HP Photosmart 5510 Is Not Seen By IMac In Wireless Mode

Jun 18, 2012

my current HW configuration is the following:iMac Intel 21" Lion (latest update)modem router Asus DSL-N10HP Photosmart 5510 all-in-one..My problem is that my Mac can not 'see' the Photosmart in wifi mode and hence can not configure it as default printing and scanning device.The iMac can 'see' the router and so does the printer.What's more, I can open the HP configuration panel by typing its IP address in Safari (and this in wifi mode).Needless to say, both OSX and the HP drivers are at thier latest update. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac :: Can Connect To HP Photosmart C4780 Wireless Printer Automatically

Aug 24, 2010

I have OSX 10.6 installed and I currently have my broadband connected by Ethernet connection. Airport seems to connect to my wireless router even though this is plugged in. HPSETUP appears as a device in the WI-FI drop down, however to print I need to select this from the dropdown. Can my iMac's wifi connect to this by default rather than my broadband connection?

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IMac :: Wireless Connectivity Lost In Sleep Mode

Mar 26, 2009

I am new to the IMac experience which I have to say so far I love it but I am having 2 problems.

1) Every time my computer goes to sleep I lose wireless connectivity and I have to log back in where as my other computers I dont have to do this it signs back in automatically

2) Some how I lost Spaces from the icon bar at the bottom of the screen and can not figure how to get it back down there.

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OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.3 / HP Photosmart Scanner Not Recognized With Imac

Jun 29, 2014

after updating to Maverick osx 10.9.3 my hp photosmart scanner is not recognized with IMAC image capture. I have done all software upgrades and deleted the printer and reinstalled the printer which is on my wireless network.

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IMac (Intel) :: HP Photosmart 6520 Won't Print?

Jun 2, 2014

My HPphotosmart 6520 won't print using my IMAC.


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IMac PPC :: Uninstalling An Existing HP Photosmart Printer And Installing A New One?

Jun 25, 2012

I installed a new HP Officejet Pro8600. It all is synched, but will not print.I think I need to uninstall the existing HP Photosmart C4480, first. Then reinstall the newer HP Officejet.how to uninstall the existing printer.

iMac, not sure of the operating system.

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IMac (Intel) :: Can't Connect HP Photosmart C7280 Wirelessly

Sep 5, 2014

Yesterday I purchased my first ever iMac (OS X 10.9.4 - Mavericks I believe). 

I'm trying to connect my HP Photosmart C7280 printer to work wirelessly but can't seem to work out how to do it. 

When I connect via a USB the printer is recognised in Printers & Scanners, when I remove the USB the printer disappears. 

My Mac and printer are both connected to the same wireless network (which we get through Virgin Media) - although my printer displays "no link" for IP address, don't know if this is relevant. 

I have tried resetting print system, I have downloaded all Apple system updates, I have downloaded the latest driver I could find from the HP site (although this might have been unnecessary). 

One factor that may be significant is that when I view the printer details (when connected via USB) I see the Mac's name, the printer model and the status but I don't see any reference to a Driver, which from what I've read, I feel I should be seeing.

I've also read reference to clicking "use" in a drop-down menu but from the details I see in the printer pane/dialogue box? I cannot see "use" anywhere or any other drop-down menus. 

by the way, the printer always worked perfectly well wirelessly when connected to a Windows laptop on the same network, 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Scanner Driver For HP OfficeJet 5510 All-In-One

Jan 5, 2009

I've recently bought a IMAC with the OS X 10.5.2 and can't find scanner driver for my printer. Anyone know where to get this?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Can't Get Macbook Pro Linked To HP PPhotosmart 5510 Printer

Mar 29, 2012

I can't get my macbook pro linked (wirelss) to my HP PPhotosmart 5510 printer? When I put the CD in the drive and try to install it says I need OSX 10.5 or 10.6.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: Booting In Safe Mode Only - How To Boot Up In Normal Mode

Sep 3, 2014

My iMac24" can't booting in normal mode, but booing in safe mode only.

how to boot up in normal mode. If I restart the system, it is showing the apple logo and not going to Finder.

iMac, maverics

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OS X :: Medicore Wireless Reception In Lid Closed Mode?

Feb 25, 2010

2.4GHz mid-2007 Macbook Pro on Leopard. Ever since getting my new monitor and running my laptop in lid closed mode, I've been getting frequent (3-8 times per day) disconnections from my wireless network. One moment the Airport menu bar icon shows full strength, next moment it's disconnected. I never had any trouble in lid open mode. Is this a known issue when running a MBP in with the lid closed?

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MacBook :: Clamshell Mode Won't Work With Wireless Keyboard?

Apr 23, 2009

i just bought this kick ass new display, 20 inches 1680x1050 for only $120.00! its a really good deal you guys should check it out... [URL]

anyhooser, i followed the instructions for clamshell mode and i still cant get it to work. i have a wireless logitech mouse and keyboard, and i cant make them wakeup the computer when it's closed. i think i tricked it into working once or twice but i cant get it to work consistently.

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Hardware :: How About The File Transfer Rate In Wireless Mode

Oct 8, 2009

I am deciding to buy a TimeCapsule within next week because my Seagate FreeAgent 500 Gb is already full. But I still not sure about its functionality and warranty coverage.1. How about the file transfer rate in wireless mode(802.11n)?2. Can I use the USB port of TimeCapsule with my old Seagate FreeAgent to expand the capacity?3. Is there any way to install a bittorrent software on TimeCapsule? like Asus WL-500W4. Is it fully support Windows XP?5. Can I use it as a repeater? Is this an option provided in Airport utility?6. I have just purchased an AppleCare for my MACBook pro but I am not sure about it coverage.

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Hardware :: Using Boot Camp Or Target Mode With Wireless Keyboard?

Jul 21, 2010

If I use Target Mode or Boot Camp on my iMac, I need to hold down a key during startup to activate them. But my wireless keyboard doesn't get recognised by the iMac till late on in the startup process, so it doesn't realise I'm holding down the key until way too late, and just boots up normally. Is there a way around this, or do I need a USB keyboard?

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Intel Mac :: Loses Wireless Connection After Wake Up From Sleep Mode

Feb 23, 2012

My iMac is set up wireless. Every time it's allowed to go in sleep mode, it loses wireless connectivity. Then, when I wake it up, I must go to System preferences, Network and request it to reconnect to my home wireless network. It always does this successfully, but it's quite annoying that it seems unable to achieve this on it's own. My iPad 2 and kindle can do this, why not my iMac?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: After Sleep Mode Computer Sometimes Doesn't Recognize Wireless Connection

Jun 22, 2012

After using my MacBook Pro I close the laptop and it goes to sleep. Later when I return to it and open it, sometimes it can't find the network. The computer is able to see that I have an Apple Network available, but it won't connect.Sometimes when I try to connect, it gives me a timeout. How I fix it is to walk over to the router and unplug it and plug it back in. After I get the green light again, I go to the Apple Network and it works.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Turn Off - Close Switch On Bottom Of The Wireless Mighty Mouse When MBP In Sleep Mode?

Mar 27, 2009

I was wondering if i need to turn off / close the switch on the bottom of the wireless mighty mouse when my MBP is in sleep mode....it seems that when i don't the mouse still connects and the screen kicks back on for a few seconds.....not sure if this is the case, but the logo on the outside of the case lights back up.

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IMac :: Slow Wireless N Site Lookup For New IMac And Linksys WRT610N Router?

Aug 12, 2008

I had a DLink DIR-655 Wireless N router and my wireless was running very fast, 9.7MB using [URL] with no lag looking up sites. I had to upgrade the router since I was hosting a site and the router wasn't working properly for that.

So, I bought a Linksys WRT610N Dual Band router. I have the iMac running on the 5GHz band and it runs around the same speed.

HOWEVER, when I open Safari or Firefox, in the status bar, it says "looking up google.ca..." or whatever site I'm browsing for and can take up to 5-10 seconds before it starts to display the site. When it is on the site, browsing around is fast as long as it doesn't change domains.

ANOTHER HITCH, I have VMWare's Fusion installed on the iMac and Vista installed there and there is no lag to browsing a site. When I type in the site, it immediately goes to the site and I am able to browse fine.
Any thoughts on this?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Hp Photosmart Is Not Scanning?

Mar 6, 2012

I had not scanned with my HP Photosmart since I bought a new iMac. The printer prints just fine.  HP is no help saying that a software update comes with Lion. Obviously it does not work since my HP utility just puts up a complex error message consisting of a lot of computer code.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: How To Scan HP Photosmart C4500?

Oct 18, 2009

I have 13" MacBookPro running 10.6.1 with 4 G Ram. My HP Photosmart C4500 All-In-One will print but will not scan. I have unplugged the USB cable and uninstalled and reinstalled the driver to no avail. I have tried to scan from both the unit itself and the scan software on my laptop. I get messages like "an unknown error occurred, or "can't find scanner". When you look in the 4500s window it appears to be scanning but nothing happens. Any ideas? It seems to have stumped HP help so far!

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MacBook :: Running Hot With HP Photosmart Apps

Feb 27, 2009

my White (early 2008) MacBook 4.1 is struggling to run HP Photosmart Studio, an app that was bundled with the HP C4280 which came with my MacBook. (spec = 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, 17GB remaining on the hard disc). With the app open and not being used for anything I am getting the following temperature readings:

CPU Core A: 71 (degrees C)

CPU Core B: 71

Main Heatsink 1: 58

Main Heatsink 2: 58

Enclosure Bottomside: 26

The cooling fans are running noisy (5500 rpm).

My house temperature is cool (think winter in the UK).

When I try to edit a scanned image (even a credit card sized image scanned as a JPEG at 200 dpi) the software often freezes for at least half an hour before I have to Force Quit.

I haven't had the MacBook misbehave before when running iMovie, iDVD and other intensive apps. I have downloaded the latest version of Photosmart from HP's website and the problem remains.

Also, I have a 1.66 GHz Core Duo, 2GB RAM Mac Mini that doesn't seem to have the same problem, although I haven't pushed it as hard I have the MacBook.

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Hardware :: Unable To Printing While Using HP PhotoSmart?

May 3, 2009

I have tried with a PhotoSmart C4480, and my dad's C4280. When I try to print something, a blank page comes out.

I have installed the correct drivers from the HP website. I am using Mac OS X 10.5.5. and a white MacBook.

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Hardware :: Unable To Use HP Photosmart C4400?

Mar 30, 2010

I am a recently converted PC user to MAC. Now i'm trying to make my scanner to work with my new IMAC. I installed the HP software on my My mac.

I can print the test page. i can scan to copy. But i cannot scan to or from the computer, i get a message error. I need to scan documents to file in the computer.

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Hardware :: Unable To Use HP Photosmart C4480?

Aug 24, 2009

I haven't been able to get my Macbook to print to my HP Photosmart C4480. The printer is usually hooked up to another computer, although this hasn't been a problem in the past.

(I haven't had any problems with it in the past.)

I've tried to print from several different programs, including a test page, but I keep encountering basically the same problem.:

It slowly prints the first centimeter or so of the page, and then stops. Once, it printed the first two lines of text, but kept re-printing the second line (on the same page.)

The image and the test page I tried to print had the same problem, except they didn't repeat any lines.

Does anyone know what my problem might be?

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MacBook :: HP Photosmart C309a Will Not Work

Apr 13, 2012

My HP Photosmart c309a will not work.I just had a new hard drive installed on my computer

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Intel Mac :: Can't Scan With My HP Photosmart Plus B210a

Apr 30, 2012

I can't scan to my computer with my HP Photosmart Plus B2010a, I get a "Failed to open a session on the device" message everytime.  I'm using the most current driver for OS X Lion 10.7 off the HP website.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), HP Photosmart Plus scan fail

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OS X V10.4 :: Scanning On HP Photosmart C4780 Using 10.4.11 (Tiger)?

Jun 6, 2012

I am running 10.4.11 (Tiger) on a MacBook.  I started up my HP Photosmart all-in-one (printer/copier/scanner) c4780 today, and it does everything except the one thing I want it to do: SCAN.  The software had been installed previously using the provided installation CD when I used it several months ago (it's been turned off since), and each part (including the scanner) worked perfectly.  I am still using a USB cable, as I do not have access to the Wireless Network Key.  The System Profile recognizes the device through the USB port, and I am able to print from any program on my computer as well as use the copy function on the machine itself. 

So far, in no particular order (and likely multiple times), to troubleshoot, I've repaired disk permissions, uninstalled the software, reinstalled from the CD, reinstalled from the website, rebooted my computer, turned off/on the printer, disconnected/reconnected the USB cable, Googled about every combination of words I could think of for troubleshooting this issue, and tried every other program suggested by HP's website to access the scanner (Import on Preview and Image Capture, both of which tell me that there is no image capture device connected/found).  When I try to access the scanner function through the HP Photosmart Studio software, it searches for a scanner but never turns up any results (in that it never reaches a conclusion).  When I use the scan button on the physical printer, either nothing happens or I get an error message telling me there is a connection issue; regardless of the message, the lamp does not move (like it does when it copies). 

To my recollection, the only software updates I've installed in the interim have been pre-mandated ones from Apple: three Java Script updates I'd been putting off for installing for almost two years.  I recently downloaded and ran MacScan, purging my system of tracking applications in an attempt to coach another program that just started having problems to run.  On the touch screen printer menu itself, there do not appear to be any setup options, so I can't tweak anything on the printer's end.  At this point, I'm not sure if the fault lies with my computer or the printer.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11), HP Photosmart c4700 series

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Imac Won't Go Into Sleep Mode

Mar 27, 2012

My parents just bought a new Imac (3.4 Ghz/I7) which is running 10.6.8. and we cannot figure out why it won't go to sleep automatically. In System Preferences/Engergy Saver we have set both the "computer sleep" and "display sleep" to about 5 minutes, but no matter what we do it keeps showig the screen saver and never goes to sleep. The "put hd to sleep" is checked, and the start screen saver is set to roughly the same amount... I have tried adjusting these settings, to no avail.

Mac OS, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Hardware :: Can't Get An HP Photosmart 4700 To Print From MS Office X?

Oct 16, 2010

I just bought an HP Photosmart 4700 series. For a while it was printing fine, then after shutting down the computer, it suddenly stopped printing from anything Office X software.

It responds on the print command, and then sends out a blank sheet of paper.

That said, it prints everything else - gmail or web pages -- just fine.

My Mac OS is version 10.6.3. My guess is I need to update Office to be compatible with the latest Mac OS. Of course that doesn't explain why it was working before.

I'd rather hear from someone more knowledgeable than I am.

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Hardware :: Hp Photosmart EStation C510a Questions?

Oct 29, 2010

1.) Does anyone have this printer and if so what do you think of it?

2.) It does say it is compatible with mac osx 10.6 so that is good. But also it says it requires internet explorer, which I want no part of haha.

I plan on getting it for my girlfriend for her birthday coming up because she is a heavy printer user due to school. She loved that it had a 7 inch detachable tablet. (I hate it because its android but hey its for the lady)

Any help is appreciated.

link to the printer:

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