Going to buy me a MBP (first Mac ever) when they, hopefully soon, get updated..
At work at for studies i'll be using MS Word a lot and even more Excel!
Have used these programs in their Windows version for ages and i can't "afford to lose" the skills i've build with them, when switching to my new Mac..
Have heard a lot about the 2008 Mac version of Office isn't quite the same A's the 07 Windows version!
Long story short: Will i be able to - with no problems, lag or anything like that - run MS Office 07 from a Win 7 partition using either Fusion or Parallels?
Shouldn't that work exactly the same as on my current PC?
I've searched google for hours and not found a workaround for this issue: I have Office 2007 Education and it allows up to 3 activations on 3 separate computers. Currently I have it activated on 2, and I just installed it using bootcamp and activated it successfully. However, I am currently using VMware Fusion and I anticipated being able to load Office without an issue through the virtual machine. Unfortunately, it's now telling me (when loaded in VMware) that I have to activate office 2007 again. Problem is that it has already been activated 3 times, so it's not allowing me. Everything still works fine on bootcamp, but apparently VMware is being treated by office as another physical PC. Has anyone found a successful workaround to this? changing VMware's MAC address to the same as OSX and XP's, but I can't figure out how to do this.
I'll try to provide as much detail as possible, but keep it simple. Running Fusion 3 (newest update) and XP Pro with Office 2007. Office connects to an Exchange 2007 server. Emails work great. However when attempting to access the OOF settings, I get an error "Your Out of Office settings cannot be displayed, because the server is currently unavailable. Try again later."
Google searches say this is a known issue with Outlook 2007 on an Exchange 2007 setup and that there are errors with AutoDiscovery (or something like that). I have talked to other's with Outlook 2007 and their OOF is working just fine (inhouse or through VPN), so the Exchange server settings are fine.
I think the problem is actually Fusion since it's not communicating with the Exchange server for the OOF settings. I don't quite understand how all of that works, sorry.
One suggestion was to change the network settings in Fusion from NAT to Bridged, however when I do that I lose all connections to the network. I have also set the MAC address on Fusion to that of the Mac with no change either.
As a test, I installed Office 2010 Beta and it's doing the same thing. Outlook 2003 apparently does not have this issue, but I haven't tested that yet on the Mac/Fusion.
Just to be sure, I downloaded every Windows/Office update to eliminate any configuration changes. Anyone else experienced this?
UPDATE: OK, if the system is on the network, the OOF works fine through Fusion, however if connected to VPN (using the built in client) it gives the above errors.
This is my first post and I've a couple of questions and did searched for it on the internet but unfortunate ...For my study Multimedia designer, I am planning to get a Mac Pro but my school wants us to get a D*ll V laptop, windows 7 with these software:Adobe CS4 Master CollectioMicrosoft Office Enterprise 2007Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007I didn't choose for this D*LL laptop because its a 17,3" one and with my schoolbooks and etc in my bag, it would be pretty heavy for me.I hope that someone in this forum knows the answers on my questions and I really appreciate your help cos I even asked my friends and family about it but unfortunate, no luck so far
I am in a Computer Science class that requires Microsoft Office 2007. The problem is I only have Macs. There isn't a version of Microsoft Office 2007 for Mac. But is there a version that is similar to 2007 and is able to run on a Mac?
Is there an way possible to run the PC version of Microsoft Office 2007 on a Mac? Without using a virtual Machine?
I really loved the Ribbon UI in the PC version and I have tried the Office for Mac and I prefer the PC. Any possible way to run PC version of Office on Mac?
I need to use Microsoft Office 2007. I have boot camp installed, but I hate having to restart to Windows just for the sole purpose of using Microsoft Office 2007, which also keeps me from multi-tasking with other stuff. What programs are available? I don't want to install windows again.
I currently have XP installed on a external drive with VMware Fusion and it looks like having Access for school is gonna make my life easier. My University store has Office 2007 Pro (not student) for $65 for 1 computer only.
Can I install this on my current setup now (MBP) and then later:
re-install it when I do a clean install of Windows 7.
Go the BootCamp route and install XP or Windows 7, then re-install Office.
In other words: using same MBP, can I go from Fusion, Bootcamp, external drive setup without screwing up my activation of 1 computer only.
I have been reading more and more on parallels, and I was hoping someone here could answer some questions about its coherence mode.
Does it let you run applications for windows transparently through the MAC OS? As in, I insert the installation disk for office 2007, the setup menu comes up, I install it, and I get to put the word icons on the dock, I can open word/excel/whatever and just runt he applications without having to boot in to some sort of an emulation mode or whatever?
I would appreciate some input from some people here.
I'm looking to buy a new macbook pro for school but I have some questions before I can buy one. For some of my school work I still have to use windows. I'll need windows for SPSS for windows and for MS Office, Access to be more specific.
I already own a 21.5 inch iMac on which I run Windows 7 Ultimate and I have installed MS Office in Windows 7. The problem is that I noticed some difference in using the keys on your keyboard while working in excel or access.
For example: on my windows laptop in excel, i have to hold control and then click on the fields i want to select. I noticed that on my iMac i needed to hold the right alt key on my mac keyboard and then i got to click the fields I want to select. So this is just a slight difference and it doesn't matter at all if I have to use some different keys for this type of actions. As long as I know how to do them offcourse. This may be silly for some of you but in order to get some good grades I really need to know this. Note that I only need to use Access not excel. But I just gave Excel as an example so you guys know where I'm coming from.
So my question is, does anyone have any experience with this? Are there other key changes I have to know? Or important notes on this subject?
I also have another question. As I already explained above I am running Windows 7 ultimate via Vmware Fusion and I have installed MS Office in this virtual machine. Can I just copy the virtual machine file from my iMac to my macbook pro? So I will have the same settings on my MBP?
So I have installed Windows XP on my mid-2009 MacBook Pro, and installed teh full Microsoft Office 2007 suite, but in all of the programs, it will not let me right click. In all of the programs, i right click, and the option bar briefly flashes, but then disappears, without letting me choose any of the options. Does anyone know why this is happening or how I can fix it?
im in search of a mac. Not going to go over specs but anyway. As a pc user looking for an upgrade and to try something different, i have now come to the crossroad on what to buy for word processing and the works. Now i have been using office 2007 for the past year and a half and have rehabilitated to the new format. Since the pc version of office 2007 will not run on a mac and i will be forced to pay $150 for the one for the mac. Which is better. I works it only $100 in Canada (going to make that clear i live in Canada) Will i miss Office 2007 or will i work be something that i will enjoy to work with.
My Problem is our small company MUST use the windows version of QuickBooks and I would like to switch our windows environment over to a Mac server environment with all imacs and airs running VM Fusion with windows 7 and windows version of Quickbooks with the ability to access the Quickbooks from all computers.
We currently have :windows small business server, 3 windows computers, 2 ipads, 2 iphones. This all works ( we all can access the files at the same time ) but is getting dated and its time to upgrade Would like to switch all of the windows computers and the server to imacs & lion server if we can still use the windows quickbooks with VM Fusion.
I searched the forums and came up with nada, so I thought I'd ask. Has anyone taken advantage of Microsoft Ultimate Steal to buy Office 2007 Ultimate? If so, it is the full version and not the upgrades correct? I just want to make sure before I invest. I have iWork, but need to be able to work w/Office in my Windows 7 Bootcamp partition.
i recently bought a 13.3" MacBook Pro in its most basic configuration (2GB RAM, 2.26 Ghz processor). I was wondering if it would be possible to adequately run Windows 7 and Office 07 Ultimate through Parallels with my 2GB configuration. I won't be doing anything crazy like running Office and Photoshop at the same time, but I don't want Office 7 to run so slow that it is unusable.
So, do you guys think I can run it adequately with 2GB RAM? I do plan on upgrading my RAM to at least 4GB in the future but that probably won't happen right away.
When I boot Fusion with MacAffee I get a message that there is an updated version of Fusion is ready for download. When I go to the site I'm offered a choice of just Fusion or Fusion with MacAffee. Since the boot message only talks about Fusion should I do the only Fusion download. Or should I get the combined one?
I made an image of my Windows XP laptop drive using Macrium. I can see the image file there on one of my Mac Pro's internal drives, but Im not able to select in Fusion.. Is there a way to make a Fusion VM from this image? If not, how do I go about creating a VM from my laptops's HD? I'm using Fusion 2.6.
I updated to Lion on my desktop a few months ago and I swear now I can't read older Microsoft word and Excel documents correctly on this computer using Office 2011. The document opens and you can see all of the data in a preview window (from finder) but once it opens fully the data/words are not there. I have Lion on a brand new Macbook Pro I just purchased and installed the Microsoft Office 2011 and it opened the excel document I was having trouble with fine.I can't find many links for Office for Mac issues.
I forgot my administrator's password for my home computer. I purchased office 2008 for mac with a free upgrade to office 2011. I upgraded it to 2011 when it came out (late 2010/early 2011). I have since made a new password and forgotten what it is. The mac tells me to reinstall my microsoft office but when I do, with the office 2008 disc, it tells me I have MORE RECENT SOFTWARE and to use that. I did it on line and cannot find it again.
Does the new office have the same 1 time use code as the windows version of office? I'd like to install office 08 on my PB, but don't want to risk having to buy a new version once I get a new MBP later this year.
Microsoft on Tuesday released stability and performance updates for Office 2004 and Office 2008 for Mac, both of which also patch vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker to overwrite the contents of a computer's memory by using malicious code.
Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.5.1 Update
Aside from the security fix, Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.5.1 Update [14.5MB] also updates the Japanese postal code dictionary in Entourage and fixes an issue that causes Word 2004 to close unexpectedly when opening a document that contains a numbered list.
Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.1.2 Update
The 12.1.2 update for Office 2008 for Mac [159.6MB] is more substantial, repairing a global issue that prevented all Office 2008 applications from running AppleScript scripts from the Script menu, while also delivering a number of individual fixes for Word, Excel and Entourage.
More specifically, Microsoft said Word should now launch more quickly and tables will no longer included random instances of bold text. Other changes improve the display of form fields and the reliability of headers & footers in the word processing application.
Meanwhile, Excel should now open spreadsheet files that contain invalid characters and see improvements to the overall performance of calculations. Number formatting for some international languages and stability when saving workbooks that contain PivotTable reports has also been improved.
One of the major focus areas for Entourage was to improve stability when using Microsoft Sync Services, Microsoft said. In particular, Tuesday's update fixes an issue that where all contacts in Entourage or in the Apple Address Book would be deleted and re-created when you use Microsoft Sync Services. It should also prevent duplication of events and other items in Entourage or in iCal.
Other changes to Entourage focused on improving junk mail filtering, recurring calendar events, time zone information, embedded images, and the reliability when Entourage establishes a encrypted channel.
Student Office 2008 deal
Earlier Tuesday, Microsoft said it has teamed with a select few Apple authorized resellers like Amazon.com to offer students up to 30 percent off its various Office 2008 productivity suites when they're purchased alongside a new Mac before September 8th.
The offer translates into $15 off Office 2008 Home and Student Edition, $80 off Office 2008 Standard Edition, and $150 off Office 2008 Special Media Edition..
Amazon is also offering between $50 and $200 rebates on Apple's entire Mac line through August 25th.
I recently installed Office on my macbook. When using Excel, it quits unexpectedly and a window pops up asking me to relaunch. I relaunch and it takes me back to the last spreadsheet I had open but sometimes it doesn't save the last changes. I uninstalled and reinstalled the Office files and it still continues to happen. Any ideas?
Ready to install Office 2011 for Mac. Currently we are running Office 2008 for Mac.
What is the best way to eliminate Office 2008 and to ensure a clean Office 2011 install?
For most Mac programs, I would normally drag the application folder to the trash, and then do a library search for some entries related to the program. Will this work for Office 2008 to Office 2011? I ask because the M$ installers seem to more than simply add the app to your app folder and update the libraries - and don't get me started on the horrors of the Windoze registry errors.
I'm not sure if this is the right place for my question, but I wanted to get opinions from you guys. I use Microsoft Word, Excel and sometimes, Power Point quite often at college. They have PCs of course... and I have an iMac. And I wanted to get Microsoft Office at home.
Now, I was looking on the web for different prices and all that. I wasn't sure between buying Windows XP (because I work with XP at college, not Vista) and downloading Bootcamp, or Microsoft Office for Mac. Also, I wasn't sure if the Mac version was similar to the one for Windows... and also if I could transfer files from the PC to Mac versions without problems.
Basically, money wise, if I buy one or the other, there isn't too much of a difference. But I haven't looked everywhere for the best prices available, although I'm guessing it's pretty much the same most places (internet).
So here is my dilemma. I got a letter a few days ago from the college I am going to, and it included a list of requirements if we were bringing our own computer. One of the requirements was if we had a Mac, to have Office 2008. I have talked to a friend who is replacing her current Macbook with another Macbook later in the summer, and we decided that when she bought her Macbook, that we could split the price of Microsoft Office for Mac 2008. Now, should I just go ahead and continue on with the plan with my friend, or what? Is there a huge difference in Office 2004 and Office 2008?