Applications :: Safari Won't Automatically Load 1 Password

Nov 22, 2009

I've been using 1password and have had a massive annoyance ever since I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Safari doesn't load 1password (3 - I've been using it since the beta started) the first time I use it after switching on my mac. I have to actually open 1password then refresh whatever page I wanted to use autofill on and after that it works whether I quit and reopen safari or just leave it running. This is a pain because I shouldn't have to add 1password to my startup items (that would be even more annoying). Has anyone else had this problem. I've tried various combinations of removing/adding the extension, disabling extensions (in 1password) uninstalling/reinstalling 1password, resetting Safari et cetera but none of it has made any difference. I've been running the latest Safari and latest 1password every time.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Trying To Load Office 2007 And It Won't Load Automatically

Apr 29, 2012

I just bought a Macbook Pro and I was trying to load my office 2007 and it wont load automatically like it did with my macbook.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Safari Asks For Keychain Password / Recover Fogotten Password

May 19, 2009

Every once and a while my fianc�e's computer will ask for the keychain password while using Safari. As she has forgotten the password everytime she just has to hit cancel. is there a way to reset this

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Applications :: Safari Automatically Logs In To Facebook?

Apr 16, 2010

I've tried clearing cache, cookies, everything, and it still does it. Say I'm starting fresh, everything cleared. I log into facebook in Safari 4. I log out, close tab. I open tab, type face, click [URL] and it goes to the login page. Then it starts loading without me doing anything, and brings up my logged in page.

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Applications :: Safari Won't Load Quicktime Plugin?

Dec 4, 2010

so i intentionally/accidentally deleted my qt plugins in safari trying to solve a player issue. anyway i have spent 24 hrs reading alllllll the posts and kind find a solution to my new problem. i have QTX and QT7 loaded on the mac snow leopard. this was working before i deleted the plugins. after reinstalling the QT 7, the plugins are in the internet plugin folder in both my main and user library, but Safari refuses to acknowledge their presences and simply says "plugin missing" when i go to webpage with embeded media or tries to download the .mov from another site. The plugins while in the library, are NOT listing in the Safari installed plugin list.

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Applications :: Using Safari - Won't Load Web Pages After 10 Minutes?

Dec 8, 2003

i'm having some serious problems with Safari.

i have already had to quit it 3 times today because it just wouldn't load web pages. i'm typing this in Opera now...

i can open web pages fine when i freshly open Safari, but then if i leave it for about 10 minutes, then come back and want to use it again, it's useless, and so far i haven't been able to access anything if i leave Safari open for more than 10 minutes.

i've just got the Security Update 2003-12-05 which is supposed to fix some Safari stuff... but this problem hasn't really started until yesterday.

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Applications :: Google Images Won't Load In Safari?

Oct 13, 2009

My Safari won't load google images. Google itself works, and I can search all day long without fail, all the links are fine. But if I'm using google images, nothing loads up. I have deleted my history, emptied my cache, and finally reset safari, still nothing. Google works, its just google images I can't access.

However, I took my macbook into my local Apple store and as you guess, it worked a treat (making me look silly!). So this led me to believe it must be something with my internet connection, something in my modem settings. My parents have a HP Windows vista laptop, and google images works fine for them. And they use the same wifi network.

So now I'm stumped!

I have had my 13inch Macbook since February, and up until a month ago, I could load anything in google images. However a month ago I had to have my hard drive replaced when I upgraded to Snow Leopard. I apparently had a corrupt drive, so under warranty I got a new one - so the computer I am with now only has a hard drive that is 5 weeks old - I have no parental controls, no anti virus software, nothing that I could think of that might affect it?

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Applications :: Safari 5.0 Not Work - Cannot Even Load Anymore

Jun 9, 2010

It worked fine for a couple of hours, now it won't even load anymore. Can't delete the application from my hard drive because it says I don't have permission. Fixed the permissions but it still won't delete. Tried downloading it and re-installing and it still doesn't work.

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Applications :: Some Pages Take Unlimited Time To Load On Safari?

Feb 23, 2009

well heres my problem, i will be surfing the internet like a speed demon.. pages loading in an insanly short period of time (much fast than mozilla)

but every.. 1 in 10 i would say, pages just get stuck whilst loading (just infront of the http:// area) and i would need to go back a page and re click the link..

its not a major problem it just gets on my nerves sometimes whilst surfing.

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Applications :: Safari Doesn't Load All Images On A Page?

Mar 4, 2009

I've had problems for a while with Safari sporadically not loading images on some web pages. The problem was so irritating that I ditched it in favour of Camino.

Now Safari 4 is out, I'm trying to move back, but the problem is still there.

It typically happens when viewing a page containing lots of images. Here are two I have recurring problems with:



A bit of Googling shows I'm not alone, but there doesn't seem to be any proper explanation of the problem or a solution out there. Clearing the cache solves the problem temporarily, but it quickly returns and there's no rhyme or reason to what will or won't load. I've also tried resetting Safari and deleting the prefs file (which I guess do the same thing).

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Applications :: Can't Load Forum Topics - Real GM & Safari

Jan 15, 2010

Surely I'm not the only die hard sports fan on here who can't live without constant updates from RealGm. But am I the only one that uses safari to view it? (or tries to?).

I searched but couldn't find any topics on this, but I can't for the life of me get safari to properly open forum topics from real gm. It will work 1 out of 7 times perfectly, the others not until I refresh and refresh (and even still it doesn't load all the page).

understand as it works perfectly on Chrome and FF.

Click on links here:[URL]

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Applications :: Website Doesn't Load On Firefox, Chrome, Safari?

Jan 7, 2010

Sometimes it does load the main page, but very slowly and any link I click starts loading forever but without any success.

Does anyone know what the problem could possibly be? I have already called the site and they told me they are not experiencing problems. In addition, it does load on Windows...

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Applications :: Safari 5 - Sometimes When Attempting To Load Pages It Just Doesn't Work

Jul 17, 2010

I have had one problem ever since I downloaded Safari 5. Sometimes when attempting to load pages, it just doesn't work. It's like that my internet gets turned off when I am trying to load a page. Any one know if this is a known problem, or if it is just a coincidence that my internet became "glitchy" when I downloaded Safari 5?

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Applications :: Way To Make Safari Load Pages More Efficiently Like Firefox

Jul 29, 2010

Firefox' site rendering is much more fluid than Safari's. Safari loads the BACKGROUND again and again with each click completely upsetting the eye. Firefox has the background steadily black as it is and loads the randomized image properly without any kind of irritation.Is there a way to make Safari load pages more efficiently like Firefox?Or is it just a rendering of all WebKit browsers that behaves like that?

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OS X :: SMB Shares In Snow Leopard - Automatically Load At Startup

Sep 14, 2009

I am running Snow Leopard on a new Power Mac which is part of a windows network. On the Windows server, there are a couple of shares that I would like the mac to use. I can manually connect to them and browse ok, but what I would really like to do is have them automatically load on startup and display on the desktop. I have tried connecting to the them and then dragging them into the login items, but on restart, they don't appear on the desktop.

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Applications :: Safari Remember Username Not Password?

Jan 4, 2011

Is there any way to make Safari only remember the username and not the password of a website when using Autofill? I've noticed that Firefox does this and Facebook does this in Safari when disabling "keep me logged in" (maybe a cookie feature?), and this is the exact behaviour I want.

I use 1Password and thats great, but I'd love to just type my password and automatically have the username show, and not keep having to type in my 1Password keychain's password.

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OS X :: Master Password To Automatically Put In "real" Password?

Aug 27, 2009

I use different passwords for EV-RY-THING. For safety mainly.

I was wondering if there's a way to make "keychain" remember all the passwords so like.. when I start putting in the email/ user name then it'll automatically know which I am seeking access too?

I have around 40 accounts on miscellaneous things... Facebook, Ebay, Gmail, different forums, etc...


I have multiple Live ID'S/ Gmails/ Myspaces(whatever, just multiple ID's somewhere)... can I make it so as soon as I start entering the email, it'll autofill/ put in the password?

How can I make keychain FORCE remember data?

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Safari :: When Open Safari 5.1.5, It Automatically Opens All The Pages From Previous Session?

May 6, 2012

When I open Safari 5.1.5, it automatically opens all the pages from my previous session. Can I turn off that feature , and how?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Export Firefox & Safari Password Keychain To Another System?

Jun 11, 2008

I'm wondering how i can export my Firefox & Safari Password Keychains to another Mac ?I have all my bank passwords etc. stored in Firefox and Safari,and would like to use them on another Mac......?

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OS X :: How To Login Automatically Without Entering My Password?

Oct 3, 2008

I dont want my imac to ask me for my username and password everytime I turn on my imac, what can I do??

And also, I noticed that everytime I open, it asks me for my password again!.. what can I do to not be asked for my username and password??

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Applications :: Safari Unable To Save Login And Password / Requires More Memory For Use

Dec 15, 2009

I cannot get a solid answer on this one. Since the update it seems that safari fails to save my login info. For example I have to re-enter my username and pass for macrumors atleast once everyday. Also it seems that Safari occasionally hogs more memory and resources after extended use. Anyone else?

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Safari :: Safari Doesn't Load Last Session's Windows

Apr 1, 2012

Usually Safari opens all previous windows upon startup, but not always. Today was one of those days. I last used DataBackup yesterday, but I'm not sure how to access the proper file to restore the missing window. I'm using v5.1.5

iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4GB memory

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OS X Yosemite :: Automatically Login To IMac Without Password

Dec 5, 2014

Recently brought iMac in for software upgrade. now 10.10.1 

After i got home, i realized that the iMac now always asks me to login with my password (which i do). But i would prefer not to have to login/put in password every time. just want my iMac to open as it always had. 

I assume i go to system preferences/users & groups. i see i am the current user/administrator. When i click "change password" it says: "*** is using an iCloud password to log in and unlock the screen.

do you want to change your iCloud password or stop using your iCloud password to unlock this mac AND CREATE A SEPARATE PASSWORD?" 

Don't want separate or any passwords. Do i just want to click the "change iCloud password" button? Ijust want to log in without a password. How do i do that? 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), 2.9 Ghz Intel Core i7 8GB 1600 MHz

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Software :: Using Password For Standard User Account / Safari Is Asking For A Keychain Password

May 11, 2009

I'm working on a Mac-mini running OS X Tiger. I've got one admin account setup and 5 or so standard accounts. I'm configuring a connection to a shared folder on a network server on the standard accounts and I wanted to connect to that share using an account id that is DIFFERENT than the standard account id. I enter that id and the correct password and I check "save password in keychain" (or whatever that check box says) and I get prompted to enter the "keychain password" to unlock the keychain. The problem is, I never setup a keychain password for the standard user account. I'v tried the password for the administrator account (even though I can't specify the admin id anywhere) and I've tried the password for the standard user account, neither of which work.

However, I can still get successfully connected to the shared folder. I just don't want the user to have to enter the password each time they login.

Additionally, after going through this, Safari is now asking for a keychain password for the "login" keychain when it first starts up and loads the default home page.

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Safari :: SIMBL Error. Failed To Load The Safari-sniffer Plugin, Error(1000) Creating CGSWindow

Feb 26, 2012

I have a problem with safari. Safari quits unexpectly and appear this message : the application safari quit unexpectedly. the problem may have been caused by the flash player-10.4-10.5 plug-in. When i am trying to open again appear this message(SIMBL error. failed to load the safarisniffer plugin. error(1000) creating CGSWindow) and the safari's screen is white Safari's Version 5.0.6 I have the Leopard and 10.5.8 versionProcessor Name:Intel Core 2 DuoProcessor Speed:2.4 GHzMemory:4 GB

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Leopard

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Software :: Automatically Put Www And .com In Safari?

Feb 6, 2009

When I open safari and go to the address bar to type a url address for a web site I used to just type the name and hit enter and safari would add the www & the .com at the end of the when I type it and hit enter it adds the new url that I just typed to the end of the url for my home page website and it comes up saying site cannot be found.For some reason the address bar is remembering the address of my home page web site even though I highlight it and erase it before I type the new address I want to goto. I even went into preferences and changed it so that when I open a new window in safari it open blank instead of my home page but it didnt help.I am running mac osx leopard.

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Safari :: It Zooms In Automatically?

Mar 22, 2012

I am viewing a pge in Safari, move my mouse and the screen zooms in. I have tried Command- to zoom out, but this does not work. I am not aware of doing anything on my mouse that causes this, and cannot zoom out!

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Safari Asking For A Password To Access The Keychain / Keychain Can't Be Found

Jan 19, 2009

Safari keeps giving me popup windows saying a keychain can't be found. It's only just started doing this but it's really annoying. Could it have anything to do with the fact I installed a new flash player? That's the only difference I can think of.Also on another computer it keeps asking for a password to access the keychain. It only does this on one user account though. Any assistance is gladly accepted!

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OS X :: Not Being Able To Load From Either Firefox 3 Or Safari?

Jan 15, 2009

For the last month I have not being able to load from either Firefox 3 or Safari. It used to work perfectly from my Macbook, but out of the blue it stopped loading.I tried updating flash player and still it does not open. I also tried deleting all cookies, and cache.This is the error message it appears on firefox:Network TimeoutThe server at is taking too long to respond.

The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply. * Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary outage? Try again later. * Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection. * Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing. * Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.

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OS X :: Safari 4 - Pictures Don't Load?

Mar 3, 2009

basically im using the Safari 4 Beta, and half the time when im on Facebook or another site where lots of pictures have load quickly (flickr etc) instead of loading, half the pictures just show a blue square with a white question mark inside where they should be, and after refreshing the page about 50 times sometimes they show, sometimes they dont.

Does anyone else have this issue? Its happening with flash based images as well, which leads me to believe its a blanket issue with Safari. I've tried all the ususal stuff even reinstalling OS X. Its quite annoying because i code in AJAX a lot and i'd like to test my work without getting blue squares where photos should be

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