Does anyone know of a way to enter full screen in Mac OS X's native screen sharing application? I recently purchased a new MBP and wanted to screen share to my old MB with all my "junk" on it. It would be handy to actually enter full screen as opposed to being restricted to a window sized screen.
If this isn't possible, anyone have a good recommendation for an alternative application?
I know that Leopard has a screensharing utility built in (in the coreservices folder) or by going to Go>Connect to Server>vnc://---------- in the Finder menu, but I would like to know what IP I type into the box (I would like to share with someone not on my local network). I'm not an expert in networking, but I'm pretty good with computers, so you can use technical terms.
I have been able to remotely log into my parents computer and after I type in their password I can see their screen and take control of their computer, so I know I can get a connection through to their machine. However, we cannot iChat, it will not allow us to connect at all.
I used to connect to my iMac and it worked great (using screen sharing) but since a few days, it showed the message that is in the picture... Both computers are connected to the same WIFI and the preferences look ok on both computers..
I often use iChat's Screen Sharing feature to help friends and family with their computers, and it works pretty well. But I have a question.
Is there a way to kill the Audio traffic ? 1) I'd love to be able to have conversations here at home without the person I'm helping hear all the chatter.
2) I'm assuming that if there's no Audio going then that's extra bandwidth that can be used for screen-refreshing etc.
I am trying to set up Apple Remote Desktop and Screen Sharing between my Mac Pro (home computer) and a new Macbook (white laptop).
I wish to be able to use Apple Remote Desktop from both computers. I have had this working between an older work laptop.
I don't seem to be able to connect to the Macbook from the Mac Pro, I cannot share the screen or connect using ARD. I enter the username and password of the account I use on the Macbook but connection takes a while and is then refused. I can however, connect from my MacBook to my Mac Pro
If I allow Screen Sharing instead of Remote Management from the System preferences, it requires that the the user of the Macbook accepts my request to view the screen. However if using the Macbook I can connect and no permission is requested. If permission is granted I can only share screen in ARD and not control.
The user account I use on the Macbook is an "Admin, Managed, Mobile" account. Would that have an affect?
I'm going to be using iChat for the first time and want to use the screen sharing feature between two computers running 10.6. iChat's documentation ( says:
"While every screen sharing connection uses encryption, the highest level of security requires both participants to have MobileMe subscriptions with encryption enabled. If this is the case, you will see a lock icon in the screen sharing window."
I'm wondering:
1. What is the difference between the encryption that "every screen sharing connection uses" and the enhanced security allowed with MobileMe accounts? How does this compare with, say, doing VNC over an SSH connection?
2. I understand that one can get a free MobileMe account which only has iChat capabilities. Does this free MobileMe account enable iChat encryption, or do I have to pay $99/year to get that?
I'm looking for a good application to use in my small business for screen sharing and conference meetings. I use the feature that Skype have brought out extensively, but there are times that I need to share my desktop with multiple viewers and often in environments where Skype is prohibited.
I have found several free applications out there that look promising, I just thought I would ask advice on here first to see if anyone here knows this software and if there are any recommendations - both free and paid software.
I can't tag applications in Mavericks. I looked at the permissions but everything is grey, I can't change them. However, before Mavericks I had no problem tagging apps.
Whenever I try to use Screen Sharing to control this one particular Mac Mini, and someone else is using the mini, and I pick "Connect to Virtual Display", I get dropped to a grey linen screen. Like the login screen, but without a list of usernames or anything. There it sits. Here is what I see in the console of the mac mini when I try and use a virtual display from the other machine:
3/10/12 7:30:04.291 AM mds: (Error) Backup: Couldn't stat source path '/Users/glados/Library/Saved Application State/' -- importing from backup path instead 3/10/12 7:34:01.706 AM [0x0-0x9009] System Preferences(148,0x7fff76017960) malloc: reference count underflow for 0x400440ce0, break on auto_refcount_underflow_error to debug.
My daughter has dropped her ageing MBP, bent the screen lid and now the screen is no longer usable. We have other Macs available to access the data on the screen if we could turn on Screen Sharing on the damaged MBP running Snow Leopard.
I was just checking out podcasts in the iTunes store now and noticed that they are all grayed out, and that I can't subscribe to any.
I figure this has to do with the fact that I must have removed podcasts from my sidebar at some point.
So I go into preferences to find all of the checkboxes, but podcasts is greyed out there too Therefore I am unable to check it. The only other greyed out option is genius but I'm ok with that
Why does the ribbon part of the Reply window get grayed-out when replying to the same person for the 2nd time? It seems to work fine when replying to a unique e-mail for the first time, but upon receiving reply from that person and replying to that 2nd e-mail of his, most of the ribbon icons get grayed-out. Why? I've attached two screenshots for your reference - the first one with non-grayed-out icons, and the second one with greyed-out ones.
I have a problem with the new beta of FaceTime for Mac. Right now, all I can do with it is display a window of my webcam. I can't click on Preferences in the menu bar and I also notice that "Sign Out" is grayed out. I haven't entered an Apple ID because I wasn't prompted for one. I have recently checked Apple Software Update and I have all updates installed. I also have OS X 10.6.4 installed.
For some blasted reason the send button on Mail keeps getting greyed out. I try resetting from time machine backups. It will work for a few messages then become greyed out again.
When I used the Connection Doctor everything checks out as fine. My SMTP information is correct. As it has always worked in the past, works in Outlook, works in Entourage and cross checks as correct by multiple online sources and the ISP's customer service.
I have also repaired permissions.
Why would this button ever be designed to grey out in the first place? An error message after clicking would be better then a button that give no information at all.
Unfortunately this is a customers computer so I can't just swing by to check some more. The above listed steps are ones I went through before performing a time machine restore. Which worked for a while then the same problem occurred. Another Time Machine restore fixed it. Now the customer is having the same problem so I am trying to find another solution.
Anyone have this problem with the Facers feature? Both in the toolbar and in the drop down menu the Faces option is grayed out. I simply can't seem to get to it. Places is there and works but not Faces. What's odd is that I installed Aperture 3 on two Mac computers and everything is fine on the other machine. Reinstalling the software didn't change anything.
i have been having issues with mac users who have the new mac book pro with the retina display, apparently the native screen size is too large for the web ex and logmein services to display. they are currently aware of the situation but there is no resolution date, is there any way to lower the resolution. we tried to have some peopel lower the settings but there is no resolution setting where the user can lower it to a much smaller size like 1024 x 768. the web ex app is usally ran through java.
Admittedly, I'm one of the not-quite-thinking-straight early adopters of Snow Leopard. I performed an update install & everything went quite well (very fast boot times, etc.) However, my Photoshop CS3 has some weird things happening (all other CS3 apps work fine!). I can open, edit & save images with no probs. But, there are numerous menu options that are grayed out, like "File>Quit"!! In order to quit the app, I have to force quit every time. Also, several other commands in the Path window are grayed out. I have not tried reinstalling SL, since everything else is working perfectly.
Running Firefox for OS X version 3.6.3. After about 20 minutes of use, the yellow minimize window button turns grey, and is not available. When I quit the browser and relaunch it, the yellow middle button is back.
This is weird, but apparently it does it in 4 and 5. I just never had cause to notice. I'm working in Flash on a PC, brought an swf to mac to try it in different browsers. It'll open ok in Firefox. But in the Safari open file menu it's grayed out - in spite of the fact that it loads these from websites all the time without issue. So I went into Get Info for the file and found that neither Safari or Firefox were listed under 'Recommended Apps'. It did list Quicktime, which insisted it was not a movie (it even has Flip 4 Mac and Perian). I finally got it to load by clicking 'Show ALL applications' and clicking open with Safari.
But why on Earth did I have to go thru all that? Does anyone know why mac doesn't recognize a simple swf file as openable on it's own hard drive?
I cant seem to subscribe to any podcasts in itunes. all the subscribe buttons are greyed out. Im new to mac and this is the first time ive tried so maybe im doing something wrong. I have a mac mini with leopard and the latest version of itunes. I tried to log into the store but it asks for my credit card which i don't want to give.
I have a little problem with Iphoto. I imported like many photos into Iphoto, it created an event and now I want to organize the photos in my event manually (and only in my event, not in any new iphoto folder or so, and without like renaming the photos manually). In presentation / organize there is a button for "organize manually", but on all the computers that I have at home, that button is grey so I can't click on it (and therefore it's impossible to organize the photos manually)
How can I change the quality of screen sharing in Snow Leopard? I've tried adjusting defaults write controlObserveQuality but I'm having no luck. It always streams at full quality which leads to painfully slow screen refreshes.
I want to set the screen sharing on a iMac. It works fine when I enable the "Anyone may request permission to control screen" but I would like to use only the "password" option but it doesn't work. When I just set a VNC password and then try to connect via the "Screen Sharing" app, it keeps saying that the password is not correct. Which "login" am I supposed to use? When I use another client such as UltraVNC, it works. So how can I enter a password onl with the Screen Sharing app?
I've gone into settings and turned screen sharing on. I've turned the firewall off. I've put file share on. I've tried everything. I tried to start a screen share with my friend and it started to go but then said that an unknown error occurred. is there anything else I need to change to it?
Any recommendation for a free app to control my PPC (runing Tiger) from my MBP remotely? Screen Sharing on my network is a snap but that does me no good when I'm away.