ITunes :: Save Multiple Backups For One Device?
Jun 12, 2012
I manage multiple iPads here at my school and had a question about iTunes backup. We want to have multiple backups from the past for each device so that we can restore the device from an old backup if something goes wrong. We have over 180 iPads so I need something quick and automated. We are also using a Mac Server if that helps any.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 18, 2012
This weekend I purchased a new 13" MacBook Pro. In the process of transferring data from my old MacBook Pro to the new one I almost lost all of the data from my iPhone. In the process I realized that by default iTunes only keeps one instance of the backup data - the most recent one.To avoid such a near miss in the future and to add some healthy redundancy into my life, I would like to be able to keep at least one additional backup copy of my iPhone data. Elsewhere it has been suggested to periodically copy the backup folder to another location. This seems terribly inefficient. Is there a more Apple-like way to create and manage multiple backups of my iPhone and iPad data?
iPhone 4, iOS 5, iPhone 4s
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Jun 24, 2012
It has always been my understanding that each time. You backup your iPhone using iTunes, it overwrites the previous backup you created, which makes sense since the backup files are quite large. However, today I went to restore my iPhone to an old backup, and the drop down list has almost a dozen different backups from various dates in the past. And it's not that they are each a different device I only have one iPhone. It's not a big deal because I know how to delete them, it's just that each backup file is quite large and these 12 or so backups ate taking up 113 gb of space.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Mar 21, 2012
I currently run my iphoto and itunes from a external drive.I would like to set up a seperate itunes library on my laptop to manage a few select playlists on mutiple devices...2 iphones,2 itouch, and 1nano.I set up the library but am unsure of how to get the playlists from my devices to the new library.Can one device be associated with multiple same user libraries?
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Apr 1, 2012
How do I delete songs from my device after I save them to iCloud?
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Aug 13, 2009
I'm going to get an external drive to use with my MBP and Time Machine. I'm also going to store clone backups on an external drive that I'm going to keep away from my house. I'm planning on using SuperDuper for the clone backups. I'm going to have image backups of other Windows machines on that external drive as well. So, will I have to create a special partition for the Mac to store SuperDuper backups? Or can it save them to the same partition where I'm storing my Windows image backups?
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May 26, 2009
I have a time capsule at home and I am thinking about hooking up a hard drive to my network at work for time machine. Can my computer use time machine on both units? I'm sure incremental backups wont be saved on both. For example if I make two changes to a file at work and then go home. I wouldnt be able to go back to those two changes, but it would have the original from a older backup right?
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Jul 1, 2014
I have a Mac and an Airbook. I can not seem to save a document (pages or numbers etc) to the iCloud and retrieve it on the other device. What setting should I check?
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Apr 12, 2012
I would like to always have one external hard drive attached to my iMac for Time Machine backups, and another external hard drive off site - periodically swapping the two. The though is that if there is fire or theft, it won't help to have a hard drive onsite attached to the computer, because both the iMac and the hard drive could be lost. Is Time Machine smart enough to allow me to configure two drives, so that whenever I plug in one of the drives, it can figure out what needs to be backed up?
27' iMac i7 Quad-Core, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Nov 26, 2009
I have a 3 month new 13 in. MBP. I save alot of files and would like to know how to save web page articles with multiple pages.
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Apr 2, 2012
Can I save multiple scanned documents in one file?
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May 1, 2012
I have a nearly full iDisk. I also have a nearly full hard drive, so my iDisk is not synced or saved locally. I need to save the iDisk contents to an external drive. When I try to download files from MobileMe website, it wants me to zip each file which is impossible. Is there any way I can get my iDisk files to the new external drive?
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Mar 12, 2012
I'm trying to find the easiest solution to our family music situation. 4 users, 4 devices (ipods, ipad, imac, pc laptops), and 4 different musical song interests. I'm sure there are millions of households that have the same exact situation. I want to be able to pull up only my musical library, not my kid's music, and then easily synch it to my ipod. Everyone in the family wants to do this same thing. I have spent alot of time trying to search the forums/internet and there does not seem to be one "most popular" solution. I did setup iCloud for each family member using a different Apple ID than my main Apple ID, and I'm happy that ALL the music shows up on my ipad. But between iCloud, MobileMe, Home Sharing it all gets very confusing. Some say to setup multiple computer login accounts, and others say to setup 1 playlist for each family member and synch from that playlist.
I would think 1 itunes account allows you to easily share a purchased song with 4 users, instead of buying songs twice.
So here are a few of my questions-
1-Is it best to have only 1 itunes account and then synch all devices off of 1 main computer?
2-Or since we each have iCloud accounts, will they be able to synch their ipods from their own pc laptop?
3-And when they synch, what is the easiest way to exclude other users music in itunes? (other than unchecking hundreds of artists)
4-Or setup 4 separate computer login accounts on the imac and then keep 1 itunes account? If so, how does this work when they open itunes?
Imac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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May 26, 2012
I have a Mac that my wife and I share. We own and iShuffle, iPod, iTouch and two iPhones. My wife's iPhone is her own and my iPhone is through work. We only have one Apple ID and we share our iTunes. What do I need to do to make all devices work together on iTunes with relative ease? Do I need to create multiple Apple IDs? Can we link them together so we don't have to log in and out of iTunes, yet keep it so that what she does with apps / music on her phone doesn't effect what apps / music I move on my phone?
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Oct 10, 2010
Been using a macbook with time machine on an external hard drive for about a year and have finally bit the bullet and bought an iMac with time capsule for home as well. My job involved moving around quite a bit, but in terms of backup I was wondering if it was possible to use time machine on my portable hard drive for backups when I'm away from home, and then when I get back home for a while to create a master backup on my time capsule.
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Dec 5, 2014
I was looking to access the file sharing functionality of one of my apps (AV Player HD) in iTunes 12 and wasn't able to find out where or how to do this in the new version.
After a bit of searching on the internet I gathered I needed to select my device (iPad in this case) from the devices drop down, then on the left hand sidebar under the menu heading 'On My Device' I should see "Apps" listed there along with Music and Movies etc. I have:
MoviesTv Shows
and then some music playlists..That's it. So my questions are:
1. where is 'Apps'?
2. how am I supposed to access file sharing on AV Player HD if I can't see this menu item?
MACBOOK PRO (RETINA, 15-INCH, LATE 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Sep 30, 2008
My Time Machine has been making the usual regular backups for a few months onto my Time Capsule. I just found that all the backups prior to about a week ago have vanished. It's not a disaster (I think) as I assume that the current backups reflect what's on my iMac (I haven't had to delete files from it yet).
Where did they go? Why did they go?
A possible connection: My TC is 500GB; my iMac 1TB. I recently put extra files for temporary use onto the iMac hard drive - Time Machine said (in effect) 'that's too much, try removing certain folders from the backup'. I excluded said folder and things seemed okay, but it would be at around the time I did that that my old backups have gone.
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Nov 4, 2009
Just wondering if anyone has had a similar problem with the Time Machine. I bought a 500gb Time Capsule last July and it has been running perfectly until a few days agp. I noticed that all my backups were no where to be seen (when entering Time Machine on my MBP) and that it was doing a full backup.. The backup took the guts of 36 hours.
I've come home today to find that all backups are gone again and it is doing another full backup!!!Any ideas what is wrong here?
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Dec 14, 2009
I have a 30G ipod thats almost full. I have it sync'ed to my MBP so I don't lose any music. But I don't wanna keep it stored on my internal drive, rather an external drive. It takes up too much space.
Should I just set the ext drive up as a separate bootable drive, and only sync my ipod when this drive is booted/connected?
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Feb 20, 2012
how do i find my past itunes backups
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Sep 4, 2014
In iTunes 11, I can not find my older backups.
Only the most recent one.
I make backups on my computer, not via the Cloud.
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Sep 17, 2010
Having just migrated from windows I'm still trying to get my head around downloading music movies etc from my back up discs I made from itunes. I've reinstalled itunes on my new MBP and afterwards it puts a blue movie and music folder on the desktop. I'm not sure what to do with these as they must contain the actual music and movies. before I deleted these folders and found that when I tried to access the music a window couldn't locate it. So I did a 2nd back up.
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Aug 23, 2014
I'm using OSX 10.9.4.
My 500 GB hard drive is getting full, so I moved my entire ITunes music library (160 GB) to an external hard drive, and then moved the iTunes Media folder to the trash, and deleted it on my Mac. The moved files are playing fine from the external drive.
No disc space was freed up at all, because iTunes (I guess) cleverly backed everything up automatically.
I've tried to find these backup files in order to delete them -- to no avail.
How do I get rid of 160 GB of backups??
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 12, 2009
I want to delete all back ups of itunes in my time capsule since i'm doing the new organization method in itunes 9. How do i achieve this?
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Mar 24, 2012
Is there a way to backup Itunes to another device other than CDs? I back-up my itunes and it takes up about 22 Cds.
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Apr 7, 2012
I have 4 i devices, a first gen ipod touch, an ipad, an iphone 4s and an iphone 3gs. I wanted to be able to use wifi sync on the devices so I upgraded my Mac Mini to 10.6.3. As soon as I upgraded it, itunes is up to date as well, I now cannot get any of my devices to register when I plug them in and the devices will not wifi sync. They say waiting for my Mac Mini to become available.
I work in both the Mac and PC world. PC's have their problems without a doubt!
iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
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Apr 27, 2012
Everything is up to date; I reinstalled iTunes, and reset my iPhone and everything else I have read about so far. What do I do? I am using a Macbook Pro 10.7.3 and my iPhone 4 is 5.1.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 29, 2012
Itunes only detected iphone but not ipad in the Device Bar. Both are connect to the WiFi. I would like to sync my Ipad through WiFi mode.
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May 11, 2012
My iphone 4s is not detecting in itunes, my operating system is windows 7. i had faced the similar problm 2 months before that time i hav done system format to solve this issue .but this time it is not possible to do formatting .
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 14, 2012
iPod Touch connected via USB and does not appear in the iTunes list. In fact 'Device' is not listed at all. I know the USB port works so it isn't this or the cable. I would like to synch my daughters iPod with her music (which we have done many, many times in the past without issue) but the device does not appear and I cannot find a way for it to be 'found'.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPod Touch with iOS5.1.1
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