Applications :: Getting (Deleted) Music Back From ITunes Store
Mar 24, 2009
I purchased a few Cds from iTunes around 6 months back. I then deleted a lot of music and somehow deleted these Cds from my Library. When I go to Check For Downloads under Store in the iTunes Menu it checks and then assumes all is there. How can I get the music back that I have purchased and download it back into iTunes on my MacBook. I am running iTunes 8.1
Alright, so on iTunes I had a playlist with songs on them. I deleted it, then synced my iPad to it. Now that playlist isn't on iTunes or the iPad. How do I get the playlist back?
i have syncronized my iphone with itunes on my macbook...and this last one transfer all music that i had from my iphone to the itunes now i want to know how to get back my music from itunes to the iphone.
Using a G4 with Mac OS 10.3. Unfortunately the computer hasn't been used in a few years and the software on it is out-of-date. It runs Itunes 5. Itunes radio stations work, but I can't access the music store, podcast directory, or sign in to my account. Is Itunes 5 not allowed to access the music store anymore?
I noticed that whenever I open itunes store within the Itunes application I only get the App store, podcasts and itunes U. I cant find any music or video files in the store. I removed itunes and all associated files according to instructions in the following URL I reinstalled the latest version and that didn't solve the problem. I am using an Imac and OS 10.6.5. My Itunes version is 10.1.1.
I recently found at the bottom of the Itunes store a drop down box which has a list of all the stores around the world. When I went into Italy for instance it wouldnt allow me to purchase anything from that country. Is their a work around so I can purchase what I like from which ever country I want?
Anyone having an issue when previewing a song, clicking play, but then clicking on the stop doesn't actually stop the preview? The song keeps playing until I click twice, but then it just replays the song preview. This is happening on 2 computers for me.
I'm looking for a (semi)-automatic way to retrieve genre and style information from Allmusic or Discogs and store it in iTunes Genre and Comments fields. Does anyone here knows a good way of doing this?
I just recently started my Itunes account, I noticed that some of the categories are missing like Music, TV shows, Movies, Audiobooks. The only categories present are AppStore, Podcasts and Itunes U. How to add the missing categories?
I must have accidentally deleted a whole genre of music from my iTunes, but I do not see the songs in my trash. My music was not purchased from itunes, just uploaded from CDs, that I no longer have, its about 300 songs, so I will be sad if they are gone forever.
My iTunes got put in trash and deleted. How can I bring it back. I tried downloading it from but it is not working. I cant gat the little iTunes icon to show up on my dock. I found my iTunes library with all my songs but I can't get iTunes to show up or open.
how i can get back a deleted backup from itunes its the backup for my iphone i deleted it under devices in itunes and need it back i thought it would had went to trash.
I added a few new albums to different artist folders, and instead of adding each folder to the library individually [using "Add to Library" from the File menu], I decided to take a shortcut and add my entire Music folder to the Library.
Now, a load of stuff is missing, and I have a massive collection, so I don't know exactly what's there and exactly what has gone. Searching using Finder confirms that the files are completely gone from my hard drive.
i downloaded a virus scanner for mac and found 18 trojans. so i deleted them and now all of my bookmarks and all of my music and folders in itunes have been deleted.
I have been clearing up my itunes music and have sometimes not clicked on the move files to trash to completely delete them. They are now removed form the itunes library but how do I find all the files no longer in itunes, but still held in the itunes directory? Also, I read that there could also be many duplicates, is there a way I can find them as well? I dont want to have to buy a third party program.
I recently got a new logic baord in my MacBook, and I think it had messed with my iTunes, because now I can't put new music or apps on my iPhone; so my question is what exactly happens when I deauthorize all the computers? I've had several computers with my iTunes account, and didn't realize I had to deauthorize them.
I have noticed that iTunes has deleted a random selection of music from my library. There is a useful little exclamation mark next to the track it has removed the data of. I have used spotlight to search to try to find the missing file, but without fail it opens my college notes from ten years ago. That's interesting. I suppose it is gone for good and I have to buy it again, preferably from the i-apple-store??
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 3.06GHz Intel Core Duo; 8GB 1067 MH
Recently I accidentally deleted my itunes and had to reinstall it and now its empty is there a way I can redownload all my purchases back on to itunes, I don't know if when i bought them if I clicked the back up purchases button.
I accidentally deleted a whole album off of my iTunes. It contained over a hundred songs from multiple albums. How do I get the album back? Can I use TimeMachine? If so, how? It keeps saying "searching for AirPort"
I can't find the album in my files on my laptop either.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), I have iTunes 11.1.5 (5)
This has happened twice to me. Each time I've gone from an iPhone to a different OS phone, either ALL my music disappears from my MacBook or (as most recently) a portion has deleted..... And if I try to rebuy the songs, it says I already have them? but they aren't there....I respect iPhones, but I enjoy the phone I have now and don't plan on going back to an iPhone any time soon.