Applications :: Safari 3.2.1 Crashes Almost Everytime?
Dec 14, 2008
Any one else find 321 crashes A LOT?
It seems to hang and the only way to get out if force quit and even then it hangs before it quits.
Its fine on my MacBook but PMG5 is getting annoying. I have always been a Safari fan but I'm thinking about installing Firefox. Which for me is a giant friggin leap.
All of a sudden, safari crashed once and now won't open again without crashing seconds later. I cannot update to a newer version because my MacBook is only a 10.4.11. I've tried resetting Safari and removing add-ons. I'm not able to send my error report because Safari won't open for long enough so I'm writing this from my phone. Any other ideas? The first time it crashed, I was just watching a video lecture from my college's website which I do all the time with no problems.
I've searched everywhere for a solution and I've had it before on another Mac, but can't remember how I solved it. Hope someone recalls the solution for this issue. Please don't suggest updating to 10.5, I'm not investing in a copy just for this old PPC G4 1.2Ghz iBook with a dead Firewire port (another famous iBook flaw).
Problem - Every time I launch Network from the Go menu, it momentarily shows (just a flash) the window and immediately crashes and disappears. Repeated efforts to launch does nothing.
I've deleted the appropriate prefs from the Library and still failure.
I oped system preferences and it crashes, I open activity monitor and force quit it and then open it again and it crashes.. what can i do? i got a mac book pro 2.4 ghz intel i5 10.7.4 4 b
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
my Safari has been acting up almost ever since i upgraded to Snow Leopard months ago. Its kinda bad right now though. I do run multiple programs at once on my macbook white, but it seems everytime i open a new tab (within 5 minute intervals of each opening), my Safari freezes up with the beach ball going for 10+ seconds. Sometimes it takes so long i open up Chrome and pull up the website before Safari even opens the new tab. Also none of the apps i run simultaneously freeze or lag, just Safari.
everytime i open safari it closes all my other programs. it will go to a blue screen for a second. then right back to my desktop but all my programs i had open are closed. i.e. itunes & garageband. it's seems everytime i try to watch video on yahoo.
For some unknown reason (well to me at least) I keep getting the following come up when I surf the next with Safari. I have done nothing as far as I am aware to the settings & my imac worked fine for the passed 4 months
just quickly to see if this is a widespread bug in Safari 3.2.1 if you click on the "Info" tab of a friend's profile or even your own and then click back on the "Wall" tab does Safari crash?
ive just sent a crash support and it would be really great if we get heaps of people sending one if its a widespread issue to squash this bug.
I am running Safari 5.0.1 on both my MacPro (OS 10.5.11) and my new MacBook Pro (new 2010 model w/ OS 10.6.4). Both Safari's have extensions loaded:MacPro: Reload Button, Amazon Search Bar, PageSaver, The New York TimesMacBookPro: Reload Button, Amazon Search BarSafari on my MacPro seems to be running fine. On my MacBookPro, I am experiencing slow downs, automatic quits and crashes.
I have a power mac G5 and after I updated to the highest software update available, I find that iTunes and Safari reset their data everytime I close them. I have checked all settings and tried resetting to regular software and trying again.
I am encountering the problems 9 out of 10 times when I am watching a video on youtube in fullscreen. The problem seems to be when I use fullscreen.... It also crashes when on other sites watching videos, but I use youtube daily.. After it crashes, I need to quit safari first and then restart safari for internet to work again, otherwise I need to wait 1 till a few minutes for it gets to my homepage and internet works again.
I tried reinstalling safari, reinstalling flashplayer and resetting safari, but with no luck. Don't know if it will do any good, but I am on the first MB aluminum unibody, using Safari 5.0.1 (6533.17.8) and I think flashplayer 10.6
I wanted to add the error, but it is to long. If someone want to look at it, I am happy to send it through email or whatever is handy....
When I try to look at the website listed below safari crashes. If I use firefox I can view it. [URL] I have a MacBook Pro 15", Intel Core Duo, 1.83 GHz, 2GB RAM,
I just downloaded Safari 4 beta from the apple site, installed it, restarted etc and everytime I launch it it crashes instantly. So, I uninstalled it (using the uninstaller), restarted, installed it, restarted again and still have the same problem. I've turned Growl off because I've heard this causes issues with some applications.
I've been using Safari 5 since it was released. For some reason today I'm unable to open the Extensions Preferences without Safari crashing. I've tried reinstalling the browser but to no avail.
I used to be able to surf the web wirelessly on my Macbook laptop over my home network with no issues. I have Verizon FIOS router. Now, every time I try to run Safari I have to re-select my home router and type in the WEP password, every single time. I tell it to save the password to my keychain and it just doesn't remember my previous connections
Safari has been crashing for me every time I open it. It's mostly on sites like YouTube, which leads me to believe that it's a flash problem. When I open the page it just freezes up and the pinwheel just keeps spinning and spinning. I noticed these problems on my MacBook after I upgraded to Snow Leopard, and now they are arising again on my recently purchased Mac Pro (also running SL). I'm running latest version of SL, Safari, and Flash.
I've experienced several crashes with Safari 5.0, and noticed something about the dialogue box that appears when it crashes. It says something to the effect of, "The problem could be caused by a Flash plugin." Has that dialogue box been around in previous versions of Safari? Is Apple trying to subtly gain support for their view that Flash should no longer be used?
I downloaded the gmail extension and when I installed it immediately showed up in the toolbar, but that was not the case with the reload button, so now when I go to the customize toolbar pop-up menu Safari just crashes when I roll over it.
I just purchased my second mac (iMac 24" screen) which has finally made me free from windows. So one of my first things I did was put my 10 year 30,000 photo collection into iPhoto... Everything worked fine except I'm having one problem.... Apparently there were 15 files that were messed up and didn't get imported. Thats fine and no big deal, I can do without them. The problem is EVERYTIME I open iPhoto I get the error message....
Photos have been found in the iPhoto library that were not imported. Would you like to import them?This has a yes or no question.... If I say yes, iphoto will create an "album" that is empty with no photos entitled "recovered photos" and give me the error message....Unreadable FilesThe following files could not be imported (they may be an unrecognized file type or the files may not contain valid data)
If I choose NO, then iPhoto will give me this message....The photos have been placed in the folder /Users/ks72/Pictures/iPhoto Library Recovered Photos_3.
I'm find with trashing these photos and you think after iPhoto placed them in the folder it would stop but it happens EVERYTIME I open iPhoto... I found one thing online somewhere that was partially relevant and it said "go into your iphoto library and find the actual data files which might be difficult due to the naming system and delete them" but how do I go INTO the iphoto library. Everytime I go in my pictures folder and click on the iPhoto library it will just open iPhoto.... am using the latest versions of leopard and iphoto.
So i have an ipod classic and quite a few songs on there. But i have a problem that occurs every time i sync, it will recopy and replace the same 109 songs every time i sync. They are not in any certain order, or playlist, they have not been recently added, or modified, or played, or had added artwork. Just every time i sync, even if i sync, unplug, then sync, they will copy all over again.
This only started happening recently, ever since I added a personal domain. I still host on mobile me, but I just use godaddy for my domain name.
Does this happen to anyone else? Is there a fix for this? because It takes entirely too long to upload my entire site every single time I make any 1 change.
And yes, for the record I am choosing the option "Publish site changes" NOT "Publish Entire site"
I'm not sure why, but I have the latest version of iTunes running on my machine [Windows XP] and whenever I turn my computer on and open iTunes that window pops up asking me if I want to import songs and start using iTunes yadda yadda.
And my settings get reset, meaning that my library isn't set to be consolidated, my equalizer isn't how i want it etc etc.
Safari crashes randomly on 10.7. Sometimes right away, sometimes after a bit. Tried deleting app and supporting files. No luck. Using macbook pro 17", 10.7, latest version of Safari.
I'm afraid I'm new to Mac's and I've not had any luck finding what I'm after using the search function. My wife's macbook has recently completed a download and install of the latest Safari (4) and now every time we connect to the net it stays connected for about 10 seconds and then crashes. I receive a message window saying safari quit unexpectedly and offers me options to close, report or reopen safari. I'm useless at diagnosing problems.