just quickly to see if this is a widespread bug in Safari 3.2.1 if you click on the "Info" tab of a friend's profile or even your own and then click back on the "Wall" tab does Safari crash?
ive just sent a crash support and it would be really great if we get heaps of people sending one if its a widespread issue to squash this bug.
is it me or Facebook.com doesnt works? I click everything, my profile the search button and no action. I dont have any other browser so i cant check. Can someone please check it out, or see if its for everyone.
It never did this with Netscape or Firefox, and from what I've heard, it doesn't do it with my friend, who uses Safari all the time. I have Safari set up so it automatically fills in forms AND accepts cookies from any site, and it STILL logs me out suddenly in about a minute. How can I keep myself logged in all the time, like it's SUPPOSED to?
I have switched to Safari at home because it is the only browser supported at my office. I've imported all bookmarks and everything, but the problem I'm having is viewing the Facebook home page in Safari. It only shows each news feed items as long as their profile icon. So most posts are cut off. How can I get the page to show each post fully? Most pictures are video thumbnails are all cut off.
I've tried clearing cache, cookies, everything, and it still does it. Say I'm starting fresh, everything cleared. I log into facebook in Safari 4. I log out, close tab. I open tab, type face, click [URL] and it goes to the login page. Then it starts loading without me doing anything, and brings up my logged in page.
While navigating around Facebook, Safari continually hangs on Facebook websites beyond the home screen. I'll click a link and it'll go to a white screen and nothing with load. Then, if I try to go back to Facebook.com, it just remains on a white screen. If I load another website, though, it will work fine. I can't seem to get Facebook.com to load again unless I close Safari and reopen. I can use Google Chrome just fine without it hanging on any of the Facebook sites. Any ideas here?
Firstly, everything on my Mac is updated and in good order. Other websites work fine.
What happens is that when I'm viewing my Facebook news feed and start scrolling down the page (it then automatically loads new posts) my news feed "jumps". In other words, in doesnt keep in order and it jumbles me up back to stuff I've read.
In other words, somehow, loading the new posts causes my Safari to forget where I am on the page and take me somewhere else. Has anyone else experienced this?
I am new! mac os x 10.4.6. Within seconds of logging-in to my new facebook page, the browser crashes. I check the mac report and it says 'Kern Protection failure'. I mailed facebook and they suggested it was a cache/cookie problem. These I cleared but the problem persists. The report continued by mentioning Adobe Flash Player Failure 0. I have upgraded the browsers and the Adobe Flash Player ( I think!)- still no joy. I am at the limit of what I know.
It seems to hang and the only way to get out if force quit and even then it hangs before it quits.
Its fine on my MacBook but PMG5 is getting annoying. I have always been a Safari fan but I'm thinking about installing Firefox. Which for me is a giant friggin leap.
I am running Safari 5.0.1 on both my MacPro (OS 10.5.11) and my new MacBook Pro (new 2010 model w/ OS 10.6.4). Both Safari's have extensions loaded:MacPro: Reload Button, Amazon Search Bar, PageSaver, The New York TimesMacBookPro: Reload Button, Amazon Search BarSafari on my MacPro seems to be running fine. On my MacBookPro, I am experiencing slow downs, automatic quits and crashes.
I am encountering the problems 9 out of 10 times when I am watching a video on youtube in fullscreen. The problem seems to be when I use fullscreen.... It also crashes when on other sites watching videos, but I use youtube daily.. After it crashes, I need to quit safari first and then restart safari for internet to work again, otherwise I need to wait 1 till a few minutes for it gets to my homepage and internet works again.
I tried reinstalling safari, reinstalling flashplayer and resetting safari, but with no luck. Don't know if it will do any good, but I am on the first MB aluminum unibody, using Safari 5.0.1 (6533.17.8) and I think flashplayer 10.6
I wanted to add the error, but it is to long. If someone want to look at it, I am happy to send it through email or whatever is handy....
When I try to look at the website listed below safari crashes. If I use firefox I can view it. [URL] I have a MacBook Pro 15", Intel Core Duo, 1.83 GHz, 2GB RAM,
I just downloaded Safari 4 beta from the apple site, installed it, restarted etc and everytime I launch it it crashes instantly. So, I uninstalled it (using the uninstaller), restarted, installed it, restarted again and still have the same problem. I've turned Growl off because I've heard this causes issues with some applications.
I've been using Safari 5 since it was released. For some reason today I'm unable to open the Extensions Preferences without Safari crashing. I've tried reinstalling the browser but to no avail.
Safari has been crashing for me every time I open it. It's mostly on sites like YouTube, which leads me to believe that it's a flash problem. When I open the page it just freezes up and the pinwheel just keeps spinning and spinning. I noticed these problems on my MacBook after I upgraded to Snow Leopard, and now they are arising again on my recently purchased Mac Pro (also running SL). I'm running latest version of SL, Safari, and Flash.
I've experienced several crashes with Safari 5.0, and noticed something about the dialogue box that appears when it crashes. It says something to the effect of, "The problem could be caused by a Flash plugin." Has that dialogue box been around in previous versions of Safari? Is Apple trying to subtly gain support for their view that Flash should no longer be used?
I downloaded the gmail extension and when I installed it immediately showed up in the toolbar, but that was not the case with the reload button, so now when I go to the customize toolbar pop-up menu Safari just crashes when I roll over it.
Anyone know why this comes up when I try to log onto Facebook? It only happens when I use Safari--not on Firefox or Chrome. I have my pop-ups disabled, so this is just odd. Can't figure it out.
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
In both safari and chrome when I type in my username, to login to facebook or ancestry.com or other sites,the browser suddenly acts as though it's been redirected and then returns me to the login page, The username box delets what I pe after about 4-5keystrokes OR it takes me to another login page and inserts the username and password, but won't do anything beyond that. A different user account on the same computer does not have that problem with logins, and I can login no problem if I am on the computer under that other user account.
the troubleshooter on apple support says to reboot in safe mode and see if it happens, however in safe mode, I cannot connect to my wireless network and the browsers won't open.
Safari 5.0.6 won't load Facebook onto my Mac G5. It will load all other sites and if I log onto Facebook from another computer it works fine. Facebook has worked fine until about 5 days ago.
I have a eGo ITB 800 Firewire drive which has been running fine with Time Machine on my Leopard OSX 10.5 IMac. I just got a new IMac running Lion OSX 10.7.3 and want to migrate my files to the new machine. The new Lion IMac will not mount the drive. I updated the system software today, so it has the latest patches.
1. It appears under Devices in the Finder but Migration Assistant does not "see" it at all. Time Machine DOES recognize it as an Iomega HDD, though I have Time Machine turned off because I don't want to make a back up of the new machine until I transfer the files from the old one.
2. When I connect with Firewire 800, System Information will see a drive there, but it says "unknown device".
3, When I connect with USB, System Information will see the Iomega HDD there and report on it's specs.
4. I power cycled the drive to see if that would help and I got the warning that I should unmount drives first.
5. In the finder, I can see my old files on the Iomega.
6. I can't find any information on this one the Iomega web site, and they say that no software upgrades or drivers are necessary.
All of this implies to me that the disk is ok and the connections are ok. Does anyone know how can I get this drive mounted and working so I can transfer my files?