Hardware :: Hulu Has No Plans To Support IPad Browser With HTML5?

May 13, 2010

Video streaming service Hulu posted and quickly retracted an item on its official blog Thursday, in which the company stated that it doesn't see HTML5 in its immediate future.Eugene Wei, vice president of product with Hulu, said that his company's contractual requirements make the transition to HTML5 too difficult. The current player on the website, built with Adobe Flash, does a great deal more than stream video."We continue to monitor developments on HTML5, but as of now it doesn?t yet meet all of our customers' needs," Wei wrote. "Our player doesn?t just simply stream video, it must also secure the content, handle reporting for our advertisers, render the video using a high performance codec to ensure premium visual quality, communicate back with the server to determine how long to buffer and what bitrate to stream, and dozens of other things that aren't necessarily visible to the end user."

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MacBook Air :: Safe To Buy Appleshare Support Plans From Ebay?

Feb 2, 2009

Is it safe to buy appleshare support plans from ebay. I need to purchase one for my air and have 9 days to do so. It is cheaper but is it Safe?

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Software :: Safari 5 With Extensions - Expanded HTML5 Support

Jun 7, 2010

Apple on Monday released Safari 5, the latest version of its desktop Web browser, with a 30 percent performance increase, the addition of Bing search and secure sandboxed extensions, as well as support for more than a dozen new HTML5 technologies. The update is available for download from Apple's website or via Software Update on Mac OS X. Safari 5 is a 39.1MB update. "Safari continues to lead the pack in performance, innovation and standards support," said Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "Safari now runs on over 200 million devices worldwide and its open source WebKit engine runs on over 500 million devices." Available for both Mac and Windows, Safari 5 includes improved developer tools and supports a number of new HTML5 technologies that allow developers to create rich, dynamic websites. The latest version of Apple's Web browser also includes Safari Reader, which makes it easy to read single and multi-page articles on the web by presenting them in a new, scrollable view without any additional content or clutter. When Safari 5 detects an article, users can click on the Reader icon in the Smart Address Field to display the entire article for clear, uninterrupted reading with options to enlarge, print or send via email. Powered by the Nitro JavaScript engine, Apple said Safari 5 on the Mac runs JavaScript 30 percent faster than Safari 4, three percent faster than Chrome 5.0, and over twice as fast as Firefox 3.6. Safari 5 loads new pages faster using Domain Name System (DNS) prefetching, and improves the caching of previously viewed pages to return to them more quickly.

Safari 5 adds more than a dozen powerful HTML5 features that allow web developers to create media-rich experiences, including full screen playback and closed captions for HTML5 video. Other new HTML5 features in Safari 5 include HTML5 Geolocation, HTML5 sectioning elements, HTML5 draggable attribute, HTML5 forms validation, HTML5 Ruby, HTML5 AJAX History, EventSource and WebSocket. The new, free Safari Developer Program allows developers to customize and enhance Safari 5 with extensions based on standard web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. The Extension Builder, new in Safari 5, simplifies the development, installation and packaging of extensions. For enhanced security and stability, Safari Extensions are sandboxed, signed with a digital certificate from Apple and run solely in the browser. The details match a support document published over the weekend that suggested the release of Safari 5 for Mac and Windows was imminent.[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]

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PowerPC :: Mac G5 2.3Ghz Dual-Core/HiDef (Hulu) Video Support?

Sep 17, 2008

I have a Power Mac G5 2.3Ghz dual-core system (M9591LL/A) with 2.5GBs of RAM and an Nvidia 6600 PCIe graphics card with 256MBs of RAM.

I tried playing a full-screen HD episode of "The Office" on Hulu.com and it was extremely choppy (like 0.5fps). The sound was fine. It's still quite choppy (~2fps) in a normal browser window (not full-screen)

Is this normal? Does this video card not support it? What is the most powerful card that can be installed in this machine? I'm not opposed to buying a PC card and flashing the ROM if need-be.

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Software :: Google Reaffirms Intent To Derail HTML5 H.264 Video With Web Browser Plugins

Jan 15, 2011

After igniting a hailstorm of controversy over its intent to drop HTML5's H.264 support from its Chrome browser, Google has reaffirmed its intent to push its own open WebM video codec via Flash-like plugins for Internet Explorer and Safari users. The reason: Google wants to ship free platforms without incurring external licensing fees. Google's Mike Jazayeri detailed the company's new push behind WebM by writing in a detailed blog posting that the groups involved in developing the HTML5 video distribution standard "are at an impasse. There is no agreement on which video codec should be the baseline standard

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MacBook Air :: Experimental Web Browser With MultiTouch Support

Feb 28, 2008

Just picked up a MacBook Air myself [and LOVING it!]. I've been checking out the multitouch apis now present in AppKit (taken from cocoadex) and I'd like to get some other MacBook Air owners to try it out and tell me their impressions. The application is a simple web browser (more info at flarebrowser.googlecode site) but the multitouch version is an experimental build that's not on the site yet, so if you'd like to try it just post here and I'll let you know the link. Using multitouch you can pinch to zoom a page in/out, and three-finger-swipe to change tabs. Update: I have an experimental Intel-only build available from [URL].

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Safari :: Browser Version Does Not Support Community Toolbar

Apr 24, 2012

When I open Safari an error message pops: Community Toolbar. We're sorry but the Safari browser version you are using does not support the community toolbar. I'm using Safari version 5.1.5.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Mini :: Safari Browser Does Not Support Community Toolbar

May 24, 2012

Why do I get the "We're sorry but the Safari browser version you are currently using does not support the community toolbar"? It pops up every time I open Safari. I have installed Lion but it is still there?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Safari Browser Version Does Not Support The Community Toolbar

Apr 2, 2012

the Safari browser version you are currently using does not support the community toolbar.How can I chance this message?

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Safari :: Browser Version 5.1.5 (6534.55.3) Does Not Support The Community Toolbar

May 1, 2012

Safari browser version 5.1.5 (6534.55.3) does not support the community toolbar. How do I either get rid of the warning or get the browser to accept the toolbar?

Safari app, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Hardware :: IPhone OS 3.2 Is IPad-only, Potential Camera Support, A4 Processor?

Jan 27, 2010

Additional details on Apple's just-announced iPad continue to trickle out, with iPhone OS 3.2 being iPad-only for the time being, evidence of camera support in the software development kit, and the details behind its LED backlit screen with "IPS technology."

iPhone OS 3.2 hints at camera support, is iPad-only

Though the iPad, introduced by Apple Wednesday, does not include a camera, the iPhone OS 3.2 SDK "simulator" for creating software hints the shipping product could support a camera in some fashion. One developer told AppleInsider that the native Contacts application offers the option to take a photo, in addition to choosing an existing one.

The option could be a sign that the shipping product could support a camera, perhaps through an external attachment to the iPad's 30-pin connector port. Or, it could just be something carried over from the iPhone, which does have an integrated camera.

Currently, the iPhone OS 3.2 SDK simulator reportedly contains only two applications: Settings and Contacts. It also has added rich text support in the UITextInput that allows different fonts, sizes and more. The iPhone OS 3.2 SDK also allows video output to an external display through a dock connector.

In addition, an update to the iPhone developers Web site has revealed the new version, iPhone OS 3.2, is, for the moment, iPad-only."Note: iPhone OS 3.2 does not support iPhone and iPod touch devices," the document states. "It only runs on iPad."The reveal of iPhone OS 3.2 confirms a report from earlier this week when an analytics firm revealed it had spotted 50 suspected iPads running the unreleased version of Apple's mobile operating system.pple's custom A4 processor pictured

Moments after Apple revealed the iPad would be powered by its custom A4 processor, iFixit provided an image of the internal component. The solutions provider said the A4 processor in Apple's video was manufactured during the last week of September 2009.It also noted that ARM has had a "secret" licensee for years that is likely Apple and P.A. Semi, the fabless chip designer it purchased for $278 million in 2008. AppleInsider first reported in 2008 that Apple has licensed the ARM architecture for years.

When the iPad is released in the next two months, you can be sure iFixit will have a peek inside the device.In-plane switching (IPS) LCD and other tidbitsApple touted Wednesday that its new iPad tablet device features an LCD screen with IPS technology, stating that it displays pictures that are "remarkably crisp and vivid" on its 9.7-inch LED-backlit screen. IPS technology was developed by Hitachi in 1996 to improve viewing angles and color reproductions on screens.

The iPad does not support the unique 1700Mhz spectrum utilized by the T-Mobile 3G network in the U.S. So although the hardware is unlocked and could theoretically access T-Mobile's EDGE network, 3G connectivity will not be an option anywhere but AT&T in the U.S.Much like the iPhone and iPod touch, the iPad does not have support for Adobe Flash. In fact, during Wednesday's keynote presentation, CEO Steve Jobs pulled up a Web site that had Flash embedded, and the missing plug-in icon was prominently displayed.

Quashing rumors that led up to Wednesday's event, the iPad also does not offer multi-tasking support for third-party applications.

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Hardware :: Apple IPad, IPhone OS 4 Appear Set To Gain Direct Printing Support?

Apr 6, 2010

Apple has hinted at the prospect for direct printing from the iPad in its support documents for iWork apps, suggesting the feature may appear as part of iPhone OS 4.0.

Support pages for iPad's Pages, Keynote, and Numbers apps each note that "printing directly from iPad is not currently available," rather than simply stating that the apps do not print. For now, Apple directs users to send their documents to a desktop computer that can print them, either via email or using iPad's new File Sharing feature in iTunes.The ability to print via Bluetooth or WiFi may likely be part of Apple's iPhone 4.0 announcement on Thursday. Apple could avoid the need to include the massive amounts of (often buggy) printer drivers used by Windows or Mac OS X by simply supporting a limited subset of printing options.

Other details related to iPad's new hardware, its new Human Interface Guidelines, and its new feature tweaks (and curious feature omissions) will be considered in tomorrow's "In-depth review of iPad and iPhone OS 3.2."

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Applications :: Best App For Floor Plans?

May 8, 2010

the best app to do 2d floor plans.

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MacBook Air :: Stick With Plans To Purchase MBA Rev C

Jun 8, 2009

I knew I should wait to see what Rev C looked like before buying an MBA, but I am disappointed that we didn't get 4GB RAM or a larger SSD. So now I'm strongly considering a new 13" MBP with 256GB SSD (or maybe 500GB SATA if it isn't too sluggish) with 4GB RAM. I know it's a steal, but on the other hand the MBA price cut is pretty tempting. Is anyone else on the fence about which to get? The 13" MBP or MBA? I'm going to college in the fall so portability is a consideration, though either option would be an improvement over my 12" iBook in terms of weight and even thinness.

I have two major concerns with the MBA rev C.:

1) The battery. 3 hours (with the MBA) is probably good enough in most cases, as this is roughly what I get currently with my iBook. However, the MBP has a major advantage with its new battery tech.

2) Hard drive. I know I would not buy a MBA unless it had a SSD in it, but I really don't know if 128GB will be enough for me down the road. It is right now (my HDD space is mostly music and iPhoto libraries...no video editing for me) but I am thinking that videos from iTunes which I may or may not begin purchasing at some point will eat up space. I would be more comfortable purchasing 250+GB of HDD space in my next computer. I remember in 2004 buying my iBook thinking that 30GB would be plenty. Boy, was I wrong!...................

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OS X :: Apple Plans Mac Marketing Blitz Around Windows 7?

Oct 15, 2009

Apple plans to counter the upcoming release of Windows 7 with advertisements that will lambaste the upgrade process from Windows XP, and portray Macs as more secure.

According to BusinessWeek, Apple will launch ads in response to the debut of Microsoft's latest operating system, due on Oct 22. The spots are expected to criticize Windows and portray the Mac as a superior platform. Apple views the launch as an opportunity to lure Windows users to the Mac.

"It will likely make the case that Macs are less susceptible to viruses and are best suited to its popular iPods and and iPhones," the report said. "And look for it to poke fun at Microsoft for making XP owners go through an arduous process to upgrade to Windows 7 -- one that includes backing up all their files to an external drive, reformatting their PC, and then reinstalling all of their old programs, assuming they still have the CDs."

Phil Schiller, Apple's senior vice president for Worldwide Product Marketing, said the impending launch of Windows 7 presents a "good opportunity" for the Mac maker to make market share gains. He said the upgrade process from Windows XP to Windows 7 in particular is one that consumers will likely find unpleasant.

"Any user that reads all those steps is probably going to freak out," Schiller said. "If you have to go through all that, why not just buy a Mac?"

Analysts have predicted that the launch of Windows 7 will not have a major impact on Mac sales. In fact, history would suggest that the debut of a new Microsoft operating system has a positive effect on Apple's computer sales. Over the last 10 years, Mac sales have spiked following the debut of Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Windows 7 has earned rave reviews from some, including known Apple advocate Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal. The technology columnist said that the latest operating system from Apple's rival to the north has narrowed the gap between Windows and Mac OS X.

But Apple also recently launched its own operating system upgrade in the form of Mac OS X 10.6. The $29 Snow Leopard debuted on Aug. 28 and got off to a swift sales start doubling that of its predecessor, Leopard, and performing four times better than Tiger. Apple's new operating system was also met positively by reviewers.

Schiller said the adoption of new versions of Mac OS X shows Apple's momentum in the PC market. Both Windows Vista and Leopard were released at the same time, and more than 70 percent of Mac users made the upgrade, while less than 20 percent of those on Windows made the jump to Vista.

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Software :: Making Time Plans Of IWork 08 Or Office 08

Jun 27, 2008

I have both iWork 08 and Office for Mac 08 installed on my machine and I would like to make a professional looking timeplan for a project. This will later go on either a pdf or on Office 2004 on XP which is my software at work.

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IMac :: Can The IMac Support An IPhone And IPad?

Dec 11, 2010

Since there are 4 USB ports can the iMac support/sync/charge a iPad and iPhone at the same time?

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PowerPC :: Hulu On Single G5 ?

Oct 9, 2010

I've recently started using Hulu (I know, late to the party...), and discovered that it does not run smoothly on my single G5. It's running 10.5 on a 1.6GHz G5 with 3GB of RAM, the stock hard drive, and Radeon 9600 graphics. The video lags horribly. The issue is not my internet connection; it works fine on my Thinkpad. Am I out of luck, or is there something I should try to patch things up? Using Firefox 3.6, for what it's worth.

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OS X :: Possible To Watch Show On Hulu On Mac

Jan 20, 2010

Is it possible to watch a show on hulu on a mac all the way through without the system pinwheeling repeatedly? I just tried to watch the most recent episode of House M.D. on my mpb 13" 2.53 w/ 4 gb ram and could only get about halfway through the show before running into trouble. I've had the same problem watching Quantum Leap. I would like to connect this computer to my television but am afraid it's not worth the money for the cable if this pro mac can't do streaming video. Am I doing something wrong or is it the computer? My $300 acer has no issue..

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Mac Pro :: Can't Watch Hulu Videos?

Apr 29, 2012

When I try to watch a hulu video it tells me that based on my IP adress I am out of the US.  But I am not!  Help!  How do I change this?


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OS X :: Recording Hulu And Other RTMPE Streams On A Mac?

Mar 17, 2010

Are there any programs that can record Hulu and other RTMPE streams on a Mac. Please no screen capture software, I don't want to lose any quality.

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OS X :: YouTube - Hulu - Freezing Every Time On All Browsers?

Aug 14, 2009

This just started happening randomly as of an hour ago or so. I can't even open the YouTube webpage fully, open Hulu Desktop or watch a video on Hulu without my browsers instantly freezing and forcing me to Force Quit and restart them. Any idea on why this is happening? Obviously I can visit other websites fine.

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MacBook Pro :: Froze When Wathcing Video On Hulu?

Jun 5, 2012

While watching video on hulu last night, my macbook pro running latest OS, froze. Tried to force quit, but no response, so I shut it down via the power button. On first reboot attempt, I got a folder icon with a question mark flashing where the apple usually is, on second attempt, just white screen, on third attempt, white screen until I hot the spacebar, then it booted up very slowly and now running extremely slow, as in it would take about 5 minutes to open an app.

Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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Software :: Using HTML5 Authoring?

May 8, 2010

I currently have a Flash website, but keen to start thinking ahead. I predominantly built it in Flash because I understood the authoring tool, and found HTML/Dreamweaver too confusing and technical. My background is video/effects, so the Flash timeline came naturally.

My question is - what if any authoring tools are available or coming for HTML5? Seems like a good opportunity for Apple to come up with a great visual, professional but easy to use application to promote their vision of the web's future....?

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Software :: Using HTML5 And YouTube?

Jun 23, 2010

How do you download videos from the HTML5 video player in YouTube? In the flash version it was sufficient to type alt-cmd-a to bring forth the activity window, then locate the .flv file in progress and double click it to start downloading to the local hard drive.

Now Safari (v5.0) does not seem able to do the same with the HTML5 videos. I imagine that there is maybe dedicated software for this, but I would like to know if there is a workaround with the Safari built-in functions.

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Applications :: Will Firefox Ever Get HTML5 H.264

Jan 22, 2010

Now that both You Tube and vimeo is dishing flash I want H.264 for FF which I now use. Currently Chrome and Safari supports this but could someone in theory make a plugin for Firefox ? Maybe a paid plugin to pay for the license fee for H.264?

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OS X :: Secondary Display Full Screen Hulu - Using Pip With A Samsung Lcd Tv?

May 18, 2009

I just got a new samsung lcd tv.

It is pretty good as a secondary display But is it possible to watch hulu using safari on the secondary isplay full screen. (hulu)And use my MacBook Pro to do other things at the same time?This is giving me trouble.Also anybody have any luck using pip with a samsung lcd tv?

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MacBook Air :: Computer Choppy On Watching Hulu Videos?

Jun 26, 2009

I purchased a refurbished, original MBA 1.8 GHz and it is great.The only issue is that when I watch videos on hulu, youtube, etc, the computer struggles and gets choppy. This happens most but not all of the time. I think this also occurs more often when I have my external monitor hooked up as well.

I want to make sure that there isn't something wrong with the machine. It was purchased as a secondary computer and understand that it is not supposed to be a workhorse - but I would still like to watch videos uninterrupted.

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OS X :: Popping Sound In Safari 5 When Using Youtube, Hulu And Rhapsody

Jul 13, 2010

I have a Quad Core Mac Pro which is running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I have 8 gigs of memory. I am using Safari 5 and the latest version of Flash Player.

This issue doesn't happen all the time but once it occurs it will keep happening until I quit Safari and then reopen it. After that it will begin happening again after a certain period of time.

It seems to occur when I have Safari open for extended periods of time and the memory pageouts increase. When I play music through the Rhapsody player, youtube or hulu and visit various sites at the same time, there's a popping or stuttering in the audio for a second or two.

The popping noise will occur when browsing a site while playing audio in Safari either through Youtube, Hulu or Rhapsody. The noise will occur when I click on a link to go to a website.

the Popping will occur when I quit Safari as well, it's sort of like a sound that shouldn't be there. It sounds almost like static electricity when you touch it.

The only thing that stops the popping is by Quitting Safari and reopening it. After that I won't hear the noise while browsing sites for a period of time. It will come back eventually though.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Flash player, repaired permissions in disk utility, rebuilt my drive with Disk Warrior, reinstalled Safari, and installed the 10.6.4 Combo update but the issue remains.

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Applications :: Youtube's HTML5 In Safari 4

Feb 22, 2010

i've been testing youtube's html5 beta on my aluminum macbook, 2,4ghz, 2gb ram, nvidia 6400m, OSX 10.5.8 after reading everywhere that it was less resource intensive than flash video, in fact, most of the things i've read said it was a huge performance boost. Nevertheless, after checking activity monitor I get Youtube with html5, around 95.0 CPU usage Youtube with flash video, around 65.0 CPU usage. So, whats the problem with my mac?? why do i get this results when lots of people are saying they get around 15% cpu usage with youtube html5 an safari 4?

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