Applications :: How To Export Mail From Apple Mail Program To Gmail
Aug 13, 2010
I have decided to start using gmail and keeping my email online instead of stored locally in the Mail program.
I have all my old mail and sent mail downloaded locally in the Mail program.
Is there an easy way to export all of that into gmail? I see I can import mail into gmail from other mail accounts, but here I am talking about importing mail that is now stored locally.
I cannot log in to my iphone, ipad or Apple mail with my google credentials. I made sure everything was being typed in correctly. The weird thing is, I am able to log in using [URL]website.
I don't know why I am not able to check my email unless I use the website. I tried clearing the captcha and even changing my password in gmail.
Can anyone tell me why this would come out of nowhere? I have not changed any settings on any of my devices or even though gmail. What's going on?
I'm having trouble with my Apple Mail program. I have a number of e-mail accounts (some with Optimum online, a g-mail, yahoo, etc.) Apple Mail has no problem at all reading and downloading any mail from any of the services. My problem is with Optimum Mail ( Mail refuses to send anything through that set-up. I've been on the phone for hours with Optimum and the settings are all correct. I've tried connecting directly to the cable modem and mail gets sent. This would make me believe that it is the Apple Airport Extreme router that is at fault. I've tried restarting it, re-initializing it and setting it up again and the problem continues. All my Optimum mail is picked up and can be read but it will not send anything through Optimum. It asks if I want to send it through another server (like g-mail or yahoo) and if I pick yes the mail sends.
It happens on all my computers a G-3 and pre Intel iMac G-5 on Tiger and my Macbook on Leopard.
Anyone else hear of this problem? Both Apple support and Optimum online say they have never heard of it. Talking for hours with their tech departments have found no solutions.
I use Apple Mail as a client for my Gmail account instead of Gmail's web interface. There is one thing the web interface provides that I'm not sure how to set up within Apple Mail. In the web interface under Settings --> Accounts, the first section is called "Send mail as:" and allows you to send mail from the interface that uses another email address in the From header. I have it set so that when I receive a message that was sent to one of these other addresses (they all forward to my Gmail address), replies will automatically be sent with that address as the From header. How do I set up this functionality within Apple Mail without creating a separate account/inbox for the other accounts? I am not checking mail directly from the others, just want to be able to send as them.
I have been using Gmail for about 7 months, now. I am using it in conjunction with a MacBook Pro (15 inch, mid-2010, i5, 2.53 GHz, running OS 10.7.4 and the current version of Mail) and an iPhone 4S (iOS 5.1.1 with the pre-installed Mail app). I, rarely, use Gmail's web interface and prefer to view and manage my mail using my devices.
I, recently, discovered a Gmail behavior that I wasn't aware of. Whenever I deleted an email from my Inbox on my MacBook, it wouldn't, actually, delete from Gmail. Instead, a copy of the mail would remain in Gmail's "All Mail" folder. It seems that Gmail and I have different ideas about deleting. When I delete, it means that I would, actually, like to get rid of it, not hide it somewhere else. After sorting through the, almost, 3000 emails in the "All Mail" folder and re-deleting everything that I thought I had already deleted (a pain, to be sure), I found the solution to my problem.In Apple Mail, I checked both Trash options in my account preferences then selected Gmail's "Trash" folder and used the "Use This Mailbox For" option to map it to Mail's trash (similarly, I mapped the trash folder on my iPhone to Gmail's trash folder). Now, everything I delete is going to the same place (and actually getting deleted).
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have just set up IMAP within Applemail. I used to have a GMAIL account linked to the Appple mail but have since deleted this connection within GMAIL and disabled IMAP there to. I cannot delete the GMAIL tab as per the screen shot. Maybe Im missing something here?
I'm a new Mac user trying to get Apple Mail set up with Gmail IMAP.
1. I have about 8GIG in my Gmail Mailbox. I setup Advanced IMAP setting in Gmail and set it so that the All Mall folder does not sync. However, the All Mail folder is already in my Mail app.. How can I delete it?
2. How can i force downloads of all the other folders?
For the last week or two, my apple mail has no longer been receiving my gmail. I have done nothing to the preferences.
Has anyone else had this problem and would anyone know how to fix it?
All I can think is something may have changed on their servers in the UK since it changed to 'googlemail', however, I managed to get a 'gmail' address before the switch.
I would like to know how to consolidate my two inbox from gmail and apple mail? Because every time I get an email and read it in inbox it still shows as unread in gmail folder "All mail".
So about a week ago, apple mail stopped sending emails from my gmail account. I figured it would work eventually so i just looked into gmail when i had to send. cause I still received gmail in apple mail. just now i decided to remove and put gmail back in. When i did this, my gmail inbox still had all the emails. when i turned apple mail off and back on, my inbox was empty!! yes they're still in the gmail page, but i want them back in apple mail! and no my outbox still isn't working. actually wait, isn't apple mail supposed to automatically load all my emails when i put a new email in?
I have my Apple Mail configured for use with my Gmail IMAP account but I have a problem. From the Apple Mail app, I can not see messages that were sent while in the web version of Gmail. To me, if I have it configured via IMAP, anything I do on my phone, I should see on my mac. Anything I do on my mac, I should see anywhere from the web app. Am I doing something wrong? Can YOU see messages you sent through the web portal, on your Apple Mail app?
I have 2 (Apple Mail and Entourage) clients storing 3 months of emails each and I want to merge them into Gmail. The messages no longer exist on the web-based servers and I heard IMAP might be in handy for transfering the messages to an online acct then transfering to gmail.
Any idea of how to do this with Entourage or Apple Mail?
BTW, they're both from the same email address, I just changed providors (hosting/email) during the 6 month period.
So I've finally gone ahead and configured my Apple Mail (on Leopard) with Gmail's IMAP. First, I must say I wasn't very impressed at Apple Mail's interface. It's minimalistic (which is a good thing) but lacks the aesthetic appeal, and the ability to easily browse through and view messages. At work I use Microsoft's Entourage, and I've gotta say, it's a lot easier to use (from a user-interface standpoint). Maybe it's because my messages appear in a column to the left and are twice as high, whereas Apple Mail's are only as high as one line of text. In any case, I've set my Apple Mail according to the directions (and tips) outlined here: Then, yesterday I began to notice that messages in my inbox (which I've read) still showed up as unread in my Trash (which is in-effect the "All Mail" folder). So I've gone ahead and checked my user/library/mail folder, and it clocks in at 4.8GB! Strangely, when I log-in to Gmail (on the web), it only shows me as using 1.7GB of the 5GB quota. Is Apple Mail keeping duplicate copies of my messages in its Inbox / Sent / Trash folders? This would certainly be the case. Can anyone offer some explanation please?
I had a hotmail account and about a month ago apple mail deleted all my messages from the hotmail account, therefore I am unable to access any of them from anywhere else except my mac.
I learned that that was due to me leaving the box "remove copy from server after retrieving a message." Now I fixed that and moved to gmail, as I was able to upload all hotmail messages to my gmail account through tuhunderbird.
Since I am not a big fan of Thunderbird as it is giving me some password issues, today I set up the gmail imap (I think) accunt on my apple mail, but there is no box "remove copy from server after retrieving a message" for gmail in prefrences, just for hotmail.
Now I am scared, will apple mail delete all my messages from the gmail server, and if it will, how do I prevent it from doing so?
Can anyone tell me how to correctly configure Apple Mail (Leopard) with Gmail IMAP so that you don�t have to keep a duplicate of all emails from the �All Mail� folder on my local drive? Basically, when Mail syncs, it downloads all messages, then it downloads them again because they reside in the �All Mail� folder in Gmail�s web interface. Any suggestions would be appreciated as this takes up twice the amount of space that it should.
Ever since upgrading to Snow Leopard and using Apple Mail, I have been getting the following error after a day or so of use: "Account exceeded bandwidth limits." Eventually I am able to access GMail via IMAP with Apple Mail, but only for about a day before this error occurs again. This doesn't affect my access to GMail via the web interface. Nothing has changed with my use of GMail since before the Snow Leopard upgrade and I've seen scattered reports of this on the 'net, but nothing that nails down a solid connection between the Snow Leopard upgrade and this error.
I use Apple Mail with gmail IMAP, everything works fine, except that when I start typing an e-mail address I don't get auto-complete. It's driving me insane, so I heard there was this thing called LDAP, that could be able to achieve this ?
Any Users of Apple Mail with HUGE Gmail IMAP accounts? I'm switching to Apple Mail and am wondering if it will work with a Gmail IMAP account of 8 GIG and 80 folders? Is this even worth trying to setup or will it just crash? 1. Will it freak out during sync and give me the "too many simultaneous connections" error? 2. Is it fast enough with such a huge IMAP folder or does it crawl?
I just installed some routine updates for my Mac and now I can't receive any mail in my apple mail program. It is version 4.5 and I am using a mobile me account. I have never had any problems before and obviously very annoyed. I know I can access it view the web but I like apple mail. I am able to send.
I use gmail as my main email account. I have it synched to my iphone (IMAP) and (IMAP). This was all running smoothly until about a week ago when I turned on my mac and opened mail. It started downloading hundreds of emails.
I looked over them and it seems that all the mails that I have moved to sub folders have been copied to my inbox again and marked as unread.
I have not knowingly changed any settings on my iphone, mac or web based gmail.
I am using a MacBook Pro with Leopard. I wanted to use the Mail program to sync my gmail to but I have noticed that the Mail program does not open. The icon is no longer the mail icon and is now the ruler, pencil paintbrush icon. When I double click on that icon nothing happens.
Don't know if this was addressed yet, but "Spam" mail from my gmail (spam folder - duh!) keeps popping up in my "Sent Mail" folder in Mac mail. I found this post online, but am not tech savvy enough to know what they're talking about.
Okay. I know what's going on there. You are correct this is spam that does not originate from you. The issue is that it is not your gmail address that is being forged, but your other address that forwards to gmail. You have also configured your forwarding server as a valid mail originator for your address in SPF. So the mail looks completely legitimate to gmail: it arrives at gmail from a server that you have configured as a valid server to send from your email address, therefore gmail thinks it really is from your email address.
If you control your own domain and you use gmail's smtp server for outgoing mail, you should remove the SPF entry that marks the forwarding server (URL) as a valid originator for your domain. Then gmail will be able to figure out that this is forged. This will likely cause gmail to put this stuff properly in Spam and to avoid showing you the images.(URL)
I have a Macbook Pro. It has OS 10.4 The mail program will open and the circle will start spinning like it is trying to "get mail." it will spin and spin and eventually close. It will pop up and say mail quit unexpectedly will show that report and reopen box. hen mail is open and the circle is spinning, you can send mail and it works fine. It just will not load new mail.aNy ideas? The mail is version 2.1.3
I try now to transfer all my mails with their categories to Outlook too but I don't succeed. I read some discussions on this forum but they are obsolete as they were with snowLeopard and Outlook 2011. Would someone have good news for me and find a way to transfer all the mails with their categories from Apple Mail to Outlook 2011 for Mac ?
I won't say that it's deleted because it's still in the accounts in preferences in Apple Mail, but the gmail imap folders used to be along the left side of the program are not there.
All I see are 2 Junk (Gmail) folders on the left along with my other two email accounts I use. My Mobile Me and Comcast emails are still there.
I've had my first Mac for about a year now - 11" Mac Air - and love it. But I'm still using Gmail, rather than the Apple mail program. I've got my iphone's calendar synced up to Google's and I can't see a reason to use the Apple mail app instead of Gmail in a browser. I'm running Chrome as my browser too?
I'm trying to use Apple Mail with a Gmail IMAP account but I'm about to give up. I used exactly the same settings suggested on the gmail site but the service works very bad. Messages take forever to download, often I click on them and the preview window starts spinning. It also hangs frequently while synching or caching and I have to do a force quit. Is somebody using this in a profitable way?