iTunes is losing the location of files at an alarming rate.
I have my library on a 750gb internal and it's total size is 462gb. Everytime i restart iTunes I have a stack of tracks or movies that have the dreaded exclamation mark next to them. I then spend 20 minutes re linking the files
Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening or any potential fixes?
It used to work: You highlighted the songs you wanted to create an Apple Lossless version of, and they would show up underneath the AIFF version.
No longer.
iTunes 9 still could do this.
iTunes 9.0.3 loses them. It processes them, puts them into the right folder, but you can't see them in iTunes.
1. Can I downgrade to iTunes 9.0 where this bug wasn't present?
2. Or do I have to manually import into iTunes? (This would erase the playcount, I suppose)
Or is there any other way around this bug? (or isn't it a bug, but a feature that has been disabled by Apple for whatever reason?)
PS: I found a place where I can download iTunes 9.0.1 for OS X. Are there any possible problem when installing an older version over a newer version, e.g. in regards to the library?
we all know that iTunes is a worthless turd, but maybe someone can help me figure something out before I get to the point of chucking my brand new MacBook Pro through the window.
When I go to rename a track or artist in this awful, awful software it almost always kicks me out of the renaming process, and since I'm merrily typing long it takes me to the first song in the library that starts with whatever letter I just happened to press.
I'm typing in "Bob Sinclar". I get through Bob and the space OK, but then as I'm about to his the S it kicks me out of the renaming process, I hit S, and the iTurd takes me to, say the first State of Shock song in my library.
iTunes has been crashing for months when playing CDs (but it's fine for DVDs and the audio files on iTunes). ppc G5 iMac, 10.5.8. Twice on inserting a CD, again when the CD concludes, and often during playing, or when I try to adjust volume. It did this with a LaCie external drive and now that I've installed a new replacement Toshiba internal superdrive it still does exactly the same thing. After reading about the many bugs with v9.0.1 I obtained v8.0.2, deleted everything to do with iTunes and reinstalled the older version. However, the crashes continue unabated. Have run Disk Warrior, Tech Tools Pro5, reset the hardware pulling the AC plug etc., run Permissions over and over, thrown out prefs files, etc. No improvement. AppleCare on iMac is expired and no other forum has helped. Couldn't find another ap just to play CDs or I would use it! QuickTime doesn't work.
I just installed iWork 06 but it seems although I have gained a bunch of new transitions I have lost several, and some of them I used often!
Why is this? And is there a way to add the old removed ones from Keynote 2 into keynote 3?
It appears to be: Burn One of the Mosaic Flips Drop Falling tiles Grid Motion Dissolve
Those were good transitions!
And some of the text transitions are lost too. One odd thing I noticed is that if i bring in one of the old Keynote files with the old transitions it adds that old transition to the list!
Below is an attachment of Keynote 2 and 3 transition lists
All the documents, files and icons displayed on my desktop keep disappearing and then reappearing whenever I do anything - though especially when I save or update something, create a new folder or rename a document/file. Sometimes they don't reappear at all and I am forced to restart the system.
I use a Mac Mini Power PC G4 (1.2) with OS X 10.4.11 and I have an external hard drive which I use to save most of my files and documents onto.
Ever since updating through software update iTunes to 10.6, it has become almost unusable. It crashes whenever my iPod Touch is connected. I have tried re-installing 10.6 from teh direct download and i have tried to downgrade to 10.5.3 but the system won't let me delete 10.6 as iTunes is now, apparently,a necessary part of the OS.
I've had a long struggle with iTunes and SuperDrives. Ppc iMac 5G, 10.5.8. Internal drive died; I purchased a La Cie ext. drive, couldn't get it to work even after 2 trips back to their repair, bought a replacement Toshiba internal drive from OWC and installed myself after much struggle. Now it is working, but the iTunes problems remains exactly the same and neither AppleCare nor the Apple iTunes Forum has been any help. DVDs play fine and so do files in my iTunes.
1. I insert a CD. It takes forever to try to look up GraceNote. 2. Then it displays that it crashed and to Relaunch. I click it. 3. Then it displays it crashed again and to Reset and Relaunch. I click it. 4. Finally the disc comes up in iTunes and can be played. 5. After the CD concludes, it crashes again.
Can't download anything from iTunes store. Rest of the internet works fine. What's going on, Apple? Every 30th try or so works... if I pound on the refresh button eventually stuff comes down?
Last last night i installed the new update for iTunes and Quicktime. Now when I turn my laptop on it runs at a really high temperature (90 - 96 Degrees).
All I'm trying to do as add a few playlists to my iPad 2...When it's connected through either Wi-Fi or USB, while I'm trying to manage any of my iPads settings, iTunes completely freezes after EVERY mouse-click. Example:I click on my iPad in the iTunes sidebar ..."Spinning Beach-ball" for several seconds.I click on the "Music" tab at the top ..."Spinning Beach-ball" for another minute or two.I check one playlist ..."Spinning Beach-ball" for 5 minutes!!! (...not exaggerating.)I finally click "Sync" or "Apply" ...more "Spinning Beach-ball"!It finally starts to sync ..."Spinning Beach-ball" periodically every few minutes.In the end, the sync cancels itself before it's ever even put the new music on the device!!iTunes completely freezes and I have to force quit!!! As usual, I've tried everything I know how to do, short of witchcraft and bashing things with a large hammer!!! I've restarted both the iPad and computer, completely wiped and restored the iPad (at least twice since this issue arose), reinstalled iTunes, screamed at the top of my lungs, and rebuilt my iTunes library from scratch (which I can't do again for another 90 days, as I have iTunes Match activated). Also, this only seems to happen with my devices using my iTunes library. Using the exact same install of iTunes on the same user, I can open an alternate iTunes library (with a different music collection) and sync my sisters iPad and iPod with no problems. It's as if iTunes literally just hates me (or at least my taste in music)!!! Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3iOS 5.1iTunes 10.6.1
My 13" MacBook Air Mid-2011 Version currently running Mac OS X 10.7.3. Is constantly overheating and the fan is constantly loud. The fan is around 5500rpm even when I am not doing anything on it or even when it is off.
I've recently migrated to a new MacbookPro running Lion, from a Macbook running Leopard. My iTunes account and computer, though authorized, will not sync to my ipod, saying it will delete 15 or more files purchased through itunes as the computer is not authorized. I de-authorized both computers and authorized the one I am currently using - to no avail, it still throws up the error. The account keeps reverting back to an old .mac address that I never used and have changed this to my new ID within the Mobileme website. Am I going to have to find the original music files and copy them in to my itunes again rather than trying to do it through this authorizing thing? Is there any thing I can do to get this error to go? I have recently got some new music that I put on itunes, but due to the error am unable to sync my ipod to get the tracks on there now!
I recently installed Mavericks on my iMac. Any software that is connected to iCloud (FaceTime, Messaging, Calendar, Contacts, etc.) constantly asks for my apple ID password. iTunes is doing the same thing. Feel like I had a similar problem with Key Chain in my Mac Pro.
So I deleted the Plist files because iTunes would constantly crash when it was "processing" the TV show I was downloading after it reached 100% on the download. SO very annoying. Didn't realize deleting the Plist files also deletes all of the preferences and just about everything else except the music, video, etc. files themselves. So I have all of my iTunes files on my external hard drive where they have always been, but how do I point iTunes to it?
I vaguely remember that I have to open iTunes while holding down some key? Is that right? Which key(s) again?
In my iTunes folder User/Music/Itunes (I'm running Windows if that matters..*ducks*) I have tons of It .tmp files. Each one has a number next to the It - ex. It 5.tmp....I have 570 of these to be exact. it's safe to delete them?
just recently, as of 2 or 3 days ago, I suddenly cannot drag songs in itunes anymore. More specifically, I can't add songs to playlists, and I can't manage songs in the playlists. anyone else having this problem, or is this something new in itunes? (I should say that I haven't used itunes in a few weeks, and the only thing I've done is download the latest updates
I recently got microsofts mp3 player the zune and was frustrated when i found out about the lack of mac support for it. so i was wondering if there was an app to take the mp3 files from itunes and put them on the zune?
I have the vast majority of my iTunes library on a NAS device. When I first got my MBP I set the library's location to the folder that I had moved off one of the desktops to the NAS. Everything works fine.
However, it seems that the library location will reset itself to the local location on the MBP (possibly whenever I run iTunes when I'm not on this network). So, if I add files to the iTunes when I'm not on this network, they get placed into the local library.
I have a MacBook Pro with Leopard and the latest iTunes.
For some weird reason iTunes starts to add every file twice. And I don't mean that it just keep the original, it actually adds the file two times in the iTunes Music folder.
I just added 300 Beatles Songs but now it added every single song twice...I have 600 songs now. This happened now and then before and its REALLY annoying. Especially when I need to delete every single file manually. The show duplicates just shows both files but I still need to highlight every 2nd file and then delete it.
For some reason I'm no longer able to add mp3 files to an iTunes playlist. I can play the songs individually but can't make a playlist with the files. When I try to drag and drop them they just get a red cross and they don't get added.
I recently re-installed my OS and started fresh. Before, when I would try to delete something from iTunes, it would ask if I wanted to keep the file or move it to the trash. It doesn't do that anymore it just keeps the file. How do I make that message reappear?
After Latest update (security update) that came out not so long ago, my safari experience has gone from good to bad. I have crash on me at least twice a day. Anyone else had this? I noticed that it usually happens when I try to compose email on Gmail, when I press compose and enter my friends email press enter to select contact, after that the wheel starts spinning and then you get "Safari quit unexpectedly"
Does anyone else have this issue? Also my startup times started to get slower.
I have dropbox, and want my "permanent folders" folder (which I have on my desktop) to be permanently mirrored to my dropbox folder. I know how to make a folder alias, but that's not quite the same thing. How can I do this?