Delete All Of Duplicate Songs In ITunes And It Deleted All Of Music
Jun 13, 2012i tried to delete all of my duplicate songs in iTunes and it deleted all of my music. Is there a way i get my music back?
View 1 Repliesi tried to delete all of my duplicate songs in iTunes and it deleted all of my music. Is there a way i get my music back?
View 1 RepliesIs it possible to delete duplicate songs in Itunes without deleting them one by one?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I was just wondering how do you delete songs that have more then one of each, I thought it'd might be consolidate library but then it asked me something, and I was not sure... I know it sounds like I don't know how to use iTunes but I do everyday, just don't know this
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow do i delete duplicate songs in my library
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow do i delete duplicate songs from my itunes library?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have been downloading a lot of my old CD's and have found I have a lot of duplicate songs from a variety of my album can I delete them so I only have one of each one?
View 2 Replies View Relatedive got a decent sized itunes library, 20,393 songs/125.5 gbs of music in the program, but over time as i have added files a lot of times id get duplicate files so i would delete those, and when i deleted them i didnt always press the move to trash button, and just for what ever reason would sometimes press the keep file button, so now at this point after doing this for a while i now have a music folder that is 168gbs of music, when i really only have 125 in itunes so is there any program or way to automatically delete those duplicates, because it would take a rediculous amount of time to go and find and delete each one individually obviuosly.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have deleted all the music from my Macbook and still shows I have storage with music. How can I delete all music files from my macbook pro?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am pretty new here, only posted a few times here and there. I am also a brand spanken new Apple user with the new iMac 2.1GHz machines. When I got my iMac, I wanted to port everything my Dell, to my iMac. This was great and all, and mostly worked, though I ended up duplicating about 400 songs, about 4 times each. Is there some type of feature or something I can do with automator that would get rid of my duplicate songs?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI have almost 8000 songs in my iTune and most of them have dublicates. How can i easily erase dublicate songs?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How do i recover songs deleted in iTunes from the keep file? How do i put them back in the music library?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
I have an iPod, but I just got a droid mobile phone, and I want to use them both for music. In order to get my "protected" songs purchased from the iTunes store on to the phone I have burned them on to cds and imported them as MP3s into iTunes. So now I've got over 100 duplicate songs (protected and mp3), and I want to delete the protected versions so that the remaining mp3 versions will sync with both my iPod and my droid phone.
If I delete these protected (purchased) songs from the library, will they remain in the iTunes Music folder on my pc or will they be completely removed from my hard drive, too?
Then, if they are completely deleted from my pc, is there any way to recover these deleted purchased songs if I ever wanted to in the future?
I deleted some songs from my library (and computer) but they still show up in a smart playlist (the playlist pulls by 'year'). The playlist cannot find the locations but why does the smart playlist still look for them even though they don't exist in the library anymore? Also, when I sync my iPod it says that it cannot sync the deleted songs. I have tried deleting the playlist and creating a new one, but it still pulls up the ghost songs.
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Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Well the title basically asks my question.
Is there an option I can set to where my computer will automatically delete the songs from the hard drive after it copies them to the iTunes folder? There is no sense in wasting space, and it seems trivial to have to delete them manually after they were copied automatically.
Also is there a setting to prevent iTunes from automatically adding and copying a song to it's library when a new song is played from any location on the hard drive?
Im new to the Mac operating system. I am proficient on a PC, but Macs have always captivated my attention. I finally gave into the Macbook. Anyways ---
The Automator application seems phenomenal in theory I just haven't learned all the ins and outs yet, but i see the concept that it was designed for (Jobs = Genius). Long story short I was streaming all of my music over from my PC and it got interrupted twice. I kept streaming to the same folder but it never prompted me to replace existing files of the same name. So I figured it would do it automatically. To my dismay that wasn't the case at all. I now have 9,000 songs and at least 4,000 of which are duplicates/Triplets. I wanted to know if there was some way to streamline the process of deleting and purging all these files out of my Music Folder/Itunes Library, Via the Automator program or any other program you know of.
My itunes will not let me delete songs from my library. The selection is on the drop down menu, but i can not select the option to delete.
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iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
I decided to reorganize my iTunes library and delete all my songs to only re-add the stuff i listen to. Well all were deleted but two songs that refuse to go away. I select them both and hit delete or right click and then select delete from the menu but nothing, they are still there.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am having a really hard time getting songs off of my iphone. I know that I need to go to itunes and uncheck all of the songs from the "music" tab under where I see my iphone as a device, but it's still not working. I went on other discussion boards on here and read that I should try to uncheck the box to manually manage music and then try to uncheck them again, but now I have my entire itunes library on my phone, even though I unchecked all of the boxes of music that I don't want.
MacBook Pro
I received a collection of cheesy 70s music CDs as a gift which I copied to iTunes. The problem is in between the songs there's commentary about events that were in the news at the time. Is there any way to remove the commentary & only have the songs play?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have tried to delete songs from my iTunes library on my Mac but they keep reappearing. I have Dropbox and iCloud -- can I keep songs or albums there but delete from my current iTunes library
View 8 Replies View RelatedFor the past few days, my i-mac (10.4.11) has been playing music randomly. I'm not sure what the cause is, but I assumed it could be limewire, so I deleted it. I'm currently using Macscan to look for spyware, but no spyware files have been detected. I know what program it plays through-- Safari. and as far as I can tell it always plays my ITunes songs.
View 16 Replies View RelatedI have a good number of songs (and will continue to have) that I love, but they have just 1 or 2 swear words. That just ruins the whole song for me. I would really like to know (as well as friends who have asked me) where or IF I can get a music editing application for my mac so that I can edit iTunes songs. I just simply want to make it so that there is the classic *beep* sound instead of the swear word, or even just mute the vocal while the sole beat of the music is still going on (like how the radio stations do it).
View 7 Replies View RelatedI bought a new Mac pro tower. I transferred music from my old Mac pro to the new via an external hard drive. Now the songs stop playing before the end.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I add an album to iTunes, all the songs are on recently added playlist but they don't appear on MUSIC, by artist or anything...It is really wierd and anoying, they do appear on my iPod Classic by artist or anything is just on iTunes they seem nowhere to be found!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I listen to a lot of different types of stuff on my iPhone. One of my favorites has always been audiobooks. Lots of little 5 minute 'songs' that would play in order. It USED to be easy: listen to files in order, then delete them from iTunes as I go along, the next time I charged my phone, boom, all the stuff I was done with was gone. Bookmarking and file management took care of itself. All I had to do was keep my iTunes library neat and orderly.
No more. Now I have to screw around in the phone itself to do anything. This is obtuse and difficult since the larger keyboard and mouse are much easer to use than the tiny touch pad. But, it no longer seems to work.
Is this a feature I can somehow get back or is this part of the new apple scheme of things?
I bought songs on iTunes previously that i would like to not even show up on my iPad. I would like to keep the songs i listen to, but not the ones i want to. Is there a way to do this, and how?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOkay so i downloaded the the iTunes 10, and installed it!
But the when i would like to see my Music Libary all my music was GONE!
I must have accidentally deleted a whole genre of music from my iTunes, but I do not see the songs in my trash. My music was not purchased from itunes, just uploaded from CDs, that I no longer have, its about 300 songs, so I will be sad if they are gone forever.
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