Applications :: Word 2008 - Anchoring Text To Page Possible?

Dec 14, 2009

Basic explanation: I am creating a Word document (letterhead) and want to anchor text on the left side of the page so it does not flow to the next page.

In-depth explanation: I use Word 2008 for a Mac, and the document I'm creating is for an "electronic version" of our letterhead. The idea is to have a template on which workers can type their letter but the graphics/text of the letterhead shell do not move. I've created the header/footers but now need to find a way to lock text on the left side of the page (contains our addresses, contact info, web address, etc.). Again, I don't want these components on this "template" to move text is typed on the page.

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Applications :: Using Microsoft Word - Flow Text From Tabled 1st Page To No Table 2nd Page

Mar 22, 2010

I have been working on a template where I have placed a two column table on the front page, left side being for a graphic for a letterhead, and right side column for text.

My problem is that on the second page, I would like the document to continue on without any table. I would like for the text to flow from the table into regular margin document on the second page. Is there a way to do this?

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Applications :: Word 2008 Find And Replace Page Break

Feb 15, 2010

Is there a way for me to find a page break and replace it with paragraph instead in Word 2008?

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Applications :: How Can I Use The "auto Text" Feature In Mac Word 2008

Jun 19, 2008

How do I use the "auto text" feature in this application? I've entered my auto text boilerplate data and cannot find how to bring it back into the word document. I know it's correctly entered. With MS Word I used to access using the F3 key.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Office 2008 Mac Excel/Word Text Missing?

Feb 7, 2012

After upgrading to Lion, I can no longer see the text in my word documents or excel worksheets.  I know the text is there because it appears in the formula bar - it just isn't visible in the cells.  I can also see the text if I quickview the excel files.  In the word documents, all I can see are the pictures/ text.  Weird. I have the latest version of Office 2008 and Lion OS. 

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Change The Page Order In Microsoft Word 2008?

Apr 30, 2012

how to change the page order in Microsoft word 2008?

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Applications :: Save As PDF From Word 2008?

Feb 2, 2009

when i create a PDF file of my *.docx in Word 2008, I get a 'strange' PDF. This happens wether I use the "Save as PDF..." from the print dialog, or save the file as a PDF from Word's own "Save as..." dialogue.

Opening the PDF in either Preview or Adobe Acrobat works just fine, and the PDF looks just like I want it to be, but whenever I mark some text, a whole range of text is marked.

Thus it is impossible to mark just a single line/word/character and the produced PDFs are useless in my line of work, since I need people to mark text in them and post comments.

Interesting facts:

1) When I "Save as PostScript..." from Word 2008, then open the *.ps file in Preview and save as PDF from there, everything is fine.

2) Printing to PDF via print dialogue -> "Save as PDF..." produces perfect PDFs in any other Program (such as TextMate), also with selectable text.

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Applications :: How Does Word 2008 Work

Feb 6, 2009

Word 2008 is driving me crazy. I'm writing a thesis, very basic, no strange graphics or whatever, but the damn thing crashes a lot of times. I have the latest updates and have done a few uninstall/install cycles + usual mac stuff (delete preferences, repair permissions) but to no avail. How does it work for you ? When I used the 2004 version it run much smoother. I could switch back, but while Office 2004 came from "unknown" sources I have a legal purchased copy of Office 2008 which I'd like to use.

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Applications :: Shortcut For Words 2008; Page Break?

Feb 20, 2008

So, I'm still new to the whole Mac OS X happening, just got my MacBook about three of weeks ago (very happy with it ^__^). But, there's this little problem. I'm now using Microsoft Office 2008, and I often use Page Breaks. Previously, on the windows computer I used, I could simply press ctrl + return to insert a page break, but this is not a standard shortcut in the Mac version.

My solution - or at least, I hoped it would be a solution - was to use a custom shortcut for Microsoft Word via the System Preferences. I would like to set it to either ctrl + return or cmd + return, but it doesn't work.. However, when I try a shortcut like ctrl + cmd + down - or really anything without the return key - it works just fine. So, here comes the actual question; Is there any way to incorporate the return key within the shortcut?

Ohh, and now another problem comes in mind, I've got this Video_TS dir on my HD from a dvd which I tried to open, but when it's opened it simply 'plays' the menu. So I'm unable to actually select the option from it, and it simply goes to other part - like chapter selection - afterwards.It also plays little bits of the files, hangs for while, and skips a bit, then repeats the cycle.Anyone familiar with it? I use VLC Player Open Disk... with the Video_TS folder option.Ohh, and the files play fine on the windows pc next to me.. I realise this last question maybe should be in another topic, or has already been answered somewhere on the forum. But I did do a search for the first one, and couldn't find any information on it.

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Applications :: Office 2008 - Toolbars Not Shown At Top Of Page?

Feb 5, 2009

How can I set up Word (Office 2008) to keep my toolbars always showing in the head of the page? When I close my Word and open it again. My toolbars aren't there!

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Applications :: Converting Scanned Page Into Searchable Text?

Dec 10, 2004

i'm looking to take scanned pages and convert them into text files (pdfs that i can search)... i've heard that acrobat pro can do it (i've tried the "paper capture" thing, but with no luck...?), and also heard that omnipage pro can do it (i don't have it though)...

anyone have any experience with this, and which app(s) can do it, and how?

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Applications :: How Can I Set The Default Transition/effect For Text On A Page?

Jan 8, 2009

so I have Keynote '09 and am using it for a presentation for school. My question is this: how can I set the default transition/effect for text on a page?

Ideally I would like to do this because it gets annoying when I need to do the same setting in every slide. I would like to make these the defaults:

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Applications :: Spellcheck In Microsoft Word 2008

Apr 16, 2008

When I open up a new word doc (doc 1) and start typing randomly with loads of spelling errors the little red line does not appear under the mis-spelled word. When I Manually select spell check it tells me that there are no mistakes even though there blatantly are. If I open up a new blank doc (doc 2) and begin typing away again the same mis-spelled words, the red lines appears as it normally should. This is where it gets weird.......In doc 2 if I go into preferences>spelling and grammar, The boxes, "check spelling as you type" and "always suggest corrections" are ticked under both the spelling and grammr sections. If I then go into the same preferences for doc 1 the same boxes are ticked under the spelling and grammar sections however the grammar section is greyed out so I can't change the settings.

I am currently typing my thesis so having a wacky spell check is driving me insane. What I have been doing is opening a new doc then opening another new doc (doc 2) and typing in that however I have also noticed that the spell check doesn't always seem to work.

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Applications :: Maximizing Windows In Word 2008?

Feb 4, 2009

First, I understand that the green button maximizes the window to fit the contents. Here is my problem...

Word maximizes the window as though the view is set to 100%. When I use Word, however, I always have the view set to 125%. So, when I maximize the window, it acts as though the view is set to 100% and some text gets cut off.

I hope that made sense - It's really more of an annoyance than anything.

Also, why does the green button maximize to full screen for some apps (e.g. firefox), but not others? I swear it has a mind of its own!

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Applications :: Word 2008 Slower Than A Chevette

Feb 27, 2009

Is it just me or is Word 2008 unbearably slow to launch? I can load every application in Adobe CS3 suite in the amount of time it takes Word to open itself.

I say this not to merely bash Office, as both Excel & Powerpoint both launch very quickly. Word on the other hand...

Has anyone else noticed this and been able to speed things up? I'm extremely hesitant to download any updates from Microsoft in an attempt to "fix" problems, especially after reading some of the comments on this board

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Applications :: Word 2008 Folder Problem?

May 4, 2009

How do I create a folder for my documents in Word 2008. It was on the "save as" dialogue box in previous versions but I can't find it in the newest version.

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Applications :: Word 2008 Spell Check Not Available

Jan 7, 2010

Whenever I try to use the spell checker in MS Word for Mac 2008 the "add" button is grayed out. I have verified the U.S. English and other settings yet the app does not allow me to add a word.

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Applications :: Word 2008/Using Tabs In Tables?

May 27, 2010

I've recently switched from Word for Windows to Word for Mac (2008), and I'm having trouble figuring out how to "tab over" text in tables in the Mac version. In the Windows version, Ctrl + TAB works, but I haven't figured out the equivalent command/key combination for the Mac version.

Setting tab stops in a table cell is a breeze, but figuring out how to use these stops has proven to be more of a challenge for me.

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OS X Yosemite :: System Prints PDF Files Very Slowly / About 50 Seconds Per Page Text Only Page

Dec 10, 2014

Problem Description:

1. System prints PDF files very slowly, about 50 seconds per page, a text only page. Sometimes will just continue sending data to printer as indicated by flashing green light on printer – does not stop sending and printer does not print. Problem also present when try to print PDF files as sent by others over internet (eg TD Bank statements).

2. Unable to cause double sided printing using IMac – no problem with PC.

Trouble shooting:Took the same one page text only file that was very slow in IMac, transferred to PC using a memory stick – connected printer to PC using same USB cable – page starts printing in about 1 seconds – no problems.No difficulty in printing Word files other than no double sided. Think the problems started with OSX Yosemite upgrade and the companion Safari upgrade. Auto update for software is on and no new updates. Old drivers removed and new one installed Tried Apple internet chat to resolve problem – was unable – the user forum indicates others have had difficulties with printing PDF files.

SystemIMAC 27 INCH, LATE 2013Processor  3.5 GHZ INTEL CORE I5Memory   8 GB 1600 MHZ DDR3Serial Number C0*8J4OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.1SAFARI VERSION 8.0 (10600.1.25.1)Adobe Reader XI  Version 11.0.09Printer  HP LASERJET 1320 on wired USB connectionDriver HP Version 19.8 Word Microsoft for Mac 2011 - Version 14.1.0.

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Applications :: Office 2008 (PowerPoint) - Printing 4 Slides On One Page

Jan 13, 2009

I can't figure out how to print multiple slides on a page. On Windows I would just select print preview and then select handouts... done. Now I have no idea how to do such a simple task. I figured it out, but I have another question. Say I wanted to print 4 slides to a page. How do I make these slides larger?

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Applications :: Looking For Word Count In Text Edit 1.5?

Feb 16, 2009

Maybe it's just me but I've looked all over to find a word count in Text Edit. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Text Edit Version 1.5 (244.

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Applications :: Word 2008 Line Spacing Problem?

Jan 23, 2009

I'm having a problem with line spacing and images in Word 2008.
I've taken a few screenshots to illustrate the problem.

As you can see, the line spacing is awkward. There's no enter between these lines, but for some reason there's a lot of space between them.

Now this is what happens when I nudge the caption of the image on the left upwards.

The spacing is fixed! But now my caption is in front of my picture, which, obviously, isn't what I want..

Anyone have a clue as to how to fix this?

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Applications :: Microsoft Word 2008 Mac Not Displaying Properly

Apr 28, 2009

I used a standard resume template in Word 2008 Mac that is not displaying properly in Windows. Here is a brief description: On my Mac: The document is perfectly formatted and displayed on 2 pages. On my PC: With ".doc" format, my name doesn't appear. In its place, I have yellow text that reads "address blocked". Additionally, the text spills onto a third page, even though the font, font size, spacing, etc. is all the same.

I then tried saving the document in ".rtf" format, and while my name did appear, the text still spills onto a third page. I cannot fit all the text (in a Windows environment) without cutting out important content. I'm so thoroughly pissed off with this. There should be no compatibility issues in this case because I'm using a STANDARD resume template that came with Word '08. When I saved the document, I made sure to select the "windows friendly" option.

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Applications :: Spell Check Not Working In Word 2008?

Apr 7, 2010

My spell check is completely broken. It wont correct or highlight misspelled words. I cant even go into the spell check preferences (it's just grayed out). And there's no spell check item in the toolbar, or menu bar.

I came across this thread but the method explained there did not work for me. Does anyone know what could be wrong?

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MacBook :: Lost Program Icons Are Word 2008 And Excel 2008

Feb 8, 2012

I accidentally trashed two of my icons on my icon bar I didn't put them in the trash but when I clicked them they turned into wads of trash. I don't know how to find them now?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Windows On Mac :: Microsoft Word - Start Page Numbers Only On Page 3?

Nov 17, 2009

I have been trying to get Microshaft word 2008 for Mac to start page numbers only on page 3.

I have a title page, a table of contents, and then the body of my document.

I have created a section at the bottom of the table of contents. Then in the footer, to the next section, I have tried to insert page numbers. BUT it routinely adds page numbers to the bottom of the first section as well. SO I have page 1 on the title page, page 2 on the table of contents; then I have page 1 on the first page and so on.

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Applications :: Word Document (Type Text) In Footer

May 17, 2010

My mother is working on an important document with Word 2004, and it's fairly big at ~100 pages. The problem, is that people have sent through their own sections from their PC versions of Word, and their sections have [Type text] in the footer area. We cannot find a way to remove this text, and it doesn't actually show up when we reveal the footer. It prints this on every page, so we really need to find a way to get rid of it!

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Applications :: Make A Click Able Table Of Contents In Word 2008?

Oct 23, 2008

Does anyone know how to make a clickable table of contents in Word 2008?

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Applications :: Word 2008:adjust Header Side Margins?

Mar 22, 2009

I am not sure if this is possible but cannot find an option for it;

Is it possible to adjust the header/ footer side margins independently from the main body's margins?

I know you can adjust the margins for 'header from top' and 'footer from bottom', but I would like to have my header to go right to the edge of the page instead of remain within the 3cm from edge margins I have set for the main body.

Another question if anyone can help is how can I write in a header say, Mr.Brown on the left hand side and on the same line, but on the right hand side, write the date?

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Applications :: Quitting Word / Excel 2008 Takes Forever

May 24, 2009

My Office 2008 apps (Word / Excel) take forever to quit. When I quit the app, the documents are closed quickly, but then the app stays around for a minute or so, unresponsive, enough to cancel a logout. If I quit the app and wait long enough, it finally quits.

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