ITunes :: Constantly Freezing After Every Mouse-click?
Apr 21, 2012
All I'm trying to do as add a few playlists to my iPad 2...When it's connected through either Wi-Fi or USB, while I'm trying to manage any of my iPads settings, iTunes completely freezes after EVERY mouse-click. Example:I click on my iPad in the iTunes sidebar ..."Spinning Beach-ball" for several seconds.I click on the "Music" tab at the top ..."Spinning Beach-ball" for another minute or two.I check one playlist ..."Spinning Beach-ball" for 5 minutes!!! (...not exaggerating.)I finally click "Sync" or "Apply" ...more "Spinning Beach-ball"!It finally starts to sync ..."Spinning Beach-ball" periodically every few minutes.In the end, the sync cancels itself before it's ever even put the new music on the device!!iTunes completely freezes and I have to force quit!!! As usual, I've tried everything I know how to do, short of witchcraft and bashing things with a large hammer!!! I've restarted both the iPad and computer, completely wiped and restored the iPad (at least twice since this issue arose), reinstalled iTunes, screamed at the top of my lungs, and rebuilt my iTunes library from scratch (which I can't do again for another 90 days, as I have iTunes Match activated). Also, this only seems to happen with my devices using my iTunes library. Using the exact same install of iTunes on the same user, I can open an alternate iTunes library (with a different music collection) and sync my sisters iPad and iPod with no problems. It's as if iTunes literally just hates me (or at least my taste in music)!!!  Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3iOS 5.1iTunes 10.6.1
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Aug 25, 2014
When in an opened safari page my mouse is freezing i can move it freely around page but can not click on any item. I can not even go to the quit option to get out of page???
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Jul 31, 2010
I am having the problem of my iMac freeszing and becoming unresponsive. I can move my mouse curser around the screen, but nothing is responsive. Tried a force quit using the keyboard but that doesn't work either.
I have to power my iMac on then off to restart.
I think it may have something to do when I launch iTunes, and I am using CPU intensive applications? This problem has occured recently when i have been watching YouTube videos, then launched iTunes. Also on another occasion when using Ableton Live, then launched iTunes.
When my iMac reboots after the freeze, and launch iTunes for the first time the "Checking iTunes Library" dialogue box appears and takes a while to load before iTunes launches. My iTunes Library is quite large, 55GB.
Anybody got any trouble shooting advice? I know the console app shows errors but am not very sure what to look for.
I'm running 10.6.4 and iTunes 9.2.1.
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Nov 21, 2009
So I got the much hyped Magic Mouse. I get it set up then I go over to itunes and click a sound and normally I would then follow with a double click to get Itunes to play that song and now I do it and it does nothing. Same with Adium and any files I try to open but on firefox it works perfectly fine. I went over the settings 10 times and still can't figure it out.
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Aug 9, 2010
I had to dissassemble my wireless Mighty Mouse to clean it properly, as the trackball was unable to scroll up and down. As I had cleaned the trackball, I attached the two internal cables to their respective "slots" again and assembled the mouse.
Now my right button does the same as the left button (right click = left click). I tried dissassembling the mouse again, but I cannot see what I could have done wrong. After all, there are only two cables to attach and de-attach inside it.
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Feb 12, 2007
I just bought a mighty mouse, happy as I was, plugged it in and started my ibook running OS X 10.3.9.I know the mighty mouse shouldn't have full functionality (as the software delivered with it is >10.4.2).The problem is that the right click doesn't work right. When I try to right click it sometimes takes the right click, sometimes takes it as a left click (which is extremely annoying in firefox or finder).
I have SteerMouse (I'm a windows/linux user too) installed but when I de�nstalled it the problem remained.
When I plugged the mighty mouse in my pc (at that time running windows) right click just worked.When using a cheap mouse (from pleomax) the right click on the ibook (with Steermouse installed) works all the time.
I find this al really confusing. Seems like it can't be the hardware because it works on windows, but it can't be the software because another mouse does work.
I noticed that when right clicking at the total right side near the "expose-button" (not a position my fingers lay naturally) right click works all the time. I don't hope this is normal?
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Apr 8, 2012
The MacBook Air that I purchased a month ago, freezes up on me constantly. I've researched various forums, and some are stating that this could be due to the system overheating. I really do not believe this is the case with my MacBook Air, as I rarely use it. I only use it for traveling (I write for a living) and every time I use it, it freezes. It is not hot when it freezes.
I could be working on a document or just browsing the Internet and all of a sudden, the cursor and track pad stop working. Sometimes it's ok and when done, I close the lid, or put it in sleep mode. However, when I return to open the system, my track pad, cursor, everything freezes again! I literally have to shut it down with the power key (not even the apple/quit keys work) and reboot the system. Another flaw is that the darn thing will reboot, but I cannot log it (mouse / cursor still don't work). Therefore, it takes bout 4 reboots to engage it again.
I'm at my wits end. I've had this thing to the Apple Store twice and they always say "I've never heard of this happening" and after extensive troubleshooting, I walk away without any resolution. To say that they have never heard of this issue is astounding to me, because the more I research this issue on the Internet, I'm finding more and more complaints. I will also say that this is my SECOND MacAir in one month. I had the same issue with the first one I purchased (after only one week), and returned it to BestBuy for a brand new replacement. I thought it was a fluke. Guess again ... same issue with this one.After all these years, I decided to take the plunge and get an Apple, but I must admit, I feel completely burned. $1200.00 for a laptop and I can barely use it. I'm sick over the entire thing. I will never buy another Apple again.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 29, 2008
Some friends of mine recently called me to see if I could fix their eMac that's constantly freezing up and being slow, and I told them I'd give it a shot. Before I go over there this afternoon to fix it, I just wanted to get some ideas on what could be causing this. Is it just that eMacs are too old?
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Jul 25, 2009
Everytime I try to visit a webpage with content that isn't only text i get the hourglass and have to force quit both firefox and safari. What can I do to Fix This?
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Mar 25, 2012
The computer freezes or crashes fairly regularly - sometimes within minutes of being started. I have wiped the hard disk several times and done a clean reinstall of Lion. The computer still crashes - again within minutes of the Finder launching.However, it behaves itself when I boot it into Windows, or if I do a Safe Boot. This is starting to drive me nuts.Here's the latest kernel panic
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Late 2006 20"
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May 5, 2012
My computer is constantly freezing up.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 24, 2009
Recently my 13 inch MBP has been freezing a lot. It seems similar to the 1.7 firmware problem many are reporting, but from what I can tell from their posts the freezing only lasts 15-30 seconds then they can work again. On my computer the freezing does not stop and I am forced to hold the power button to shutdown every time. When I attempt to reboot the computer after that I have to reset the PRAM every time.
I am using a 3rd party hard drive that worked fine up until a little less than a week ago, and also worked fine in my old plastic white macbook. When I put the stock hard drive back in it seems to work fine, but I admittedly haven't used it as extensively and not all of my apps are installed, but most of my freezing occurs in safari as well sometimes itunes.If anyone knows how to downgrade firmware back to 1.6 I would try that as well, but I am not sure if that is possible.
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Feb 6, 2012
After the last software update, Safari has been acting strange. It slowed down enormously (I keep on getting the colored beach ball) and it freezes many times for lots of seconds.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 30, 2012
in the middle of april 2010 I bought a MacBook Pro core i7, everything works fine but after install Mac OS X Lion the machine is freezing with Photoshop, iphoto, Youtube, Safari and the login screen, anothers times show a lots of color in the display and freezing again.To fix all this issues, I was reset the PRAM, SMC, reinstall Lion after format the HD, etc. Nothing works and make an appointment in genius bar, I show to them this article url...and they tell me that my machine is not elegible for the warranty because the problems are differents.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MBP - Mid 2010
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Dec 2, 2014
I have the 2013 15 inch retina Macbook Pro and I have been having a problem with it lately. Whenever I use safari, my browser is freezing constantly. Its is only when I use safari, not any other applications, such as Microsoft word. Normally, I wouldn't consider this a big issue, but it gets worse. When I don't navigate on my computer and let it rest for a minute or so (while running safari and sometimes other applications) this screen pops up:
I have not dropped my computer, nor done anything to cause any damage to it.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, Running OS X 10.1
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Sep 12, 2014
Freezes for like 3 seconds more often then not and is running a lot slower then normal ...
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 10, 2014
I had to force shut down my MacBook Pro today as it was freezing up and not allowing me to really click on anything. All it let me do was close out of Photoshop. What happened was FireFox decided to crash and not reopen after attempting to install an updated version of Flash Player. When I rebooted after the force-shut down (holding down the power button to turn off my computer, which has always been effective in the past), I got a screen for OS X Utilities with the following prompts:Â
Restore From Time Machine Backup
Reinstall OS X
Get Support Online
Disk UtilityÂ
So, the first one is out of the question. In the 5 1/2 years I've proudly owned my computer, I have never created a Time Machine account/backup. I have preferred to use an external hard drive. Unfortunately, the other prompts would be A-okay, if it weren't for the fact that I've been lax in updating my backup and haven't backed up to my external in about 8 months.Â
Unfortunately, to Reinstall OS X, my computer wants to erase all my data, so I need the backup of my files. (I have a lot of photos on my drive). But it says I can't even reinstall, because the hard drive is locked..And it won't repair my hard drive. The prompts for why it should be repaired are: Invalid content in journal, Invalid B-tree node size, The volume could not be verified completely.Â
When I try to create a new image to backup to my external in order to wipe my system, it says "Unable to create "disk0s2.dmg" (invalid argument). Now, I am not totally computer illiterate. I can follow a set of instructions and do my own IT work basically 99% of the time. I don't want to loose my images or lesson plans (I actually just got my school issued laptop and was going to transfer school files over to my school-issued computer as soon as I finished with my Internet needs (bills)).Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Oct 21, 2009
I've been using Microsoft Word (Word 2004 for Mac, Version 11.5.5) for about two and half years with no problems... starting this morning, whenever I right-click a word for spellcheck, Word freezes and I have to force-quit. I've restarted, checked updates, and am at a loss. Leopard (not Snow) and Word both have all current updates.
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Jun 23, 2014
Just bought mac-air last week. When I start it got freeze on first screen where i can see my username logo and "guest user" logo. and can't click on both options .
tried power on/off many times with no success .Â
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Jun 6, 2010
I have the iLife 08 version of iPhoto and i inserted my sd card, selected photos and clicked import selected. It freezes on 47 left and i have to force quit. Even stopping doesn't work.
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Jun 4, 2010
I've had my iMac 27" i7 since November '09 and have had no real problems with the magic mouse until today. It is constantly losing it's connection taking seconds to sometimes minutes to finally re-connect. It's happening while the mouse is idle or while I'm using it (it happened right after I clicked to start this thread in fact!)
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Apr 29, 2012
I have two Magic Mouse(s) and both worked fine from day one - early last year, and both now act up constantly with the same symptoms. I am among those who believe it has something to do with Lion. When I boot up, they don't get recognized and when I go to Mouse and search for bluetooth devices - sometimes they are found and most of the time they are not. I can reboot and sometimes get the mouse but often do not. Â
I know about adding the paper to help cushion the batteries, hasn't helped. I have the Advanced setting to wake computer with mouse. I saw some reference to booting with a control option and deleting some setting but can't find out exactly what that is all about. Love using this mouse, especially swiping, and want to make it work. Â
Right now I have one of those huge "ergonomic" bricks in my palm and can't stand it!
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Mar 8, 2012
#1: Is there a keyboard command that will perform a middle click? I have googled and googled and googled and found hardly any info except something about "option + click", which does not work.Â
#2:Â Is there a way to make the magic mouse perform a middle click?
powermac pro 3ghz xeon 8core, Mac OS X (10.5.3), 9gb ram, 4tb internal storage, 30" cinema display, 17" hitachi
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Aug 28, 2010
Mine started blinking twice underneath green and not being recognized by my iMac 24", 4GB etc
So I just bought a second hand one from ebay, and it does exactly the same thing
I have checked the top of the screen and bluetooth is switched on
I went down to mighty mouse, and selected connect and nothing happens
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Nov 22, 2010
Watch this video and read the description.[URL]
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Oct 9, 2007
I have 15", 1.8 GHz Macbook Pro with 2GHz RAM. The keyboard and mouse pad freezes from time to time. No button on the computer works except the power button. I always have to press and hold the power button to reboot the computer.The computer seems to be running normal. Just the keyboard and mouse pad don't work.I brought the computer to Mac guys @ apple for couple of times and the computer acts normal when he guys is testing.
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Jun 5, 2014
My mouse pad is acting weird. My mouse keeps freezing and I cannot log in to my computer. Sometimes when I move the mouse it just jumps around the screen but it will not go to the what I'm trying to click on. I tried to reboot the computer.
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Oct 30, 2007
Yesterday I restarted my PowerMac G5 (dual 2.7Ghz) as normal. When it rebooted my system wouldn't respond to mouse clicks. I can move the pointer around the screen and the system even responds to mouseover events (e.g. the text when you move over an application in the Dock) but it won't respond to clicks. Funny thing is, I tried VNCing in from another computer on my LAN and clicking DOES work from there. I've taken the obvious step of repairing permissions, to no avail. I'm using 10.4.10 and wasn't doing aything unusual or stupid beforehand as far as I know.
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Nov 4, 2009
So I just installed USB Overdrive on my 10.6.1 iMac 2.66, and one of the buttons was conflicting; I thought it might be an issue with Apple's official mouse & keyboard prefs. So I went in, and I accidentally switched the right click/left click, and now I cannot click on ANYTHING because both buttons are right-click. I tried restarting in the hopes that USB Overdrive would override the system prefs, but no dice. Is there any way I can manipulate system prefs without the use of clicking?
I also tried hooking up another mouse to no avail, and sticky keys are off.
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Aug 21, 2010
(Was) running: 15" Macbook Pro, 3GB RAM, Original Leopard (Computer is about 4-4.5 years old, so it's not a new one. 2nd gen?) Last night I was using Firefox as I always do when my cursor decided not to let me move a file I was trying to move. The file sort of stuck to the cursor and I had to hard boot my computer back up. When I got to the login screen, I couldn't click my account with the trackpad mouse. I was however able to select my account with tab and enter (I think it was), which let me login. I was able to get to system preferences but there was nothing unchecked with trackpad that shouldn't have been. (Trackpad = mouse? I think?) Logged in, I was still unable to click anything, which makes it pretty hard to use the computer! I've tried various things to fix it, to no avail:
1. Hardbooting
2. Waiting all night, letting it sit off, hardbooting
3. Resetting PRAM
I also tried using my original gray installation disc for disk utility. I pressed "c" on startup, but once it started up, it ejected my disc. (Also tried the 2nd gray disc and the original Leopard disc.) I was able to reboot into Safe Mode pressing SHIFT on startup and then hard rebooting. Just read about single user mode fsck -y and will try that shortly. I'll also see if "D" on startup keeps the install disk in to run AHT. From what I've read, sounds like it might be the logic board. Can't afford that nor a new Mac. Looks like I'm back to a PC if that's what it is. *mourns* Wow, I plugged in an old Mac USB mouse we had lying around and that works! Yay! But should I still be concerned about the logic board or some other major issue?
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