Applications :: ITunes 5 Not Allowed To Access Music Store Now?
Nov 1, 2010
Using a G4 with Mac OS 10.3. Unfortunately the computer hasn't been used in a few years and the software on it is out-of-date. It runs Itunes 5. Itunes radio stations work, but I can't access the music store, podcast directory, or sign in to my account. Is Itunes 5 not allowed to access the music store anymore?
I have a macbook pro with OS 10.7 Lion, only 6 months old but cant acces movies or itunes on the store to buy. All other features on itunes store seem ok ie Apps, books, podcast etc i have tried updating s/w and all other first line suggestions in the manual with no success.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), I have apple care protection plan.
I can't allow Twitter access on the newest Adium beta. I click "Allow Adium Access," it opens a browser window with a sign in page, I sign in and I get a PIN. I then go back and say "I've allowed Adium access" and it gives me the error message: "An error occured while trying to gain access. Please try again." I deleted the adiumx plist, Adium 2.0 folder, Adium itself, etc. I'm on an MBP with 10.5.7, but still doesn't work!
I noticed that whenever I open itunes store within the Itunes application I only get the App store, podcasts and itunes U. I cant find any music or video files in the store. I removed itunes and all associated files according to instructions in the following URL I reinstalled the latest version and that didn't solve the problem. I am using an Imac and OS 10.6.5. My Itunes version is 10.1.1.
I purchased a few Cds from iTunes around 6 months back. I then deleted a lot of music and somehow deleted these Cds from my Library. When I go to Check For Downloads under Store in the iTunes Menu it checks and then assumes all is there. How can I get the music back that I have purchased and download it back into iTunes on my MacBook. I am running iTunes 8.1
I recently found at the bottom of the Itunes store a drop down box which has a list of all the stores around the world. When I went into Italy for instance it wouldnt allow me to purchase anything from that country. Is their a work around so I can purchase what I like from which ever country I want?
Anyone having an issue when previewing a song, clicking play, but then clicking on the stop doesn't actually stop the preview? The song keeps playing until I click twice, but then it just replays the song preview. This is happening on 2 computers for me.
When trying to update applications or download music purchased i am getting the error message you may not have enough access privileges and check your network connection and try again.
I am not using itunes match. able to update and download from mobile devices.
I'm looking for a (semi)-automatic way to retrieve genre and style information from Allmusic or Discogs and store it in iTunes Genre and Comments fields. Does anyone here knows a good way of doing this?
I just recently started my Itunes account, I noticed that some of the categories are missing like Music, TV shows, Movies, Audiobooks. The only categories present are AppStore, Podcasts and Itunes U. How to add the missing categories?
Have just upgraded my macbook to Lion. I logged into the app store, bought, downloaded and installed Lion no problem.
After upgrade I returned to the app store to download ibooks author. I can find ibooks author but when I try and install the app I have to sign in and I get a "connection failed" error message.
The same happens in iTunes when I try and view my account - "The network connection failed"Â
I can access the internet with no problems - including secure sites. I can access software update with no problems.Â
I have made no changes to my network settings - could sign in and download apps before upgrade, unable to after upgrade.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to set up my Time Capsule. So I have two computers at home, a router and a Time Capsule. I mainly use the Time Capsule to back up my computers and transfer stuff between them. I also have roomies which I don't wanna give access to the Time Capsule without my permission, I'd just like to allow them to connect to get some files every now and then and that's it. That's been my problem, my roomies are having trouble with the internet connection because of my Time Capsule.
When I try to drag music into iTunes to add to my library, I get the following message: And before you ask, I already tried both repairing permissions and restarting.
I used to be able to download apps from the US store, but now am told my Apple ID is only valid for the Thai store. (I live in Thailand) My Thai store page only appears in the Thai la gauge, which I cannot read.
I'm having problems accessing my music in iTunes. I've been into preferences and pointed to the folder where the music is stored, (it's stored on a separate hard drive) but without success. I've copied the songs back to the original folder, but that doesn't work. Been on other forums and on the net but no progress.
Before I buy an album from the iTunes Store, I am wondering: 1) Will it be censored? 2) Will it have DRM on it?
Less importantly: 3) Is it true that the files will be 256 kbit/s AAC-encoded, with the filename suffix .m4a? 4) Can I move the location of the files on my hard disc after downloading? When I "rent" a movie from the iTunes store, I cannot move the file. 5) I hear that the iTunes Store puts a "watermark" on all downloaded files saying some of my personal information, to deter piracy. Can I read this "watermark" using a text editor like BBEdit, or is it encrypted?
Starting yesterday, I can no longer access iTunes Store via iTunes. I've not changed any settings whatsoever on my MBP. The only thing I've recently done is run an advertised security update a couple of days ago. When I start iTunes and click on iTunes Store it just says "Accessing iTunes Store...", but never loads anything. I can update my podcasts with no problems. Could this new security update have screwed something up?
I'm trying to run iTunes Match and it simply stalls at stage 1. Yes, I believe I've tried the fixes listed in other places where this seems to have been an ongoing issue since launch - and not all of these work for the people there, either. These include removing stoping and starting Match, stopping and starting Genius, stopping and starting Genius and Match, moving the iTunes Library files and reimporting them as new libraries and so on. Nothing is working for me.Â
I run iTunes match and it matches "most" of my songs and then stalls. I've left it for days to see how long the stall is and it never clears.Over the last few days' stops and starts, it's matched as follows:
iTunes frequently also can't access the iTunes Store or comes up with unknown errors.this is an entirely new music library. I set up my Mac from scratch a few months ago with a new SSD. My music library had a lot of old files sampled at low bit rates - I was re-ripping to flac for my hifi, so I decided to re-rip to iTunes as well at the same time (my previous iTunes Match had lots of stuff it couldn't match, but was uploaded at a low bit rate since that was all that was available). My network connection is wired and I have very good broadband (cable) speed.
I bought itunes match and I want to delete music from the Purchased tab in the Itunes store that is there in the icloud. I backed up the music I want. I turned on itunes match and downloaded the music and then deleted it all and selected the option to delete from icloud. After running itunes match again it says there is no music in icloud so I thought all the songs were gone from icloud. I go back into the Purchased tab in the itunes store and all the music I ever bought is still there. Is there a way I can get rid of all the music in the Purchased tab? I thought by getting itunes match and deleting from the icloud it would get rid of the music from the Purchased tab. Please advise who to get rid of the music from the Purchased tab in the itunes store.Â
I am doing this on my macbook with Lion installed and latest version of itunes. I have deleted and recreated the library at least 3 times as well trying to vanquish that music from the Purchased tab.
i have syncronized my iphone with itunes on my macbook...and this last one transfer all music that i had from my iphone to the itunes now i want to know how to get back my music from itunes to the iphone.
I have used an iBook G4 for a year and a half I only use wireless Internet connections. I recently started getting error messages when I tried to perform a Software Update. The error reads: "Software Update can't connect to the update server. Make sure you're connected to the Internet, then try again. Software Update can't check for updates because of a network problem."
Perhaps at the same time (I hadn't paid too much attention at first) I found that I was unable to connect to the iTunes Store. This error message read: "iTunes could not connect to the iTunes Store. The network connection was refused. Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active, then try again." A google search shows that the second error message is common among PC users who think apple is conspiring to keep them out of the iTunes store with iTunes v7.1.1. I don't know about network settings but I don't make a point of ever fiddling with them. I assume both of these problems are symptoms of the same network mess-up. Can anyone steer me clear?
I am having some problems accessing the App Store or iTunes using MacBook Pro or iMac since I upgraded both devices to Mac OsX Lion 10.7.3 (11D50b)
a couple of weeks ago. I receive this error at each attempt: "This is not a test user account. Please create a new account in the Sandbox environment. [Environment: Sandbox]". Both devices are not jailbroken.
I am unable to access the iTunes Store on my Macbook. I open iTunes and try to go to the iTunes Store. All that is there is a blank screen. When I try to search for something, it stays on the blank screen. I have completely updated the iTunes software and am still experiencing the same issues.
How should i organize my music files on my mac so that they are easy to find AND (equally as important) avoid creating duplicate files? not neccessarily THEE way or the highway  I am using a macbookoperating system: Mac OSX 10.6.8.itunes 10.5.3
Two songs purchased from iTunes store today. Download looked OK, new purchases do show in Store>Purchased list. I added ratings, and songs went to smart playlist for top rated songs. BUT songs do not appear in Library>Music where all songs are. Search indicates they do not exist. It is from this library I drag to other lists. But without them there I am stumped. Never seen this before.
i've got macbook with itunes and a NAS server with my music library.
i imported all the music files from the NAS to my iTunes on my MacBook. it's okey.
but, next time a launch the iTunes its mark all my music files in the library as broken or unavailable. so i cannot sync it with iphone or other i*-devices.
so i have to double-click on each song to force iTunes recheck the location of a music file. i cannot store my music on my macBook because i don't have enough free space for it.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)