Applications :: Keynote Magic Move Transition In Quicktime?
Feb 6, 2009
I'm fairly new to Keynote. OH...MY...GOD! This blows away powerpoint. Wish I would have known that sooner.
Anyway, I was playing around with the trial version of Keynote '09 and the magic move transition is pretty damn cool. At first I was hesitant about buying the full version because I have to use powerpoint at work for all my presentations so I lose all the cool transitions and there are some format issues. However, if you export your Keynote '09 presentation as a Quicktime file, the magic move transition works! The reflection of a picture (which looks amazing) also works in Quicktime. Of course I haven't tried to open it on a PC yet since I don't allow those pieces of crap in my house, but I'll test it at work tomorrow.
When Steve Jobs does his presentation he frequently uses a transition whereas a big announcement is being made, say, a price drop or a launch date the announcement is made with a transition that drops down and lands with a 'thud' and there is then smoke rising from the word that dropped down.
Can anyone tell me what transition this is and where I could get it to implement into my presentation?
Instead of going to each slide and adding the transition and the same time or delay as all the others, is there a way to add the same transition and delay to all the slide at once
I'm using Keynote 09' to create a presentation which will be displayed on a windows machine so I planned on exporting to quicktime but there is no export menu when I press file. What's going on?
I am running a Macbook 2.4GHz with 4GB of RAM and Snow Leopard.
I have an issue using Keynote 09.
I have created a presentation that has a m4v video playing in the background.
The video was the first thing I put in and was just placed on the slide and set to play when the presentatation starts.
The video starts at the beginning automatically and plays for the entirity of the presentation. The presentation is only 2 mins long. Over it are a number of different words all with various animations. There is also a music file playing in the background.
I have then recorded the show with manual timings and now when I play it in Keynote it runs smoothly from start to finish. The video continues to play and the transitions are smooth.
HOWEVER, when I then try and export the presentation as a Quicktime file I encounter a problem. The video starts initially at the beginning of the presentation but the minute any other animation kicks in the video freezes and does not restart. I have tried a large variety of export settings but to no avail. I have also spent time trawling the internet to try and solve this problem but no solution found.
It is very frustrating. I need to export it because I need it as a movile file rather than a keynote presentation.
I've created an iMovie that's full of transitions, effects, and titles. Now I have a problem that I found a typo in one of the titles, and I want to go back and change it. One problem, it's in a clip that has a transition, and trying to delete the transition crashed iMovie. (A nice generic 'The application iMovieHD quit unexpectedly.') This is with iMovie 5.0.2 on OS X 10.4.3, on two separate computers. (The two in my .sig)
Short description: So, to start from the beginning, I have a 'source' clip. I then added a title to this clip (Music Video style.) Then I used the 'slow' function to slow the clip to 1/3 normal speed. Finally, I transitioned from this clip to the next clip with a 1 second-long dissolve. (The next clip has the same type of title and slow done to it, only with different text.)
Excrutiatingly long description: This clip has no transition leading in (although there is a clip before it,) and the clip following has no transition leading out. (So these two clips could be considered to be a single group that could theoretically be taken separately from the rest of the movie.) Trying to remove a similar transition from similar clips in the movie also fails. (The movie consists of 20 clips from DV, each of the 20 with the same type of title, each with the same 1/3 slowdown, paired up with a dissolve transition between the pairs. The clips are in groups of four, with a black intro text at the beginning of each group, a fade from black into the first clip, followed by two transitioned clips, two more transitioned clips, a third set of transitioned clips, and a clip that fades to black, then a 'postscript' text. Then the cycle starts again, five groups like this in a row.
I've recently started to use iMovies 09 and have found it quite easy. Although on my latest project one transition I'm using (mosaic) doesn't accept the change to the duration. I can change the duration in the inspection box, but then it doesn't accept that change in the actual transition down in project area.
It says 6.0s in the inspection box, but 1.0s on the actual transition.
Mainly for the idea to use the monitor as a external monitor. This is what I need. I basically want the magic mouse to automatically connect to the macbook pro when I plug the MacBook into the iMac as an external display. Obviously then I need it to disconnect from the iMac (because apparently you can only pair with one thing w/ bluetooth). I realize you can go thru the tedious steps of disconnecting from the iMac and then reconnecting to the MacBook every time, but its a pain, and honestly I can't figure out how to reconnect to the iMac if the mouse is disconnected (ie I can't move the mouse to the bluetooth icon on the iMac if it's disconnected, I hope that makes sense).
so I have Keynote '09 and am using it for a presentation for school. My question is this: how can I set the default transition/effect for text on a page?
Ideally I would like to do this because it gets annoying when I need to do the same setting in every slide. I would like to make these the defaults:
Can I organize the Quicktime player like the old version? With the play buttons / time line on the bottom, outside and away from the video?
E.g., I do not want the play buttons / time line to "float" over the video window. It's distracting for times when I need to pause and scroll over video to find certain spots. It is really in the way.
I am a complete newbie to Keynote. Are there any books or websites that have good indepth literature to teach me how to get the most out of Keynote? I know there are video tutorials but I'd rather have a book that I can have sitting next to me when I am on my Macbook Pro or that I can read when I am out and about.
I wanted someone to tell me if this is possible to do in Keynote:
say I have a Keynote presentation with four slides. In the first slide I have hyperlinks to pages 2, 3 and 4. Can I have a different transition effect for each slide so that when I click on hyperlink for slide 2 I have the cube transition, when I click on hyperlink for page 3 I have the flip transition... etc?
What is the best way for someone to save a Windows PPT file (XP version of PPT) that it will play the "most nicely" with Keynote? Does anyone know of any options on the Windows side that will help?
The main issues that I seem to be seeing are that the slides are opened in Keynote at 720x540 instead of 1024x768 and that there are a few font issues. I'm just wondering if there is anyway to "idiot" proof this and cut out any additional steps after opening the project on a Mac.
I think I speak for a lot of people when I ask all users of Keynote '09:
In other words: has any one using the latest version of iWork and Mac OS X experienced a sudden reboot when pressing the play button?
The horrible sight of an unlit black screen and the dreadful noise of your drive spinning up, quickly followed by a hollow chime letting you know that everything you were busy with and hadn't saved is now Verschwunden?
I have an avi movie which I have done on Windows 7, pinnacle. However, it has saved it at 416MB, which is fairy large! I want to transfer it to the Mac and play it through keynote.
Does anyone know how I can convert the file (as I am aware Mac will not play avi) but to also reduce the file size WITHOUT losing the quality? I know handbrake can convert, but if I do this will the quality be reduced?
One reason that Keynote doesn't have that much penetration is that there is no Keynote Viewer or Player (like PowerPoint has) for the PC.
I would love to use my Keynote to make a presentation, but most places I present have PCs. It is so much easier to plug a thumbdrive in, rather than bring a mac from home just to give a talk. So I end up using PowerPoint on my Mac.
Why can't Apple do what PowerPoint does and create a small Keynote Viewer for PCs? Then we could save the Keynote presentation, and its viewer onto a thumbdrive and play it anywhere there are only PCs (like 95% of the world)
Simply saving a Keynote file in Powerpoint mode doesn't work, since lots of slide transitions, animations, etc get messed up in the process.
So maybe there is no Keynote for Windows, but is there an equivalent? I'm kinda stuck on a PC right now so I can't get Keynote. And no, PowerPoint is not acceptable
I used to use powerpoint 2007 for the presentations at the uni and I really like it. I also tried Keynote which in my opinion creates better looking animations and slightly better looking slide shows.
But Keynote does not have SmartArt Graphics which in my opinion reduce great amount of time when creating a slide show.
How do you cope with lack of SmartArt Graphics?
And what are your reasons for using Keynote not the Powerpoint?
For a school project, I have to record a podcast, with pictures for emphasis. I'd like to record something on GarageBand(for effects, and easier use) rather than use the narration tool in Keynote. I have Keynote 09. I read on the internet that it's possible to put an mp3 file in there, but it stops on each slide. So what can I do? If it comes down to it, I guess I can play my mp3 file as a narration, but I don't really want to do that.
Basically I am fed up with powerpoint, I think its a horrible application, dont have the money or any other use for a MAC right now although I can forsee buying one as my next laptop.
My question is
Is there a keynote or similar application that I can use on my pc/windows vista instead of horrible powerpoint?
I can't delete keynote themes I installed from Jumpsoft. I can't even find a iwork file in users/library/application support. I even deleted all of iWork from my computer and reinstalled and they were still there in keynote. What should I do?
I have been trying to embed a website in keynote so that I do not have to use the web browser during my presentation, I found a "tutorial" online, you can see the video here: However as I try dragging the link (from the address bar or the favicon) to keynote, all I would get is a text back with the direct html address (if from address bar), or the the page's name, linked to the website, if I drag from the favicon.
So I'm doing a presentation about Playing Cards for a contest. I design a full deck of cards on Photoshop and them convert each card to .png to insert them on keynote one by one to arrange them like a spread deck, I put 40 cards in one slide with some object animation as well as slide animations The problem is: when I run the "view test" to see who the slides looks like, it takes FOREVER to jump to one slide to the other, and the animations barely play, I tried to make a QT video to try to see, and Keynote doesn't handle it and crashes.
I looked up to the Activity monitor, and it told me the keynote was using almost 800mb of memory (out of 4gb), to be fair I quit all the apps running just to make keynote "feel better", no progress. The only solution was to delete the slides with the 40 cards and just work on the slides with less than 10 cards and add those 40 cards slides back when the presentation is done.
But it is so inconvenient as some objects animations on some slides are related, including all the slides with the 40 cards, furthermore I have to present it, the solution would be convert to QT movie but again keynote doesn't handle it.
I'm very disappointed with keynote, I wasn't expecting this malfunction at all. What should I do?