i friend of mine give me your white 13" mid 2007 macbook.The unit power up, the battery is ok but i ask about the operating system software and the response was tha he lost the DVD.I come from win system and i know not so well the Mac world.So is possible to buy this O.S? Searching the web i found that is a Macbook mid2007.
I know from reading on here the edges cracking off macbooks was a common issue (mine's from Nov 2007) - I was just wondering if anyone had managed to get it repaired for free outside of warranty? I was considering getting a new macbook in August but if I can get the edges repaired I might go for a new iPhone or iPad instead.
Replacing a SECOND failed hard drive on a mid-2007 white macbook (Intel core duo 2.16GHz), this time on my own  Need to purchase a serial ATA drive, but I keep reading that trying to format and/or partition the drive for use with the original Tiger install disk is unsuccessful and that I would have to update to a newer OS before I can do that. I have Leopard as the current OS, and that is in my backup files from Time Machine, but I do not have a disk with Leopard. Wondering the best course of action and/or if someone had success wit ha particular Serial ATA using the Tiger disks?
There's some known documented issues concerning the Nvidia graphics chip in the particular model of macbook pro I have.
Basically when turning on the machine, the screen is filled with black & white horizontal strips like a piano keyboard, but thats it - it doesn't actually boot up fully at all, you cannot hear the hard drive running !
Would the hard drive have anything to do with this ?
I explained this to apple telephone support & they informed of the article
& stated that the symptoms were linked.
On taking the mac to an apple store they ran a special 'firmware' boot up 'test' using an instore ipod to determine if it was a faulty Nvidia chip, so as to prove to Nvidia, the company funding the repairs whether it is that to blame.
Because the machine didn't even boot up & complete the 'test' they couldn't say whether it was the graphics chip - so 'no free repair' under extended warranty & the final answer was as usual ' buy a new logic board' that will cure it !
I have the 13" White Macbook but wanna change it to the original black case. I wanted to purchase it on eBay. Is that possible or not? I want to get the black one but the white macbook I have already has Adobe CS4/Microsoft Office 2008/Final Cut installed and I dont want to lose those programs because I really need them for graphic design.
i dont have the hardware test anymore. I've upgraded to Lion. I have read that you can reinstall it from the original install disc that came with the mac but i lost mine. is there any other way i can gat it? On on a macbook pro 17 inch mid 2010?
Is the white one the same size as the 13" aluminum that now went pro?Pretty much, I want to know if I buy a case for the original 13" Metal uMB from InCase, will it fit on this plastic one? They don't have blue for this, but they have blue for the original aluminum one.
I have lost the password that was used in the original setup of my MAC. I am using the latest version of the OS: 10.7.3. I am trying to install new software and some updates. I must state that I am pretty much a computer illiterate.
I was cleaning up my desktop, and I created a new folder and was going to just drag everything into it. I selected everything, dragged and WHOA! All of my original files were GONE and only alias's were left. I search and the originals aren't found, I open the alias's and they want me to find the originals. The originals are just GONE. And I still don't know what I did!!
I need to create a new admin account for problems with Microsoft Office 2008 and try if solved. If I create a new one and want to delete the old one, will I lose all my data, emails etc.
I've looked at some other posts that have gone over how to move files to an external drive, and they all say to use command while moving. I understand this copies the file and deletes the original, but when you make a copy and delete the original, you lose some of the original data, such as creation date, etc... This makes storage and organization more complicated than it has to be.
This is my first post and I've a couple of questions and did searched for it on the internet but unfortunate ...For my study Multimedia designer, I am planning to get a Mac Pro but my school wants us to get a D*ll V laptop, windows 7 with these software:Adobe CS4 Master CollectioMicrosoft Office Enterprise 2007Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007I didn't choose for this D*LL laptop because its a 17,3" one and with my schoolbooks and etc in my bag, it would be pretty heavy for me.I hope that someone in this forum knows the answers on my questions and I really appreciate your help cos I even asked my friends and family about it but unfortunate, no luck so far
I've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick, that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
I've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick,that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
Anyone seen anything like this before. I can actually see part of it right on the white of the page I am typing in this thread.
When I go to front row, all my video content plays sound, but the picture is just a pure white screen (shows the slider to move chapters, etc., but the screen is just white).
Any ideas for solutions? I did google searches, etc., to no avail. I have a MP (not early 08), which I upgraded the graphics card to a 2600XT, and it's running Leopard.
I am looking to hook up my 2007 Macbook Pro (2.4 Ghz 15 Inch Screen) to my sony bravia 32 inch TV. Seeing how this particular model of macbook pro, although very hardy and has lasted me through now, the screen at the bottom is cracked and will probably at some point snap (annoying...). Â
Anyway! Just a note to start, I no longer have my original display adapter that came with my computer, it was lost at some point in the move out of my parents house and I do not remember what the hook up is. I purchased an SVGA moniter cable from radio shack since I can hook that up to my TV. I then went to the PX here on base and purchased a mini display port to VGA adapter for my computer, but alas I do not have this hook up on my computer (although the vga adapter end works, obviously).Â
This is what I'm assuming I need...can I get this to vga adapter?Â
My 2007 Macbook won't boot. When you press the power button it starts as normal, the apple appears and the spinning circle starts. Then the screen goes grey and it sits there. I have to press the power button to shut it down. I took it to a service shop who told me that the hard drive was dying so I replaced the old drive with a new ssd and a fresh install of Lion. No difference. Still won't start. I refreshed the PRAM but made no difference.
When I close the lid, select sleep from the  menu, or push the power button, and select "sleep" my MBP will not go to sleep as it ussually does. It has been doing this since I performed the last set of software updates (Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53) about a week ago. Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), (MacBookPro3,1)
It will read CD's and burn CDR but thats all. When I insert any dvd the lazer loudly slides back and forth then spits out the dvd after several minutes. Is there a solution for this, other than replace drive? Is UJ-85J-C the only drive that will fit? If not, what other drives fit?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 17" 2.33core2duo. 3g ram. ATIx1600
[URL] MacBook SMC Firmware Update 1.4 is available either through Software Update or via direct download, and is applicable to the following models:
MacBook (13-inch Late 2007) MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2008) MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008) MacBook (13-inch, Early 2008) MacBook (13-inch, Late 2008)
A friend of mine ran into the most surprising thing when he booted up from his MacBook. Instead of seeing the Apple logo, he saw a question mark - ?.
I told him to try and boot from his Install Disc 1 and it managed to as the Apple logo along with the busy progress bar was shown. Then the usual language selection. I told him to select startup disk from the utilities menu and he said that all he could see is network startup and the Mac OS install disk. Even when he tried to repair disk, it said that it wasn't mounted.
Going to buy me a MBP (first Mac ever) when they, hopefully soon, get updated..
At work at for studies i'll be using MS Word a lot and even more Excel!
Have used these programs in their Windows version for ages and i can't "afford to lose" the skills i've build with them, when switching to my new Mac..
Have heard a lot about the 2008 Mac version of Office isn't quite the same A's the 07 Windows version!
Long story short: Will i be able to - with no problems, lag or anything like that - run MS Office 07 from a Win 7 partition using either Fusion or Parallels?
Shouldn't that work exactly the same as on my current PC?
I currently own a Mid-2007 entry-level MacBook. It's 3 years old now (I bought it for university), so now at the end of my degree I'm slightly curious as to the notebooks that Apple have in their line-up right now. I could probably stretch, if I were to buy one, to the entry-level 13" MacBook Pro. My question is, and this is just curiosity - is there much to be jealous of in the current entry level 13" MacBook Pro, compared to what I have now? I upgraded the RAM to 2GB and the HD to 500GB in the one I have now, but still I get jealous when I see pictures of the MBP - should I be? Or is what I currently have now not too bad?