overdrive is no longer being updated and I have heard it's pretty buggy, and for whatever reason, I couldn't figure out Speedmouse. I may try reinstalling it one more time but, I was wondering if you all knew of any alternatives.
My laptop is only about 3 weeks old, and I notice that the gap on the right side is bigger than the left side when I close my computer's (15" 2.8GHz MBP) lid. I am guessing the magnet on the right is not as strong on the left side. Pics below..
I know a few guys have had problems with the lid opening when the laptop is vertical (due to weak magnets).. I dont want it to get to that stage. Right now it barely just holds on.
2nd problem is with my power brick. There is a definate gap between the socket and the brick itself. is this normal? Again pics below..
If you have a black colored desktop and a mighty mouse... does it work? A few years ago, I had to give up MS mice due to their inability to track on black surfaces. Logitech do just fine... what about the MM?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt has been a week since I started to research a new gaming mouse for my MBP. After going through more reviews than I can remember, I boiled it up to the following 2: Razer Orochi and Logitech Performance Mouse MX.
Orochi keeps my precious USB ports free (Bluetooth) has a coolest design and better DPI, although the "sleep in 2sec + jerking" issue seems to be really annoying when gaming. The Performance Mouse MX has zero lag/jerking issues, great ergonomics and works on glass! The downside is the USB port sacrifice required by the 2.4GHZ receptor.
Before throwing the coin on this, I would like to know if anyone has MBP hands-on experience with these fellows.
If I was to hook my MacBook Pro 13inch 4GB RAM, 250 HD to a monitor and use the Magic Mouse and Apple wireless keyboard would it slow the performance of my laptop?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI downloaded Catalyst Control Center and the latest XP Pro drivers for the 2600XT from ATI's site. In XP I installed the new drivers and ran CCC's built-in overclocking utility which tests the card and makes recommendations for boosting the speeds. The program recommended increasing the clock/memory from 700/800 to 760/860.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it recommended to keep calling my Startup Disk "Macintosh HD" or is it ok to change it's name to only "Macintosh" ? Will the name change might do effect if I upgrade to snow leopard? The reason I want to remove "HD" is because I know it's an HardDrive and in bootcamp, i like to see Macintosh & Windows not Macintosh HD & Windows.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm running it in 64bit in 32bit kernel on SL. I thought that only the tab would crash and not affect other tabs. I have done it before as in crashed a tab and safari give the message to close that tab without affecting other tabs, but this crashed the entire safari.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need a CD drive #661-4287 around $90 new. So many water damaged macbook parts out there. How much does this affect this part?
View 2 Replies View Relatedgive a plausible and vaguely-scientific (read: the plural of anecdote isn't data) as to HOW Glossy screens hurt color accuracy.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was just wondering if slow internet happens from a slow computer as well as bad connection. I have no idea what's going on with both my Safari and Chrome browsers because I have cable internet and its not slow by any means but my browsers keep crashing (had to force quit out of safari 6 times in 2 minutes) or i see the dreaded beachball for more than five minutes. I don't know what's going on.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been having some problems lately and I assumed it may be related to my HD since it's been making a lot of creaking noises for a while. Its been freezing a lot and when I click on folders they won't open and the text underneath starts flashing. Yikes. I've never come across that one before so I started booting up off the slave drive. Well just now the same thing happened with the text flashing running off the slave. Could this somehow be related to the master drive failing or do I just have other bigger issues?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was checking out my battery life while working on some pictures in Aperture and it was RIDICULOUS! At an 80% charge it said less than 2 hours left. Check out the screen shot. Doe Aperture kill battery life?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am a Technology Specialist at a school district, and we have 16 macbook laptops and 4 macbook pro laptops. These laptops have 3 standalone accounts on them: Student, Teacher, and administrator. However, if you go to the login prompt with name and password, students and teachers can log into their Windows network accounts. When this happens, however, it gives them more freedom on the macs. Is there a way to set security settings for user accounts/user groups that haven't logged onto a computer yet?
Also, is there a way to set Connected Servers to show up on the desktop for all users? I go in as admin, and set it to show on desktop, but it only shows on the admin desktop, no one elses.
I have Seagate external drive. In the past few days a message pops up "The disc was not ejected properly", in spite the icon is still on the desktop.
I restarted the finder and nothing showed up, empty desktop. I forced shot down, and I could not log in with my password, because the keyboard would not type. I shot down the computer holding the power button, and disconected the external drive. I could login, bot my outlook 2011 would not start and Adobe acrobat would crash. I rebuild the outlook, and restarted the computer. Went back to normal so far.
Question, what caused all this mess,
a) is external Seagate drive duying (Disk utility said that the drive is OK)?
b) Did I catch a virus?
Also every time I force shot down, I have to rebuilf identity for outlook 2011. Very disturbing. I never had these issues with Snow Leopard.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 27"
if those programs that allow to have the PC server in the iMac, can affect the computer itself?
I have my desktop filled with folder, icons, etc. I want to create a 2nd desktop and delete all the crap. Will all my folders and icons still be in my original desktop if I create a new desktop and clean it up? I'd like a clean desktop while working on page layout or maybe have a folder of snippets and templates I use regularly in InDesign.
intel iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
A month ago, I started to get kicked off my wireless network seemingly random. I have eight devices on the network, but only my MacBook Pro was affected. I use an Airport Extreme base station - the UFO-looking one from about 2006. This wasn't regular "can't find the network", greyed-out Airport icon kicked off - the icon became an outline and no matter what I tried, only a restart would get me back on (often to be kicked off again within minutes). Again, I have six devices on the network - my wife is in the same room, feet away, and her 2003 iBook stays on the network with no troubles. A week after I started having this problem, I noticed my battery was no longer holding a charge. I just bought a new one. My question: I didn't initially think there might be a connection between the two issues - dying battery and Airport connectivity - but now that I've had the new battery working for a day, I haven't been kicked off the network. Could the bad battery have caused the Airport to totally disconnect?
View 1 Replies View Relatedif using mail.app is more power efficient than keeping 3 gmail account tabs open in google chrome.
View 15 Replies View RelatedWhen moving the mouse about, if you are moving it slowly, the mouse pointer hardly moves atall, is there a way to disable this variable tracking speed affect?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhenever I connect any one of three Lacie drives they instantly affect the speed of my 15inch MacBook Pro, especially when using Final Cut Pro. None of the drives are close to full & I'm connecting them with a FW 800, but other links working well too.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got a printer with my macbook and it turned out to be a dud...the screen froze and doesn't return even after a long unplug. So I called HP and they credited me 110 dollars to use at their online store. Now the question is will I have to tell apple about the new printer or not? I don't want to lose my 100 dollar rebate but I also kinda want to get a different model that apple doesn't cover under their rebate. I have already applied for the rebate for the broken one.
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