Applications :: Office:Mac Versus Office - Windows And Camino Versus Firefox
Feb 14, 2009
I've heard Office:Mac isn't that great, and doesn't make up for what iWork 09 is missing. So I'm wondering what people think about it and why does it get such a bland reputation? Also, do people use a combination of the above? Such as iWork and Office:Windows? Both Offices? I do mainly word processing, some soft Excel work (no hardcore giant spreadsheets...yet), and general PowerPoints for presentations. I have access to cheap iWork/Offices (school discount) and a family pack of the top-level edition of Office:PC (family) so it isn't a big deal to get any of the above.
Lastly, what's the difference between Camino and Firefox? I use Firefox currently and love it, mainly due to the add-ons (weather at the bottom, Gmail alert, skins, page views, other customizations). Tabs seem to be on all browsers these days, so are there any other key differences?
So here is my dilemma. I got a letter a few days ago from the college I am going to, and it included a list of requirements if we were bringing our own computer. One of the requirements was if we had a Mac, to have Office 2008. I have talked to a friend who is replacing her current Macbook with another Macbook later in the summer, and we decided that when she bought her Macbook, that we could split the price of Microsoft Office for Mac 2008. Now, should I just go ahead and continue on with the plan with my friend, or what? Is there a huge difference in Office 2004 and Office 2008?
Does anyone have any recommendations on one software suite versus another? I have used iWork (brief use of the trial) and MS Office in the past, and right now I am looking at Openoffice, which seems really nice.
I am considering dropping some money on iWork, but I am not sure if it is worth it.
Any shared experiences or recommendations or comparisons will be very welcome.
I'm sure most people suffer from this but here goes.
So I make a presentation on Mac Office powerpoint, everything is fine. I open it up at university on the PC, all is fine. I maybe change some text on a slide and save it again. Open the same file again on my Mac, and it won't open some silly error comes up saying trouble accessing file from mac HD.
Then luckily I have keynote, so I just open it in that and use that.
Point is why does this happen?? Whilst keynote is better, sometimes I have to edit things on a PC at work or uni and then it becomes a giant mess on my mac.
Is there a quick fix, or will I have to throw Mac Office into my growing pile of Microsoft related garbage.
I am a college student and am about to get my first Mac. I found out through student discounts I can get Office professional for $59.99 but just noticed that iWork can open and save as .Doc, .PPT, etc. and I can get it for $71.
I am not a heavy user of any Office programs and would really only use this for school, etc.
Im going to be a college freshman and i was wondering which software would be better. I have tried Pages and it seems to work a lot better with my mac. I am torn about which to get since i will need it for school in fall. I would like to see your opinions as to which software to get.
So, i was wondering what was the difference between the two? Well looking at it i dont see why i should go get office student and shell out that 180 or so when i can get iwork for like 50. Iwork can also be saved to office student files and opened. The tech at Apple said i should get office though?
Canon just announced a new all-in-one printer/scanner/copier/fax. It looks pretty cool to me but I've never used a Canon before. Any thoughts on this new model versus the HP OfficeJet L7680?
The planned mid-January release of Office 2008 offers a significant overhaul of the productivity suite's look and features.
The previous segment described new features in Word 2008, with some comparisons to Apple's Pages 08. This article examines what's new in Excel 2008 and contrasts Microsoft's oldest application to Apple's newest: the Numbers 08 spreadsheet included with iWork.
I cannot seems to find a good browser, yes I know Safari 5 is decent but as my wife just noted me today.
It seems that it cannot "multi-task' with tabs, what I mean she opened 2 flash games from Facebook in two tabs, so while 1 tab is playing the game the second one stands still on loading screen. I have decided to test if that was the Facebook problem and loaded 2 games in separate tabs from other game website, to my surprise same result.
Im also experiencing some issues with youtube, while Im loading video sometimes it stops loading video half way through or may be 40%.
Chrome, well its ok but sometimes it slows on flash as well.
Now the real issue I'm having is from Firefox; I have the latest version installed I think 3.6. After a few minutes it starts to get slow, later on it stops responding to the point that my dock and apple bar just freezes. The only solution is to activate spaces, move to empty space and force quit it.
I would like to know which renders text better. In other words, where does text look better, on Safari or on Firefox 3.xx?
I am now using Firefox as my main browser and the things that bother me are the lack of Mac OS X integration (drop down menus, text boxes, no bouncing download icons, etc) but I can live without them because for me Firefox is technically superior...
I still have the impression though that the text renders best on Safari. Am I wrong? It seems to me that the character spacing works better on Safari than Firefox, not that the latter isn't any good. This thing could make me return to Safari again, so now I am trying Firefox out for the next couple of days.
Does the new office have the same 1 time use code as the windows version of office? I'd like to install office 08 on my PB, but don't want to risk having to buy a new version once I get a new MBP later this year.
I'm not sure if this is the right place for my question, but I wanted to get opinions from you guys. I use Microsoft Word, Excel and sometimes, Power Point quite often at college. They have PCs of course... and I have an iMac. And I wanted to get Microsoft Office at home.
Now, I was looking on the web for different prices and all that. I wasn't sure between buying Windows XP (because I work with XP at college, not Vista) and downloading Bootcamp, or Microsoft Office for Mac. Also, I wasn't sure if the Mac version was similar to the one for Windows... and also if I could transfer files from the PC to Mac versions without problems.
Basically, money wise, if I buy one or the other, there isn't too much of a difference. But I haven't looked everywhere for the best prices available, although I'm guessing it's pretty much the same most places (internet).
I'm looking for a new monitor to go with my MBP, and I'm stuck trying to choose between the ones listed above.
The 2407WFP is a couple of years old now I guess, but it's the rev A04 version, which supposedly fixed the (few) problems with what was otherwise meant to be a great screen. It's an sPVA screen.
I've heard good reviews of the G2410, with its LED backlighting. It's still a TN panel and I hear so much bad stuff about them.
The 2209WA is an eIPS panel which I like the sound of, but it's smaller and lower resolution.
The F2380 is a cPVA panel, the image quality looks better but I've heard bad things about blacks on this panel.
I am a new Mac user and am attemptiong to import clip art from the Microsoft Website (via Firefox).Evidently, you need to associate the file type ".cll" with the browser in order for it to open and allow it to be read in the Office application. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this.The online help topic (from M$) doesn't mention Firefox, but gives instruction for IE and Netscape. The Netscape instructions are below, but I cant figure out if this is something I can do with Firefox...
======= To configure Netscape Navigator to open clips on Mac OS X
1. Start Netscape Navigator version 6.0 or later. 2. On the Netscape menu, click Preferences. 3. Click Navigator, and then click Helper Applications. 4. Click New Type, and then type the following information:
Description of type: Clip Art and Media File File extension: .cil MIME Type: application/ 5. Click Choose and browse for the Microsoft Clip Gallery program, usually located in the Office folder under your Microsoft Office installation folder. Click Open, and then click OK. 6. In the Preferences dialog box, click OK. 7. Close Netscape Navigator, and then restart it.
Ready to install Office 2011 for Mac. Currently we are running Office 2008 for Mac.
What is the best way to eliminate Office 2008 and to ensure a clean Office 2011 install?
For most Mac programs, I would normally drag the application folder to the trash, and then do a library search for some entries related to the program. Will this work for Office 2008 to Office 2011? I ask because the M$ installers seem to more than simply add the app to your app folder and update the libraries - and don't get me started on the horrors of the Windoze registry errors.
Whilst still waiting for the MBP refresh, I would like some advice on which office software you would recommend.
I have decided to convert from being a pc user to have a go with a mac as i have heard so much positive info about its OSX operating system.
I have many word files etc (obviosuly coming from a pc).
What would you recommend,
iwork (�55 pre installed) office for mac (�?) open office (free)
Which one if all of these will enable me to just plug in my usb stick and download all my word/ excel files and pictures without any issues and edit/ change/send again without any issues.
I'm pretty satisfied with the Marware cover, although it can be a little frustrating when typing quickly..I'm wondering if I should go back, return the Marware cover and pick up the iSkin.
So, for those of you that have any of these in comparing..which do you think is the best?
And yes, I did search and am aware threads like this exist..but I couldn't find any comparing all three, only iSkin vs. Moshi.
I'm trying to decide which product to buy and I was hoping for some advice.
First and foremost I want a device so that I may transfer my VHS tapes to DVD.
Live TV recording is secondary but for the price, I'd like to find the device that suits me best so I can continue to use it after i've transferred all my VHS.
Here are my concerns:
1) I'm going to be moving from the US to Ireland in a couple of months (not sure for how long, could be years+) Obviously there's the whole NTSC vs. PAL, ATSC vs. DVB.
I know with EyeTV 250 it's either or, any ideas if buying some sort of converter is an option (prices, quality)? If I bought just a PAL one, would I still be able to convert VHS or would it be completely unusable in the US?
2) I'd like some sort of HD/Digital abilities. From what I can tell TVMax is analog only and Blackmagic may also be but I can't find more specs on that.
Does this mean they'll be useless once the US undergoes the conversion?
So as of now I'm leaning towards EyeTV 250 but the question are there any forseeable problems with using a PAL to NTSC converter or using a PAL EyeTV in the US just to convert VHS.
So I have a 1.8ghz dual G5 with 3gb of ram for work. I mainly work in Adobe CS and do a far amount of Photoshop work. At any given time I may have all of Adobe CS plus Office and a few other apps running -- and a gazillion fonts. Went to the store and saw the new 24" iMac. How would a new iMac compare to my late '04 1.8DP G5? On that same note, how would a new MacBook Pro compare to the above?
I am planning on purchasing a new display for use (currently) with my imac. I am completely torn between these two models, and cannot make a decision. Any thoughts? I like the Dell because it is LED backlit, thus good blacks and little to no backlight bleed. But I like the Samsung because of the (supposedly better panel and (supposedly) better color reproduction. I like the simplistic look of both of them (though they could look a little better ) so I'm not sure which one to buy.
I ran some tests on my 2009 Quad Nehalem to try and determine what was up with the triple Vs dual memory "brouhaha".
I posted the results as a new thread because I think it will be useful information for a lot of quad owners, but it was originally going to be a reply to this thread:
Here we go. Tesselator suggested 3 tests that could show the differences in speed between triple and dual channel bandwidth.
As one idea I would maybe try creating a few very large images (16-bit, blank white, blank black, gradient fill) and then duplicating and deleting that layer repeatedly a few hundred times.
So I did them, 10 times each. I could have gone on, but the results were very very stable after the first 2 attempts.
Set-up: a 40Mpx, 16bit image (8000*5000). First test it was simply filled white; second test: black; and third test a black to white gradient. I added a fourth test, using a real (photo) 12Mpx RAW image from my Nikon D300.
I created (took a while!) an action with 350 repetitions of "duplicate layer" and "delete layer", followed by a red fill to let me know the action was done. The same action was used in all four tests.
The computer was restarted before each of the four tests, which may explain the irregularities on the first 1-2 attempts. Nothing else but PS4 was launched.
The results are interesting:
We can clearly see that the simple white and black fills show a speed difference of around 10%.
We can also clearly see that this difference disappears when a more complex image is used. The use of more complex images represents a much more realistical use of PS.
To make things even more realistic, I also tested RetouchActions's speed test on my own 12Mpx image. I use nearly all of the operations of that action on a daily basis, so it's a lot more representative of the work I do on PS.
Here are the results:
The results are clear: 11% increase in performance using 8GB of ram (Vs 6GB) when working on a 12Mpx image.
Added info: number of page-outs after running the 10 test series (after about 45 minutes of intense PS work): -17K when using 6GB (1.7K page-out avg). -10K when using 8GB (1K page-out avg).
For me the results are definitive: unless I plan on working only with full black or full white images (not even black and white!), having 8GB is better, even when working on smallish 12Mpx files. I imagine the differences would have been even greater using bigger file sizes of actual complex images.
What would now be interesting: someone with a 2009MP Octo doing the same tests at 12GB and 16GB.
I'm sure you've all read about the Firefox memory leak brouhaha. Firefox 1.5+ is supposed to suck down memory like there is no tomorrow.
Someone made this challenge:
"If you keep opening tabs in Firefox � say, more than 10 or 15 � the browser starts to slow to a crawl. See how many tabs you can open, but participate at your own risk! Oh, and uh... be sure to save all of your work first."
Well I ran that test. I opened 33 tabs in FF 1.5.01 on my iBook (see sig). FF doesn't bat an eyelash, no slowdown whatsoever.
I just created my website with iWeb. The problem is, if I open the website with Firefox 3.0 the photos/album pages won't work. They work with Safari and IE.
I am currently using Camino 2.0 Beta 2 and it is really fast! You guys should try it!
I have imported Bookmarks from Safari and Firefox, but I can't find a way to import Firefox History
I saw their support page but they say something about history.dat on Firefox Application Support page, whose isn't there, I guess its from older Firefox versions.
Two short questions on which I really need an answer. This academic year, I'll be writing a lot of papers, but most specifically, I am forced to use SPSS (statistical software package for social sciences).
Will I really need the 2.93 over the 2.66 and notice the improvement?
Same goes for the gfx. I like full-hd 1080, I'll be in InDesign, and use Logic Pro. Will I need "slash" notice the 4850 over the gt130?
Also, are the "hang-ups" with the 4850 truly fixed and does it indeed run a lot hotter (inc. really that more noise) than the gt130?
Today I noticed that there is really lots of color difference when I look at an image on the web when i use firefox in comparison with firefox. For example the red collors are really really bright on firefox but in safari they look not bright at all. Actually safari is more accurate. How to fix color when using firefox (my main browser) are there like certain setting you guys recommend?