Applications :: Firefox - Tab Stop On Every Field - How To Fix It
Aug 3, 2006
when tabbing through forms, Firefox will skip buttons, checkboxes, dropdowns. Basically, anything that isn't text input. Is there any way to change this so it stops at every field?
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Dec 12, 2010
This is my biggest software design pet peeves. I hate when applications make too many choices for the user. Don't get me wrong, I don't like when a program asks the same question over and over again either. So I'm using firefox and I had about four or five windows open. And it froze up for over five minutes so I force killed it. When I opened it again it automatically tried to open all those websites I had open before - all at the same time. This isn't even a bug, it's the designers bad choice. I don't even need them open. I was only still using one. And I don't know which one caused the freeze (probably a flash heavy website like abercrombie) but I certainly don't want to open that one again. I'm trying to get Firefox to not do this anymore.
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Apr 4, 2012
If you have a contact in Addressbook (AB) with a nickname, if you also use Apple Mail (AM) and create a new email and start to type the contact's email in the TO field, AM will finish your typing giving you a list of related possible email addresses to choose from. The problem is that in addition to the email addressk AM adds the contact's nickname as opposed to it's firstname/lastname or even business name. We need a preference for this, per contact.
Example: In AB you have a contact:
Name: Jon Doe
Company Doe Company
Nickname: The Doester
In AM you start to write an email: and type: "jon" and AM shows you a list of possible related emails one of which will be: "The Doester" [URL]Commentary: now if a casual email to a friend, this is OK. But what if this is a business oriented email and "The Doester" isn't appropriate? You can only stop the inclusion of "The Doester" by deleting it from the Nickname field in the AB. This is presumptuous on Apple's part, or a bug, that the Nickname should trump the first/lastname or company name.
I don't exactly know the answser to this. If we could easily choose which name to append in front of the email address (firstname/lastname, company name or nickname) that would be cool. Or maybe no name gets added if it has to be: all or nothing from a programming point of view. But having nickname as the primary, if it exists, can be a problem in certain correspondence IMHO.
Mac Pro 3.0 GHz Quad-Core, iPad WiFi/3G, iPhone4, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 30" HP Display, 22" Cinema Display
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May 6, 2009
Any way to disable Firefox from opening up every time I start up my MB? I cant seem to find anything in the preferences.
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Nov 9, 2010
Does anyone know if you can add a new fields to the iCal/mail to-do list.
I would like to extend the functionality my adding a couple of new fields.
(Status and Flagged)
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Dec 14, 2010
I switched to Bento from Filemaker a fews back because my primary use is rather simple - a pilot logbook. All has been fine until recently. The tabbing order of my fields has somehow changed as I do data input.
Filemaker had a command to Change Tab Order so a user could jump to fields in a desired order. So far I have found no Bento equivalent.
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Apr 6, 2009
does anyone know how? because it's pilling up too much and scrolling to find a contact is .
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Dec 29, 2009
the Firefox addons on Mozilla's website work on OSX when using Firefox? I just wanted to make sure since I like using all of the apps on my firefox configuration and was thinking about buying a mac. I know a lot of 3rd party apps that aren't specifically made for Mac at times will not work
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Nov 25, 2009
While in MS Word and other programs, the dialog box when choosing from the menu is pretty small, with small type. Can these field input boxes be made larger with larger, more readable text?
For example, when I'm doing Find/Replace in MS Word, the input field boxes are very small, even though I have a 20" monitor.
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Apr 18, 2009
In windows I can tab from one entry field box to the next. You can do this in OS X too with the exception of boxes with choices. For example when I am filling out an address and I tab down to the state box it won't let me select it. In windows I am able to tab the the state box, hit F on my keyboard and it selects the state of Florida without ever having to use my mouse. Anyway to do this in mac?
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Nov 6, 2010
i know safari is default cuz its apple and all.. but what do you guys have as a separate option:
Google Chrome
Firefox 3.5
Firefox 4 Beta
Just safari
just curious.. wanting to put a browser but not too sure. (on my desktop PC, i have firefox 4), but i would like to know
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Mar 18, 2009
Does anyone knows how to stop or block or anything that can stop someone of stealing my applictaions?
I tested in my macbook and if you have a USB you can just go and copy any application in the usb. Then you just put it in you macbook and it works.
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Mar 19, 2012
My Safari address field disappeared> What happened? How do I get it back?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 8, 2012
I know the Macbook 17" is powerful but is it powerful enough to play Battlefield 3 (Windows Bootcamp) with just 1Gb or Graphics Ram? with the resolution up at 1080P or 720P and would it be laggy if its on 1080P i just want something better rather playing it on a PS3 or the Ps3 version will have better graphics?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 1, 2014
i have a:
- macbook pro 13 -inch late 2011
- software OS X 10.9.3
when a RESTART my device, I don't see the PASSWORD FIELD. I see the pointer, the "welcome message" below,the name of the admin (myself) above, the picture above. i see everything but the space in wich you write the password.i can write it without seeing it neither its field.
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May 6, 2009
I've never been much of a Firefox fan. I think it feels too much like a Windows app, it's not as integrated into OS X as Safari and, in my opinion, it hasn't been as fast as Safari. I have to give it props for having add-ons and extensions but it creates a lot of security problems and conflicts with other extensions. I don't understand why so many people like Firefox so I just want to ask: Why do all of you like Firefox?
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Nov 8, 2008
I'm trying to sent up an automatic response email in mail rules, the problem is when I filter the email I want to respond to, I don't get the option to send a response to the "Reply-To" field, I can only reply to the "From" field which is no good to me. The mails I receive are booking inquiries generated by an online form so the "From" field is always the same email address not the guest address which is in the "Reply-To" field.
powerbook 15
Mac OS X (10.3.x)
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Sep 10, 2009
Am I going crazy or did the google search field change? If say, I do a search in google, in the search result pages, the google search field looks like this: Notice the huge font in the search bar and the weird search button.
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Feb 6, 2010
A friend used my Mac a month ago and his email address often comes up in my FROM: email field. I am the default but I must hit it every once in a while and his email address is selected. When my recipient gets my message it's says it's from HIM. How can I delete his name so it isn't a choice in the FROM: email field? I looked in Mail preferences and his email address is NOT listen next to mine under Preferences>Accounts.
Please not this isn't happening in the TO: field. For that I'd just choose WINDOW>Previous Recipients>Delete.
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Mar 6, 2010
When I start to type an email address in the TO section of my email it attempts to autocomplete the field from my address book data.
This is really useful but it ALSO autocompletes from previous email addresses that I have entered (including ones that are no longer active).
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Aug 23, 2010
I have not seen anyone address the following problem. Nevertheless, it absolutely annoys me, and I wonder if anyone knows how to fix it. Sometimes, when I press the normal COMMAND+SHIFT key sequence to use Spotlight, the Spotlight search field will drop down lower on the screen. It will still be on the correct side, but it will drop down near the middle of the screen. In other words, the Spotlight search field will not be attached to the menu bar in the upper-right corner (next to the clock and the day of the week) where it normally appears. However, during those instances, it will pop back into place if I do one of two things: 1) start typing into the Spotlight field anyway or 2) Change my resolution to 1680x1050. This really annoys me when it happens. Does anyone know how to fix this so that it never happens again? It doesn't happen a lot, but I don't want it to happen again, and I absolutely love using Spotlight. I'm a Spotlight addict. Also, if there's a fix, can someone tell me anything I can do to Snow Leopard, so that the Spotlight search field never pops out of place again?
Sorry, but I'm very much a perfectionist.
Here's a screen shot of how it looks when it happens. I snapped it off the desktop when it happened last time:[URL]
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Mar 21, 2012
Anyone know of a way to make the "Name" field on the login screen in Lion longer? My students login with their active directory account/email address, and almost all of them are too long for them to be able to see the whole thing when typing it into the username field.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 11, 2012
My safari search field (with magnifying glass ) is gone. Anyone know how to get it back?
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May 29, 2012
I am posting this in the Mac Pro forum because I am not seeing this issue on my my Macbook Pro, and therefore think it may be machine-specific. Since upgrading my Mac OS to Lion, the first keystroke is often rejected by the password field on the login screen. The field accepts the keystroke initially, but then "refreshes" and blanks out. This causes a lot of login errors, and I have to retype my password. It only happens when first logging in, never on the second entry of my password. Also, it happens equally often whether logging in on a cold boot, or when logging back in after logging out. Additionally, it doesn't happen every single time, although it happens a lot. My Lion system is an upgrade/install, and I often wonder if a clean install would fix this.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8 x 2.8 GHz 10 GB RAM, Radeon 4870
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Dec 8, 2014
I just added a gmail account and when I compose a new message I can't see the "from" field. Using the "View" dropdown I can see that it is checked, but it does not appear in the message itself.
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Sep 8, 2010
I'm looking for a Firefox add on that will allow me to select a word and right click and select some kind of "view definition" or something.
I've done a search and fond a really good one, but it's not available for the latest version of FF. I've also seen a few that were PC only but the rest I've been finding are more like spell checkers.
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Oct 28, 2010
notice the studdery video and scrolling in firefox? I searched on google a while back and found a thread that said it was firefox saving the tabs every 5 seconds that caused the lag. So I set firefox to save them every 5mins or something and that worked for a while but now the problem has returned.
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Jul 30, 2006
does anyone know if there is a download link for IE plugin firefox for Mac or IE for Mac.
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Apr 16, 2007
When I attempt to open a pdf file in Firefox I get a dialog box asking me to "Open with" or "Save to Disk"? The problem is the "Open with" lists only an old app that I no longer have, and doesn't give me a choice to select which app to use. If I go ahead and click OK it opens in Preview which is fine, but why does the dialog box only show an old app that is no longer available? How this this info get filled in, and how can I fix this?
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Jul 19, 2007
I was forced by evil powers to use a Windows machine for a few days, as I sold my Mac Mini and I'm waiting for my new MacBook. Right now I'm writing in Firefox on a PowerBook that I borrowed, and I'm ashamed to say that I miss a feature from Internet Explorer 7's tab handling.
I love tabs, I have 10 or 20 of them opened at a time, IE7 is really slow with tabs, but it has a feature that I liked: When you have, let's say, 10 tabs open, and you are on tab #1, and a new tab opens from a link inside #1, it won't go to #11 like in Firefox, it opens between tabs #1 and #2.
I'm embarrassed, but I like it. Any extension that do that in Firefox?
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