Applications :: Safari 4.0 Better Than Firefox 3.5?
Jun 8, 2009
Is the newest safari really any better than the newest firefox? It doesn't seem any faster and there are little things I miss that safari doesn't have.
Firefox has:
3-finger swipe to top/bottom
enter in google bar to igoogle page
better adblock
Fits the "look"
Supposedly faster
dragging tabs looks a lot nicer (animated)
I'd love to use Safari more, it's so fast and smooth, but whenever I use it's RSS reading function it feels so redundant and dumb, it's like why don't I just go to the blog as I normally do? I love how in Firefox I can just see all the new stories quickly in a drop-down menu and go stright to the ones I want to read right away, is there no way at all to do that in Safari? Or is there some plugin program out there that does that?
I tried Safari 4, but I still prefer my Firefox addons. The addon I'm specifically looking for is a way to get the "top sites" page into Firefox. I think I remember seeing this at one time, but I can no longer find it.
How can I add the feature to Safari that is on FireFox that let's you type in for example "Mac Rumors" in the address bar (not the full url) and it pulls up the with just those two words?
How can I add the feature that allows my bookmarks on my toolbar look like this in FireFox: (JUST the icons instead of the typical text only in Safari)
Also what is good to organize bookmarks?
That is mainly it, I just want those two features. To me Safari works a heck of a lot better than FireFox. FireFox for me always crashes even when I have no add ons or anything. YouTube is usually slow and it is just better to use Safari to me. Any advice for the above features on Safari?
I've been using Firefox for several years now, but I'm planning on switching to Safari because it's so much faster. But there are two annoying things that are preventing me from doing so:
1) In Firefox, I can simply add a Bookmark or a Folder directly under the URL box (image below). How do I achieve this in Safari 4.0.3?
2) How can I view the CSS code of a Website that I'm currently viewing?
all of a sudden I can not get onto google. I have tried it in both firefox and safari and cleared all the data. I also have restarted. Each time I try to go to it it comes up a page saying connection interrupted. Do you think something is stopping it from going there?
and is there a thing like firefox mouse gestures for Safari? i like the idea of just clicking my mouse en swipe to the left to get to the previous page, really missing this on Safari.
Does anyone know of a firefox 3 extension or setting that will make the address bar act like safari's? For example, when I type google and hit enter, it automatically goes to google, not a search page.
- Some embedded videos don't play at all - I get error messages before and after some embedded videos - Flip 4 Mac doesn't work properly (buttons disappear - so frustrating!) - Really slow start up (compared to other browsers)
I have none of these issues when I visit the exact same websites using Safari. Now, I have a few reasons why I'm hesitant to switch:
- Add-ons (Foxmarks, Ad-Block, Customize Google, WOT, etc.) - Custom Search Bars (top right) - Ease, simplicity, and control
With that said, are there any equivalent Add-Ons for Safari (I know there is an Ad-Block one)? What about custom search bars? And finally, is there a way to view pdf files in Safari without having to download the file first?
Ads are driving me nuts and i know that i can install Firefox and then add Adblock extension but i really want to use Safari and i am looking for something like "Adblock Plus Firefox addon" but for Safari..
One of my most common navigation methods in Firefox is apple+# to a specified tab - you know, when you've got five tabs, hold down apple, and hit 1,2,3,4 or 5 to go to the associated tab. I need that functionality in Safari.
I'm coming across this bit of annoyance lately that has to do with me going to a url in firefox and sometimes getting a 'domain not found'. But if I go and open the same url in safari, the website comes up. Then just to check, I'll go back in firefox and its still not working. Then after awhile firefox will work again.
I sync my Safari bookmarks between machines via MobileMe. Works pretty well. But I was wondering - is there a way I can make FireFox use my Safari bookmarks, so that they benefit from the sync as well?
since i reset my router all my Apple created software is not connecting to the internet. This includes mail, safari, itunes store, software update. But the strange thing is, Firefox works fine.
When i try to load up a webpage in Safari, it hangs on the loading status for about a minute before saying it cannot load. I have also tried removing the wireless network and starting again but the same thing happens.
In network settings it says that the connection to the internet is fine.
I have tried resetting Safari and clearing the cache but i have had no luck.
i bought a 15 inch mbp 8 months ago and will never look back. however, recently my safari browser has stopped working properly. when i try to load pages they will stop part way or not load at all. i will have to reload the page several times usually, just to see one page. i downloaded firefox to see if this would work better but it has the same issues. now i am at a standstill going back and fourth between the two browsers trying to check my email and face book once a day, which is annoying because of how long this takes, especially when it doesn't work at all. i think my computer may have a virus but i don't know a whole lot about computers
I cannot seems to find a good browser, yes I know Safari 5 is decent but as my wife just noted me today.
It seems that it cannot "multi-task' with tabs, what I mean she opened 2 flash games from Facebook in two tabs, so while 1 tab is playing the game the second one stands still on loading screen. I have decided to test if that was the Facebook problem and loaded 2 games in separate tabs from other game website, to my surprise same result.
Im also experiencing some issues with youtube, while Im loading video sometimes it stops loading video half way through or may be 40%.
Chrome, well its ok but sometimes it slows on flash as well.
Now the real issue I'm having is from Firefox; I have the latest version installed I think 3.6. After a few minutes it starts to get slow, later on it stops responding to the point that my dock and apple bar just freezes. The only solution is to activate spaces, move to empty space and force quit it.
I noticed that Safari wouldn't load a web page. So I went to my back up browser, Firefox. Well it loaded just fine. So at this point, I figured that it may be my schools crappy WiFi/lame firewalls or something of the sort. Well now I've been on my home WiFi for a few hours and it still won't connect. I've restarted my computer a few times and even reset Safari. Safari Version 5.0.1 (6533.17.8).
Well, I didn't change or install anything but since this afternoon Safari began to pause about 3/4 of the way loading a page. It would hang for about 3 seconds, give me the color wheel then load the rest of the page.
So, I installed Firefox and Chrome and they both do the same thing.
I would like to know which renders text better. In other words, where does text look better, on Safari or on Firefox 3.xx?
I am now using Firefox as my main browser and the things that bother me are the lack of Mac OS X integration (drop down menus, text boxes, no bouncing download icons, etc) but I can live without them because for me Firefox is technically superior...
I still have the impression though that the text renders best on Safari. Am I wrong? It seems to me that the character spacing works better on Safari than Firefox, not that the latter isn't any good. This thing could make me return to Safari again, so now I am trying Firefox out for the next couple of days.
When using either Firefox or Safari, recently, to watch instant movies via Netflix, the browser unexpectedly closes. Sometimes it gets to the buffering stage. I've cleared all my private data (history, caches, cookies...) and redownloaded flash/shockwave. I have the most current Silverlight too.
Any ideas? It worked perfectly since I've had it (about a month or two), up until today.
I'm trying to transition to Firefox in lieu of Safari but I CANNOT STAND THE SCROLLING BEHAVIORS in Firefox.They suck so bad.Could anyone here please recommend an extension for firefox that paralells the Safari scrolling behaviors exactly?
Has anyone else noticed that Safari is painfully slow the last few weeks? Mostly the problems are with gmail and facebook, but all sites are slower than Firefox. With both gmail and facebook, I can login fine, but when I click on something (a mail message, a person, a picture), it times out.
I've tried resetting safari several times to no luck. Firefox works fine. I'm having the same issues on my mac mini as well as my MBP. Both have 4GB Ram.