Ever since I upgraded to 10.7.4 I've had some major annoyances rear their heads with my 2011 iMac. The issue I'm looking for help with, though it may seem small, is with the Safari search bar. I know there have been discussions before about this and I've always had a difficult relationship with the search bar as it is supposed to change to your 'local' search engine, e.g. for me that would be Google UK, yet it has often defaulted to Google US which means that searches can be a little less relevant at times. Anyway, for months things have been fine. The search bar defaulted to Google UK until the 10.7.4 update hit... All of a sudden my Google search bar now defaults to Google.com in GREEK...
Since I don't speak a word of Greek, I'm sure you can see how this has become an issue. I've tried all manner of things, resetting safari, changing language settings but have been unable to get it to change back. I tried changing to Bing search but to be honest, Google search in Greek is a **** of a lot more useful than Bing in English is, which I think says a lot. I did have greek as a secondary keyboard layout so that I could use the greek characters for my physics work but UK English has always been my default and I have since removed Greek yet the search bar stays the same. It's really becoming irritating now as every time I search it sets my whole Google experience to Greek with a cookie so any google.com service I use ends up in Greek and it's a pain to reset it.
I bought a 2nd hand Apple MacBook about 18 months ago (via eBay). It is my first Mac. It did not come with its original OS X 10.5.8 Installation Disc/s and I now have one or more problems with my Hard Drive, so I need the Installation Disc/s.where I can buy the correct (genuine) version of Installation Disc/s for my MacBook?
Scientific formulas use a lot of symbols, including greek letters to represent units of measurement. How can I get a greek letter into an english Pages document?
Currently I'm trying to look up something in the SVN book on line, and it's all Greek characters. If I view page source, the characters are displayed in the proper font. Google searches show several others having this problem, but no one had a solution. Someone posted a solution here, but it was redacted for some reason and the only part that makes sense is that I should but a product called Suitcase Fusion. I refuse to pay money to make my Mac stop displaying characters in Greek font at random. In some circles that can be considered extortion.
I looked this up on the web and most places say type "Option M" but this doesn't work for me. I have a MacBook Air 3.2 by the way. I have US Extended as the keyboard layout type. Maybe this has something to do with it not working?
Info:MBA v 3.2, 256GB SSD, 2.13GHz, 4GB, Other OS, 10.6.8
A friend has a phone with a Micro SD card in. It olds photos and music for use in a Mobile phone. Apparently after connecting to new MacBook to download the photos (via USB cable between phone and MacBook) it cannot be accessed in the phone. Can still read it via the Mac.
I'm trying to reuse an old imac (800 mhz G4 PPC 512 mb). It has 10.3.9 installed. I had hoped to install Leopard so I could use its built-in parental controls. Unfortunately the machine is 67 mhz too slow, and Leopard won't install. Anyone have ideas about how to obtain the same type of parental controls (auto logout at a certain time, no access during specified hours, etc) with a software solution?
I tried to connect my 1.6 MBA to a 22" Westinghouse monitor, I believe it's an LCM22w2, running at 1680x1050, that usually connects to my PC. But with the micro-DVI to VGA adapter connecting to the VGA connection to the monitor, nothing shows up. It doesn't even show up as a recognized display. I tried to build a different connection with micro-DVI to DVI and the DVI-VGA adapter from my MBP, but the connection between the DVI would not fit.I know the Air isn't designed for use with large monitors, but it should handle 1680x1050 with single-link DVI, shouldn't it? Is there something wrong with the adapter, or the port? Do I need to buy a DVI cable to connect the Air to the screen? (It does have a DVI connector, but I don't have a DVI cable.)
I have a 2010 13" MBP, and have just realised that I'm unable to read my Micro SD card when I pop it into a SD card adaptor and attempt to read via the inbuilt SD card slot. It works fine on my XP netbook though.
Has anyone encountered this problem? Is it normal? Is there any way around it?
I have a PS3 and a new Time Capsule. Want to connect the PS3 via Cat5e cable to Time Capsule and register an IP through the Time Capsule.The reason for this is that I am trying to stream wirelessly at 5Ghz from Laptop (wireless n) to TC (wireless n) and then have the Gigabit cable transfer data rapidly to the PS3 so that 1080p films can be played without stutter.The problem is that when I hook up the PS3 to the TC via "wired connection" in the PS3 network settings, it won't gather an IP address through the TC and network connection fails.
With some minor exceptions, primarily for game playing for a few years in the late 90s, I haven't used Windows, well, basically ever (ok, I used DOS some until the mid-90s), mostly using various forms of Unix/Linux and Mac OS X. I have never purchased a Microsoft product directly (I've obtained licenses indirectly though).
1. I received a message from Smith Micro about their Internet Cleanup. (They also have something that seems to cut down on excess files on computer hard drives.) It claims that there is malware directed at Macs, contrary to what has traditionally been said, and that their software can prevent harm. Is this something I really want to have? Has anyone had any experience with it? Just wondering.
2. And OWC keeps featuring various items from Alsoft (is ProSoft the same company?) for disk maintenance and recovery. I have Disk Warrior, but I'm not sure whether there's any special reason to own the others, or if the functions they perform could be done even better by other software. I searched for all those items in the CNET forums, and it's my impression that they can cause as many headaches as cures.
They have no in-built readers so I have tried as follow - 3 different USB external card readers (1 plug-in and 2 cabled), 2 different cables, 4 different cards (2 of each), and all of their combinations on all USB ports on both computers. All to no avail. Cards won't show neither on desktop, Finder, Disc Utility nor Image Capture. Mind you though, SDHC card will be seen by iPhoto (and iPhoto only) if it's plugged directly through the camera or printer/ scanner. Only it's a bit annoying process having to use it just to read the card! Not to mention the use of iPhoto (which I don't, normally) just to transfer images through it to their destination. I work with a lot of images, videos and music, and not having been able to transfer them smoothly makes my work a bit of a nightmare.
I need to create a Watch Folder that when a file is dropped in, a folder action is triggered and that file is moved to another folder and an email is sent to say that the file has been moved.
The easy bit is creating the Watch Folder action, I have that working no problem. I can also send the email but what I can't figure out is how to customize the email content to say which specific file has been moved? How can I obtain the file name and paste that into the email notification?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I need a bit of info on a device I found in a box of surplus stock... it's an Orange Micro SCSI to Firewire (IEEE1394) model 70HTL00010 - Standard 25-pin SCSI female connector to standard Firewire 6-pin female connector.
I discovered that Orange Micro went belly up a few years ago, and I don't have the instruction manual for the device. There seems to be very little concrete info on the web about that device. What I specifically need to know is the voltage of the power adapter (missing) of this device. From what I gathered, it can run without the adapter, but some SCSI devices will require it...
Any link to a PDF file or just the voltage of the adapter would be very helpful! I was thinking of trying to run a nice SCSI slide scanner through the Firewire port of my G5 with that converter.
I have recently installed Trend Micro Smart surfing with serial number starting with TCEF. I am currently running my mac book pro on OSX Maverics Version 10.9.4. As soon as I installed the software, I got the error message that the software is not compatible with this version of OS. I went to applications and selected Trend Micro Smart surfing and moved it to trash and also emptied the trash. After this my laptop is rebooting frequently. I even went to safe mode and then into
system preferences ---> users and groups---> Login items and found nothing related to Trend Micro smart surfing. I have also tried to reinstall max osx and still having reboot issue. I have a lot of data and I am afraid I will loose this.
I have a late 2009 iMac with Firewire 800 input on the back. I have a Western Digital Passport external hard drive with USB Micro-B input that I would like to connect to the Firewire (4 USB inputs aren't nearly enough on the iMac). I can't find an adapter to do this. As an alternative, is there an adapter that will convert the Firewire 800 to standard USB2.0?