Applications :: Using Apple Remote Desktop / Screen Sharing
May 15, 2009
I am trying to set up Apple Remote Desktop and Screen Sharing between my Mac Pro (home computer) and a new Macbook (white laptop).
I wish to be able to use Apple Remote Desktop from both computers. I have had this working between an older work laptop.
I don't seem to be able to connect to the Macbook from the Mac Pro, I cannot share the screen or connect using ARD. I enter the username and password of the account I use on the Macbook but connection takes a while and is then refused. I can however, connect from my MacBook to my Mac Pro
If I allow Screen Sharing instead of Remote Management from the System preferences, it requires that the the user of the Macbook accepts my request to view the screen. However if using the Macbook I can connect and no permission is requested. If permission is granted I can only share screen in ARD and not control.
The user account I use on the Macbook is an "Admin, Managed, Mobile" account. Would that have an affect?
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Feb 4, 2010
I've just started to use ARD and have it installed on my Admin computer running 10.6.2. I'm aiming to control macs on different OS'. I seem to be able to work ok with machines running tiger but leopard and panther aren't working correctly.
I'm not sure if its because I need to create a new account on the machines to use in conjunction with ARD, I've seen this done before in apple tutorial videos. Does anyone know if this is the best way to implement the system or can I check the ARD box in the sharing preference of my machines?
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Oct 16, 2009
I was looking for an app other that Apple's remote desktop. I want one to be able to control and connect to a windows machine too.
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Jul 1, 2010
This is gonna sound crazy, but last weekend I found a Apple Remote Desktop 3 (still in shrink wrap) in a parking lot. I don't really know anything about it. I have not opened it. It is Apple Part #: MC172Z/A, Version 3.3. It has a "unlimited managed systems" sticker on the front. Is this the complete software, or is there more that goes with it? I have done some research and just got more confused about 'administrator and client' software. Just wondering what I have here without opening it.
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Apr 29, 2009
Can I take over my mac screen from windows 7? like with remote desktop or something?
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May 9, 2009
I am a network administrator for an environment that has both windows and mac systems. I personally use a MacBook Pro for all of my admin duties. With Microsoft's RDC I can save the connection to each machine as a file and drag the folder containing those files into the dock to create a stack for quick access. My question is, is there any way I can do something similar for the Mac connections for Apple Remote Desktop, so I don't have to launch the app, then go to the machine I want to connect to?
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Jan 29, 2009
I have been doing work for a local small business and of course they are running Dell's w/ XP.
I was wondering if I can use ARD to admin their systems as well or do I have to use straight up VNC? Just wondering.
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Mar 2, 2010
I am trying to figure out what the best option is for remote controlling my computer. I've used LogMeIn Free, which is a great option, and I really like that I can use any web browser from any computer, and even my iPhone to remotely control my primary desktop computer.
I've also used Mac's built in to access my various computers using the Back To My Mac, which is also a great option.
I guess I would just like to find out if any better options exist. I do not like that the Mac's built in doesn't permit me to view my remote desktop "Full Screen".
I do not like that LogMeIn seems like little more than a PC ported application made to work with a Mac as an after thought.
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Jun 19, 2014
We have iMacs and Macbook pros at work but we need to connect to them from home. I am not concerned with getting a VPN connection. That part is taken care of. Problem is I need a client such as a Windows Remote Desktop Connection. Where if I connect to the Mac from home it just allows me to use the session and not take up a lot of bandwidth for screen sharing. People in the office do not need to know what project i'm working on.
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Mar 12, 2009
Any word on a newer version of Apple Remote Desktop? I'm really looking for a new version that fixes some of the outstanding bugs in version 3.2. I am also hoping that Apple has an easier way to share lists. This is a big PITA in my organization, and I have already submitted feedback to Apple for it.
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Apr 22, 2010
I work on a Mac connected to my office network, I know that Apple Remote Desktop Administrator is installed on my Mac and on other Mac's on the net can I make sure that no one can mess around and view me checking my personal emails or so.
How do I know if my Mac is being monitored by Apple Remote Desktop?
In another way, how can I know if my machine is an Apple Remote Desktop client?
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Dec 31, 2009
How do you change the VNC method from "Screen Sharing" to "Remote Management" remotly?When controlling a Mac remotely using Screen Sharing and want to switch do Remote Management, I first have to disable "Screen Sharing" in the system preferences.Now I can't activate Remote Management because the connection will be lost instantly.How do you switch this setting via terminal without losing the connection? Thanks.
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Apr 14, 2009
I'm taking a computer class in high school. The teacher's computer has Apple Remote Desktop to control any computer when necessary.
The problem is, the class helper has access to this computer and usually takes control of my computer and mess up with my computer project "as a joke". My only workaround to pull the Ethernet cord from my eMac before he does so; if you do it after, the computer stops responding until after a while when the cord is back in. This is usually when the helper leaves the computer; I assume he has to give me back control of my computer before I can use it.
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Jan 11, 2010
Just got a Twitter update.
Can't get it from software update yet though. Anyone else?
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Jun 5, 2009
I am trying to connect to an iMac G5 running 10.4.11 from a MacBook but when i click observe or try to do anything to it, it says would you like to ask permission to observe??and in the main window it says the computer is at the login window when it is logged in. Yes the password is correct.
Also i have another question, shortly i am going to purchase another MacBook but am i able to control multiple accounts on that without a server or knowing the password of each user?
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May 23, 2012
My grandmother has hearing impairment and macular degeneration, but has learnt to use her mac (with zoom) to remain in contact with all her family and friends. However she does not live close to anyone who can help her when little problems arise, and I was wondering how simple remote desktop would be for me to use to sort out little problems? It would mainly be to fix little issues such as reconnecting them to their wifi, changing browser settings (appearance of bookmarks etc) and also to allow us to better see the problems she is describing. We are both running OS Lion, however my grandpa has recently started learing on his own refurbished mac running snow leopard so it would be great if I can remotely access both.
Also how easy is it to set up? I'm assuming we'd need someone at their end to get things connected initially which could be arranged, but none of us are mac experts just yet (I've just bought my first ever mac).
apple remote desktop, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 12, 2012
I recently upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard. Unfortunately this disabled the remote management status icon in the menu bar? Any way to get it back? Before when I "screen shared" this computer the remote management status icon would appear in the menu bar, now it's gone. I tried enabling remote management but I can't authenticate when I try to connect from my Leopard PowerBook.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 30, 2014
Screen sharing cannot be turned off or blocked because it says that the "Remote Management service" is using it. I have no other computers in my home. how can i block it?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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May 18, 2012
What would require the least processing power of a Mac Pro; a 24 inch monitor run via a DVI cable or the same image accessed via Apple Remote Desktop software and displaying the screen on another Mac? Here is the rest of the story.I am designing a home video surveillance system built around a Mac Pro and SecuritySpy. It will coordinate 12 network cameras (HD quality) and the potential load of the cameras alone will be huge. My goal is to place the Mac Pro in a locked network closet and administer it remotely. I can either go the Apple Remote Desktop route or have the monitor signal sent via an ethernet adapter, but the aim is to tax the CPU the least.So, what are your thoughts?Technological change is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.(Albert Einstein, 1941),
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Jul 5, 2009
I VNC to my iMac all the time (usually from iPhone with Jaadu, sometimes from another Mac with Leopard's Screen Sharing function: Connect to Server vnc://....) But lately it only works for a couple of days. After that, the remote computer's screen goes black and accepts no input. (But I can see/move the mouse cursor.) Once I get home from whatever trip I'm on, I then see that it's the same in person: all-black, no response to clicks or keys. I can move the mouse but I can't do anything at all. There's no solution except to force power-down.
For security, I run the "Computer Name" screensaver with password lock. The first time the black screen appears I see just a flash of the password dialog and then it's gone. After that, I never see anything but black (and the mouse arrow). The remote computer is NOT crashed, because it accepts the VNC connection request and password, and because it keeps churning out work from Folding@Home (which I can see on my stats page). But after a day or two away (maybe one VNC session per day) the screen and input are gone. Anyone else see this? (The only two changes made to that system lately: a new version of EyeTV software--but it's not recording or anything. And the 10.5.7 update. I'm guessing it's something new to do with 10.5.7.)
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Feb 17, 2009
What do you guys use? I'd like a simple web-based solution, if possible.
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May 19, 2009
I'm thinking about getting an MBA and using it as a primary computer. My HTPC is pretty powerful and so I was hoping that I would be able to control is via Remote Desktop to do any heavy lifting I need to do. Is it a problem to run remote desktop wirelessly?
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May 3, 2010
Using Remote Desktop 2.0 on a Mac Pro to get into an XP box on my network. About every twentieth attempt it will blue screen the XP box. In order to get around it I must reboot the XP machine, which, is pointless because I am trying to remote into it and I am not in front of it.
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Dec 14, 2010
Outside of VNC and LogMeIn, is there a way to remote into another Mac from a Mac? I've found a lot of results regarding remoting into a Mac from a Windows PC, but not from Mac to Mac.
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Apr 9, 2009
I may shortly need to spend some time working on a family member's mac several miles from my home. I was considering using ARD as a means of doing light maintenance and application work from afar. I know this may be vast overkill, but is this a reasonable use of the program?
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May 13, 2009
What kind of software is available for the mac that would let me remote desktop to a mac from a PC? I currently use VNC to connect to a Linux box from windows but I'm not a big fan and was hoping for a better alternative on the mac.
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Jun 16, 2010
My boss is going on a two week long tour, starting tomorrow, with her MacBook Air and I wanted to be able to assist her should she need any technical help on the go.
The only options I know for Remote Desktop Access are ChickenVNC and Remote Desktop from Apple, but both are a bit complicated depending on the connection you are using. Also, she wouldn't understand how to find her specific IP address, when on a hotel Wifi connection.
I was wondering if any of you have a suggestion for software that is extremely simple to use and would allow me to assist her through screen control, by having her simply opening and/or logging into the program.
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Apr 9, 2012
I'm looking for a system that can track about 50 MBP's providing both remote wipe as part of an overall security protocol, and also remote screen/desktop for admin purposes. I looked at but it looks like they only do remote wiping/tracking. that I don't want something locked to a single user, it should be centrally managed.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 10, 2010
I have an apple remote control (the new aluminum ones). As I have log in password set up on my mac, when my mac is asleep, and I want to use my remote control, my mac wakes up with the window asking for my log in password, as it happens when you wake your mac up. Before entering the password, you cant see the "front row" screen.
Is there anyway that I can enter my password remotely using my apple remote? Or do I have to come back to my mac, enter the password by keyboard and then be able to use remote control? If not possible to use apple remote; maybe some good iPhone app instead
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Jul 6, 2007
i just got a mac and am trying to figure out how to access a remote desktop connection for my work. on a pc, i went to the start menu, communication, and there was an option called 'remote desktop connection.'
when i clicked on that, microsoft outlook opened and there was a box for the ip address at my work. i filled in the ip and then i logged in with my work username and password.
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