Applications :: Won't Organize IPhoto Library / Can't Find Settings
Mar 25, 2007I need some advice on organizing my library, because I have thousands of pictures and badly need a concrete way to organize them within iPhoto.
View 18 RepliesI need some advice on organizing my library, because I have thousands of pictures and badly need a concrete way to organize them within iPhoto.
View 18 RepliesLooking for better ways to organize my photo library, how do you organize yours?
View 15 Replies View RelatedA few years ago I decided to put all my DVD's in storage and rip them in divx/h264 format to an external HD that I plugged into my PS3 for easy access. The problem is that when my GF and I want to watch a movie, I have to explain each movie and we choose one based on the title without access to the movie cover or any meta data. I was wondering if there was a program akin to itunes that would go through my hard drive and (with some help with me) identify each movie and find the cover art etc. I don't know how automatic this will be. I don't mind spending some time assisting the program but I don't want to go and do it by hand.
If you find a windows software I can run it on virtualbox as well.
Which files do they need to get my library exactly as I have it now? The way the photos are organized by me (Not the individual dates the were imported as the 1st time) I spent hours organizing my library by month/even for the last 5 years. In finder do I just copy the entire iPhoto library to my external HD? or some specific set of files.. remember I will be putting it on a brand new iMac for my mom.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I first installed iTunes, I declined the option for iTunes to automatically change the mp3's file names to an organized format. For example, [windows], my 'My Music' folder is very disorganized with files that have the artist first, or just the song name, and even 01 'song name'.
Is there a way I can turn that setting back on so iTunes organizes everything for me? Or was I misinterpreting what it meant?
I just wiped out my xp machine and installed win7. I back everything up and iTunes was put back on and I dumped all my data back on for it. I have a mix of music from cd's and music from iTunes (purchased). I have my music all in the music folder but it's all mixed up and I can't tell which songs are actually being used in iTunes if that makes sense. So to help things, I told iTunes to copy the file into it's own folders. Then I told it to do the new folder structure, music, movies, ringtones, etc. Anyways, it seems all is well, however I can't tell which files are purchased and which are not.
If I drag a music file into iTunes, will it copy that file into iTunes and organize it? What happens if a copy already exists, will there be duplicates now? What is the best way to organize all this so I don't go insane and can clean up the mess. I am thinking of copying my backup back over to undo the recent "organization" and go from there.
I have a bunch of music on my computer that isn't properly named, like for instance:
Flo Rida - Right Round is named: right round flo rida.
This is cause I didn't care before and now I do. I also have a lot of videos on my computer, mostly personal, that I'd like to rename. I tried doing it one by one (hitting enter/return key, then changing the name) but it's taking to long.
Is there a program that I can do it? Sorry if this was discussed already, not quite sure what to search.
I'm looking for a photo management program that will organize my photos using folders for events, so if I ever decide to switch programs, it will be easy because it's all organized already. I currently have iPhoto, but it doesn't seem to create folders in the "Pictures" directory, so I doubt switching to another program from iPhoto will be simple. Do any of you know of an app that does what I want?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI aim finding music files in various locations on my mac. Is there any software out there I can download that will find and organize these for me? I am finding far too many duplicates.
View 8 Replies View Relatedour iphoto library disappeared. how do we find it again?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have about 20 hours of low res digicam videos sitting in iphoto. When I launch Imovie, it loads all 20 hours without asking then proceeds to quit unexpectedly if I try to do anything. Is there a way to prevent iphoto from loading all of them without deleting the videos from my iPhoto library? I have about a 30 minute video I would like to edit I'm frustrated.How about removing all those clips except the ones I care about? Can I do that? (after waiting 20-30 minutes for them to load)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just imported some photos into IPhoto 09 and shortly afterwards my IMac did a hard shut down. Now when I open IPhoto I get the following error:
The Photo Library nees to be upgraded to work with this version of IPhoto.
After that I click on upgrade and get the following msg:
Can't open current photo library using this version of Iphoto.
I want to copy my iPhoto library to an external drive but I cannot find the folder on my Mac Air. When I open Finder there is no Picture folder showing so I cannot find the iPhoto library.
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Thought I'd start this thread for people to discover/add any info they have on what iPhoto Faces is doing behind the scenes to help with troubleshooting, since Apple doesn't have any preferences for Faces in the iPhoto GUI. This is only for people who like to understand what is happening behind the scenes. Please note this is not for everyone and anytime you do anything to your iPhoto library you risk corruption and should have a backup copy. What I've noticed so far:
- iPhoto scans the library the first time it opens, and creates 2 faces .db files with the iPhoto Library:
- iPhoto creates Faces thumbnails files and places them in the iPhoto Library/Data folder along with the other thumbnails it creates................
I am transferring info from an iBook G4 running Tiger to a MacBook running Snow Leopard. Everything is going well, except for my ability to transfer the iPhoto library. I have mounted the iBook to the MacBook via Firewire. When I transferred my iPhoto library from my MB to my new MBP, it was easy: all I had to do was drag over "iPhoto Library" from User>Pictures>iPhoto Library But it isn't set up the same way on the iBook: in User>Pictures, "iPhoto Library" is a folder instead of a small iPhoto icon (which you would need to right-click on to see its contents). When I copied the contents of the folder into "iPhoto Library" on the new MacBook, it didn't maintain all of the organization (eg. the albums). Is there any way to do this so that iPhoto will keep the organization of the photo library on the new MacBook, or am I destined to reorganize my thousands of photos into albums again? Please keep in mind that the MacBook is being set up as a new computer, and I am copying over the files/docs/music/photos that she wants to keep from the iBook. I am not using Migration Assistant.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have experienced a problem after I updated to SL last night.I made a fresh install of both SL and iLife 09 on my mbp unibody late 2008.
Afterwards, I replaced the my fresh iphoto library simply with my old iphoto 09library from time machine (no migration tool, only copy pasts).
But now I recognized a problem that I see no iphoto library in my Desktop and Screensaver Menu in control panel. I cant set iphoto library photos as screensaver cause I cant see them
Does anyone have a solution for it? or does anybody face the same issue?
I am trying to organize my iTunes library and files. I have a question about the 2 files listed below. I understand iTunes media is like the master file, but what is "my music" file and if i move files there from iTunes media/music, do i need to make a copy of these files and if i make a copy, is this creating a duplicate file taking up memory space or is this an index?
Mac HD/user/music/ itunes/ iTunes media
Mac HD/user/music/my music
iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
When transferring my iTunes library from backup to my new iMac, some of the files have lost their information and there seems to be many duplicate files.
Is there a quick and easy way to restore my library to its former glory?
Can you nest events or albums in iPhoto 09, like how you can nest folders in Finder?For example, rather than having 200 events scattered in my iPhoto library, can I group the 200 events so, say 50 are under "work", 50 are under "family" and the other 100 are under, say, "Ballparks"
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have tons of songs in my library, iTunes did not put into a proper album. Is there a way to create an album to clean up this mess. I don't want to have to create a playlist?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I organize events numerically or alphabetically within iphoto
MacBook Pro
I want to manage 2 iTunes library on my Mac, one for my musics and the other one for my Podcast, ITunes U, Movies and TV Shows. The reason why I want to do this is because I keep my songs on my Mac HHD and the podcasts and video files on my External HHD. I built these two libraries, the podcast library is setted to copy the files directly into the EHD iTunes folder, and my songs library don't, I manage it myself. The problem is that when I quit one library and open another, the preferences are imported, they have the same preferences. How do I manage to keep one preference in one library and another preference in the other?
View 5 Replies View RelatedFour years ago I bought the iMac I am using right now, I was a PC user (actually used Macs in the 90s) and I never knew if I was doing things properly. Since I am buying a new iMAc next week I need to know how to organize folders.
In my current iMac I have all my applications in the applications folder, I think that is ok. But for example, for my Photoshop and Flash projects I have made a folder in the Macintosh HD with my name and inside that folder I have many other folders. How should I organize my work? Should I put them in the documents folder or what?
I have been asked to send some photos to company, and to watermark them as property of that company. I have never done it before, and indeed am not sure what it exactly means. I think it mean it will have invisible data in the files metadata stating " Property of..." etc.
How can I do this.....clear and simple please as I'm no expert.
does anybody know of software that will download a web site if given the path? For instance, I want to download the tutorials of an open source project. But it is online only. If I can download it to my laptop, I can read it while I telecommute on the train.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know the (URL) IMAP settings for mail 4.2. Can't get it to work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI went to open my itunes and it said "itunes needs a library to open" then it would only let me choose a library that was dated to last july. I clicked on it and it opened my library from that date. I am really mad because it will now only open that library and im missing almost a thousand songs that have been downloaded since then. Why can i only open a previous library? Are all the songs, movies, and other settings that i have changed in the last 6 months gone?
View 1 Replies View Relatedthe only solution i've found that works is i have to re download itunes everytime to make the restore or upgrading my iphone work, i've tryed the recovery mode and the dfu mode itunes just sits there after the final loading process, so my question is is there a way i can get it working back to normal without having to re downloading itunes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have recently given up on anything PC and moved to Mac. Mostly I am very happy with my decision but a couple of things niggle me and I don't seem to be able to change them.
In imail when delete an email from any of my mail accounts or the inbox, imail automatically selects the next newest email. I would like it to select the next oldest email. Is there anyway of changing this?
I know this is quite petty! but I'm just used to it working that way in outlook and keep deleting email I want to keep.
I'm subscribed to about 10 differet podcasts, and I just realised that there hasn't been a new episode of any of them in a while. I right clicked them all in turn, and chose Update Podcast, and lo and behold, a whole slew of episodes started downloading. For some of them there are even more than 1 episode that hasn't downloaded. Can anyone tell me why iTunes doesn't automatically download new episodes of these subscribed podcasts? iTunes is set to check everyday for new episodes, but simply seems to have not bothered! This has happened a few times before too.
EDIT - From iTunes saying that there are no new episodes of any of my subscribed to podcasts, I've ended up with 20 downloads after manually checking.