OS X :: Voice Text And Keyboard Default Functions?
Oct 17, 2010
i moved my iMac when it was on to avoid getting water on it - after that the text to speech is now enabled and I cannot seem to turn it off.
I have tried to change or reset it on the system preferences, speech ,text to speech but can't seem to change anything. There were no key functions assigned so I assigned Control z and tried turning on or off but to no effect.
Also the key board functions are changed. For example the volume (f12) activates the dashboard. When I hold the fn key down the functions are correct. I tried to reset the functions to default in system preferences - keyboard but nothing changes.
Nothing got wet - I think I must of hit some combination of keys to mess this up.
I just bought a new 2012 aluminum Wireless keyboard and the function keys do not work properly. I am currently running OS 1.5.8. I would expect most keys to match the icons on the keyboard. I do not want to upgrade to Snow Leopard or Lion. I have installed an aluminum keyboard upgrade 2.0 and this did not help. I just want the the keyboard functions to match the icons on the keyboard.. Volume up...volume down...
Over the past few months I've taken to recording my weekly supervisor meetings because I've got such an awful memory that I'd forget everything otherwise. Ideally I'd like to have an app with which I can store these recordings but in which I can also add a text description so that if in the future I need to refer back, I know where to look. I'd just want something with a list showing:
28th August - Discussed conference, ideas about x, plan to run simulations varying y and z 4th September - Discussed work on writing w routine, discussed initial x results. I realise that chances are there's nothing simple enough to do this kind of thing for me and so I might have to resort to something far more bulky and so I'm open to options for more bulky things.
i went to the toilet juz now and left my macbook in the livin room and when i came back. all my function keys(expose,vol,brightness) settings were changed. i dunno why. I had to go to system preference to disable the "press Fn key to activate function" option then only it went back to normal where i din need to press the Fn key to activate expose etc... pls i wanna know y did the settings change by itself.
Is the following possible, and if so which keys do I need to press at start up?
1) Install SSD drive into mac 2) Put the original HDD in my external USB drive dock 3) Boot from the original HDD which is in the USB dock 4) Go to disk utilities and format the SSD 5) Clone the HDD to SSD (carboncopycloner) 6) Reboot and d/c the HDD, leaving SSD in mac
I don't know if its possible to boot from the HDD if its in a USB dock. If it fails, I will hold C to boot from install DVD.
I spilled alcohol on macbook keyboard, so I bought and just received a wireless keyboard which I paired with my computer, but the shortcuts at the top of my keyboard aren't doing what they should be doing. I went into system preferences and was able to change it so I can change the brightness, but from F7 to F12, where you are suppose to be able to change the song, play/pause, mute and turn the volume up and down, it does other things. I've tried adding an application to my keyboard shortcuts, added iTunes and then wrote "Volume Up" and set it to F12, and "Volume Down" and set it to F11, but it didn't work. Is there certain words I have to put for it to work?
Installing 10.6 on my iMac has killed some basic system keyboard functions, including the arrow keys and all Command+ combos. It's the same on both the wired and BT keyboards.
My macbook pro keyboard died, the only replacement I could find was the newer keyboard layout (where the Fn keys have different functions - such as volume has been moved etc). After a bit of filing etc to get it to fit, its all back together and looking/working fine, but I need to change the keyboard layout so the pictures on the keys do what they are supposed to (hope that makes sense?) i.e. on the old one volume up was F5, but on the new one volume up is F12.
I have a friend that has a handicap daughter, and she has bluetooth on her wheel chair. She is able to pair the wheelchair with her moms MacBook. We need some help with a couple of things.
1) Is there a virtual onscreen keyboard like on windows that she can use on snow leopard?
2) Is there a built in voice program that can recognize her speech vs mousing to type everything.
3) If not can you recommend some software to accomplish this.
having my eyes get used to the 1900x1200 resolution in my 17" unibody macbook pro's screen is probably not good with the macbook air's 1280x800 resolution i use at home, so i need to press "cmd -" every time i browse some pages.
is there any way to make safari load pages with smaller text size? 1 press of "cmd -" is probably good enough.
so I have Keynote '09 and am using it for a presentation for school. My question is this: how can I set the default transition/effect for text on a page?
Ideally I would like to do this because it gets annoying when I need to do the same setting in every slide. I would like to make these the defaults:
I despise TextEdit. I've used VI since I've been using computers so naturally I took very well to MacVim. Though I want to set it as my default editor for editing blank files (plain UTF-8 text files without an extension). So I threw the .app inside of a folder named "oldTextEdit" and created a symlink to MacVim and named it TextEdit.app and placed it in /Applications, but it doesn't work. When I go to the command line and type "open -e" it still opens with TextEdit.app - The only thing I can think of is that it ignores symlinks (or as mac calls them, an "alias."). I moved TextEdit.app to another drive and my alias worked fine on double clicking a blank file, it opened up MacVim. BUT - if I go to terminal and type "open -e" it opened up TextEdit (not sure how).
Now when I click that same UTF-8 blank text file (created using "touch") it opens in TextEdit (again, I have no clue how, TextEdit.app is on a different drive). Update: I zipped up TextEdit.app and now when I open blank text files it opens in MacVim like it should. This time when I type "open -e" it throws the following error: LSGetApplicationForInfo() failed with error -10814 while trying to determine the application with bundle identifier com.apple.TextEdit. Which I guess is fine, as long as in the GUI is opening with MacVim instead of TextEdit. I realize it involves the LaunchServices.framework database, but I can't figure out how to use that for hell. I realize to some this is a weird request, so I ask if you don't have any good input you just ignore it.
I downloaded the Samantha (same as Siri) voice just for fun. I don't use voice over, and I was just using it for fun. Now I realize it was almost half a gig of hard drive space. Oops. Is there any way for me to delete this new voice on my Mac?
Very strange- all my trusty default keyboard shortcuts, i.e cmd-shift-3, cmd-tab, F12, etc. No longer work! I've fiddled around in various system pref's but no luck. White MacBook, OS X v10.5.7.
I reset my Apple keyboard (I use a keyboard and monitor at home connected to the macbookpro) and now when I try to change the volume justing F11 or F12, I get the desktop....or something else. How do you reset the defaults if the default keys aren't the default now? I mean, I looking at a key that shows a volume symbol on it, but that is not what happens. Sorry for typos, but the computer stalls for about 5 seconds every 30....
PS And the keyboard is about a year old and the "s" key has totally vanished. :-)
On my MBP under Snow Leopard, the F-key keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl-F2 (select menu)) suddenly stopped working. This might have happened after a recent OS-update, I'm not sure. Anyone else have this problem, or a possible solution?
I've already pressed restore default under Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts*, this made no difference.
Well, I bought the new aluminum macbook and have loved every single aspect of it so far. The only thing I have been missing since switching from a Windows based laptop is...there is no home key! (or at least one that I have found yet).
So my question is, is there a way to make a keyboard shortcut which does the same function as a home or end key?
i need to ask a question, what is X11?What is it function on OS X?Other thing, the new macbook's have a new graphics cards and i heard that the new Photoshop CS4 will have something to do with the new graphics cards. my question is: will the new CS4 work