Applications :: Find And Replace Automator In Word?

Oct 8, 2008

The Automator integration with Word 2008 is very useful, but I've discovered a snag I'd like to find a workaround for. I'm using Mac OS 10.5.5.

I want to find and replace all the text in Word documents I create, including the footnotes, headers, and footers, but the 'Find and Replace Text in Word Documents' Automator action will only find and replace in the main body. This severely limits its functionality. Is there any way I can get round this?

I'm happy to use an Apple Script if this would do the job more effectively, but don't know the required code. I used to have this function working fine with macros in previous versions of Word, but I'm stumped by the new version.

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Applications :: Word 2008 Find And Replace Page Break

Feb 15, 2010

Is there a way for me to find a page break and replace it with paragraph instead in Word 2008?

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Applications :: Way To Auto Replace First Word Of E-mail In A Series Of 100 E-mails?

Oct 29, 2010

Sending out the same e-mail message to 100 different people, but I want to customize the e-mail to their first name. Is there any program that you can upload a text list or Excel list to and it will do this automatically and create the e-mails in your drafts folder? Don't want to use a online sending service because they put crap at the bottom of the e-mail and recipients know it's automated.Want the people to think it's not something automated.Also, I know there's a way to schedule delivery of a message for a future date in Apple Mail via Apple Script, but you seem to have to schedule one by one. Any watch to do a batch scheduling?

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Applications :: How To Use Find And Replace To Change The Font

Dec 6, 2010

I've looked all over, and I can't find out how to use find and replace to change the font properties of certain words. Like say I wanted to change every instance of the word "dog" to a bigger font size. You can do this in MS Word, anyway you can do it in Pages?

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Applications :: Multiple Document Find And Replace?

May 26, 2009

I need to find and replace several strings of txt across ~ 70 documents. I have Textmate, but is it not possible to do this? I can't seem to figure it out.

Is there another app I should use?

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Applications :: IWork Find/Replace With Color?

May 24, 2010

How do you do a Find and Replace in Pages when you want to change the color of the font. For example, for every instance of the word Apple, you change it to BOLD and in RED. Changing the style is no problem but changing the color is. You can do this easily in Microsoft Word.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Automator To Save Word / Excel File To Two Different Directories

Mar 22, 2012

I'm a new Mac user and was just reading about "Automator" My question is would it be possible to create a workflow etc, to save an excel or word file to two different locations or directories?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Software :: Can't Find Original Icon To Replace?

Nov 26, 2008

I have downloaded a full set of icons and i kno how to change them, my original icons rite now to replace them, i am running Tiger, 10.4.11, i knew where they were

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Software :: Finding Powerful Find And Replace Tool?

Aug 3, 2008

I need to use a powerfull Find and Replace tool for text files. Something more powerfull than what we have in TextEdit, and lets you find generic words, and other options.

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Software :: Find And Replace Or Batch Change In Address Book?

Jul 6, 2006

I'm looking to convert a whole slew of telephone numbers in Address Book to make them Skype compliant. There are a variety of find-replace patterns I want to use. One example is an area code in parentheses. For example, I want to change (215) to +1 215. There are thousands of numbers in my address book to change, and manually is not an option. Address Book doesn't have any way to do this on its own. I checked out Automator but it doesn't have many useful Address Book functions. I dug around for a bit online for an AppleScript that would just go straight to editing the file, but didn't find anything.

I tried to edit the file myself using TextWrangler, but when I saved it,'s icon changed from a blank file icon to a plain text file icon and Address Book stalled out while opening, necessitating a force quit. So I reverted to my back up and am no closer to solving the problem. Is there a way to do a find-replace or a batch change in Address Book, whetever via AppleScript or otherwise? If not, how can I edit and save it without it become a text file that Address Book chokes on?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Create A Multiple Find And Replace For Excel In AppleScript?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a large dataset in Excel that I have to do a multiple find/replace in (changing USPS state abbreviations to their full names). In searching the Microsoft boards--I was directed to use Applescript, and even the documented help with Excel was recommeding this. Unfortunately, there wasn't much help potinting me in the specific direction I needed.

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Applications :: Finding Tools Like Word Art And Ms Word?

Nov 11, 2009

does it have a tool like word art on ms word ?

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Software :: Find Command Gone Nuts In Word 2004 Version 11.5.6?

Jul 2, 2010

In Word 2004, when I press Cmd+F to open the "Find" window, and enter a search term, it highlights not just the first (as it has hitherto done) but ALL appearances of that term in the document, and takes me to the first one. If I then press "Enter," which would normally take me to the next occurrence of the term, it opens the footer! This strange behavior has just started

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Applications :: Converting DVD To ISO On Automator, New Mac

May 17, 2009

After cleaning up my house and noticing I have a very lengthy movie collection I decided I should probably back them up incase anything happened. I have been thinking of investing in another mac to do this. (just gives me a reason to give the lady of the house an excuse to buy one haha) But I was wondering is there any way I can just Rip my dvd's straight to .iso? I figure if i ever need a copy iso would provide me the quick way to make it. I cant find any straight software that rips to iso. Im preferably looking for free software but I wouldn't mind investing 30 bucks or so in a decent app. I also assume if its an iso I should be able to just burn it to a new dvd with Disk Utility. Is this correct or will the software be capable of doing it.

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MacBook Air :: Could Not Find Install For Down Loaded Corel Word Perfectinstall Download?

Apr 20, 2012

I down loaded corel word perfect and I cannot find a way to install the .exe file.  The down load has been saved in dosn load folder.  This MacBook Air is my first Apple buy.

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Applications :: Automator: How To Access Menu Bar

Sep 23, 2010

-Import files one at a time into 3rd party application using Automator. Challenge: -The application has no way to program a key command for edit > insert > file (that I could find)Failed tries with Automator:Recorded a "watch me do" sequence using the mouse. Sometimes it works and sometimes it glitches badly; the cursor moves very slowly in places I never recorded and the script runs for several minutes until I press the restart button. I believe that nothing changes on the machine between attempts - very peculiar.Recorded a "watch me do" sequence using 'control' + 'function' + 'f2' to highlight the apple in the menu bar at the top of the screen then navigated to edit > insert > file using the arrow keys. Unfortunately it doesn't work when run. In the workflow,"'control' + 'function' + 'f2'" is shown as"'control' + '(a symbol I don't know - see attached screenshot line 1 of the workflow)'"The arrow keys pressed are then not recognized at all. (Line 2 in the workflow is from pressing return.)A seemingly simple task is really perplexing me. I'm sure there's a simple solution though.

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Applications :: Using Automator And Apple Script To Do Something?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a bunch of images in a folder and say I want to do something like the following to them

The original image name is


Say I now want to take the first 4 digits and and add 645 to them to get 3219

how would I do this in automator any other mac application

(I have like 5,000 photos I need to do this for)

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OS X :: Automator Applications - Folder Actions

Oct 5, 2009

I understand when I make an automator 'application', it appears and can be drug to the applications folder. But when I make a folder action, or a service or whatever, where does the action go (so I can edit it again, later) or delete it?

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Applications :: Automator Won't Delete Actions

Jan 20, 2010

I move an action into the workflow space. Now, I realize that I made a mistake (God forbid) and I want to remove that action. PLEASE tell me how in the world do I do that. I click on the 'x' in the top right corner and nothing happens. I click on it and press delete key. Zilch. I even drag it to the trash (out of desperation). Perhaps my is corrupt. I can't think of any other reason I'm not able to delete an action from the workflow. How do I reinstall in Snow Leopard? I can't using the install disk because Automator is not one of the apps designated. Can I download it (the app)? I seem to be the only person in the universe that has this problem (not being able to delete an action). I've googled my fingers raw.

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Applications :: Automator And Text To Speech

Mar 4, 2010

I am trying to convert a text file to an audio file by using 'text to speech'. Originally, the text was created in Pages but just in case I also saved it as an rtf file. I want to save it as an mp3. Also, once I've got the workflow, I would like to use this again with other text files. I know I can save the workflow and I can do the task by Automator, but I must be doing something wrong. Should I use the 'record' function? What am I doing wrong? I called AppleCare but of course, after 15 minutes they recommended their online discussions. They don't know anything about these basics. The guy asked me, what I tried. I told him that I tried Terminal, but I was confident that Automator and creating a workflow would be the solution for me. He didn't even know where Automator was. I suppose, this was the last time that I purchased an AppleCare.

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Applications :: Writing Automator Script?

Apr 5, 2010

Can anyone do me a favour and write me a automator script that can, open address book, find all contacts that contain a dash in numbers and a space in the numbers then remove them from all contacts?

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Applications :: Automator Actions Not Working In ITunes 10?

Sep 2, 2010

I really like iTunes 10. Clean, uncluttered, easily usable. BUT I have an automator action set for 7:30am every day as an alarm to wake me. This action plays a playlist in iTunes called "morning alarm" and has worked for months beautifully. When I loaded the action in Automator I got an error to say that the "play iTunes playlist" action, the auto iPhone sync action and set iTune volume actions we no longer valid. Those actions appear not to exist any longer in iTunes 10. Has anyone else had similar problems? Did you get a work-around?

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Applications :: Automator - How To Remove Duplicate Files

Jan 3, 2011

Unlike Windows, this damn-ded MacOS X won't ask what to do when moving several items with the same name to a single location. In Vista and 7, it asks if you want to replace all similarly named items with a single of the items or if you want to put all of the similarly named items in the new location and append an annotation at the end of the file name. (I think Windows appends "Copy #" to duplicates) So, I'm left with, "File, File 2, File 3, file 4" in a single folder. I need an Automator action to sort this out and simply move or delete the duplicates.

The simplest action I can think is: Ask for files>get files>select files with similar filenames, neglecting the last characters if they are numerals>reference the size (with accuracy of 1 byte) of selected files>label files of the same size red>select red files>move red files to a selected folder. How can I get these sort of tools? I need a measuring action and another action that will compare file names...

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Applications :: Automator Actions - System Preferences

Jan 18, 2006

Does anyone know of any Automator Actions to modify System Preferences? Specifically I have the bottom right screen corner set to do Desktop Exposé when I point the cursor there, and I want to make a workflow to toggle this on and off. I've never used Automator before so I don't know a whole lot about it.

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Applications :: Automator - How To Fetch New Email Messages

Feb 5, 2008

I'm trying to create a workflow in Automator which will basically:

- Fetch new email messages
- Filter the messages so only ones with a certain sender come through
- Take the attachment from these and save it in a folder

The following workflow works perfectly for it:

- "Get New Mail"
- "Find Accounts in Mail"
- "Get Attachments from Mail Messages"

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Applications :: Automator Erroring When Copying A Big Folder

Jan 22, 2009

I have automator running a weekly task of making a copy of a 10gb folder (database) and into copying 2 (120 seconds) minutes of the 10 minutes it is going to take automator comes back with an error "Finder got an error" Connection is invalid. I know its the size of the folder as i ran it on a different folder and ran successfully. How can i extent the "timeout" period of when it is copying a folder? it needs at least 10 minutes to copy 10gb.

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Applications :: Automator - No Option To Rename Completely

May 17, 2009

I'm using Automator to rename 200 odd pictures I have taken to the date the photograph was taken.
I have tried renaming them, sorting them then reloading in other applications and trying to save.
I see no option in changing the name to a new name, it just adds to the existing name and the filename is now massive. I did not copy originals. There must be something I can do. I tried a program called file merger (something like that) but same sort of thing happened. I have tried around ten fee downloads.

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Applications :: Finding Reinstall Leopard Automator?

Jun 4, 2009

I have a macbook pro and a while ago I decided to free up unused programs. I deleted Automator because I figured I would never need to use it, Im rather hesitant about running scripts.

Anyway, now I find myself needing to run a script to tweak over a thousand pictures; I have the exact script needed but no way to use it.

I can't find a download for the actual program, all I get are downloads for scripts for automator; it's really giving me a headache.

I read another thread here from way back in 2005 about finding it on the OS disc, unfortunately I do not have the Leopard disc because my MBP was given to me by my school as part of a technology thing.

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Applications :: Syncing Two ITunes Libraries Without Automator?

Nov 16, 2009

I currently have a lot of different songs on my iMac and my MBP and I was wondering if there was a way to sync the two without having to use the automator approach found here [URL]

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Applications :: Automator - Can It Be Used Like Mail Shot Service

Jan 19, 2010

I'm a freelance TV Assistant Producer and I'm wondering if it's possible to use Automator to help send out my CV to potential employers in my address book on a monthly basis.

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