I am a potential Mac user and was wondering how deletion of programs and applications work? I understand that most of the files are contained within the installation folder because there is basically no registry for the most part. However, some applications will be tied to the OS right? What is the best way to delete applications completely?
I would like to switch completely to Mac but I have a lot of old Fortran 77 programs that I still use & they work fine on Windows. Couple of problems though. They were written (by me & others) pre-USB and hence, write to parallel port which are harder to find on printers or computers. Do newer Fortran compilers write to USB ports? There will also be issues with ASCII character & screen writing. I have sources including library sources. Since I have not programmed for about 20 years, I would like to find someone who could do the conversions for me under contract? Have tried Windows people without success. Think I need someone familiar with Apple and Fortran.
I use a User account, but have an admin account for if things get messed up in an emergency. I notice every program that's installed just about on the user account is available in the admin account. What if a program is causing the issue? Wouldn't the admin account have the possibility of being hosed as well? Is there a way to stop this easily?
My ibook screen has been spontaneously and arbitrarily going black. I reinstalled the operating system and now Safari crashes every time I try to open it. Several other programs will not open including adobe and iTunes now says "You cannot use the application iTunes with this version of Mac OS" I also noticed that about this mac now says I'm running 10.4.2. when I had 10.4.11. I was prompted to install some updates a few hours after the reinstall. The screen is still randomly going black after the reinstall.
In OSX 10.7.4 all sections of iWork fail to initiate and quit with an error message. Each time a message page is sent to Apple saying that the program has quit followed by pages of data. Searching discussion groups has failed to provide a conclusive answer.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), All parts of iWork fail to start
Yesterday I updated the software to OS X 10.8.5 and since then I haven't been able to use multiple programs such as Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. What I should do to make the programs work again.
I have a portable harddrive (Western Digital) for my Mac. I plugged it into my buddies Windows computer to copy some movie files that I am editing for our film.
I am interested in developing a database at work (a medical research laboratory), and was wondering if anyone could suggest a decent database program. We currently have the following computers in the lab:
- Power Mac G4 running Jaguar (could upgrade to Tiger if need be) - Power Mac G5 running Tiger - Power Mac G5 running Leopard - Mac Pro Quad Core Intel Xeon running Leopard
It would be extremely useful if the database program could sync databases, such that changes that one user makes on the database is transmitted to the other Macs (if so, we would require a server? Could we just convert one of the macs over to being a server? which one would be best?).
Specifically, if the database could be extremely user friendly, that would be great. Its just for keeping track of what reagents we have, what protocols we have, what cell lines we have, etc. etc.
I have an older mac with snow leopard and I just bought a new AIR with Lion. Is there a way to transfer everything including programs that are work related on to the new machine? Can I do it with time machine?
I was deleting many TM daily backups, but after exiting TM, I would see in the finder that the delete windows wouldnt stop, so I figured to relaunch the finder hoping that this would end. Well I made a restart too and then although in TM those backups seemed to be deleted, the HD space was unchanged, as if they hadn't been deleted.
I bought an AT&T air card for my comp to receive internet on and when it stopped working I deleted the program in hopes that when all the files were deleted that it would relaunch and I could start anew. To my knowledge all the files are gone and the air card's program still won't relaunch. It doesnt show up on the desktop when plugged in so I have no way of accessing it.
I'm still having a little problem grasping hard links. But no matter, here's the problem: there's a file in Time Machine that I want to keep backed up forever. It's too big to fit on my hard drive, and I want to make sure Time Machine doesn't delete it automatically when the backup drive is full.
I'd like to be able to undo any deletion, or at least know why I can in some cases and not in others.We're using a free google business account using our own domain name, using Mail to retrieve messages. This is the ONLY account I have on this computer.In the inbox, I can delete one email, and under Edit it says "Undo Delete Message" and then I go on to delete the next message, and under the Edit menu it says just "Undo" and that's grayed out. Command Z doesn't work either.
The "un-undoable" deleted messages are in the trash associated (properly) with the account, but even if I immediately go to the edit menu, the Undo is still grayed out.This is pretty annoying and definitely puzzling
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)un-undoable
New Mac user here. I've got EyeTV running so that it automatically exports certain TV episodes to my ITunes library (watchable on an Apple TV). I was wondering if it's possible to script something that runs automatically and deletes old episodes of TV shows in my ITunes library so that I don't completely fill up my hard drive?
I accidently clicked the little x next to my purchase of Lion, and now it is not on my purchased apps list. How do I get it back on my purchased list, so I don't have to pay to download it again?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8 x 2.8 GHz 10 GB RAM, Radeon 4870
I have a new Macbook pro with OS X 10.9.2. Processor 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, Memory 4GB 1600 MHz DDR3.
In the process of importing all my settings, applications, documents etc. and then updated documents, I ended up with 2 user accounts.
I've set the 2nd of these to be deleted. The Users & Groups window which says it's "Deleting Account...", and won't allow me to close System Preferences because it "is busy and can't be closed. Users & Groups is removing a user account and Home directory" It's been like this for about 3 hours. There's no indicator showing whether it's progressing or stuck.
After doing this, I tried deleting an extraneous user on my 'old' Macbook and it deleted it in a few minutes (though in this case there was no question about removing its Home directory).
How can I delete files from a hard drive that I removed from my damaged PC computer using MacBook Pro. I can transfer files from the PC hard drive to the MacBook Pro, but then I want to delete those file from the PC hard drive so that I can have a spare external hard drive for my Mac.
I have a question about using my new samsung tv as a monitor for my macbook. I have all the cables and such and my TV reads the computer. It actually shows the desktop background, mouse, and the toolbar on the tv... BUT....when i try and open a program such as safari or itunes it does not display the program on the monitor but rather on my macbook screen. It shows the program open on the tv monitor but it shoots off the screen and then opens on the macbook screen.
Also the mouse disappears from the tv monitor screen on the left side only, and when it does it becomes visible back on the macbook screen! Any tips or suggestions on how to get the programs to show up on the monitor instead of the macbook screen?
Programs such as iTunes, EyeTV, Skype, PhotoBooth, etc just RANDOMLY stop responding. I always have to restart my Mac to get them to respond again. The programs work fine on a guest account.
This is my first Mac and this is my only problem with it please help. I don't want to return it to Apple it's worked so great.
Basically I cannot remember the name of two programs I remember I wanted to get but totally forgot the names and browser history does not have the sites.
First program is a booting freeware that lets me choose boot OS Windows XP/Mac and would recognize Linux if installed. The name sounded like ribbit or rbedit.
Second program is a freeware screen capturing program, it allowed me to record my screen for long periods of time or was it pay to use? Hopefully someone can remind me...
I planned on getting these programs but totally blanked out and cant retrace myself.
What are some programs you use that you feel are necessary? What do they do? Why are they necessary? I use smcFanControl, gfxCardStatus, and iStat. smcFanControl obviously lets you control your fan speed. gfxCardStatus lets you choose your graphic card or use the default dynamic switching. iStat is of course the famous widget that basically tells you everything you need to know about whats going on inside. I feel all of these are necessary for me to have complete control of my Macbook Pro.
My toast app wont accept any avi. flies and itunes wont open in the other account i have and iphoto wont open either. How do i restore all my apps to the way they used to be. Oh yeah i'm using the demo if it makes a difference.
While they seem perfectly able to password protect a folder, this folder seems far from secure. In each case, the folder itself is not accessible without entering the password, but the files are visible in the finder under "recent documents".
I was hoping for a program that could securely protect these documents from casual viewing (including the "search for" section of the finder bar) while being relatively user friendly. I don't care about encryption.
can anyone say what the best option is for a program that syncs bookmarks between multiple browsers. One that maybe shows all the bookmarks in a dropdown from the menu bar and possibly free. I tried Bookit, but it doesn't even support firefox.