Applications :: Software For Creating Emergency Boot Drive?
Sep 8, 2010
I'm thinking of creating a small, emergency boot drive on an sd card and would like your thoughts on what kind of software would be useful to put on it? So far the only things that come to mind are the Mac disc utility and carbon copy cloner.
I want to create a minimal recovery boot disk for SL. I've followed how-to's on creating one for 10.4 and 10.5, but so far it I couldn't get it to work with 10.6. If you have successfully done this, or can point me to a pre-made image or how-to.
I have loaded XP with boot camp on about 20 IMAC's over the last 6 months at my work. Everything has gone fine until about 1 month ago. When finished instaaling the Mac drivers and when rebooted, in XP, boot camp creates not only the 'C' drive labelled "Boot Camp", but also creates and mounts permemently a 'F' drive on the Windows computer. The 'F' drive is no longer mapable on the XP. I can't have an 'F' drive because other softwatre on the XP need to map a 'F' drive.
Why is it creating an 'F' drive and how do I get it to stop, like the other 20 installs that went fine.
Some details, - yes the Windows partition is very large, usually 500gb
No, I keep it from connecting to the internet - some one said that might be the reason.
I was doing software update today when all of a sudden my computer seemed to be overloading from the apps I was running prior...After 10 minutes of "Circle of Death" I performed a emergency shut down. (Probably not the best idea) Afterwards I restarted and was stuck on the main loading screen, (Apple with grey swirling circle) I left this for about 20 minutes came back to check on it and nothing had happened, several restarts with no new conclusion.I popped in the startup disk and ran a diagnostic on it with everything coming back fine...What the heck do I do now?
I've been scouring Google for a while trying to find a way to do this, but to no avail. I have a playstation emulator on my mac and am attempting to mount an iso of a game to play it. (As a legal sidenote, I do legally own the game and ripped the iso myself from the original disc, so there shouldn't be any issues with that -- I just don't want to have to use the cd and keep it with me, etc.).
I have been able to get a perfect .iso, .dmg, and a folder containing the files. The only thing I can't manage to do is mount it in such a way that the emulator will see it as a disc and not a mounted image. That is, the typical Disk Utility kind of mounting. I have tried it with Roxio Toast versions 7 and 10 (10 is the latest, but I had heard that 7 mounts it in a unique way) to no avail.
There is an old program called Virtual CD-RW ([URL]), but the application won't even open when I downloaded the demo version (double-click/selecting "open" simply didn't have any response at all). However, the kind of language used to describe it seem to be what I am looking for: manipulating kernels in such a way that other applications see it as an actual, physical cd-drive.
Assuming I don't have any more luck with Virtual CD-RW (still trying though), is there any other program/OS way to accomplish this?
I have two WD 640gigs and the stock WD 500, and I am having trouble deciding on the the optimum configuration. I am open to suggestions. I use my computer for general use as well as for my video editing and graphic design hobbies if that info helps.
I am curious as to the benefits of of the following:
Drive 1 (640) partition 1: 150gig for OS partition 2: Bootcamp remainder: Offline storage
Would there be a noticeable benefit to having the applications being separate from the OS boot drive? What if anything else should be split across multiple HDs to increase speed? I've heard of moving the swap file from elsewhere on the forum but I am not sure as to what exactly that is nor the benefits of doing it.
My final question(s) is how exactly I could go by moving my application folder to another drive separate from the OS drive? Just drag and drop? What is this deal with making an alias?
My brother is a windows user and as a gift i thought I'd get him an update to windows 7. I've bought the 32bit upgrade from software4students and selected digital download. Unfortunately it gives me a .exe download manager so i've downloaded the file on a windows pc and now transfered it back to mac as I'm trying to relearn how to do stuff the mac way (fairly new user ). So i now have the following files on my mac:windows 7 32bit imageas a .img file indows boot image as a .00 file Read me file and i want to make a bootable dvd. Disk Utility will let me make a new image from my usb with the files on, which just seems to be creating a .cdr file of everything on the stick. I was looking at the dvd options and it will let me burn the .img file to a dvd but wont let me include the windows boot image. Currently I'm creating a .cdr file of everything and then i'm going to burn that onto the DVD. This didn't work, it created a 16GB .cdr file as it captured all the empty space on my usb stick... Is this going to work? is there a more efficient way of creating this DVD on mac?
"The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved. Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again." Does it really mean I have to partition my whole hard drive and then reinstall everything? I'm hoping I'm just misinterpreting....
I have had my uMBP for about two weeks, I boot camped, decided I needed more space for windows, used Winclone to clone my windows partition, merged the windows partition back into OS X, and now I get an error message when I try to repartition. Please tell me there is an easy fix. BTW, my harddrive is 250GB, there is 87GB free, and I am only trying to create an 81GB partition.
I have seen in the Parallels instructions that you can create a new Virtual Machine from an existing Boot Camp partition - but is the reverse possible??I have a functioning Windows XP VM in Parallels and have unsuccessfully tried to create a Boot Camp partition (trust me I tried all the conventional ways) but failed. So the question is can I somehow convert my Windows XP VM into a bootable Boot Camp partition? I tried copying the files of my VM into the Boot Camp partition, but when booting I get an error that it is not a bootable volume.
I recently installed Lion on my Core 2 Duo Macbook (late 2010 model). Everything seems to have gone smoothly. I also installed a Windows partition with Boot Camp. Windows 7 seems to be working okay, too.I had the impression that Lion installs an emergency backup partition on my hard drive. I had the impression I would see this partition if I started the machine with the option key down (along with the Boot Camp partition). Actually, I could swear I did see the Lion backup partition several times when I started the machine with the option key down. That was several days ago. Recently, when I start with the option key down, I don't see the Lion emergency backup partition. I just see my Macintosh Hard Disk and Windows.Was it my imagination, or has the Lion backup partition disappeared from the optionkey-down startup screen? If so, why? Has something gone wrong?
I've been hearing good things about the Spinpoint Drives and the 750GB ones are coming down in price.Here is my current setup1 - 500MB Drive - Leopard2 - 320MB Drive - Vista 643 - 500MB Drive - FAT32 (Shared, Irrelevant)I plan on replacing drives 1 and 2 with 750GB Spinpoint drives.My question is, can I boot off of the Leopard dvd and put in Drive 1 and NewDrive1 and just clone it, and do the same for Drive2 and NewDrive2 and clone it? And then go into Leopard and resize the HFS partition, and go into Vista and resize the NTFS partition?
One of my macs is an older Power PC G4 867GHZ 1.5G Ram and it is running OS 9.2.2. I have software on it that has been rock solid for a while and thus I haven't upgraded that machine. The main boot up drive is starting to give me errors and crash and I cannot repair the issues with normal tools. I want to clone the internal startup drive to an external drive to use as the boot up. Is this possible with something like SuperDuper or is this even possible to do at all in 9.2.2?
Is there any way I could install Windows 7/Vista/XP on my MacBook using Bootcamp, but install the Windows OS on an external hard drive instead of my internal drive? I hope this is making sense.
I just bought a new iomega external drive that I would like to format to be a bootable backup drive. (I'm not sure if I'll use rsync or TimeMachine yet for doing the actual backups).
Should I format it using DiskUtility or TimeMachine? Will TimeMachine create a bootable backup?
It appears that I have run out of space on my backup drive,
I have an older MacBook Pro running OS10.7.5. The computer itself is on its last legs and I'd like to create a "latest backup" to insure I have a solid copy of files and programs in case the machine dies before i have a chance to weed out useless programs and files and save music, etc.
How do I create space on the back up drive, and which back ups can I safely remove, while still insuring I have the most recent backup of all programs/files/music/videos and so forth.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), MacBook Pro, 2.6 Ghz Intel Chip
The DVD drive on my Macbook Pro is not working, and I need to boot from a DVD to run Disk Warrior.
I have:
- An Intel-based Macbook Pro - A Windows laptop with a DVD-R - A USB 2.0 external HD - A bootable Disk Warrior DVD
Is there any way to use my Windows Laptop to copy the bootable Disk Warrior DVD onto my external HD and make it bootable on my Macbook Pro? (ideally without having to buy software?)
Currently I am running Windows 7 Ultimate (400GB) and OSX 10.6(100GB). I mainly use windows 7 (don't ask why). Anyways I am wondering how I can create a bootable backup of my entire drive (both partitions) form my windows side. Also the software should be able to handle incremental backups, so that the backup don't forever and ruin the backup drive. I have tried a few different pieces of "cloning" software but they don't seem to handle the GPT partition (the efi partition?) very well. I don't know much about partitions. My goal is to create a fast (incremental) bootable backup so if I plug my backup drive in and hold option down four (2 windows and 2 osx) bootable partitions should appear. If that is not possible switching the hard dives is also an option.
I have recently attempted to create a partition to install Microsoft Vista Home Premium 32Bit. The partitioning part is not a problem. I decided to use a 32 GB partition, viola it was created. So I inserted the disk and got everything to work. The installation started up. However, when it came time to selecting which drive to install Vista in I ran into some problems.
I selected the 32 GB partition that was also labeled as BOOTCAMP. However, when I selected it. It wouldn't let me go any farther. It said that it required an NTFS drive. However, when I created the partition I never had the option of selecting which type of drive I wanted. I tried creating a 35 GB partition to see if it would make any difference. But under my Get Info it still is labelling the drive as a FAT32.
I'm currently in the process of trying to install Win7 on my Macbook Pro (purchased July '07) using an ISO burned to a DVD with Disk Utility. Unfortunately, the DVD isn't bootable, and while the symptoms match what's in this blog post, the author's solution involved using a Windows-only program.
I'd like to know if it's possible to re-burn the ISO without the version number in the filenames as in the original solution, but with Disk Utility or something else that a Mac can use.
I tried to create a bootable recovery drive using my usb for OS Lion and was successful with it. Unfortunately the files which I had stored in the usb stick prior to this seem to have disappeared. How can I locate these files? The usb now doesnt mount on the desk top and is only accessible through disk utility.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
So i put the OSX disk in (10.3) and when i make it boot from the disk the mac logo pops up then it shifts a quarter inch to the right and freezes. I then tried booting it normally and pressed the install button now it boots off the CD automatically with the same result and can't be turned off. Is there an emergency disk remove thing for a powerbook G4? And is there a way to reformat my computer without the disk?
I am in the process of setting up iChat on my spousal unit's iMac. I've already created a Jabber account, using her gmail address. That seems to work fine. Now I'd like to add an AIM account. When I click on "Get an iChat Account..." in the Account Setup window,It was my understanding that this signup gets you an AIM account, but it from the first line on the page, it seems to assume that you're using .Mac (even more oddly, since .Mac doesn't actually exist any longer).What am I missing here? Aren't AIM, MobileMe and .Mac accounts the same for purposes of iChat?
I have to make an A5 booklet for a college project. Pages lacks this feature. Aside from office for mac are there any other ways I can create and print an A5 booklet on my mac??
My 500gb iMac (purchased April 2010) is about at capacity. 350gb of space is taken up by home movies (.mov) in iMovie. I bought an external hard drive and have moved about 200gb over to that drive.
After transfer, I deleted the original Events off iMovie and emptied the trash. I checked in both iMovie and in Finder and no longer see those files present on the Mac.
I thought this was going smooth and everything worked perfectly, but….when i went to check how much storage space i created on the Mac, the amount of available space barely budged (i moved 200gb of data to the new drive and i created about 30gb of space on the Mac).
Are these "deleted" files hidden somewhere and I need to go delete from somewhere else? How do I make sure I get back the storage that i need?
If I have iTunes on an SSD drive (the boot drive in my Mac Mini), can it read the music library on a second rotational hard drive? I'd like not to have the large music library on a 120GB SSD drive.
I am a student at the University of Miami and i need to run MatLab on my computer. They have the MatLab software available to me but only for Windows. They told me that they can install Windows for me but its going to take a week. IM NOT WILLING TO GIVE MY MACBOOK UP FOR A WEEK!!!! Specially becaus ei need it for school(and to browse this site lol). So i was wondering how much it would cost me$$$ to install Windows, is it available for free download? Is it complicated to Install? and if it simple enough can somebody give me a simple step by step?
I just have a quick question about Numbers (iWork '09). I need to graph some supply and demand graphs for school. How would I go about doing this? Whenever I create a graph based on a chart, it just plots each row as it's own line. I can only edit the values in the Y-axis, and obviously I need to be able to work with the X-axis as well.
Update: I played around with it more and figured it out. I guess you have to graph it as a scatter plot and then choose to connect the dots, and remove the dots, rather than choose the line graph, whose icon looks just like a graph of supply and demand.