I usually read and delete the articles in Apple Hot News RSS feed in Mail on a regular basis. However, over the last few weeks every time a new article arrives, at least one month of deleted articles also appear. For example, I opened Mail tonight and the RSS feed had one new article, plus a load of old deleted articles dating back to September. In RSS Preferences I have "Remove articles after one day" selected.
I am using for work a iMac and i am planning to use for my business trips a mac book air.
I am using the mail and its rss feeeds, i would like to be able to read my mails and rss on both computers and above all that when i have read an email on one computer or one rss feed, it appears as "read" in the other computer
I have about 20 different rss feeds folders on mail, for reading them i have to go from one rss feed folder to the other, how is it possible to view all rss feeds mixed up together in one only feed?
i'm looking for an rss reader app that can load google reader feeds. basically an app that i can login into my google reader and see all my starred feeds and see all the new ones, without having to use a web browser. is there one? i searched on google, and i've tried many of the free and non-free rss feed readers and non seem to have that feature.
If I send a msg from Apple Mail to i.e. Outlook Express. The same msg shows up with "clean" text formating. That will say, no formatting at all. See this screen: [URL:...] I have just gotten back to the Mac now from 10-11 months in hell with Windows-stuf, so I am really eager to get this fixed. In Apple Mail the same message looks this: [URL:...] I dont want to change to Entourage, so excellent if you can help me out with this.
I have decided to start using gmail and keeping my email online instead of stored locally in the Mail program.
I have all my old mail and sent mail downloaded locally in the Mail program.
Is there an easy way to export all of that into gmail? I see I can import mail into gmail from other mail accounts, but here I am talking about importing mail that is now stored locally.
I have two old hotmail accounts that don't really get much mail these days. I don't want to completely abandon these email addresses so I have them use POP3 in my Apple Mail client (along with my other emails addys). Since hotmail is hardly stable with pop3 I get a lot of connection failed messages. I think it's because Apple Mail is hitting Hotmails servers every 5 mins to check for new mail - I don't need that. Is there a way to have certain email accounts be checked at different times than other accounts - like only once a day for my hotmail and once an hour for my gmail?
I use Apple Mail as a client for my Gmail account instead of Gmail's web interface. There is one thing the web interface provides that I'm not sure how to set up within Apple Mail. In the web interface under Settings --> Accounts, the first section is called "Send mail as:" and allows you to send mail from the interface that uses another email address in the From header. I have it set so that when I receive a message that was sent to one of these other addresses (they all forward to my Gmail address), replies will automatically be sent with that address as the From header. How do I set up this functionality within Apple Mail without creating a separate account/inbox for the other accounts? I am not checking mail directly from the others, just want to be able to send as them.
i was using Apple mail 3.0 successfully on my old MBP which was running Leopard. I used POP to access and use my gmail account. I upgraded to a newer MBP but now am running snow leopard and apple mail 4.0 Unfortunately the migration assistant failed to bring across my data to the new computer and had to do it manually. I was unsuccessful in getting Mail 4.0 to set up a POP account for gmail as I had done with the older operating system's version of Mail.
I was successful with setting up IMAP (which i like less for specific reasons that I wont go into). However, even with following gmail's on line instructions, the sending of mails is temperamental. Sometimes emails get send, but almost always they sit in the "outbox" for minutes or hours, and it seems to be quite random as to when the emails are successfully sent. I cannot understand this. Usually the sending fails several times where it gives me the option to "try again" which I usually chose. I have SSL checked and am using port 933. I am using smpt.gmail.com:username@gmail.com has anybody else had similar difficulties and were they able to overcome them
I cannot figure out how to hyperlink in Apple mail? I never wanted to ask and look stupid, but my friend who is a mac user just asked me the same thing! Now with strength in numbers, how the heck do you do it?
Having some trouble moving some of our accounts to IMAP.
Some people have very large accounts and we keep getting the error 143 time out message. Unless i sit there for hours and keep pressing the "Get Mail" button.
Is there a way around this and why does it keep timing out?
I have just set up IMAP within Applemail. I used to have a GMAIL account linked to the Appple mail but have since deleted this connection within GMAIL and disabled IMAP there to. I cannot delete the GMAIL tab as per the screen shot. Maybe Im missing something here?
I have never used Outlook before and I was just wondering if it is worth switching my mail info over to Outlook instead of using Apple Mail. I have my gmail account working just fine with Apple Mail along with my Android phone.
I've always struggled with Mail. I blame my confusion from going from Pop to IMAP. POP was simpler. Mail sat on server. When you used a POP connection mail moved from server to your computer. Imap is harder. Anyone have a good description (or link) on how imap works?
Here are my questions: 1. If you don't have a .mac account is there an easy way to keep Apple's Mail synched up on two machines? Is it as easy as keeping your mail folders (library) and apple mail plist file (preferences) synched up using a synch program?
2. When you open mail, with imap accounts it automatically goes to your account servers and seems to synch up the online version to what is on your computer. Launch Mail and in the activity window all sorts of things happen such as "synchronizing with server". This is before you tell Mail to "get mail". I'm wondering if the "get mail" is what puts a copy of emails on your computer or does just opening Mail with imap accounts do this?
3. If I had my choice, and mostly I do just use Google Mail online. However I want to have electronic copies of my emails for the day that the online cloud evaporates. Any easy way to accomplish this? I know there is something called G-Mail backup, but I wonder about it's functionality if I ever really had to rely on it. As of right now I'm using Mail for this purpose. Maybe Mail is the easiest way?
By default, the mailboxes in Apple Mail are sorted by Date Received, Oldest first. I tried sorting a few of my folders to be 'Newest First' instead, but I would have to do it for all of my folders, and I have about 150 folders.
What is the fastest way to sort all my folders to the way I want it?
Apple Mail has been locking up my system consistently when either receiving/syncing operations occur w/ IMAP mail. It's hard to trigger it but eventually I'll try to pull up a new message and.. bam. For it its just limited to IMAP, I'm not quite sure.
I would like to create an "On My Mac" folder within my Sent folder in Apple Mail. Can I do this?
The new "On My Mac" folder would be a nice place to where I could move some of my old outgoing emails, which currently reside in my IMAP-based Sent folders and hence take quota space.
For Microsoft Outlook there is a file "Personel Store (PST)" which consists of all the mails, contacts etc. Is there any such file for default Apple mail client so that I can take backup of my mail easily?
my Mail does not want to send any messages, it can however receive messages
1. making sure that the outgoing mail server are using default ports(25,465,587) 2. clicking mailbox -> synchronize all accounts 3. clicking mailbox -> take all accounts offline, then mailbox -> take all accounts online
Is there a way to move the Apple Mail folder someplace else? I have a bunch of archived mail (mbox) on an external drive and I want to access them but I don't know how unless I drag them to my Library folder.