Applications :: ITunes Sync And Copies Same 109 Songs Everytime?

Jul 16, 2008

So i have an ipod classic and quite a few songs on there. But i have a problem that occurs every time i sync, it will recopy and replace the same 109 songs every time i sync. They are not in any certain order, or playlist, they have not been recently added, or modified, or played, or had added artwork. Just every time i sync, even if i sync, unplug, then sync, they will copy all over again.

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ITunes :: Syncs The Same Songs Everytime

Mar 26, 2012

iTunes 10.6 with new iPhone 4S 

When I sync my iPhone everything syncs normally but about 120 songs keep syncing over and over.  I did a little research and it appears that it's the ID3 tags need re-doing to fix it.  The problem is it scrolls thru it so fast it's next to impossible to get the songs with the problem. 

iMac 27, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.8Ghz Intel Quad Core i7 / 8GB / 1TB

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Applications :: Itunes Won't Sync 24 Bit 96,000 Khz Songs

Jun 9, 2009

I have about 5 songs that are vinyl rips and they are in apple lossless. But for some reason when I go to sync them to my iPod i get an error and it says that they can't be sync'd. I attatched a screenshot of the songs info. I'm not really sure why it doesn't want to sync since itunes plays it fine and it's in the right format.

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ITunes :: Songs - Sometimes They Sync Then They Don't

Apr 7, 2012

I have a Macbook Pro running the latest Lion, and also the latest iTunes. I am trying to sync my extensive iTunes library with my iPod. The iPod is an oldie; on of the 80GB versions that also play video. It's software is up to date. I sync, and it tells me it is finished, with no errors. When I go and use the iPod, I find that this isn't the case. I go and play an album for instance, and I find that only half the songs are there. I go and plug it into the Macbook, sync again, and then I try it out and I find that in the same particular album, I still do not have the complete album, but what is weird is that some of the songs that are there, weren't there before, and others that were there before, are gone! 

NB: I have selected that my iPod is a iPod classic, but I don't think that is right. Like I said, it is the 80GB version that plays videos too. It is the same I believe as the one U2 endorsed.

iPod classic, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: One Of Songs Didn't Sync

May 31, 2012

My iPod has one fewer song than what's in my library, but I can't tell which song was the one that didn't sync. What's the easiest way to do this?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes For Mac :: Won't Sync All Songs To IPhone 4

Jun 4, 2014

The past week my iTunes hasn't been syncing all songs to my iPhone 4. They all appear in the list of "On this iPhone", but not all are synced. I have tried restarting iTunes and my phone. I have tried a hard reset. I have tried reinstalling iTunes on my computer. I have tried completely resetting my phone (and lost all my apps, as apparently, they hadn't been syncing to my iTunes as I thought they had after getting them on my phone).I have deleted everything on my phone, and tried to "Manage music manually". It now gets to where it starts copying the music onto my phone, but it still doesn't copy everything. I've done all this with Find my iPhone switched off because that was an issue for some. I have no Voice Memos (some suggested these may cause the problem).  

I've completely lost it now. Important things in my apps are now all gone at the cost of this, and nothing works yet. This is ridiculous. Does it have to do with my iTunes library?

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ITunes :: Unable To Sync Songs To My Ipod?

Dec 13, 2010

Couple days ago I deleted a playlist on my Itunes accidentally. Luckily I have all my music backed up on an External HD. I remade the playlist on Itunes, transferred the music from my Ext. HD to the playlist, connected my ipod to have it synced, then disoconnected my HD and Ipod after sync and when I search the playlist on my Ipod I only get 29 of the 142 songs synced. Can someone please tell me what could be going wrong?

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ITunes For Mac :: Why Won't Delete Songs From IPhone On Sync

Jun 26, 2014

I listen to a lot of different types of stuff on my iPhone.  One of my favorites has always been audiobooks.  Lots of little 5 minute 'songs' that would play in order.  It USED to be easy: listen to files in order, then delete them from iTunes as I go along, the next time I charged my phone, boom, all the stuff I was done with was gone.  Bookmarking and file management took care of itself.  All I had to do was keep my iTunes library neat and orderly. 

No more.  Now I have to screw around in the phone itself to do anything.  This is obtuse and difficult since the larger keyboard and mouse are much easer to use than the tiny touch pad.  But, it no longer seems to work. 

Is this a feature I can somehow get back or is this part of the new apple scheme of things?

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ITunes Mac :: Sync My IPod To Retrieve My Credit And Songs?

Jun 20, 2010

My laptop has died and so I am off to purchase a MacBook Pro at the weekend. My concern is my iTunes account and credit which is on my laptop. My iTunes library is a combination of purchased songs and songs copied from my own CDs.

Will I be able to sync my iPod to the MacBook Pro thereby retrieving my credit and songs?

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ITunes For Mac :: Sync Show Stream And Actual Songs

Aug 30, 2014

Some songs on my iPhone 5S are showing up in iTunes (when I view the iPhone in iTunes) as a song and a s a stream.Pretty sure these were all downloaded from iTunes using my iPhone.I unchecked Sync music, sync’d then rechecked Sync music but, alas, the songs stay. I only see one song when I view them in Music app on the directly iPhone. 

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ITunes For Mac :: Cannot Sync All Songs In Library To IPhone 6 And IPad Air 2

Dec 1, 2014

I have over 10,000 songs in my iTunes library--about 7,000 are songs I ripped from CDs and about 3000 are songs purchased through the iTunes store.  I am able to sync all the songs to my iPod Classic without any problem.  However, only about 7,000 songs are synced to my iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2--a mix of all the songs purchased and some of the songs ripped.  How can I get my complete library synced to the iPhone and iPad, both of which are 128 GB and have plenty of room for the songs.

iPhone 6, iOS 8.1.1

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Applications :: ITunes Resets Everytime I Restart Computer.

Jun 5, 2010

I'm not sure why, but I have the latest version of iTunes running on my machine [Windows XP] and whenever I turn my computer on and open iTunes that window pops up asking me if I want to import songs and start using iTunes yadda yadda.

And my settings get reset, meaning that my library isn't set to be consolidated, my equalizer isn't how i want it etc etc.

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Applications :: ITunes Make 2 Copies Of Each Song When Consolidating...

Dec 26, 2010

I consolidated my iTunes library because some files were on an external and the rest on the computer and when I did this it made copys of most of the songs in my music folder. Also it didn't consolidate the whole library it still shows many songs on the external.

The actual iTunes library is right, just not all songs point to the computer hard drive.

I have about 100 gigs worth of duplicates that I have no idea how to delete besides doing them one by one.
Any ideas on how to fix this?

This is how my iTunes folder looks for most albums.

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Applications :: ITunes Digital Copies - Not Playing On My Macbook Pro?

Jan 6, 2010

I've downloaded 3 digital copies so far and none of them are playing properly. Just a black video, no sound no nothing even in quicktime player but you can select chapters in itunes. Length and file size are what they should be. This is especially frustrating to me because I am using snow leopard and i have a new macbook pro 13inch so i don't see why they shouldn't be working. I have Perian installed if that makes a difference but I haven't uninstalled it yet just in case i don't have to.

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Applications :: Adding Converted Movies Into ITunes Copies?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm in the process of converting my DVDs to MPEG for my AppleTV, so I've ripped and converted with handbrake, now I have an MPEG file on my desktop, when I drag that into itunes, it says "copying file" when it is finished, is it safe to delete the MPEG file on my desktop? i. e. does itunes actually create a copy so I have two of the same file? So is it safe to erase the one on my desktop?

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Applications :: Itunes Stopped Working - Reinstalled Both Bits Of Software From New Copies

Oct 13, 2010

Clicked itunes in dock the icon bobs up and down then nothing.
the same thing happens with an album design software supplied by a local photo lab both were working perfectly last week. All other software is fine.I have verified and repaired permissions and disks several time and it say every thing is Ok. No goodI reinstalled both bits of software from new copies. No good.Reinstalled Snow Leopard and up dated as required. No good.Used 3rd party software called Permissions/Preference. No good

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Applications :: ITunes Que Songs?

Aug 26, 2010

How come this feature has never been released? How many times have you been listening to music with friends through a stereo, or simply enjoying a good shuffle list, and all of a sudden you're struck with an urging to hear a different song. Problem is, you don't want to leave the one you're on, you only want to listen to it next. And even after you finish listening to it, you want to be able to resume your previous shuffle list. Seems common enough right?

Then why has Apple never released this feature? I understand the ability to make customizable playlists, but we're not talking about lots of songs. Just one single song. And it could be designed to only allow one song to be qued. Not too challenging I would think.

And it would be so easy to implement. Add a button next to the genius button on the bottom of iTunes with a big Q on it. Highlight the song you want, press that button, and BAM. Done. On an iPod touch/iPhone, just swipe over the song you want to que up (like in email), and a red button will pop up saying "que" and done. And on an iPod with a click wheel, maybe hold down the center button and the fast-foward button when you're highlighted over the song you want to que and done.

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Applications :: Why No DRM On ITunes Songs?

Oct 2, 2010

i made my first purchase in itunes store. I purchased the Following song: Shakira Waka Waka Single. Then i copied it to my bootcam partition and it can play on windows media player and ituens without having to authorize the computer. Shouldn't it be blocked? im confused.

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Applications :: ITunes Won't Add Mp3 Songs?

Oct 5, 2008

This has happened to me many times now. Certain .mp3 songs will not open in iTunes at all. I will double-click on them and iTunes will pop up, but the song will not appear in the Library. I have also tried dragging it into the library manually, but it still doesn't show up.

I have read about this problem before, so it is not an isolated issue, however no one seems to have an answer that actually works. Some suggested changing the file to .mp4, but this doesn't work either.

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Applications :: Transfer Songs From ITunes To ITunes?

Dec 27, 2010

I have 2 macs with two completely independent iTunes databases. They are used for differnt purposes and contain different music. I really do not want to merge these two databases.

From time to time I need to selectively transfer some few songs from the one computer to the other one. Is there a clever way I can achieve this? I would like to transfer the files including the metadata.

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ITunes :: Everytime Plays A Song?

May 29, 2012

I have a Mac Pro 5,1, 16 GB, 2T Startup Drive & three other drives for additional storage and Time Machine. 

My finder & Dashboard quits and re-starts every time iTunes plays a new song.  The screen goes completely gray & blank under whatever I may have open.  It lasts only momentarily, but is quite annoying.  As part of the troubleshooting, I ran Disk Utility.  Checked permissions which were OK.  Checked verify disk & got result that the disk is corrupt & should be repaired.  When I tried to start my computer from the Recovery disk (using the Option key), it would not start (going instead to a gray patterened screen).  I tried this several times & one time it did go to the screen showing the Recovery disk and my startup disk.  But when I selected the Recovery disk, it went to the gray patterned screen again.  I then connected my Mac Pro to my MacBook Pro & booted the Mac Pro to Target Disk mode.  When I ran Disk Utility Repair Disk on the Mac Pro's startup disk, the result showed no problem with the disk.  I'm not sure where to go from here, so I can use some help.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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ITunes :: It Keeps Deleting Songs From Folder Or Constantly Loses Track Of Songs And Can't Locate Them?

Feb 10, 2012

My Macbook Pro Keeps deleting Songs from my folder or Itunes constantly loses track of my songs and can't locate them, How Can I stop this? 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), iOS 5.0.1, Lose of songs

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ITunes :: Copy Songs From Playlist To CD But It Changes The Order Of The Songs During The Conversion.

Apr 16, 2012

I am trying to copy some songs from my playlist to a CD but it changes the order of the songs during the conversion.  I want the songs in alphabetical by name but iTunes arranges them alphabetically by artist.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: ITunes Convert Songs To AAC?

Oct 2, 2010

I've a ipod shuffle 2gb and just wondering if converting songs to AAC could help me pour in more songs in this tiny things..

Most of my songs are either 192 or 256 kbps MP3 format with some even at 320kbps..While syncing we get an option to convert selection to 128kbps AAC.I never tried that option because I was scared as this might effect my original file.Does it convert the actual file and then syncs it to ur ipod or does it retains the original file and sends converted file directly to ipod without effecting my original file...

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Applications :: How Do I Export Songs Out Of ITunes

Nov 9, 2010

A few versions back you could export songs from the file menu. Now you can't. I know there is a "library -->burn to disc" menu item, but isn't there a simple way to get one song exported out in either MP3 or AAC format?

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Applications :: ITunes - Get Rid Of Duplicate Songs?

Nov 11, 2005

I am pretty new here, only posted a few times here and there. I am also a brand spanken new Apple user with the new iMac 2.1GHz machines. When I got my iMac, I wanted to port everything my Dell, to my iMac. This was great and all, and mostly worked, though I ended up duplicating about 400 songs, about 4 times each. Is there some type of feature or something I can do with automator that would get rid of my duplicate songs?

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Applications :: ITunes Keeps Deleting Songs On Ext HD

Jan 4, 2009

iTunes keeps deleting my songs! I had this problem with iTunes 7, and the problem went away with the update to 8.0.1. But with the 8.0.2, the problem came back. It deleted one album so far, and I have no way to retrieve this file. My iTunes folder is in my external HD, and I don't back that up regularly.

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Applications :: Best Way To Keep Some Songs Separate In ITunes

Feb 13, 2009

So for one of my classes, I am going to be using a bunch of audio files, that I will eventually want to put on my iPhone to listen to. However, once they are on my iPhone, I would like to be able to still have them, just not in my library. Is there a way to make a playlist of these audio files, that do not show up in my main library?

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Applications :: How To Merge Two Songs Into One Within Itunes

Apr 21, 2009

I have some songs that have specific intros that are seperate tracks, but when I play in shuffle mode, it may play the song or the intro all by its self but not to merge 2 songs to always play together?

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Applications :: Pop Up When Changing Songs In ITunes?

Jun 1, 2009

A couple of months ago, my iTunes inexplicably started popping up a small window with track info whenever the song changed.

I've searched the web and these forums and have been unable to find a way to disable this, or even see any record that it exists outside of my machine.

P.S. It's the thing in the middle of the picture.

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