OS X :: Apple Plans Mac Marketing Blitz Around Windows 7?
Oct 15, 2009
Apple plans to counter the upcoming release of Windows 7 with advertisements that will lambaste the upgrade process from Windows XP, and portray Macs as more secure.
According to BusinessWeek, Apple will launch ads in response to the debut of Microsoft's latest operating system, due on Oct 22. The spots are expected to criticize Windows and portray the Mac as a superior platform. Apple views the launch as an opportunity to lure Windows users to the Mac.
"It will likely make the case that Macs are less susceptible to viruses and are best suited to its popular iPods and and iPhones," the report said. "And look for it to poke fun at Microsoft for making XP owners go through an arduous process to upgrade to Windows 7 -- one that includes backing up all their files to an external drive, reformatting their PC, and then reinstalling all of their old programs, assuming they still have the CDs."
Phil Schiller, Apple's senior vice president for Worldwide Product Marketing, said the impending launch of Windows 7 presents a "good opportunity" for the Mac maker to make market share gains. He said the upgrade process from Windows XP to Windows 7 in particular is one that consumers will likely find unpleasant.
"Any user that reads all those steps is probably going to freak out," Schiller said. "If you have to go through all that, why not just buy a Mac?"
Analysts have predicted that the launch of Windows 7 will not have a major impact on Mac sales. In fact, history would suggest that the debut of a new Microsoft operating system has a positive effect on Apple's computer sales. Over the last 10 years, Mac sales have spiked following the debut of Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista.
Windows 7 has earned rave reviews from some, including known Apple advocate Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal. The technology columnist said that the latest operating system from Apple's rival to the north has narrowed the gap between Windows and Mac OS X.
But Apple also recently launched its own operating system upgrade in the form of Mac OS X 10.6. The $29 Snow Leopard debuted on Aug. 28 and got off to a swift sales start doubling that of its predecessor, Leopard, and performing four times better than Tiger. Apple's new operating system was also met positively by reviewers.
Schiller said the adoption of new versions of Mac OS X shows Apple's momentum in the PC market. Both Windows Vista and Leopard were released at the same time, and more than 70 percent of Mac users made the upgrade, while less than 20 percent of those on Windows made the jump to Vista.
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Mar 29, 2008
Question, i have been trying to find a Marketing Plan software for mac and I have been unlucky
I found this: [URL] which is the windows version, and was wondering if anyone can give me a few pint pointers as to where I can find a similar MAC app.
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May 8, 2010
the best app to do 2d floor plans.
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Jun 8, 2009
I knew I should wait to see what Rev C looked like before buying an MBA, but I am disappointed that we didn't get 4GB RAM or a larger SSD. So now I'm strongly considering a new 13" MBP with 256GB SSD (or maybe 500GB SATA if it isn't too sluggish) with 4GB RAM. I know it's a steal, but on the other hand the MBA price cut is pretty tempting. Is anyone else on the fence about which to get? The 13" MBP or MBA? I'm going to college in the fall so portability is a consideration, though either option would be an improvement over my 12" iBook in terms of weight and even thinness.
I have two major concerns with the MBA rev C.:
1) The battery. 3 hours (with the MBA) is probably good enough in most cases, as this is roughly what I get currently with my iBook. However, the MBP has a major advantage with its new battery tech.
2) Hard drive. I know I would not buy a MBA unless it had a SSD in it, but I really don't know if 128GB will be enough for me down the road. It is right now (my HDD space is mostly music and iPhoto libraries...no video editing for me) but I am thinking that videos from iTunes which I may or may not begin purchasing at some point will eat up space. I would be more comfortable purchasing 250+GB of HDD space in my next computer. I remember in 2004 buying my iBook thinking that 30GB would be plenty. Boy, was I wrong!...................
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Jun 27, 2008
I have both iWork 08 and Office for Mac 08 installed on my machine and I would like to make a professional looking timeplan for a project. This will later go on either a pdf or on Office 2004 on XP which is my software at work.
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Feb 2, 2009
Is it safe to buy appleshare support plans from ebay. I need to purchase one for my air and have 9 days to do so. It is cheaper but is it Safe?
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May 13, 2010
Video streaming service Hulu posted and quickly retracted an item on its official blog Thursday, in which the company stated that it doesn't see HTML5 in its immediate future.Eugene Wei, vice president of product with Hulu, said that his company's contractual requirements make the transition to HTML5 too difficult. The current player on the website, built with Adobe Flash, does a great deal more than stream video."We continue to monitor developments on HTML5, but as of now it doesn?t yet meet all of our customers' needs," Wei wrote. "Our player doesn?t just simply stream video, it must also secure the content, handle reporting for our advertisers, render the video using a high performance codec to ensure premium visual quality, communicate back with the server to determine how long to buffer and what bitrate to stream, and dozens of other things that aren't necessarily visible to the end user."
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Jan 22, 2010
A question about windows 7 and a Mac pro 3.1 edition 2008. I have installed windows 7 and all is fine and dandy everything works, except in the bottom right hand corner there the error flag showing on the tool bar.
This is the error.
Apple Memory Controller GPE event is not compatible with windows 7.
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Jul 2, 2009
Having problems with the Audio, Brightness and eject button keys after windows xp automatic update. Buttons sometimes work after a shutdown and restart, sometimes not. Tried the Bootcamp 2.1 reinstall but didnt help much. Where the heck can i get drivers for the bloody thing?
Apologies for the lingo but im quite frustrated. it takes apple yrs to fix one problem but only for another to appear.
I already gave up on Realtek doing something about their crappy sound quality (despite releasing a new driver every two weeks) and the mighty mouse freezing after hibernation unless u press the left button like a man possesed!!
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Jun 10, 2010
Apologies if there are other specific threads like this, I did do an MRoogle search but couldn't find one.I've just got a new 15" 2.66ghz i7 MacBook Pro, and have Windows 7 64 bit ready to install. My question is, once I have it installed, with all the Snow Leopard drivers and 3.1 update, should I continue to download drivers from the manufacturers's websites, or just stick to the ones that Apple hands out in their updates?I suppose I'm specifically asking about the NVIDIA drivers. Should I install the most recent drivers for the 330m, or again just stick to the Apple ones?
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May 6, 2009
As far as I understand there is a bug that stops Windows 7 or Vista from showing up in the Start Up disk options in the preference settings.
So the only option is to go through the boot menu selection but unfortunately I am using the Apple wireless keyboard and holding the option key down doesn't bring up the boot selection screen. Is there anything I can do ... or am I forced to use a USB keyboard for now ?
For the record I have the Wireless Keyboard and Mighty mouse paired and working in Windows 7 ( The keyboard has occasional lag from the first keystroke input but is fine from then ) Its just that I get no response from keystrokes during boot up.
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Apr 1, 2009
So, I've been using Windows all my life. Some not by choice.
My notebook died and I'm in search for a new one and I'm considering the macbook.
The only question I have is, will it run every Windows program without any issues? I'm going to be using this for work. Besides your typical Office suite, I run AutoCAD, Adobe CS, Audio and Video editing and burning. And all the licenses are for Windows.
I just want to make sure I won't have any software issues before taking the leap.
I guess what I'm asking is, is Windows under an Apple hardware work exactly as Windows would?
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Oct 8, 2009
Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal has given Microsoft's Windows 7 a glowing review, noting that Microsoft's latest operating system is still behind Apple's Mac OS X, but not by much.
A known Apple advocate, Mossberg's positive take on Windows 7 is a big change from Windows XP and Vista, both of which the columnist felt were vastly inferior to Mac OS X.
"In recent years, I, like many other reviewers, have argued that Apple’s Mac OS X operating system is much better than Windows," he said. "That’s no longer true. I still give the Mac OS a slight edge because it has a much easier and cheaper upgrade path; more built-in software programs; and far less vulnerability to viruses and other malicious software, which are overwhelmingly built to run on Windows."
He continued: "Now, however, it’s much more of a toss-up between the two rivals. Windows 7 beats the Mac OS in some areas, such as better previews and navigation right from the taskbar, easier organization of open windows on the desktop and touch-screen capabilities. So Apple will have to scramble now that the gift of a flawed Vista has been replaced with a reliable, elegant version of Windows."
Windows 7 is set to debut on Oct. 22. A Home Premium upgrade will cost $120 ($200 standalone); Professional upgrade will cost $200 ($300 standalone); and Windows 7 Ultimate upgrade will run $220 ($320 standalone).
It's launch follows the debut of Apple's latest operating system, which was released at the end of August. Mossberg said both offerings from the rival companies are more evolutionary than revolutionary.
In his August review of Snow Leopard, Apple's latest operating system upgrade, Mossberg said the upgrade is a decent improvement, but not a "must-have upgrade." He said the $29 product is priced accordingly, because Mac OS X 10.6 is not a "typical Apple lust-provoking product."
In the Windows 7 review, Mossberg drew many parallels between Windows 7 and Snow Leopard. He said the new taskbar is similar to the Mac OS X dock, but improves on the concept in some ways -- namely Aero Peek, which he said is "more natural and versatile" than Snow Leopard's Dock Expose. The Aero Peek feature allows users to mouse over an open window in the preview screen, which makes all other windows on the desktop transparent.
He also praised the new OS for being faster than Windows Vista, nagging users for security concerns less than its predecessor, and offering a wide range of software compatibility.
But there are a few key areas where Windows 7 falls behind Snow Leopard, Mossberg said. For one, Microsoft's OS "still isn't quite as natural" as it is on Mac, though it's an improvement from Vista.
And though Windows 7 is faster, his MacBook Pro still started and restarted faster than most of the PCs he tested. "But the speed gap has narrowed considerably," he said.[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
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Feb 16, 2005
although i am afraid to say it, i am a windows user as much as a mac user (although i use mainly macs). my dell keyboard recently broke and i want to use a new apple keyboard with it instead of a PC one, mainly because of quality.
i know that this has been covered in the forums before, but i need a bit more convincing.is an apple keyboard able to function fully with windows XP?
will the USB ports work? are there any drivers needed/error messages that people have encountered?sorry to be persistent, but i am going to london tomorrow and shall be spending some time in regent street.
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Feb 20, 2010
I am considering switching to a Mac Book Pro and have been told that it is capable of running windows operating systems. Does anyone have any experience with this and how well it works? The main reason for running Windows are two specific programs not available for Macs plus my company uses Microsoft Outlook for email. The model that I am looking to buy is the 15" 2.53 GHz, 4GB Memory with NVDIA 9400M graphics.
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May 22, 2009
Because I am getting tired of constant BSOD when playing my games, I am contemplating doing an re-install of xp but bare boned. By that I mean just installing xp sp2 and just update sound and video drivers. Will I be able to do it? Do I need to manually install the wireless card or will windows pick it up? I've tried updating drivers and removing known apple drivers with issues, but in the end I cant get away from BSOD.
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Aug 30, 2009
Will Apple supply bootcamp 3.0? Or do you HAVE to buy the upgrade disk?
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Nov 11, 2009
Look a this :-)
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Apr 18, 2012
I want to know why apple don't make the mac os for a windows.
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Sep 11, 2009
I've been looking into buying an Apple Bluetooth Wireless keyboard (MB167LL/A) for use with my new Macbook. I'm going to be using an external monitor and mouse for more of a desktop setup while I'm at home.
But I wanted to know if the Bluetooth keyboard will still be compatible with my computer when I am running Windows Vista on my mac? I realize that not all of the buttons will be perfect (aka the F keys), much as I'm used to when using my laptop keyboard, but will it work fine for normal tasks and connect correctly?
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Oct 17, 2010
I am using Vista on bootcamp to run some accounting programs. However, I can't get the number pad on the standard wired Apple keyboard to work.
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Jun 11, 2008
My apple keyboard number pad doesnt work on windows via bootcamp (works fine on osx 10.5.3), I have the latest firmware for the keyboard on macos and have checked the software update on windows but nothing fixes it, what can I do?
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Feb 26, 2009
Does anyone know how I can use Windows Live Mail on my Apple Mail application? I have tried following some guides but it seems to have gone wrong. I would like a simple step by step guide in how to do this please, as in what the incoming and outgoing servers will be etc etc?
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Apr 2, 2009
I would like to bring my my wireless keyboard to the office to use it with a Dell running Windows XP, is this possible?
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May 4, 2010
Obviously there's always a chance that installing software on unsupported hardware may break things, but has anyone out there installed Bootcamp and the wireless keyboard update on a regular old PC? I'm using an Apple bluetooth keyboard in windows 7 and I would like Fn key support.
I'm just afraid that installing Bootcamp on my PC will somehow brick my windows install.
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May 28, 2010
I'm thinking of buying some of the Apple earphones with remote and mic and i was wondering if there's a way of making them work in skype both under windows and osx? I know it works pretty much plug'n'play on the iPhone/iPod but i'd imagine you would need some sort of adapter to make it work in the audio port on your laptop, or some sort of device so that you could connect it both to the Mic and Audio port.
I'm talking about these:[URL]
or maybe these:[URL]
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Aug 1, 2010
Did they update the video driver for the 27" iMac so it did not have the "gradient problem"? I am wanting to get a 27" again but only if they have fixed this problem.
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Apr 16, 2012
transfer my music from my Windows XP pc to my new Apple Mac Air
MacBook Air, Windows XP
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May 16, 2012
I copied itunes songs from windows computer on usb, loaded them into apple mac 10.7, they played ok, until i synced the iphone, when clicking on a song, it now says cant locate, you click locate and I can see the songs in the media, but cant copy them over.
How can I get the songs into the itunes library. I looked at preferences and it is ticked to copy songs to itunes,
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Oct 22, 2009
As promised, Apple has released three new Get a Mac ads targeting Microsoft's launch of Windows 7 as a good opportunity to abandon Microsoft. Last week, Phil Schiller, Apple's senior vice president for Worldwide Product Marketing, said the impending launch of Windows 7 would present a "good opportunity" for Apple to make market share gains. Schiller said that in particular, the upgrade process from Windows XP to Windows 7 is something that consumers will likely find unpleasant: "Any user that reads all those steps is probably going to freak out. If you have to go through all that, why not just buy a Mac?"
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