OS X Leopard :: No Reply To Field In Mail Rules

Nov 8, 2008

I'm trying to sent up an automatic response email in mail rules, the problem is when I filter the email I want to respond to, I don't get the option to send a response to the "Reply-To" field, I can only reply to the "From" field which is no good to me. The mails I receive are booking inquiries generated by an online form so the "From" field is always the same email address not the guest address which is in the "Reply-To" field.

powerbook 15
Mac OS X (10.3.x)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Nickname Field Listed Into Field Of Apple Mail?

Apr 4, 2012

If you have a contact in Addressbook (AB) with a nickname, if you also use Apple Mail (AM) and create a new email and start to type the contact's email in the TO field, AM will finish your typing giving you a list of related possible email addresses to choose from. The problem is that in addition to the email addressk AM adds the contact's nickname as opposed to it's firstname/lastname or even business name. We need a preference for this, per contact. 

Example: In AB you have a contact: 

Name: Jon Doe
Company Doe Company
Nickname: The Doester
email: jon.doe@doecompany.com 

In AM you start to write an email: and type: "jon" and AM shows you a list of possible related emails one of which will be: "The Doester" [URL]Commentary: now if a casual email to a friend, this is OK. But what if this is a business oriented email and "The Doester" isn't appropriate? You can only stop the inclusion of "The Doester" by deleting it from the Nickname field in the AB. This is presumptuous on Apple's part, or a bug, that the Nickname should trump the first/lastname or company name. 

I don't exactly know the answser to this. If we could easily choose which name to append in front of the email address (firstname/lastname, company name or nickname) that would be cool. Or maybe no name gets added if it has to be: all or nothing from a programming point of view. But having nickname as the primary, if it exists, can be a problem in certain correspondence IMHO. 

Mac Pro 3.0 GHz Quad-Core, iPad WiFi/3G, iPhone4, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 30" HP Display, 22" Cinema Display

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mail Rules Don't Save After Quitting Mail

Feb 4, 2012

I have a rule that copies an email to the ON MY MAC and then another that MOVES TO A FOLDER in Mobileme.  They are in this order.  The problem is when I quit Mail the Folder I am copying to is changed to the Mobileme folder so I end up with a duplicate.  It doesn't change until Mail is quit.  The other odd part, there one arragement like this that did savef at some point and works as expected. 

I have tried having both of these rules combined into 1 and have the same results.

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OS X Leopard :: Automatically Move Mail From Inbox After Reply

Jul 24, 2008

I want to have rule that automatically moves email from my Inbox to a folder On my Mac after I reply to a message. This functionality is built into Smart Mailboxes but those won't actually move the email anywhere. Can this be done or is their a plugin/script out there perhaps?

MacBook Pro 15" 2.16 Ghz 2GB RAM
Mac OS X (10.5.6)
Mac Pro Dual 3GHZ Quad-Core Xeon 4GB RAM

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OS X Leopard :: Losing Images In Reply To Mail Message

Apr 20, 2009

When I Reply to a message I loose and images in the original message (including those in my original signature lines. Instead of the image I get <pastedGraphic.tiff> or <image001.png> or <ATT00108.gif>. Any new images (from my new signature lines) are ok. If I Forward a message all these original images are intact and get forwarded, so the problem is in the Reply function.

Mac OS X (10.5.6)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mail.app Reduces Resolution Of Emails Upon Reply

May 9, 2012

Has anyone had a problem where image attachments in the message preview pane appear to reduce in resolution (i.e. become fuzzy, blurry, or pixelated) after they hit "reply" in Mail.app? 

I am seeing this when using an account on an "Exchange 2007" mail server. To reproduce:

1. View email in the third-pane preview, or open it by double-clicking. Inlined image attachment appears full resolution.

2. Hit reply (using command-R or the GUI button)

3. Inlined image immediately becomes pixelated in preview pane -- looks fine if you double-click and open the message.

4. Quitting Mail.app and restarting it resolves the pixelated image (until you hit reply again). 

Mail.app Version 4.5 (1084)

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.66GHz Intel Core i7, 8GB RAM

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Migrate Mail Rules From Snow Leopard

Mar 12, 2012

I installed Lion on both my Mac Pro and my MacBook Pro. The MacBook Pro maintained the rules I had set set up in Mail. My MacPro had a few issues in upgrading and I lost all my rules. Unlike Mobile Me, iCloud doesn't sync rules. How can I get them from my laptop to my desktop?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mail Showing Name Instead Of Email ID In To Field?

May 13, 2012

I have some email addresses for various web addresses for my business web site and I just noticed that when sending an email to one of these, mac mail is showing my name in the To box. Does anyone know where this gets pulled from so I can change it? I am not seeing it in the preferences for some reason.

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Applications :: How To Show Old Style Reply Header In Snow Leopard Mail

Sep 2, 2009

Just installed Snow Leopard. I want to stop using Entourage. So, when I reply to an email in Mail.app 10.6 I want the From, Sent, To, and Subject fields to appear above the original email (see example below) as it did in Mail.app 10.5 and earlier. How do I do this...?

From: Tim Simpson

Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 12:30 PM

To: 'Steve Jobs'

Subject: Injection Mold quote

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Applications :: Using AND & OR In Mail's Mail Rules - Use In Outlook Express

Feb 1, 2010

Is it possible to use both AND and OR rules with Mail's [mail.app] mail rules? For example in Outlook Express I have a rule which says should: the message body contain ANY of the following words:

AND the account is <insert account name here>
THEN move to <insert folder name here>

However on Mail there seems to only be the option for ANY or ALL and if I apply ANY then it will also move all mail from any account which has the words one, two, three or four, not just from the account I supplied. In additional all other e-mails from the account supplied will be moved as well, even if they don't contain those words.

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OS X :: Mac Mail.app Strips 'From' Field When Sending Mail?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a peculiar problem to which I have been unable to find a solution, despite searching far and wide on the Internet.

I access my company's microsoft exchange server email account through mail.app on my mac. In setting up this account, everything was detected easlity and I can send and receive mail without any issue, except one:

When I send an email, my name, in the From field, gets stripped as it gets sent. If I keep the mail as draft, I can see my email address in the From field, but when I finally send the email, that field gets stripped and is now blank.

So now, when I go back and look into my "sent" folder, the from field is blank.

This does not happen when I send email, via the same exchange account, from my iphone or ipad, only mail.app does this. This also does not happen when I send email through my yahoo or gmail account via mail.app.

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Software :: Cannot Get New Or Reply Option In Mail

Jun 26, 2009

I have an OS X 10.4.11 and since a few days, if I want to write an email, the whole page turns grey and it won't show me the "new mail" page, I can receive messages alright. Now what ?

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OS X :: Bug With Rules In Apple Mail

Nov 15, 2010

There is a bug when it comes to rules in Mail in 10.6.4 and 10.6.5 (and possibly earlier versions of Mail as well).

Here are the steps to reproduce the bug:

1. Make sure you have an IMAP account in Mail.

2. In your IMAP account's Mailbox Behaviors, UNCHECK the box that says "Store draft messages on server". This ensures that your draft messages will be saved locally on your Mac instead of on your IMAP server.

3. Create one new rule that would ALWAYS be true of ANY new message that you would be creating in mail, such as:
"From contains (your email address)"
"Sender is a member of group (name of a group that your own card is a part of)"
Don't create both of those rules... just choose one.

4. The action that the rule should perform is:
"Set Color of text (choose a color)"
Make sure that you're NOT setting a BACKGROUND color, but rather that you're setting a TEXT color.

5. Save the rule.

6. Now, create a new message and start typing.

7. Save the message as a draft once.

8. Notice that the message shows up in your Drafts folder with the text color applied that you set in #4 above. This actually is a small bug right there, because rules shouldn't apply to messages in your drafts folder, but this first bug is not a big deal.

9. Continue editing the message.

10. Save the message as a draft for a 2nd time.

11. This is where the major bug takes place. Look in your Drafts folder. Now, your message has shown up in the list of Drafts message with the BACKGROUND COLOR of the subject changed to the TEXT COLOR that you set in #4, which makes the message unreadable if you had chosen a dark text color. Even though you specified a TEXT color, Mail incorrectly applied a BACKGROUND color to the message. This is completely annoying if you're working on a bunch of drafts, because you can't even read the names of the drafts that you're working on without individually opening them up.

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OS X :: Mail Rules With A Bit Of Complexity

Mar 23, 2009

My system administrator has convinced me to try OS X Mail rather than Outlook. I believe that Outlook, while having its warts as a mail client (due to its MS heritage), does have a great deal of power that is unappreciated by those who have not used it.

In any case, I am running into some of those limitations. The rules capability appears far more powerful in Outlook.

I need to implement the following rule:

From contains A or B or C
Subject contains D or E or F
Message contents contains G or H

Can this even be done? I am willing to have multiple rules to unwind the logic, but I am not convinced it will get the same result.

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Applications :: Customize Mail Reply Header

Dec 16, 2010

can't find the solution for customizing my reply header in the mail.app. Please let me know whether we can customize the reply in the mail.app or not. Let me explain clearly. Generally if i reply to the email the reply header part will look like as below, On Dec 23, 2009, at 11:21 AM, XYZ, ABC wrote: But i want to have it as,

From: XYZ, ABC
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 11:21 PM
Subject: Hello World

So please let me know whether there are any addon or scripts available to do that.

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Applications :: Reply In Mail With Stationary Templates?

Dec 29, 2009

Is it possible to reply to an email and use one of the stationary templates? I cannot figure out how to do this.

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OS X Mavericks :: Apple Mail Keeps Attachments On Reply

Sep 11, 2014

Just bought a new Mac Pro running Mavericks.  Migrated my life from my old Mac Pro (early 2008) running Mountain Lion.  That's a whole other story, but my problem now is that Mail does not delete attachments when I reply to a message that contained the attachments.  This is new to me, so I wasn't aware of it until I started getting nasty messages from my Internet provider telling me that I had exceeded the maximum allowable message size.  When a client sent me a 10MB document to review and edit, I would reply and attach the edited document to the reply, not knowing that the original 10MB file was still there (down at the bottom of a sometimes lengthy message). 

The old attachment can be manually deleted in the Message tab, but I can't find anything in Preferences or anywhere else that allows me to turn that feature off forever. 

Mac Pro (Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Major Bug With Rules In Apple Mail

Nov 15, 2010

There is a bug when it comes to rules in Mail in 10.6.4 and 10.6.5 (and possibly earlier versions of Mail as well).

Here are the steps to reproduce the bug:

1. Make sure you have an IMAP account in Mail.

2. In your IMAP account's Mailbox Behaviors, UNCHECK the box that says "Store draft messages on server". This ensures that your draft messages will be saved locally on your Mac instead of on your IMAP server.

3. Create one new rule that would ALWAYS be true of ANY new message that you would be creating in mail, such as:
"From contains (your email address)"
"Sender is a member of group (name of a group that your own card is a part of)"
Don't create both of those rules... just choose one.

4. The action that the rule should perform is:
"Set Color of text (choose a color)"
Make sure that you're NOT setting a BACKGROUND color, but rather that you're setting a TEXT color.

5. Save the rule.

6. Now, create a new message and start typing.

7. Save the message as a draft once.

8. Notice that the message shows up in your Drafts folder with the text color applied that you set in #4 above. This actually is a small bug right there, because rules shouldn't apply to messages in your drafts folder, but this first bug is not a big deal.

9. Continue editing the message.

10. Save the message as a draft for a 2nd time.

11. This is where the major bug takes place.... after you've saved your draft for the 2nd time. Look in your Drafts folder. Your message has now shown up in the list of Drafts message with the BACKGROUND COLOR of the subject changed to the TEXT COLOR that you set in #4, which makes the message unreadable if you had chosen a dark text color. Even though you specified a TEXT color, Mail incorrectly applied a BACKGROUND color to the message. This is completely annoying if you're working on a bunch of drafts, because you can't even read the names of the drafts that you're working on without individually opening them up.

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OS X :: Rules For Incoming Mail Entourage?

Apr 14, 2009

Recently we brought a new mac and have set up entourage 2008.

We want a mail alert sound for all my incoming mail. We do not want the default ones that they have.

We downloaded a set of sounds for this.

What is the rule that we need to use to make these sounds work?

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Applications :: Working With Mac Mail Rules?

Jan 2, 2010

A wonderful poductivity app -- Omni Focus, has caused me to Abandon Entourage. I'm loving MacMail, especially after having discovered MailSteward for archiving. But I've got one problem.

I use rules a lot. But I can't figure out how to alphabetize the rules I have so I can edit them. Is there some way to do this???

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Software :: Mail Rules Not Working?

Aug 11, 2009

I've made a few rules to organize my incoming messages on Mail and they all work fine. They move e-mails to mailboxes according to whoever sent them. But, when I make new rules now, they just don't work at all.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mac Mail Rules Not Working

Jun 27, 2012

Rules in Mac Mail are working terribly randomly - create a rule to color messages from domain = x, didn't work; then tried a rule to color messages to = one of my 3 email addresses ... that worked on about 80% of the messages to that email address (***? no discernable pattern!) after exiting and re-launching mail ... Finally realizing this thing just doesn't work I deleted all the rules ... several exits/re-launches I now still have about 80% of my messages to one email address I use colored, with no discernable pattern. There are no rules now. 

Using OS X 10.7.4 on a 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac Book Pro w/ 4 GB Ram, Mail 5.2. Have 3 email addresses, 1 Mobileme using IMAP and 2 Gmail addresses using IMAP. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Get Rules To Work In Mac Mail

Aug 21, 2014

How can I get rules to work in Mac Mail? I have tried every criteria possible to move the incoming messages of certain senders from my inbox to Junk mail or trash.  I apply the rule, & it does nothing.  I highlight the email itself in the inbox column, right-click and select "apply rule" and absolutely nothing happens. It moves nothing, anywhere.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.2

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mail 5.2 Can't Get Rules To Act On Sent Mail

Apr 2, 2012

I have successfully set up quite a few rules in Mail 5.2 to filter my messages, but I can't get them work on outgoing (sent) mail.I tried to set up a rule to send any outgoing message with a certain recipient in the "To" field to a specific mailbox (ie Trash), but the messages just sit in the Sent box. 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Applications :: Setting Default Reply To Address In Mac Mail?

Mar 31, 2010

Anyone know how I can set a permanent Reply To header for all my mail accounts in Mail? I've found a couple scripts by searching the net, but all old stuff and nothing that works. Anyone care to take a crack at it? Applecare's official stance is that you need to type it in manually for every message. There has to be some way around this.

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OS X Mavericks :: Apple Mail Removing Attachments On Reply

Jun 24, 2014

I am trying to find a way to keep attachments whenever I reply to a message.  I am trying to reply to messages, and keep the attachment in the chain, but for some reason they all get removed (yes, yes, total first world problem, I know...). 

I am using Mail version 7.2.  I have gone under Mail Preferences, as I saw an earlier post reference a setting in Composition, but that does not appear to be an option in 7.2.  I could not find any other options in any of the other preference tabs.

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Applications :: Mail.app Junk Rules Are Not Applied?

Apr 28, 2008

All of a sudden, mail.app no longer applies the Junk mail rules. Although the messages are identified as junk, they are no longer moved to the Junk folder on my iMAP server.

I'm running Leopard 10.5.2 My settings are in the attached screenshot.

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Applications :: Mail 2.1.3 Missing Rules Button?

Feb 9, 2009

I have a rule that I would like to delete and I've looked everywhere but there is no rules button under Preferences.

There are 3 buttons Account Information, Mailbox Behaviors and Advanced.

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Applications :: Making Mail App Rules Un-check Themselves?

May 4, 2009

A few times now I have found my rules suddenly unchecked. I can't seem to find a pattern.

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OS X :: Mail: Rules Vs Smart Mailboxes (poll)

May 23, 2009

Some of my friends use Rules in mail to assign certain e-mails to certain mailboxes and others prefer using smart mailboxes.

Which one do you use and why?

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