Applications :: How Can I Set The Default Transition/effect For Text On A Page?
Jan 8, 2009
so I have Keynote '09 and am using it for a presentation for school. My question is this: how can I set the default transition/effect for text on a page?
Ideally I would like to do this because it gets annoying when I need to do the same setting in every slide. I would like to make these the defaults:
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Mar 22, 2010
I have been working on a template where I have placed a two column table on the front page, left side being for a graphic for a letterhead, and right side column for text.
My problem is that on the second page, I would like the document to continue on without any table. I would like for the text to flow from the table into regular margin document on the second page. Is there a way to do this?
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Dec 10, 2004
i'm looking to take scanned pages and convert them into text files (pdfs that i can search)... i've heard that acrobat pro can do it (i've tried the "paper capture" thing, but with no luck...?), and also heard that omnipage pro can do it (i don't have it though)...
anyone have any experience with this, and which app(s) can do it, and how?
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Dec 14, 2009
Basic explanation: I am creating a Word document (letterhead) and want to anchor text on the left side of the page so it does not flow to the next page.
In-depth explanation: I use Word 2008 for a Mac, and the document I'm creating is for an "electronic version" of our letterhead. The idea is to have a template on which workers can type their letter but the graphics/text of the letterhead shell do not move. I've created the header/footers but now need to find a way to lock text on the left side of the page (contains our addresses, contact info, web address, etc.). Again, I don't want these components on this "template" to move text is typed on the page.
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Dec 10, 2014
Problem Description:
1. System prints PDF files very slowly, about 50 seconds per page, a text only page. Sometimes will just continue sending data to printer as indicated by flashing green light on printer – does not stop sending and printer does not print. Problem also present when try to print PDF files as sent by others over internet (eg TD Bank statements).
2. Unable to cause double sided printing using IMac – no problem with PC.
Trouble shooting:Took the same one page text only file that was very slow in IMac, transferred to PC using a memory stick – connected printer to PC using same USB cable – page starts printing in about 1 seconds – no problems.No difficulty in printing Word files other than no double sided. Think the problems started with OSX Yosemite upgrade and the companion Safari upgrade. Auto update for software is on and no new updates. Old drivers removed and new one installed Tried Apple internet chat to resolve problem – was unable – the user forum indicates others have had difficulties with printing PDF files.
SystemIMAC 27 INCH, LATE 2013Processor  3.5 GHZ INTEL CORE I5Memory  8 GB 1600 MHZ DDR3Serial Number C0*8J4OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.1SAFARI VERSION 8.0 (10600.1.25.1)Adobe Reader XI Version 11.0.09Printer  HP LASERJET 1320 on wired USB connectionDriver HP Version 19.8 Word Microsoft for Mac 2011 - Version 14.1.0.
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Apr 18, 2010
So when I scroll pages of text, there is a very disturbing shift in the text as it passes certain areas of the screen. I notice it from about the middle to the top third. It's a bit disturbing, and I'm wondering what it is and whether it's a defect that I should have looked at.
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Oct 26, 2009
Can you tell me how I can change the font and size of the text of the navigation bar in iWeb please?
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Sep 10, 2010
When Steve Jobs does his presentation he frequently uses a transition whereas a big announcement is being made, say, a price drop or a launch date the announcement is made with a transition that drops down and lands with a 'thud' and there is then smoke rising from the word that dropped down.
Can anyone tell me what transition this is and where I could get it to implement into my presentation?
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Nov 8, 2005
I've created an iMovie that's full of transitions, effects, and titles. Now I have a problem that I found a typo in one of the titles, and I want to go back and change it. One problem, it's in a clip that has a transition, and trying to delete the transition crashed iMovie. (A nice generic 'The application iMovieHD quit unexpectedly.') This is with iMovie 5.0.2 on OS X 10.4.3, on two separate computers. (The two in my .sig)
Short description: So, to start from the beginning, I have a 'source' clip. I then added a title to this clip (Music Video style.) Then I used the 'slow' function to slow the clip to 1/3 normal speed. Finally, I transitioned from this clip to the next clip with a 1 second-long dissolve. (The next clip has the same type of title and slow done to it, only with different text.)
Excrutiatingly long description: This clip has no transition leading in (although there is a clip before it,) and the clip following has no transition leading out. (So these two clips could be considered to be a single group that could theoretically be taken separately from the rest of the movie.) Trying to remove a similar transition from similar clips in the movie also fails. (The movie consists of 20 clips from DV, each of the 20 with the same type of title, each with the same 1/3 slowdown, paired up with a dissolve transition between the pairs. The clips are in groups of four, with a black intro text at the beginning of each group, a fade from black into the first clip, followed by two transitioned clips, two more transitioned clips, a third set of transitioned clips, and a clip that fades to black, then a 'postscript' text. Then the cycle starts again, five groups like this in a row.
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Jan 24, 2010
I've recently started to use iMovies 09 and have found it quite easy. Although on my latest project one transition I'm using (mosaic) doesn't accept the change to the duration. I can change the duration in the inspection box, but then it doesn't accept that change in the actual transition down in project area.
It says 6.0s in the inspection box, but 1.0s on the actual transition.
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Apr 30, 2010
Anyone know where to download more iMovie transition themes? I want more than just the 5 defaults!
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Apr 17, 2009
Is there a way to change the default in Text Edit to some thing other than RTF?
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Feb 6, 2009
I'm fairly new to Keynote. OH...MY...GOD! This blows away powerpoint. Wish I would have known that sooner.
Anyway, I was playing around with the trial version of Keynote '09 and the magic move transition is pretty damn cool. At first I was hesitant about buying the full version because I have to use powerpoint at work for all my presentations so I lose all the cool transitions and there are some format issues. However, if you export your Keynote '09 presentation as a Quicktime file, the magic move transition works! The reflection of a picture (which looks amazing) also works in Quicktime. Of course I haven't tried to open it on a PC yet since I don't allow those pieces of crap in my house, but I'll test it at work tomorrow.
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Feb 8, 2012
In safari for macbook pro, I can't seem to highlight text while scrolling down through to the end of a page. (Start at the top, click, hold, drag down). The highlighting stops at the bottom of what I see on the screen and can't go past to the bottom of the page. However, it works going upwards (start at the bottom, click, hold, drag up. I don't think it's a problem with the computer because, the highlighting works with all my other programs. It's just safari that's not doing it. I'm aware of the hold shift and click method, but I'm just used to the other way.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011)
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Oct 17, 2010
i moved my iMac when it was on to avoid getting water on it - after that the text to speech is now enabled and I cannot seem to turn it off.
I have tried to change or reset it on the system preferences, speech ,text to speech but can't seem to change anything. There were no key functions assigned so I assigned Control z and tried turning on or off but to no effect.
Also the key board functions are changed. For example the volume (f12) activates the dashboard. When I hold the fn key down the functions are correct. I tried to reset the functions to default in system preferences - keyboard but nothing changes.
Nothing got wet - I think I must of hit some combination of keys to mess this up.
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Oct 10, 2009
having my eyes get used to the 1900x1200 resolution in my 17" unibody macbook pro's screen is probably not good with the macbook air's 1280x800 resolution i use at home, so i need to press "cmd -" every time i browse some pages.
is there any way to make safari load pages with smaller text size? 1 press of "cmd -" is probably good enough.
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Mar 8, 2009
I despise TextEdit. I've used VI since I've been using computers so naturally I took very well to MacVim. Though I want to set it as my default editor for editing blank files (plain UTF-8 text files without an extension). So I threw the .app inside of a folder named "oldTextEdit" and created a symlink to MacVim and named it and placed it in /Applications, but it doesn't work. When I go to the command line and type "open -e" it still opens with - The only thing I can think of is that it ignores symlinks (or as mac calls them, an "alias."). I moved to another drive and my alias worked fine on double clicking a blank file, it opened up MacVim. BUT - if I go to terminal and type "open -e" it opened up TextEdit (not sure how).
Now when I click that same UTF-8 blank text file (created using "touch") it opens in TextEdit (again, I have no clue how, is on a different drive).
Update: I zipped up and now when I open blank text files it opens in MacVim like it should. This time when I type "open -e" it throws the following error:
LSGetApplicationForInfo() failed with error -10814 while trying to determine the application with bundle identifier Which I guess is fine, as long as in the GUI is opening with MacVim instead of TextEdit. I realize it involves the LaunchServices.framework database, but I can't figure out how to use that for hell. I realize to some this is a weird request, so I ask if you don't have any good input you just ignore it.
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Dec 11, 2014
Is there any way to change the default font for outgoing text-messages, in "Messages"?
I can change it for one conversation, but then it resets to the default, tiny font.
The preferences menu only lets me change the conversation font.
(OSX 10.10)
MacBookPro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Nov 5, 2009
Where do you sit on the whole Genie Effect vs Scale Effect war that's been raging for the last 8 years? Whilst the Genie wowed me the first time I saw it, I chose Scale Effect pretty much as soon as I got OSX, preferring performance over prettiness. Now, years later, when I occasionally catch it on other peeps machines I think it just looks... tacky. I wonder how many people on here still have it switched on?
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Feb 14, 2009
I want to be able to send an email message with a specific keyword in the subject and only a URL in the body.
Here's where Automator needs to come in:
When an email with the subject keyword is received, have Safari open the URL contained in the body of the message.
Copy all of the text from the opened URL.
Compose a new email message and paste in the text copied from the web page, and email it back to the original sender.
Close Safari.
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Apr 11, 2012
How do I change processor default from Pages back to Text Edit ??
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Intel core i5 2.3GHz
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Apr 4, 2012
How so I make it so text in text boxes runs in the traditional chinese style. Characters in text boxes should run down the page instead of across the page.
Pages, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 26, 2007
I am using the "White" template, and on my top page, the page title is right there in my webpage. How can I get rid of this? When I load the page with text edit, I get some crazy Apple page, so I don't seem to be able to edit the HTML directly. Honestly, I hope to find solutions to problems like these so that I can avoid HTML in the future.
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Nov 30, 2007
Is there any way to start page numbering on page 2? Reason is my first page is my cover page. I have the "First page is different" checked under the Layout Inspector, but page 2 is still numbered as page 2.
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Sep 22, 2010
watch this video if you can please and does anyone know how to make the flash happen? where it does like a strobe light effect?
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Jul 25, 2010
Whenever I begin broadcasting in Nicecast, it works perfectly streaming iTunes and everything, but when I turn the Voiceover effect on it just doesn't work.
My mic is compatible with the program as it streams fine with the Microphone setting and I've tried several microphones with the Voiceover effect, the effect just doesn't work. Any patches for this or something?
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Jul 14, 2007
Personally, I think it's a great effect, but my client hates it. Unfortunately, it is the default in iMovie, and iMovie seems very reluctant to turn this effect off. Here's the problem I am having:
- My client requested a series of still shots to be made from a 40 minute video. So, I imported the DVD video into Quicktime using a third-party app (DVD-VX,) and then I was easily able to create still shots, (it was someone's 65th birthday party.) So far, so good...
Then, the client wanted the shots (about 125 of them) set to music, and provided a series of CDs. OK, no problem. I put the pictures in order, and synchronized it nicely with music, using iMovie, so that I could easily trim the music, fade the volumes in and out, and add titles and transitions between the different sections. So far, so good.....................
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Sep 17, 2008
I've been stumped lately as to what in the world is playing a strange sound that i think is a product of Genius. It happens when I:
- Navigate to the iTunes store
- Click on any links in the itunes store, search, account, etc
- when the Genius side bar is out, and tracks change while playing from my Music.
I have gotten it to stop the incessant noise making when tracks change by turning it off and hiding the side bar; but it still makes the noise when i click playlists, my iphone or ipod, other directories, etc.
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Feb 13, 2010
is there a decent FREE program out there to simply add slow motion to a video? iMovie obviously can't unless i'm missing something.
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Mar 7, 2010
When I try to use the "chroma keyer" effect, it doesn't work. Nothing changes in the canvas when I use it. The effect shows up on the "video" tab of the viewer window if I click "view match frame" on the bottom of the canvas window. However, the effect doesn't hold for anything else. From what I've seen on tutorials and such, the effect is supposed to be in real-time with the canvas, and affect the sequence itself on the timeline. Is this simply something that I may have accidentally clicked that isn't allowing this to happen!
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