MacBook Pro :: Using External Keyboard / Mouse / Monitor Slow Performance?

Nov 22, 2010

If I was to hook my MacBook Pro 13inch 4GB RAM, 250 HD to a monitor and use the Magic Mouse and Apple wireless keyboard would it slow the performance of my laptop?

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MacBook Pro :: Best External Keyboard And Mouse To Get For Monitor?

Jun 12, 2010

can you guys please recommend me a good external mouse and keyboard that I should get to complete my MBP + External Monitor for my dorm room. p.s. if you recommend the apple keyboard, please tell me which one of the 3 is the best (bluetooth, wired with keypad, wired w/o keypad, and why,

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MacBook :: How To Setup External Monitor Keyboard And Mouse

Apr 27, 2009

Okay i got it all set up but when i close the lid of the macbook it gos to sleep i only want it to turn off the macbooks screen so i can use my ext stuff i got?

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Monitor Makes It Slow?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a keyboard and external monitor attached to my MacBook Pro. However, it seems really slow - or the keyboard isn't responsive.  Will purchasing an Apple specific keyboard help this issue?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: 2.4 Keyboard/Trackpad, - External Keyboard/Mouse Not Working

Nov 13, 2009

So my friend was using his MacBook and went to do something else. He came back and the screen was black, he hit space and nothing, tried the trackpad and nothing. He restarted by holding the Power button, and it go to the log-in screen, but he can't type anything, or use the trackpad. He has tired restarting several times and no luck. He also tried an external Keyboard/Mouse and that didn't work.

He did plug in a Flash drive and the light turned on, so the USB ports are at least getting power, but nothing is working.

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IMac :: External Monitor - Bad Mouse Tracking When External Monitor Off?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a 27" i7. I have a 24" DVI Montior hooked up to it via MDP->DVI adaptor. When the 24" Monitor is on, everything is fine. When I turn the monitor off, the magic mouse tracking on the 27" screen stutters. I am not kidding - it took me ages to figure out that to fix I either need to turn the other monitor on OR disconnect the MDP->DVI adaptor.

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MacBook Pro :: Bluetooth Keyboard And Mouse Respond Slow After 30 Minutes

Apr 20, 2010

I managed to get my hands on my new baby last Friday, new MBP 17" i7 with anti-glare! My wife also has a 2009 uMBP 13", which I have been using since Xmas while waiting for Arrandale! I use a stand with a apple wireless keyboard and wireless magic mouse. I have been having problems with the new 17" machine - the mouse and kb work fine for about 30 mins then the mouse gets really slow and jerky and the keyboard gets slow as well and starts displaying double / triple keys when typing etc. The only way to resolve the problem is to reboot. If I unpair the mouse and keyboard and repair this doesnt fix it - only a reboot works. I phoned apple care and they instructed to create a new test user, which I did - same problems.

Reinstalled OSX (machine was only 2 days old though!), and this didnt fix it. So, I took the machine back to my Apple Retail store and swapped it for a new machine. Finally finished setting it up again yesterday, and the problem started AGAIN - So it would seem that unless I have had two faulty machines (highly unlikely) it must be software related? I have been trying to work out what might be causing it - but running the machine without Parallels, Little Snitch, 1 Password, things which I thought could have been related to the problem. I basically ran the same system on my wifes 13" before I got the new machine and I had no problems with the mouse and keyboard. I have also changed the batteries on both the mouse and keyboard.

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OS X :: Would Also Like To Use MAC And PC-same Keyboard / Mouse / Monitor?

Oct 23, 2009

I searched for an answer but I am quite unsure how to do this. Basically I plan to get a 24" external monitor to mainly use with my MacBook Pro. Also I would like to get a bluetooth keyboard and mouse. But I would also like to use all of them with my PC if/when I decide to use it. I have used KVM Switches before but never with bluetooth. Does anyone know a good solution for this? Should I just get a wired mouse and keyboard?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Use Keyboard With External Monitor

Aug 26, 2014

I just connected an external monitor to my Macbook Pro, but it only works with an external keyboard so far. Is there a way I can use my macbook's keyboard? I don't use the mirror option btw.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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MacBook Air :: Running An External Monitor, It Slow Down The Speed Of MBA?

Jan 16, 2008

Since it has built in graphics, will running a 23" ACD slow the rest of the computer? I'm thinking about Photoshop and Flash here. My work computer is a 15" MBP at 2.0 Ghz and I think a drop to 1.6 Ghz wouldn't be so bad if I could use a separate monitor and not see anymore of a performance drop.

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MacBook Air :: WiFi Slow Down When External Monitor Connected?

Jan 4, 2009

Did any of you experienced this ? My WiFi slows down or even stops working when external monitor is connected (via the big connector, don't remember it's name, DMI or something like that). Air Rev A, 1.6.

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Hardware :: Any Keyboard And Mouse For Mac (Connected To Monitor)

Apr 28, 2010

Looking for a keyboard (preferably wireless) and mouse to hook up to my mac that will be connected to a monitor. I also want to use the display for my pc laptop. Will I have to keep registering and unregistering the keyboard and mouse every time I want to switch between my mac and pc? Also does anyone know if I will have any problems with the apple wireless keyboard and logitech mx revolution mouse with both my computers?

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IMac :: Sharing Monitor / Keyboard And Mouse With Windows?

Mar 8, 2009

I am a Windows User but would like to get started with a Mac. I am thinking of getting a Mac Mini. In the Windows world I can share two desktops with a KVM for Monitor (RGB) / Keyboard / Mouse. I don't want to run Windows on the Mac. I prefer to have separate computers. I have considered maybe using Remote Desktop from Windows to the Mac or the other way around. And can you even use a Windows Keyboard and Mouse with a Mac. I assume the Monitor (with DVI) is not a problem.

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MacBook Pro :: Why Won't It Startup Properly Without External Monitor And Keyboard

Mar 14, 2012

If I connect a external monitor and keyboard to my late 2011 Macbook Pro (running Lion) it starts up just fine. But if I try to start it up without these (or any other devices) attached, I get no display on the internal screen and the internal keyboard is ignored (the caps lock light doesn't light up when the key is pressed). However, I don't think it's a hardware issue, as a PRAM reset seems to work (I get the second chime) indicating that the keyboard is OK. And I get a second or so of grey screen before the screen goes black. I've tried resetting my SMC and my PRAM. The latter seemed to fix the problem once - but then it came back, and won't go away again this time. I've also tried starting in safe, single user, and verbose mode, but none of these seem to make any difference. I've been having some issues installing Windows (under both BootCamp and Parallels) but wouldn't have thought that these were related.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.5 GHz i7 4GB 750GB 7200RPM Matte

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MacBook Pro :: Connect To External Monitor With Wireless Keyboard

Dec 8, 2014

I want to buy a 19inch monitor for my desk because I am going to start coding and the display on my Mac is too small and I want something a little bigger.

What I want to do is connect my macbook to the external monitor with my wireless keyboard and mouse connected to the mac and then close the lid and the display is on the external monitor. So in other words, my macbook is becoming a Mac mini.  

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MacBook :: Laptop Doesn't Recognize External Keyboard And Mouse

Mar 21, 2012

When my laptop stopped recognizing my external keyboard and mouse I searched the discussions and found an answer that has worked, but only temporarily. It was to do a PRAM reset 3 times and when I do this the keyboard and mouse work fine. But when I disconnect the mouse and keyboard and then later reconnect it will not recognize them. I have repeated the PRAM reset 3 times each time this has happened (4 times) and they work fine but then there is always a problem when I disconnect and reconnect. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Hardware ::Wireless Keyboard, Apple Mouse - Cinema Display HD 23" Monitor

Mar 9, 2010

1) Are there any plans from Apple to produce a WIRELESS keyboard WITH keypad? To be specific: a new keyboard with the exact same interface/layout of the regular keyboard with numeric keypad, only WIRELESS.2) Is the Wireless Apple Mouse (AKA Wireless Mighty Mouse) now officially discontinued?3) I was told here that the discontinued Apple Cinema Display HD 23" monitor had an update in fall 2006. The update was technical-internal (not external or cosmetic in any way, right?). I would really appreciate any information regarding that update.

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OS X :: How To Connect An External Keyboard To Monitor

Mar 20, 2009

I have a unibody Macbook and a Dell 2209WA monitor. Is it possible to connect an external Apple usb keyboard to a usb port on the monitor?

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OS X :: 10.5.7 Power Management / External Keyboard And Mouse

May 19, 2009

Cannot use the external keyboard's USB sockets anymore for mouse or printer. Warning says not enough power, use computer's plug. But there are none left. Tried to adjust power management.
No betterment. Can't boot from DiskWarrior CD anymore.

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Hardware :: Performance Mouse MX Versus Magic Mouse

Dec 11, 2009

Which mouse would you get? If you have either mouse. I am getting a new mouse and I am having a hard time choosing between both mice. I am on a budget and the Magic Mouse is cheaper, but if the Performance Mouse MX is better, I will get it.

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MacBook Air :: Bluetooth Mouse + Time Machine = Slow Mouse

Apr 20, 2009

I just upgraded from a MBA rev A to a rev B. I experienced this with both machines, so it's not just a rev A issue...

I use a Bluetooth Mighty Mouse and everything is fine... until my hourly wireless Time Machine backup starts. Then the mouse cursor becomes very choppy and sluggish. As soon as the hourly backup completes, the mouse's responsiveness returns to normal. Throughout all this, the trackpad is just as responsive as always -- no change there. I don't have another bluetooth mouse to see if its just the Mighty Mouse.

When this happens, the Activity Monitor is not spiked. The fans aren't running loud (so I don't expect its an overheating issue). This doesn't happen during a large wireless download -- just Time Machine. It's not a big deal, but rather an annoyance.

Any ideas why? Or even more to the point, any ideas on how to fix it?

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Laptops :: MacBook Pro Performance Becoming Too Slow?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a macbook pro, 2.4 ghz, 2 gb ram, graphics nvidia geforce 8600 - it's about 3 years old.

The problem is that my mac is becoming slower and slower, sometimes it becomes unresponsive with simple tasks such as loading several tabs in the browser (i normally use firefox). And it happens too with photoshop, illustrator and basically any software.

The worst, is running 3D software in it. Some few months ago i could work fluently on a 3D project, now i just can't make anything that it just breaks down or crashes. Even scrolling windows is a pain in the b*tt.
I know that 3D software might be way too heavy for a 2gb ram and my graphics ain't the best... but i'm sure something is wrong with my computer because it was working fine some months ago...

I've been making software updates, i use Onyx like once a week to run the scripts, i've made a SMART hardware checkup and it says it's everything ok...

The harddrive is 160 gb and it has 20gb free space. It doesn't have much space left, but i don't think this could be the source of the problem.

Could it be a graphics card problem? i've been looking for drivers update in nvidia website, i can't find them for mac.

Or maybe some more extra ram could resolve the problem. But i don't know if i want to take the risk of spending 200 euros on + 4gb for nothing..

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OS X :: Will Upgrade Slow Down MacBook Pro Performance?

Jul 31, 2009

Below are the specs to my Macbook pro and current version of the OS. I've been thinking about upgrading my OS but wondering if this will slow down my system. The only reason why I am considering to upgrade is because I want to purchase the Roxio Toast 10 Titanium and noticed its requires 10.5. Is it worth me to upgrade? If so how do I go about...I'm new to the macworld so I assume just go to the app store and ask for the cds to upgrade to the latest version?

System Version:Mac OS X 10.4.11 (8S2167)
Kernel Version:Darwin 8.11.1
Boot Volume:Macintosh HD
Capacity is 111.47 GB
Available 65.88 GB

Model Name:MacBook Pro 15"
Model Identifier:MacBookPro2,2
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2.16 GHz
Number Of Processors:1
Total Number Of Cores:2
L2 Cache (per processor):4 MB
Memory:1 GB
Bus Speed:667 MHz
Boot ROM Version:MBP22.00A5.B07
SMC Version:1.12f5

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MacBook Air :: Slow Performance - Need To Restart

Jun 10, 2012

My mac gets slow and has to restart.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Slow Performance After 8GB Memory Upgrade

Mar 6, 2012

I just installed 8 GB Crucial memory for my 13" MacBook Pro (Late-2011; 2.8 Ghz). I immediately noticed scrolling on safari was jumpy or skipping. It is like this in other applications as well. Even zooming in/out of pdf's and using iphoto. I only purchased this laptop in Feb, and this bothers me. I tested using the Geekbench app. Every benchmark was about equal or much higher except for Processor Integer Performance, more specifically "Image Decompress multi-threaded scalar." It went from 138.3 down to 134.3 Mpixels/sec. Do I have lemon memory? I would almost rather go back to the 4 GB if this laggy performance is a continual issue. One of the things I love about Mac's is now becoming irritating.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Laptop Sluggish - Slow With Performance Task

Oct 27, 2009

I have a Black Macbook. 2.2ghz, 1GB Ram, running Snow Leopard. Recently I've been finding my laptop rather sluggish and slow when performing tasks and opening applications. Firefox will often be quite slow at performing mundane tasks as well as flicking between applications that are open which is also slow. I use a couple of apps to help clear out unnecessary files etc to help with performance and stuff but clearly this doesn't appear to be working.

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MacBook Pro :: Slow Video Performance And Graphics On System

Apr 29, 2010

I have a 2009 2.53GHz MacBook Pro which I bought a couple months ago. It's been working great, but lately, I've been noticing a lot of strange issues with video playback/general graphics and UI. These includes:- Laggy video performance, frame skipping, generally 2x slow video -- on both iTunes and web video. It's not as smooth as it used to be, though admittedly not totally unbarable - VLC shows a black screen, doesn't show the video - Randomly pixelated icons in the dock (it's almost like the Mac picks a new one everyday to pixelate), dock animation not 100% smooth, although fairly good (not sure if it used to be this way)

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MacBook :: Using External Monitor With New MB (2.4GHz)/monitor Sleep?

Oct 16, 2008

I picked up a new MacBook yesterday and I noticed a weird issue when coming out of "monitor sleep" mode, not regular sleep mode.

When I move the mouse, the external monitor shows what you see in the picture, kinda like a TV with no signal. The MacBook screen works fine so what I just do is unplug and re-plug in the DVI plug and everything is good again.

My 24 inch Dell monitor worked fine with my M1330 and other computers so I know it's not that. Does anyone have the same issue or maybe give me some light on this?

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Waking Monitor / While Using External Monitor

Jun 27, 2009

I have a 22" Dell external monitor on my MBP. I know that I just close the cover to my MBP to shut off the screen. What do I do in those instances that I want to use both screens? There has to be something simpler than restarting the MBP?

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MacBook Pro :: Detects An External Monitor But No Display On The Monitor?

Aug 5, 2009

As said, my current set up is an HDMI - DVI cable (HDMI to monitor and DVI to adapter) and my DVI - mini DisplayPort adapter, everything is connected fine but when I turn on the monitor, it says cable not found... and nothing is displayed on the screen but on the Macbook side of things, it sees the monitor is connected (I can extend the screen and leave the screen) but other than that, it appears I cannot get an image on the monitor, pressing every button on the monitor does not work either.

Any other information that may seem necessary, let me know. I tried clearing my PRAM and clearing the power and such but nothing seems to work.

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