Applications :: Photoshop CS3 With SL - Random Menu Options Grayed Out?
Sep 8, 2009
Admittedly, I'm one of the not-quite-thinking-straight early adopters of Snow Leopard. I performed an update install & everything went quite well (very fast boot times, etc.) However, my Photoshop CS3 has some weird things happening (all other CS3 apps work fine!). I can open, edit & save images with no probs. But, there are numerous menu options that are grayed out, like "File>Quit"!! In order to quit the app, I have to force quit every time. Also, several other commands in the Path window are grayed out. I have not tried reinstalling SL, since everything else is working perfectly.
This is weird, but apparently it does it in 4 and 5. I just never had cause to notice. I'm working in Flash on a PC, brought an swf to mac to try it in different browsers. It'll open ok in Firefox. But in the Safari open file menu it's grayed out - in spite of the fact that it loads these from websites all the time without issue. So I went into Get Info for the file and found that neither Safari or Firefox were listed under 'Recommended Apps'. It did list Quicktime, which insisted it was not a movie (it even has Flip 4 Mac and Perian). I finally got it to load by clicking 'Show ALL applications' and clicking open with Safari.
But why on Earth did I have to go thru all that? Does anyone know why mac doesn't recognize a simple swf file as openable on it's own hard drive?
I cant figure out how to change the background color of it in candybar. I'm sick of the standard grey mac color.When I'm in candybar I go to the dock section-->view-->dock-->preview background..the options under preview background are greyed out. Also when I am in the dock section-->view-->background-->change color. I try changing the color but it doesn't change. Am I doing something wrong..or what?
Ever since i upgraded to Yosemite my iCloud has been messing up. It shows i’m signed in but won’t display further details like used & unused space in my quota. It also doesn’t let me set up family neither does it let me check or uncheck options. Everything is just greyed out even when i enter my iCloud password it stays the same; Nothing happens. Tried over and over for weeks now; No success. It won't sign out also. I think there's something wrong somewhere. I have Reset my Keychain so many times to no success.
I just bought a new iMac and moved all my data in from a Time Capsule. I frequently select "all images" and use the Quick Fixes option within Add Effect under the photos tab on the top left corner of the screen to run a batch process. But now when I try it all of the options are grayed out. I can highlight a couple of images and the option is available where normally running a batch is a non-issue.
I am using iPhoto 09 and have selected a photo album to put into a book and am going to the option called Book at the bottom of the screen and then the selection at the top for Book Type. I have options such as hard cover, soft cover, and wire-bound software. The problem is they are all greyed out. Why is this? Do I have to somehow install these themes or book types? I have a photo album I have put together that I want to send to Apple to print.
When I go to the Time Machine menu and hit option to get the Verify Backup command, "verify backup" is grayed out. How do I verify backups?I'm using a G-Drive Mini ext hard drive with a Mac Lion 10.7.2 machine.
I am trying to 'Erase free space' using the disk utility on my macbook. I have read that you can choose to 'overwrite with zeros' via the 'Security options' tab. However, my 'security options' tab is grayed out (see pic below). Please can you tell me how I can access the 'security options' and therefore free the disk space and overwrite with zeros??
There is no "copies & pages" and "quartz filter" on my print menu. I've have tried my darndest to print in black and white to no avail. I also can only print one page at a time. The options are just not there. Why? And how do I correct this?
That's what I see when my mouse is over any menu item and when it's not over any menu item. I've lost menu highlight on the menu bar and the contextual menu (via right click on files and folders) My system is running OS 10.5.2. I've already tried fixing disk permissions. It's like my mouse has gone into stealth mode. Interface can no longer detect my cursor is hovering over them. E.g. Hovering over a web link doesn't highlight that it's a link and status bar below doesn't print the url address of that link. Last thing I could remember was telling Opera 9.25 to give me a pop up regarding web cookies. That's when I lost menu highlight.
i noticed that today, when i right click on a folder (to organize for example) such options appear in numbers such as N148 instead of saying arrange by or whatever. It looks this way with most options.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.5)
I'm on an older blackbook (2 years old? ca. summer 2007) running Leopard and I'm getting some weird behavior with Finder. When I right click on anything in the dock, i.e., to close a program, the dock locks up, I can't click on any of the menu options, Expose stops working and the alt+tab interface stops working, as if everything is frozen... This caused me to think that Finder was crashing, but then I discovered that when I went up to the menubar at the top, everything "unfroze." The dock went back to normal and was usable, expose works fine and the alt-tab interface works fine too.
I downloaded and installed the OS Maverick's recent 10.9.3 update on my 15" Retina Macbook Pro. However since then I am unable to use certain features, like when I right-click on the Desktop, the menu bar shows only two possible options. I cannot "clean up" the icons on my Desktop anymore. Futhermore, I cannot right-click on some places at all - in Finder for example, nothing happens when I right-click on blank space. Only when I right-click on the icons itself does the menu bar pop up, and that only if the viewing mode is in list, columns, or cover flow (basically not in the "icons" viewing mode).
If I understand correctly instead of showing the possible actions that you can't do in grey, it's simply not showing them at all? Either way it's really ugly, and the usefull clean up application is gone!
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I can't tag applications in Mavericks. I looked at the permissions but everything is grey, I can't change them. However, before Mavericks I had no problem tagging apps.
I was just checking out podcasts in the iTunes store now and noticed that they are all grayed out, and that I can't subscribe to any.
I figure this has to do with the fact that I must have removed podcasts from my sidebar at some point.
So I go into preferences to find all of the checkboxes, but podcasts is greyed out there too Therefore I am unable to check it. The only other greyed out option is genius but I'm ok with that
Why does the ribbon part of the Reply window get grayed-out when replying to the same person for the 2nd time? It seems to work fine when replying to a unique e-mail for the first time, but upon receiving reply from that person and replying to that 2nd e-mail of his, most of the ribbon icons get grayed-out. Why? I've attached two screenshots for your reference - the first one with non-grayed-out icons, and the second one with greyed-out ones.
I have a problem with the new beta of FaceTime for Mac. Right now, all I can do with it is display a window of my webcam. I can't click on Preferences in the menu bar and I also notice that "Sign Out" is grayed out. I haven't entered an Apple ID because I wasn't prompted for one. I have recently checked Apple Software Update and I have all updates installed. I also have OS X 10.6.4 installed.
For some blasted reason the send button on Mail keeps getting greyed out. I try resetting from time machine backups. It will work for a few messages then become greyed out again.
When I used the Connection Doctor everything checks out as fine. My SMTP information is correct. As it has always worked in the past, works in Outlook, works in Entourage and cross checks as correct by multiple online sources and the ISP's customer service.
I have also repaired permissions.
Why would this button ever be designed to grey out in the first place? An error message after clicking would be better then a button that give no information at all.
Unfortunately this is a customers computer so I can't just swing by to check some more. The above listed steps are ones I went through before performing a time machine restore. Which worked for a while then the same problem occurred. Another Time Machine restore fixed it. Now the customer is having the same problem so I am trying to find another solution.
Anyone have this problem with the Facers feature? Both in the toolbar and in the drop down menu the Faces option is grayed out. I simply can't seem to get to it. Places is there and works but not Faces. What's odd is that I installed Aperture 3 on two Mac computers and everything is fine on the other machine. Reinstalling the software didn't change anything.