Applications :: Safari Won't Load Quicktime Plugin?
Dec 4, 2010
so i intentionally/accidentally deleted my qt plugins in safari trying to solve a player issue. anyway i have spent 24 hrs reading alllllll the posts and kind find a solution to my new problem. i have QTX and QT7 loaded on the mac snow leopard. this was working before i deleted the plugins. after reinstalling the QT 7, the plugins are in the internet plugin folder in both my main and user library, but Safari refuses to acknowledge their presences and simply says "plugin missing" when i go to webpage with embeded media or tries to download the .mov from another site. The plugins while in the library, are NOT listing in the Safari installed plugin list.
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Sep 22, 2009
i currently using snow leopard and i have deleted my quicktime plugin in the process of deleting unwanted internet plugin. As a result, quicktime cannot be play on safari. if you have any suggest plz tell me, i will try it. thx
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Jan 14, 2010
I have a question about Safari plugins. I was running under Tiger and got the SplashID desktop program with Safari plugin. I decided to upgrade my OS to Leopard so I can use a newly purchased Magic Mouse. Launched Safari and the SplashID plugin would not load. I replaced Safari, its preferences and other files and the plugin will not load. It worked fine in Tiger. I happened to have another internal drive loaded with Leopard from a while back and it's fully updated. I booted from it and installed SplashID and the plugin. Works perfectly! So, why will the Safari plugin not load on my primary drive that was upgraded from Tiger to Leopard versus the same Leopard on my other drive that was a clean install?
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Mar 10, 2012
I have read 10 - 20 topics about this problem and have found NO solution. First problem: Quicktime Plugin.plugin was missing.Solution: Using Pacifist I extracted the Quicktime Plugin.plugin and installed it to hd/library/internet plug-insResult: Still not workingÂ
Quicktime version: 10.0
Safari version: 5.1.2Â
I am very frustrated about this problem, their seems to be no solution and I have no idea what to do,
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 22, 2009
I switched from PC to iMac last week . I am very excited by the performance of Mac OSX and display of the new 21.5" iMac. The only problem I face is that quicktime movies are not played in safari/firefox. Safari waits indefinitely for loading the quicktime movie , firefox shows a big 'Q ?'. Don't know what that means.
This frustrating because I can't view any of the tutorial movies in the apple website. It is ironic that apple's own format is not playing on the new iMac.
The OS is Mac OSX 10.6.2 . Flash is playing well in the same machine. I am new to mac .
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Feb 26, 2012
I have a problem with safari. Safari quits unexpectly and appear this message : the application safari quit unexpectedly. the problem may have been caused by the flash player-10.4-10.5 plug-in. When i am trying to open again appear this message(SIMBL error. failed to load the safarisniffer plugin. error(1000) creating CGSWindow) and the safari's screen is white Safari's Version 5.0.6 I have the Leopard and 10.5.8 versionProcessor Name:Intel Core 2 DuoProcessor Speed:2.4 GHzMemory:4 GB
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Leopard
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Mar 1, 2009
I downloaded Perian so I could view FLV files with quicktime. When I save as, it will save them as a .mov file. When i upload the video to my iweb portfolio, I get this message ( only with the those changed from FLV to .mov) all other videos are fine.
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Jan 4, 2011
I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.5 with Google Chrome dev version 10.0.612.3. To access your plugins within Chrome, type "aboutlugins" into the omnibox. Then to the right, click on the "+ Detail". Scroll down to see your Quicktime Plugin version. The reason I am asking is as you can see, Chrome says I have an outdated Quicktime Plugin. I followed their link to Apple's Quicktime download page but Apple only offers Quicktime for 10.5 - 10.5.8 ,version 7.6.9 for Leopard. [URL] Anyone able to clear this up?
It says I have to "download a critical security update" for my Quicktime Plugin as you can see from the attachment. The reason this has come to by attention is because the Facebook chat sound notification does NOT work while using Chrome. I did some googling and found that Quicktime may be the problem for the Facebook chat sound notification to not work. So if I do indeed have the latest Quicktime player (7.6.6), then why isn't the sound notification for Facebook not working? Maybe because of something else?
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Jun 10, 2012
i need a plugin or what ever else so i can use transitions or fades for my movie on quicktime pro 7 for windows
quicktime, Windows 7
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Dec 5, 2010
I hope Im posting in the right section. I used google to find a answer but my work was unsuccessful. Is there a plug in for safari to use the url bar as a google search bar? The reason why I can't use google chrome is mobilme. I might sync my bookmarks over the air and I found no way to do this with chrome. I could simply change back to safari but I ll lose the nice search-bar feature.
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Feb 10, 2010
it keeps saying i need the flash plugin and no matter how many times i try to view it it wont work,it happens for several other fash things as well,can you view this website on safari? im using a 15in MBP
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Apr 9, 2007
I have only recently switched to Mac and was looking for a browser that had a few more options to suit my needs than safari (tried pimp my safari) and so downloaded FireFox and I love the customize google app or plug in. It's brilliant. But as FireFox doesn't use keychain (what are the disadvantages of this) I was wondering if anyone knew of an app or plug in that can customize google for safari in the same way? How I can add buttons to the toolbar. The supplied toolbar is pretty limiting. How I can improve my safari so that I can keep everything integrated or will I have to stick with FireFox?
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Dec 11, 2005
I recently purchased and installed Adobe CS2. With Acrobat Professional comes a Safari plugin that automatically views PDFs in the browser. However, I much prefer the standard Tiger PDF viewer as Acrobat takes forever to load. I've looked everywhere and can't figure out how to disable this feature.
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Jul 20, 2010
I've experienced several crashes with Safari 5.0, and noticed something about the dialogue box that appears when it crashes. It says something to the effect of, "The problem could be caused by a Flash plugin." Has that dialogue box been around in previous versions of Safari? Is Apple trying to subtly gain support for their view that Flash should no longer be used?
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Sep 24, 2009
i've decided that I absolutely hate everything about the QuickTime X plugin that comes in Snow Leopard. It seems to only show up when playing certain types of media (MP3, H.264), but I'd like to know if there's a way to use the old plugin for everything.
There are no words for how much I hate this thing. The back 30 seconds button looks stupid and is largely useless, the bar looks really fat and the play button is huge. More importantly, I can't change playback speed, and the "Save As..." feature is gone. I paid for the Pro version of this plugin and now Apple has rendered it useless for everything but straightforward playback on a good deal of the files I encounter daily.
Does anyone know of some way to force everything to open with the old plugin? I've thought of switching /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.plugin with the old one from Leopard, but I don't have it anymore and I'm not even convinced that this would work.
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Mar 23, 2009
I have just installed the infamous acid search to enable my safari to use my local google search instead of .com but i am unable to uninstall it, because it is nowhere to be found. I have read many posts about this issue but there are none of the typical folders in the library folder and nothing seems to be working. I have not yet tried to uninstall safari because i am afraid of loosing all of my information like bookmarks etc.
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Jun 9, 2012
I'm currently having is with the Quicktime 7.7.1 plugin for Firefox. I use Firefox 12, running on OS Lion, and this plugin has some sound issue with a particular site I like to visit. When playing audio midis, it sounds tinny and plunky / compressed.I did not have this problem before Lion, but the plugin does work fine on other sites. I tried to delete the Quicktime app. thinking it somehow became corrupted, but I may be wrong. I had my data transferred from my old mac to the new one I have now. I don't know if that could have affected the QT plugin somehow or what.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 26, 2012
I'm using the mdimport command in my shell script to force spotlight to index a folder.
Here is the code statement in my script that uses the mdimport command:
 thefolder=`pwd`# Force Spotlight to index the foldermdimport "$thefolder" Whenever I run my shell script, I get this error : (Error) ImportPluginLoading: Couldn't load plugin 'Spotlight/Google%20Earth.mdimporter/ -- file://localhost/Users/test/Library/Internet%20Plug-Ins/Google%20Earth%20Web%20P lug-in.plugin/Contents/MacOS/ 'What is this error? Why is the Google Earth plugin getting loaded when I didn't ask for it?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 6, 2012
I have no sound in avi files and get a message that I need a plug in for divx. what plug in do I need?.
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Jul 5, 2012
I've subscribed to a web-based service that allows me to view court documents online, but QuickTime won't let me view anything more than the first page of these tiff files. The regular version of QuickTime won't allow me to view multiple pages, even if I do uncheck tiff files in the settings. I'm using Google Chrome, but I can't seem to find a good plugin to view multiple tiff pages. The only way I can view multiple pages on a tiff file from this Internet program is to uninstall QuickTime. But if I do that I can't get iTunes to play. I'd go ahead and pay the $30 to upgrade to QuickTime Pro if I thought that would solve my problem, but I don't know if that will work. Does anyone know if QuickTime Pro will allow users to view multiple pages in a Tiff File?
QuickTime Pro, Windows Vista, Multiple pages tiff file plugin
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Apr 14, 2012
Safari keeps giving error: quit unexpectedly while using plugin. Does anyone know what that is?
Safari 5.1.5, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 7, 2010
I'm curious to know if anyone has discovered a way to default Quicktime 7 as the main media playback machine in lieu of Quicktime X in Safari? I know there's an easy way to do it in Firefox, but haven't found a way in Safari.
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Dec 8, 2003
i'm having some serious problems with Safari.
i have already had to quit it 3 times today because it just wouldn't load web pages. i'm typing this in Opera now...
i can open web pages fine when i freshly open Safari, but then if i leave it for about 10 minutes, then come back and want to use it again, it's useless, and so far i haven't been able to access anything if i leave Safari open for more than 10 minutes.
i've just got the Security Update 2003-12-05 which is supposed to fix some Safari stuff... but this problem hasn't really started until yesterday.
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Oct 13, 2009
My Safari won't load google images. Google itself works, and I can search all day long without fail, all the links are fine. But if I'm using google images, nothing loads up. I have deleted my history, emptied my cache, and finally reset safari, still nothing. Google works, its just google images I can't access.
However, I took my macbook into my local Apple store and as you guess, it worked a treat (making me look silly!). So this led me to believe it must be something with my internet connection, something in my modem settings. My parents have a HP Windows vista laptop, and google images works fine for them. And they use the same wifi network.
So now I'm stumped!
I have had my 13inch Macbook since February, and up until a month ago, I could load anything in google images. However a month ago I had to have my hard drive replaced when I upgraded to Snow Leopard. I apparently had a corrupt drive, so under warranty I got a new one - so the computer I am with now only has a hard drive that is 5 weeks old - I have no parental controls, no anti virus software, nothing that I could think of that might affect it?
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Nov 22, 2009
I've been using 1password and have had a massive annoyance ever since I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Safari doesn't load 1password (3 - I've been using it since the beta started) the first time I use it after switching on my mac. I have to actually open 1password then refresh whatever page I wanted to use autofill on and after that it works whether I quit and reopen safari or just leave it running. This is a pain because I shouldn't have to add 1password to my startup items (that would be even more annoying). Has anyone else had this problem. I've tried various combinations of removing/adding the extension, disabling extensions (in 1password) uninstalling/reinstalling 1password, resetting Safari et cetera but none of it has made any difference. I've been running the latest Safari and latest 1password every time.
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Jun 9, 2010
It worked fine for a couple of hours, now it won't even load anymore. Can't delete the application from my hard drive because it says I don't have permission. Fixed the permissions but it still won't delete. Tried downloading it and re-installing and it still doesn't work.
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Feb 23, 2009
well heres my problem, i will be surfing the internet like a speed demon.. pages loading in an insanly short period of time (much fast than mozilla)
but every.. 1 in 10 i would say, pages just get stuck whilst loading (just infront of the http:// area) and i would need to go back a page and re click the link..
its not a major problem it just gets on my nerves sometimes whilst surfing.
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Mar 4, 2009
I've had problems for a while with Safari sporadically not loading images on some web pages. The problem was so irritating that I ditched it in favour of Camino.
Now Safari 4 is out, I'm trying to move back, but the problem is still there.
It typically happens when viewing a page containing lots of images. Here are two I have recurring problems with:
A bit of Googling shows I'm not alone, but there doesn't seem to be any proper explanation of the problem or a solution out there. Clearing the cache solves the problem temporarily, but it quickly returns and there's no rhyme or reason to what will or won't load. I've also tried resetting Safari and deleting the prefs file (which I guess do the same thing).
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Jan 15, 2010
Surely I'm not the only die hard sports fan on here who can't live without constant updates from RealGm. But am I the only one that uses safari to view it? (or tries to?).
I searched but couldn't find any topics on this, but I can't for the life of me get safari to properly open forum topics from real gm. It will work 1 out of 7 times perfectly, the others not until I refresh and refresh (and even still it doesn't load all the page).
understand as it works perfectly on Chrome and FF.
Click on links here:[URL]
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Apr 8, 2012
I video'd my bands latest gig on the weekends using I-Movie, but when played back on I-movie, the video / Audio are over 10 seconds out of sync. Common Problem apparently, however on Quicktime it runs smoothly, so I was told I need to edit it in Quicktime Pro. Easier said that done. Quicktime Pro is only available for V7, I have V10 installed, and it will not allow me to install V7 when V10 is installed. Already paid for the rego, so not Freaking impressed with Apple having such a F..d up system in place where they do not keep the Pro version up to date with the free version.
Info:quicktime pro 7 / 10, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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