ITunes For Mac :: Constantly Hanging When Connecting IPhone
Jul 1, 2014
I've been unable to connect my iPhone 5s to iTunes for about a month. My mac book air is up to date, as is my iPhone.
How do I uninstall iTunes to then enable me to reinstall?
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Apr 29, 2012
why does safari hang?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 7, 2012
I have just got a new iMac and I proceeded to sign into my iTunes account and download all my music to my music library. I had a clear out and also purchased a few more albums so the library on my iPhone now looks pretty much nothing like the one on the mac. I'm trying to sync it but it won't sync, someone said something about needing to register my iPhone with the iMac or something
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Aug 20, 2014
When I connect my iPad or iPhone to Macbook Pro running 10.9.4 I get the dreaded beach ball. On right clicking iTunes in dock I can see that iTunes is not responding. I have updated iTunes to 11.3.1.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 5, 2008
I used to have all my data on my MacBook and since I bought the Air I started transferring everything to it. Everything was fine until I tried to hook my iphone on the usb and sync it. The iphone drops the connection with the itunes and the whole syncing progress cancels. I've tried every possible advice I found in other forums but nothing worked. I uninstalled and reinstalled itunes, I tried installing earlier version of itunes, I restored my iphone (on my other mac), I manually deleted some itunes program files before reinstalling the new itunes....nothing nothing nothing. I keep getting error messages like:
"ITunes could not connect to the iphone because the pairing record is missing"
"Application AppleMobileDeviceHelper quit unexpectedly"
"ITunes could not connect to iphone because an invalid response was received from the device"
And every time i try to restore iphone from the air i get an error(6).....
While everything works great on the old Macbook, the Macbook Air seems to have problems connecting with the phone. The funny thing is that even if the connection between iphone and itunes drops, I can still manage to "see" the iphone from "iphoto" and import pics on my Air. I really don't know what's going on here and there seems to be no one that knows what I should do. Furthermore, when i plug my scanner on the air, it doesn't respond at all. It's as if the usb slot ain't powerful enough to connect with those devices. The scanner also works great on my old Macbook.
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Apr 3, 2012
My network uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-TLS WIFI encryption, and I have a RADIUS server that handles this. Client devices have a certificate and username that they send to authenticate to the network. I have an iPad, an iPhone, and a Windows 7 laptop computer that all currently connect perfectly fine to this network (so I am assuming that my problem is isolated my MacBook Pro). My MacBook Pro (Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3) worked fine up until about a week ago. It would boot up and automatically connect to the network (I used the iPhone Configuration utility to create a .mobileconfig for this).
Now, however, instead of the WIFI menubar icon staying solid after connecting, my MacBook will "connect" to the network, and have a status of "Authenticating..." (System Preferences > Network). I can still connect to the network, internet, etc., but the menubar icon is now constantly blinking as if connecting/searching (though when I click on it there is a checkmark next to my network), and I am continually prompted every 5-10 minutes to select a certificate and username for connecting to the network by the Mac OS (even though I click "Save this information"). If I don't enter the information in the prompt, I am not connected anymore. This did not happen before. Is there something wrong with the mobileconfig I used for the network profile (I installed it using a normal user account; should I have used the administrator account for this?)? Is there something wrong with the items in my keychain?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 7, 2010
I mean, it really "hangs" as in NOT RESPONDING. And don't go into the "your running it on Win7 on the backside of your MacBook Pro". It typically hangs for 2-5 minutes then "connects" to the station.
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Aug 31, 2014
I'm running iTunes 11.3.1 on a Mac running Mavericks 10.9.3.
Since updating iTunes I now get iTunes hang when trying to update podcasts. Spinning beach ball.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2.2GHz i7 8GBSDRAM 15" Hi Res
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Aug 27, 2009
I'm trying to connect an iPhone to a Mac Mini via USB. The cable is known to be good. The USB ports all work with other USB devices. The iPhone works with USB devices on other computers AND if I plug it directly into the wall. When restart the computer with the iPhone plugged in, it connects while the OS is not in the ROM. As soon, however, as the OS starts to boot again, the iPhone disconnects.
I plug the iPhone in and nothing happens, including not indicating that it's charging (this is the problem). With the iPhone still plugged in, I restart the Mac. After all the open applications quit and the finder disappears, the iPhone chirps indicating that it's connected and charging. It stays charging while the Mac cycles through the rest of the restart. When, however, the Mac gets to the point where it starts booting the OS, the iPhone chirps again indicating that it's been disconnected.
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Apr 1, 2009
I am having trouble connecting my iPhone to my MBP via Bluetooth. Both devices are paired, I have entered the code that the MBP has asked me to input into the iPhone. Both devices are paired to each other yet they are not connected. For the most part I have never had any kind of luck using bluetooth on any device except for the Mighty Mouse I just bought.
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Aug 1, 2009
I'm trying to connect my iPhone to my new mbp via bluetooth. The ultimate goal is being able to tether, using my different carrier profile that I have (4.0 maybe?). The thing I don't understand is that this worked legitimately like last week and then I got a new hdd and it now doesn't connect via bluetooth. If I go through the set up assistant, I can get the devices paired, but on both my computer and my iphone it says the devices are not "connected". If, on my iphone I click on MacBook Pro - Not Connected" I can see on my computer that it is connected for about 3 seconds and then it goes back to not being connected.
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Aug 20, 2009
I am a first time MacBook Pro user. I bought this laptop for my business and, when on travel, will need to connect my laptop to the Internet wirelessly. Can I connect my MacBook to the Internet through my I-Phone? Will I need to add software to one or both systems (I-Phone and MacBook) to do this?
As a backup, are there any pay-as-you-go aircards that actually work on a Mac system? I have heard/read negative things about the Virgin Mobile Aircard. Bottom line is that I need reliable connectivity on occasion, thus I do not need a 1 or 2 year contract.
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May 26, 2012
I have called apple about this issue. my 4s to my mac via bluetooth. it just work link up. all software is up to date.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 25, 2012
Suddenly, as soon as I connect my iPhone 4 to iPhoto as I've done many times up until today, iPhoto "quits unexpectedly"...I don't seem to have a 3vix folder in my Apple Support Library?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 17" 2.5 Intel 4GB
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Dec 7, 2014
Had my iPhone 6 replaced today from an authorized service provider.
Wanted to sync the iPhone to my Macbook Air but when I connect it, it keeps on connecting and disconnecting.
I tried to..
1. Insert the USB cable into the other port (there are 2 built-in ports) This did not work; problem persists
2. Plug in my iPhone 5 into both ports The iPhone 5 is able to connect with no problems.
3. Plug in my iPhone 6 into another laptop with iTunes installed. The iPhone 6 is able to connect with no problems.
It was only after some minor fidgeting with the end of the USB cable (near to the phone) that I am able to sync, but this is not a perm fix.
Is it my Macbook Air's USB port that is causing the problems? Or is it my new iPhone 6? (although I am doubtful since I can connect to another laptop)
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10)
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Aug 24, 2014
How do I access Notes backed up from iPhone onto Mac without using an iPhone?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 16, 2012
Ever since updating through software update iTunes to 10.6, it has become almost unusable. It crashes whenever my iPod Touch is connected. I have tried re-installing 10.6 from teh direct download and i have tried to downgrade to 10.5.3 but the system won't let me delete 10.6 as iTunes is now, apparently,a necessary part of the OS.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 27, 2012
I unfortunately lost my whole itunes library that was on an external hard drive. I was able to download my music and apps stored in icloud. I want to sync my iphone and ipad to itunes for mac without erasing everything on these devices. can this be done keeping all my apps, music, folders intact on these devices.
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Oct 20, 2009
I've had a long struggle with iTunes and SuperDrives. Ppc iMac 5G, 10.5.8. Internal drive died; I purchased a La Cie ext. drive, couldn't get it to work even after 2 trips back to their repair, bought a replacement Toshiba internal drive from OWC and installed myself after much struggle. Now it is working, but the iTunes problems remains exactly the same and neither AppleCare nor the Apple iTunes Forum has been any help.
DVDs play fine and so do files in my iTunes.
1. I insert a CD. It takes forever to try to look up GraceNote.
2. Then it displays that it crashed and to Relaunch. I click it.
3. Then it displays it crashed again and to Reset and Relaunch. I click it.
4. Finally the disc comes up in iTunes and can be played.
5. After the CD concludes, it crashes again.
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Jun 30, 2012
Can't download anything from iTunes store. Rest of the internet works fine. What's going on, Apple? Every 30th try or so works... if I pound on the refresh button eventually stuff comes down?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 21, 2007
iTunes is losing the location of files at an alarming rate.
I have my library on a 750gb internal and it's total size is 462gb. Everytime i restart iTunes I have a stack of tracks or movies that have the dreaded exclamation mark next to them. I then spend 20 minutes re linking the files
Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening or any potential fixes?
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Jun 2, 2009
Last last night i installed the new update for iTunes and Quicktime. Now when I turn my laptop on it runs at a really high temperature (90 - 96 Degrees).
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Oct 30, 2009
iTunes has been crashing for months when playing CDs (but it's fine for DVDs and the audio files on iTunes). ppc G5 iMac, 10.5.8. Twice on inserting a CD, again when the CD concludes, and often during playing, or when I try to adjust volume. It did this with a LaCie external drive and now that I've installed a new replacement Toshiba internal superdrive it still does exactly the same thing. After reading about the many bugs with v9.0.1 I obtained v8.0.2, deleted everything to do with iTunes and reinstalled the older version. However, the crashes continue unabated. Have run Disk Warrior, Tech Tools Pro5, reset the hardware pulling the AC plug etc., run Permissions over and over, thrown out prefs files, etc. No improvement. AppleCare on iMac is expired and no other forum has helped. Couldn't find another ap just to play CDs or I would use it! QuickTime doesn't work.
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Apr 21, 2012
All I'm trying to do as add a few playlists to my iPad 2...When it's connected through either Wi-Fi or USB, while I'm trying to manage any of my iPads settings, iTunes completely freezes after EVERY mouse-click. Example:I click on my iPad in the iTunes sidebar ..."Spinning Beach-ball" for several seconds.I click on the "Music" tab at the top ..."Spinning Beach-ball" for another minute or two.I check one playlist ..."Spinning Beach-ball" for 5 minutes!!! (...not exaggerating.)I finally click "Sync" or "Apply" ...more "Spinning Beach-ball"!It finally starts to sync ..."Spinning Beach-ball" periodically every few minutes.In the end, the sync cancels itself before it's ever even put the new music on the device!!iTunes completely freezes and I have to force quit!!! As usual, I've tried everything I know how to do, short of witchcraft and bashing things with a large hammer!!! I've restarted both the iPad and computer, completely wiped and restored the iPad (at least twice since this issue arose), reinstalled iTunes, screamed at the top of my lungs, and rebuilt my iTunes library from scratch (which I can't do again for another 90 days, as I have iTunes Match activated). Also, this only seems to happen with my devices using my iTunes library. Using the exact same install of iTunes on the same user, I can open an alternate iTunes library (with a different music collection) and sync my sisters iPad and iPod with no problems. It's as if iTunes literally just hates me (or at least my taste in music)!!! Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3iOS 5.1iTunes 10.6.1
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Feb 22, 2012
My 13" MacBook Air Mid-2011 Version currently running Mac OS X 10.7.3. Is constantly overheating and the fan is constantly loud. The fan is around 5500rpm even when I am not doing anything on it or even when it is off.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 17, 2012
I've recently migrated to a new MacbookPro running Lion, from a Macbook running Leopard. My iTunes account and computer, though authorized, will not sync to my ipod, saying it will delete 15 or more files purchased through itunes as the computer is not authorized. I de-authorized both computers and authorized the one I am currently using - to no avail, it still throws up the error. The account keeps reverting back to an old .mac address that I never used and have changed this to my new ID within the Mobileme website. Am I going to have to find the original music files and copy them in to my itunes again rather than trying to do it through this authorizing thing? Is there any thing I can do to get this error to go? I have recently got some new music that I put on itunes, but due to the error am unable to sync my ipod to get the tracks on there now!
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 24, 2014
I recently installed Mavericks on my iMac. Any software that is connected to iCloud (FaceTime, Messaging, Calendar, Contacts, etc.) constantly asks for my apple ID password. iTunes is doing the same thing. Feel like I had a similar problem with Key Chain in my Mac Pro.
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Jun 29, 2014
Why is Safari and iTunes constantly asking me for a login keychain? What is that? And how do I disable it?
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May 20, 2009
I was just wondering if any other macrumorsmembers have been in the situation where there's no wifi, no decent 3G, but ethernet ports available to use, but you don't have a computer handy? Would it be possible that you could create an ethernet cable one end, dock the other, and literally connect e.g. an iPhone into the ethernet? At my place of work, there's no signal (dodgy GPRS/flakey Edge), some wifi, but in halls of residence, you get 1 ethernet port, and you can't put a wireless router onto it. It would seem that it would be an interesting solution, if it was possible.
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Mar 13, 2012
I've been syncing my devices for years, but after I updated to iTunes 10.6 then attempted to sync my iPhone 4, iTunes aborts and does not complete the sync. I tried my iPad as well with exactly the same results. So, I expect that something has begun corrupted in iTunes and I tried to revert to the previous version of iTunes with Time machine, but the Mac reported that I cannot remove iTunes.It could be a library that is corrupt or a cache of some sort, but I can't tell.
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