ITunes :: Freezes Up When Select Movies In Library?
Jun 9, 2012
iTunes freezes up when I select movies in my Library. I just downloaded a few new movies and now I cannot scroll to where they are without a freeze up. I have restarted numerous times, and have not opened any other programs while trying to access my list of movies.
I have followed the steps for restoring my iTunes library from my Time Machine backup. When I go to choose the library (which I copied to my new computer), the file remains grey and can't be selected. I copied two companion files that had .itdb labels as well as the library file (all were from the most current backup and showed that I had opened them the last time I used my computer before it died). I could not find any .xml files related to this iTunes library (some of the help said there would be files like this as well). My old computer was running iTunes 10.6.1, same as my new computer. Suggestions?Â
The old computer is a 2008 MacBookPro. I can't get it to start up at all, but have the Time Machine backup from the last time it opened (last week). I'm trying to open the library on a 2011 MacBook Air.
I have spent the last hour attempting to add some movies to my ITunes library. These files are all in mp4 format.I have never had trouble before today, but whether I try to add them to the library through the menu, or drag and drop, nothing happens.I have the most recent ITunes software and am using a MacBook Pro with Lion.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I try to play some episodes that previously worked (I havent played them for a year or so) they fail to open in Quicktime X (with perian 1.2 installed)
When I open the files in VLC they play as an mp3 would and I can hear tracks from my library that I recognise...
PS: my music and video libraries are on different physical disks and the videos are not in iTunes.
The one i would use is an episode of Robot Chicken, but I have at least 100 episodes doing this thing, although not all of my collection.
I have a directory of H.264/M4V files on an external HDD that I use in iTunes.I do this - without copying the files themselves - by simply dragging and dropping the contents of the directory into iTunes Movies.
What I'm wondering however is - Can I get iTunes/Movies to AUTOMATICALLY update, when new items are added to this external folder on HDD/H.264? It hasn't been autoupdating thus far.Simply selecting ALL again HDD/H.264/(select all) and drag copying to iTunes/Movies DOES however add the new titles. Of course this has to be done every time I add something new.Â
Everytime I open iTunes I get to the box that says "Updating iTunes library..." and then it freezes. I have loaded Lion and download all the available updates. I am on a MacBook Pro.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I want to add a category of Home Movies to go along with the movies and TV Shows categories on iTunes. Can this be done? I want it to show up on Apple TV as a option also.
I've been having a problem with iTunes that is driving me nuts. I'm not able to pinpoint exactly when it happened, but I think it was around the time v.8 came out.
iTunes freezes every time I start it up for around 7-8 minutes, then runs OK. This happens every time I start up, without fail.
It also freezes after (sometimes during) syncing with both my iPod Nano and iPhone 3G. It does this every time also, but it's inconsistent...sometimes it freezes during the sync, and sometimes it freezes afterward. Sometimes it takes me doing something like playing a song, but it always happens, regardless of whether I disconnect the device or leave it connected. It only does it after the initial sync; if I leave it connected and resync during the same connection it will not freeze again. The devices themselves are unaffected.
My iTunes library is 147gb. The actual library XML file is 69mb. I'd guess this has something to do with it, but if that is the case...what might be the cutoff size where this wouldn't happen any more? I used to have almost 350gb of stuff in iTunes...I've whittled it down this far and it still isn't helping!
I'm running the 1st gen MacBook Pro with 2gb RAM and a 320gb hard drive. I have approximately 30gb free on the drive, so I don't think hard drive space or RAM is the issue (although I have no way of knowing for sure).
Is there anyone else with libraries this size who are or aren't having the same problem? Can I do anything besides delete more music? And if so, how much do I need to delete? Can the XML file be optimized in any way?
ETA: I did the 8.2 update that came out today and it hasn't changed anything.
My brother has told me its simple to switch over itunes library but sure he isnt gonna tell me, he is like that! My iMac desktop is tiger 10.4.11 & i want to transfer my itunes library, including apps/films/tv shows etc to my macbook laptop which is 10.5. I have uploaded most of my pics to mobile me so that they are safe but I have home movies also & want to secure them. I was gonna upgrade the imac tiger to snow leopard as Im probably getting a time capsule as a gift & would need to be 10.5 or higher to use it I believe but i decided against that. I will just use the desktop for general browsing etc & not keep anything of sentimental value on it.
I bought a new mac mini in july. The second day I installed a genuine copy of vista 32 bit. To switch to vista I hold down the alt option key when the mac is starting up. In a few seconds a gray screen will show up with two options: Mac and Windows. Now about 5 separate times, the mac froze at this screen after I selected one of the two, usually or all the time I believe I selected windows. I waited but in the end I was forced to force shut down the mac.
Just recently I got rid of vista and installed Windows 7 ultimate 64bit and it just did it again at that screen.
Why is it doing this and is this really bad for my mac, I had no other choice.
Every so often the Finder just freezes: can't select any desktop icons or dock apps. Relaunching Finder always fixes it, but it is annoying. I have repaired permissions, cleared caches, no dice, still happens.
It's a 2.16 intel Core 2 duo with the ATI Radeon X1600 128MB video and I'm running OSX 10.7.3. It started happening on Snow leopard so I thought maybe upgrading to Lion would fix it but it has continued exactly the same. I've had an issue for a while now where the computer would just freeze all of a sudden. It happened after a few days at times while sometimes it happen right after a reboot. Â
Here are the things I've tried.Â
1. I upgraded to lion
2. I replaced the ram
3. Look at the crash log but found nothing
4. Ram mem check utility but it found nothingÂ
I can boot the computer in safe mode by holding the shift key and it works perfect with no freezing but I loose audio support becuase I think it's not loading the audio drivers. Question is: Can I select what drivers I want on boot when starting in regular mode not safe mode in order to try to disable drivers until I find the issue? Is there anyplace else that I can find which driver caused the computer to freeze after a freeze/crash? If I can ID the driver is there a way to update/replace the driver if it doesn't come up in "software update"? I'm thinking it's the video driver becuase I would occationally get some weird things happening on the screen that I attributed to an older display.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), ATI Radeon X1600 3GB ram Core 2 Duo
I love AirPlay. I use it on my iPod Touch the moment I get home to play music to my speakers connected via AirPort Express. I use it on my iPad too when i'm watching a movie..
Even on my MBP when listening to music from iTunes. But Movies in iTunes don't work. The AirPlay icon in a movie playing in iTunes only shows "computer" and doesn't show any other options.
I have an external connected my Airport Extreme (n) which has some of my HD movies in there. I try opening them through VLC player. However; I have noticed the video playback freezes all too often. Is there a option in VLC to buffer the video longer or do you recommend any other software which is able to buffer the video a little longer?
You know how in the Finder sidebar (the leftmost column in column view) you have all those objects that are displayed by the Finder? You've got your Devices group and then your Shared group and your Places group? And under your Places header you have your Desktop folder and your username folder and your Music folder and your Movies folder and your Applications folder? And when you click on any one of these folders in the sidebar, the Finder displays contents of its corresponding real folder in the rest of the window?Â
Well, my Mac Mini won't display the "Movies" folder. All the other folders seem to work as I described, but, if I click on the "Movies" folder, it does not get selected. Whatever was previously selected stays selected. It's not dimmed, but it behaves as if it were. Is that weird or what?Â
It gets worse. You know how you can add additional folders to the sidebar? Well, I thought I'd put a fresh "Movies" folder into the sidebar to see what happened. So I located the real ~/Movies folder and dragged it to the sidebar. Now I have two "Movies" folders in the sidebar. They look different -- different icons. One works fine and the other refuses to be selected. And -- get this! -- I cannot delete either one!Â
We had an external disk crash the other day that had all our movies on it, so that's probably when this behavior started. Â
No function is impaired: one of the two "Movies" folders works fine. It's just weird to have two of them, and one of them not allow itself to be selected.Â
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
After purchasing a movie from iTunes, I clicked on the film and it brought me to the movie's DVD menu.However, it will not allow me to select it to play.I can select the "chapters" option, but I cannot select any of the chapters.Essentially, it is stuck on the menu.
I have a few hundred books in my iTunes. Everytime I add more books they are by default added to all my devices. Is there a way to do a mass select or un-select in the book selection of iTunes. I normally only keep the current book I am reading on my device. You can select and un-selected in mass for the music just not the books which seems strange.Â
IÂ just updated to Lion 10.7.3 and iTunes 10.6.1 and imported my Leopard iTunes Library. I can Get Info on individual tracks but when I shift select or command select multiple tracks the iTunes window turns gray and nothing can be selected. iTunes just freezes until I press the Escape key. So far, everything else works as expected - the only problem is selecting multiple tracks (which worked fine for me on previous OS and iTunes versions).Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac Pro Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I want only select episodes of some podcasts, not every single daily episode, even if I have to one by one select podcast episodes to download. Is there a way to subscribe but not automatically download all episodes? Version 10.4 or 10.5 itunes.
In order to select which podcasts should be synced to the iPhone/iPod, one has to select the desired podcast subscription from the Devices/Podcast/Sync_Podcasts list. However, the podcast list in the Devices/Podcast/ page now only displays podcast subscriptions if it has episodes already downloaded. One cannot include podcast subscriptions if that podcast subscription currently has no downloaded episodes. This is annoying.
Worst still, previously selected podcast subscriptions that have no more episodes will no longer be selected anymore even if it downloads episodes later. Therefore, one has to keep going back to the list and selecting the podcast subscription over and over again.
My search skills are seriously lacking here, as I cant find a guide to do what I want.I currently have a windows 7 pc and an iphone 3g plus ipod touch which sync via the windows 7 pc.I have a 27" imac arriving on tuesday and want to transfer the itunes library from the windows machine to the new imac.What is the easiest way to achieve this?