ITunes For Mac :: When Make A Search In Store Nothing Shows Up
Jun 21, 2014
I´m having a strange problem with my itunes store. When I make a search in itunes store nothing shows up. Its really strange. It´s like itunes store finds titles (I can scroll in a result window) but letters of the titles are invisible. Meaning there are no letters at all. My itunes is fully updated. I´ve got a MacBook Pro, OS X (version 10.9.3).Â
I just bought an iMac and a WD My Book Live. The first cause my old laptop when to the great binary cloud in the sky, the second cause I want to be able to consolidate my media. Over the years I have ripped by CDs and DVDs so when the time came I could stream all my media through out my house and devices. Because I will be using the Mac primarily for the forseeable future, I have moved my music and movies into their respective iTunes folders. I have started to move my TV shows. But when you add the folder in iTunes I am still only getting the lovely iStore Advert telling me to start looking. Is it because my store is the Irish iTunes Store? So does anyone have some advice as the best way to store my TV Shows and get them to show in iTunes.
Unable to see the search results in the iTunes App Store.
I'm using iTunes v10.6.3. Whenever I type in my search criteria, all I get is a black box underneath my search bar (see photograph, top right). Using my cursor, all I get when going down inside the black box area is horizontal white bars with no text.
Sometimes I will notice the audio is out of sync on my iTunes store bought videos. Rebooting the computer helps until the next time. This really started to become a problem over the last few months. This is a 15" MBP, 2009 bought in March, 4GB ram. Storage is on a 1TB WD drive in a LaCie 2 big tripple enclosure with firewire. No extra software installed and the computer is only used for iTunes and internet. Has all updates.
When I am using Google image search in Safari, my MacBook freezes for about 20-30 seconds before it shows the results. It just shows me grey boxes in the beginning and loads for a long time. I had the same issue with my old MBPro, but also with my beand-new one.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a credit card for one of my companies that I used to buy the iPhone and create an Apple ID for purchases on the app store. Subsequent to that I created a new company, with its own credit card, and created a new Apple ID specifically for purchases for that company. Now when I go to make a purchase on the app store with my iPhone how do I switch between the two Apple IDs so that the purchase I make uses the appropriate credit card?
I bought a 1TB external HDD when I got my mac back in August. I use it for Time Machine and I store all my songs that I use for DJ/karaoke. When I first got it and I had it plugged in, I could search a lot easier than I can now. It would search just like you can when searching your internal drive and type the file name in and it begins narrowing it down. Now for some reason it will not do that, and every time I need to find a song on the drive out of thousands, I have to go in there manually and hunt it down. Anyone know of how to adjust the search settings on my external drive so I can get it working like it was at first?
I had to replace the hard drive in my MacBook Pro. I went to the App store with my clean install of Lion. However for a number of Apps I need it indicates that they are installed, though they aren't. I can't seem to figure out a way so it lets me redownload and install them on this computer. It's tremendously frustrating. The command click (right click) on the greyed out installed button does nothing. If you go to the app page you get the installed thing again. Â
IS there a terminal command to make sure that my default search engine is and not or or any place I am travelling to, since VERY OFTEN the results are MANY LESS than using the .com goggle site and I DO NOT want to be logged in google to save the settings, which are anyway erased by my security and privacy tool?
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), I erased OSX 10.7 'cause it slowed
A friend of mine has a developmentally disabled child. He has given her an iPad. I would like to search for apps that would be good as a gift to her. I do not have an iPad but do have an iMac. Is there a way for me to search for iPad apps using my Mac computer?
I'm running final cut pro X version 10.0 and I would like to update to 10.0.4 but the app store shows "all apps are up to date" Anyone encounter this before? When I run FCPX and go to about it clearly shows I'm runing 10.0. I've checked for software updates and that has not found the update either. This link says I can download it from the app store. When i launch the app store it says "Install" and when i click that it says, i've already purchased final cut 10 and cannot instal it? I just want the update?
Looking at my account in the App Store, I found an item, which I have not downloaded, listed as purchased.I did not purchase this item.How do I get rid of it?
I had recently attempted to uninstall Native Instruments FM8, and in an effort to do so, ran searches through my system Library folder and my user Library folder to find anything related to the software and remove them. Found around 100 preset sound files related to FM8, sent them to the trash and emptied the trash (not securely). Then after removing every file as listed on NI's website, restarting my computer, and running another Finder search in my Library folder, the sound files I had deleted earlier appear in the Finder search! However, right-clicking the files and selecting Get Info shows no directory for the file, and the files are unable to be deleted or have permissions modified.Â
I have already used the Disk Utility to repair disk permissions, but these phantom files still remain in my Finder search !Â
My system has been locking up the last few days. I see the beach ball and on my istat bar my cpu shows I'm at 190%+ ???Safari is the one program that is open. I have managed to turn off my internet connection so Safari can't be sending or receiving any data ... I hope. Do I have a Virus? How can I force Safari to close? The beach ball prevents me from closing Safari in the usual way. I have very limited access to my iMac Late 2009
Does anyone know about how long it generally takes once a new model comes out for it to start showing up in the refurb store? (I realize it's not set in stone.....) I'm looking to get a new MBP but they currently have the previous generation only. I'm ok with refurb so if I could get the new version in that way and save a little $ why not?
lion shows as purchase in app store even though it came bundled, also facetime, keynote,pages and numbers even though these were pre installed with the macbookpro late 2011.
I reside in Spain and I've recently opened a joint account with a US resident here in Los Angeles at Charles Schwab bank.The financial consultant told us it's possible to deposit checks into schwab account through an app for iphone [URL]I've tried to download but it appears the following window: "your application has not been able to complete" and "The article you requested is not available at this time in Spanish Store, but is available in the U.S. Store. Click Change Store to view this article". If I click to change the Store from the Spanish to the American store, I have to fill the data but my ID apple is not working on the "foreign" store. What can I do? Is there a way to buy / download items from a different Itunes stores?Â
On 6 th April my BT homehub2 updated it's firmware and that's when the problems started. Broadband went down completely and powerlineadapters adapters for bt vision fried. After 2 telephone support calls we eventually got the home hub reset and connected to broadband. Bt supplied two new powerlineadapters and bt vision is now working. Laptop, iPhones and iPad (and bt vision) all connect fine and work completely well.Â
My iMac running OS X 10.7.3, appears to work in that it connects no problem to home hub and when you run diagnostics it says your Internet connection appears to be working normally... However I cannot get a web page to load - I have tried chrome, Firefox and safari. The bizarre thing is using Outlook I can send and receive email, also my apple devices are still syncing via the iCloud - that would suggest that the iMac is indeed connecting wirelessly to the router and sending and receiving data - just no web pages at all - also it can't connect to things like iTunes store or apples app store... Everything was working fine until the firmware update! Â
Also may/may not be related but when I log in now I always have to manually connect to router, it always connects fine but it used to do it automatically, also recently upgraded to Lion and I have my doubts there too?Â
I redeemed a $50 gift card and it says $50.00 is my balance but when I try to buy an app it asks me for my billing information. I don't want to use my credit card, I want to use the $50 gift card I paid for. Please fix this
I have been trying to find my current charges for apps and wish to return the ones that are not suitable. I follow the steps as described and after signing I have gotten the message cannot find iTunes store and it leaves me there. The instructions given do not pertain to the setup of the iTunes store.
Have just upgraded my macbook to Lion. I logged into the app store, bought, downloaded and installed Lion no problem.
After upgrade I returned to the app store to download ibooks author. I can find ibooks author but when I try and install the app I have to sign in and I get a "connection failed" error message.
The same happens in iTunes when I try and view my account - "The network connection failed"Â
I can access the internet with no problems - including secure sites. I can access software update with no problems.Â
I have made no changes to my network settings - could sign in and download apps before upgrade, unable to after upgrade.
I'm able to make a free account on mac app store. There only three option comes under payment method that is VISA MASTER CARD & AMEX. nothing like free option.
My restrictions are off, I can make new purchases, but when i try to make in-app purchases I get, "You must purchase the app that this item is for before you cab purchase this item," even though I have the app and bought it the same account. Suggestions? All software up to date.
I want to buy a Macbook Pro from the online store, but this message keeps appearing when I try to checkout. "A request to your bank for the funds necessary to ship this order was declined." I tried 2 different debit cards, both have sufficient funds.
I just bought a $10 iTunes card and I want to by iMovie from the Mac App Store. (which brings my balance to $16.48) My problem is whenever I try to buy this product I'm sent to the billing page. I don't have a credit card so I select "none" and try to purchase iMovie again. But it just sends me back to the billing page. I don't want to buy another card in order to redeem something on the billing page so what do I do?
Info: Macbook White 13" spring 2010, Mac OS X (10.4.6)
i just wanted to simply get the updated free Facebook App on my ipod, i dont have a credit card so it wont let me review my apple there anything else i can do?