Applications :: Camino Vs Safari?
Dec 29, 2009 I'm not sure wether to use Camino or Safari, so I'd like your opinions on both if you've used both .
I'm not sure wether to use Camino or Safari, so I'd like your opinions on both if you've used both .
I just installed Camino (I'm FAIRLY new to Macs) and I really dig it, except for the status bar at the bottom. This might seem like a very slight problem, but it's just a pet peeve of mine. I've tried unifycamino and camitools, neither of which could work, also tampered with a few commands in terminal that didn't get rid of the wretched status bar. .
View 3 Replies View RelatedI like Safari's U.I. very much, but, everytime I load around 5 pages at the same time it starts to freeze and give me the rainbow circle on the mouse pointer. If I open the same sites with Camino everything works great and even faster than Safari.
I do not want to quite switch to Camino, because its UI is ugly, but its really superior to Safari on speed terms and has the same compatibility as Firefox, because its Gecko engine (?).
I will miss Top Sites and Safari's UI so much
How your Safari works? Is it fast and freeze free?
I've noticed some YouTube URLs I get in email won't open in Camino (2.0.6) but work in Safari (5.0.3). Is there a plugin I am missing?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been using Firefox and Safari. I like both.I do like Firefox a bit more. How is Camino. Step foreword or back relative to Firefox??
I am currently using Camino 2.0 Beta 2 and it is really fast! You guys should try it!
I have imported Bookmarks from Safari and Firefox, but I can't find a way to import Firefox History
I saw their support page but they say something about history.dat on Firefox Application Support page, whose isn't there, I guess its from older Firefox versions.
I was wondering about that one web browser, Camino. I installed it, but about a day or two after installation, it started freezing up, and the beach ball started showing up. It wasn't only Camino, but all of my web browsing applications started acting up. Opera and Safari were both affected by the beach ball, and my internet connections got really slow. So, stuff like Facebook and Youtube started bugging up. I deleted Camino, and some of those problems are gone now. But, I want to know, what did Camino do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedTitle says it all - I downloaded FireTabs, but how do I install it into Camino?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI find that Camino runs very well on my iBook G4 1.2 Ghz machine. It leads me to think that because Camino is not so memory intensive and full of add-ons and so on (like Firefox), that it will work well on other low-end machines...
What do others think? Any other browsers that you find optimises performance? (I am even thinking of putting Camino on my MacBook, as Safari seems to slow down a lot at times...).
does anyone know of a way (plugin or otherwise) to view pdf files in the camino browser without having to save them or open preview? i know about the pdfbrowser plugin, but that's for PPC only. ideally, i'm looking for something that will mimic safari pdf functionality... that's like the only reason i still sometimes use safari!
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've heard Office:Mac isn't that great, and doesn't make up for what iWork 09 is missing. So I'm wondering what people think about it and why does it get such a bland reputation? Also, do people use a combination of the above? Such as iWork and Office:Windows? Both Offices? I do mainly word processing, some soft Excel work (no hardcore giant spreadsheets...yet), and general PowerPoints for presentations. I have access to cheap iWork/Offices (school discount) and a family pack of the top-level edition of Office:PC (family) so it isn't a big deal to get any of the above.
Lastly, what's the difference between Camino and Firefox? I use Firefox currently and love it, mainly due to the add-ons (weather at the bottom, Gmail alert, skins, page views, other customizations). Tabs seem to be on all browsers these days, so are there any other key differences?
Many extensions on cannot be installed.However, extensions that I installed before, no problem, such as AdBlock, Bing, Echofon. Others, will not install, it will be stuck at installing. And Safari may lose response after a while. I initially noticed that if I try to install YouTube5 which I downloaded myself, Safari will immediately lose response.
Tried solutions:
- Reset Safari
- Run OnyX
- Repair disk permissions
- Deleting all the extensions; extensions I installed before will install, others won't
- Deleting Clicktoflash and Glims
I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.
So today I ran and update. And it messed up.
Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.
I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!
I removed the new Safari 4 with AppZapper. I did'nt like the new UI. But now Safari 3 will not reinstall (see pic) How can I solve this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I move my bookmarks from my PC to my MBP? I am running Safari on my PC and I can't find an option to export bookmarks.
View 3 Replies View Related works in all browsers apart from Safari 5.0.2 on OS X 10.6.4.As far as I can see in other browsers all the SSL is valid.
View 4 Replies View RelatedEver since I updated when Safari 5 came out, it's been ridiculously slow. About 5 times slower than Safari 4. I remember reading about such problems with Safari 5 and I tried all of the recommendations, but they didn't help. Some pages just won't load unless I try multiple times.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHas anyone noticed that Safari 5 is kind of slower than Safari 4.1??? It's not me. I am sure that 4.1 was faster and i enabled the develop menu so i chose 4.1 version under the user agent! I am using the same network and it's still slower! EVERY SINGLE PAGE! what's up???
View 24 Replies View RelatedWho uses Top Sites in Safari?
View 24 Replies View RelatedThe only thing that keeps me from using Safari is the way that target="_blank" links open in new windows, and there is no option to open them in new tabs.
Yes, I'm well aware of Command-click, right-click, etc. Those are not a good solution. It's the surprise new windows that bother me.
I'd like these surprise links to open as tabs rather than windows. However, I'd also like specifically-sized Javascript pop-up windows to open the way they were designed to: As pop-up windows.
I've used Saft in the past. It does a nice job with the first half of the problem, but does not accommodate the specifically-sized Javascript pop-up windows.
Yeah, this thread has come up several times before. Just wondering if anything has changed since the last one, or if Saft is still the best game in town.
I find it much smoother and faster to use. Never crashed for me Over on safari i have a couple now and then. If you have not got it i recommend it
View 7 Replies View RelatedI downloaded this: [URL] to add the "tweaks" menu. After I downloaded it I had some trouble getting it to work. I originally just dragged the contents of the folder (not the folder itself) into where it is supposed to go and that didnt do anything. So then I redownloaded it and dragged the folder itself into it, that didnt do anything. then I got rid of the orignal Menu.nib file and it caused Safari to not even start. After retrying a bunch of times I eventually got it to work. Once I got it to work I clicked on the "view webless ct" tweak (or whatever it said) just to see what it was, and viola, Safari wouldnt load. Everytime I try to open Safari now, I got an error message saying safari needs to quit.
I even reinstalled safari, didnt work. THEN I threw the installation .dmg file in the trash, as well ass safari it self into the trash and emptied it. Then I used firefox and redownloaded Safari 4 from After downloading and installing safari 4 again, restarting the computer, it STILL shows the error message. How can I get safari back to work? I really dont like Firefox.
I visit macrumors and the forums almost on a daily basis, and since the day i got safari 4 i've been trying to add it to "top sites" section.... it just wont happen :/ i really dont understand what's going on... oh and Quote:where is Web Clips ?tryied to add one to my widgets and the button is nowhere to be found..... is there any way to add the site that YOU want to top sites??? or is it just based on visits.... which doesn't make any sense at all to me.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo, I am using Safari Beta 4 however I don't think its the beta that is the problem.
I am clicking a link to open a PDF in Safari and it brings up the window asking what program to use to open it... however, Preview is grayed out and I cannot change to "Enable All Applications" like you can normally, i guess because it's in Safari it's different.
I am pretty sure this started happening when I deleted an Adobe Acrobat Pro trial.
Any one have some insight they would like to share?
So, I have been using Safari for a while now, I like it for the most part but one thing that bugs me is how the tabs work.
I open alot of tabs, which works good, but when I select a tab and close it it goes to the tab to the left. When I close a tab I would like to go be viewing the last selected tab. Eg, if I am on tab one, and open a new tab to view something, then close that new tab, and it happens to be tab 10, I want my view to be tap 1 again. Right now it goes to tab 9 if I close tab 10
Is the newest safari really any better than the newest firefox? It doesn't seem any faster and there are little things I miss that safari doesn't have.
Firefox has:
3-finger swipe to top/bottom
enter in google bar to igoogle page
better adblock
Fits the "look"
Supposedly faster
dragging tabs looks a lot nicer (animated)
So, I've been using Safari 4 all day, and realized that while watching youtube videos and other videos on the internet, the fan speed didn't increase a lot like before. Were the flash problems with Safari resolved in this version ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI hate ads in webpages. adblock plus is a wonderful gift, but it is only for Firefox. I really like Safari on my mac and use it 95% of the time, thus I need something to block the ads on Safari. Luckily I found CSS.
CSS adblock has certain advantages, it is nonaggressive and can be customized to specific websites. There are quite a few CSS adblock on the internet and they generally do a good job. However, they are more of general instead of specific. So for the small number of websites I frequently visited none of the CSS I found could block ads 100%. So I made a CSS specific for the several websites I often visit. Here is the CSS ads removal Version 1.0. To install, in Safari/Preference/Advanced/Style sheet, select the file and it is done! In the current Version 1.0, it blocks ads from...........
I read on osxhints that there is a way to get tabs on top in Safari four, however this does not work when in Snow Leopard, so im asking here if anybody knows how to force them ontop?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhen trying to upload o commnt on [URL] safari locks up and wont force quit ad forces me to reboot is this happening to anyone else
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