App Store :: Make An App Store Purchase With A Different Credit Card?
Feb 1, 2012
I have a credit card for one of my companies that I used to buy the iPhone and create an Apple ID for purchases on the app store. Subsequent to that I created a new company, with its own credit card, and created a new Apple ID specifically for purchases for that company. Now when I go to make a purchase on the app store with my iPhone how do I switch between the two Apple IDs so that the purchase I make uses the appropriate credit card?
I don't as of yet have a credit card, but I do have some App Store credit left from a gift card given to me on my birthday. How do I use that instead of a CC?
I purchased new credit card and every time I login to change my personal information it give a message said that my credit card is wrong?I used this car with ebay and other website and it's work perfectly.
i just moved to US and I want to keep my italian number on my iPhone.i need to change my payment details as I closed my italian bank account and I opened a US one. it seems is not possible to change credit card's details.
I created a Apple ID account through the website and used it to sign in on my Macbook Air.But now I want to download free stuff from the App Store. When I try to log in it says:I click 'Review' and then accept the agreement and end up with this *****:How can I change my current Apple ID to use no credit card? I know of the solution going to iTunes and create a Apple ID down there but then I have to create a new one and I dont't want that! Â
I created a Apple ID account through the website and used it to sign in on my Macbook Air. But now I want to download free stuff from the App Store. When I try to log in it says:I click 'Review' and then accept the agreement and end up with this:How can I change my current Apple ID to use no credit card?
I setet up an iTunes account with a $25 card I bought from the Apple Store on 5th Avenue in NYC. Since then, I send money to a friend who lives in the US and he emails me back the code from a gift voucher. My account is registered at his address but doesn't have any billing information in. I was just reading that when you go in for the first time, it asks you to verify your credit card information. As I don't live in the US and don't have a US credit card, and set the account up with store credit, how would I go through and confirm my billing information without card info? Also if I can get around the problem above, and I have credit on my iTunes Store account, can this be used to pay for apps?
Tried out the App Store today, it looks cool. Way cooler than expected, I actually like it. I decided to go on a downloading spree of FREE apps. Now I have an Apple ID, but I've never filled out the credit card info. I will not be using the App Store for anything paid, I don't want to put in my credit card info, is there any way I can create an account without giving Apple my CC details? Cons: seems pretty hopeless at detecting installed apps. Apparently I don't have GarageBand or Keynote installed. Ah well.
when trying to setup account, will not accept my mastercard, even though I have used it all over europe and the us, a us credit card with lithuanian billing address
I hate this thing when I try to download music or movies, they ask me again my password and give me my credit card details, when I enter the code, they say is not valid!!! what? I just bought from you guys several times, what are you talking about now????
The funny thing is that sometime it does, as matter of fact I have bought more than 30 movies and songs and suddenly ask me again the code and ????
i am having a hard time trying to buy apps from uk app store with my hk credit card?i tried to sign up another apple account which i put as a hk apple ID but the same issue still came up?
I have a credit card from Turkey, but I currently live in Canada. When I try to use my credit card on App store, I can not choose Canada as my region, since the credit card is issued in Turkey.
I want to upload a free application on the App Store, and you ask me credit card number, even if the product is free. I don't have credit card, and I would like to know if I can do without this. Could you explain me why you need credit card number for a free application?
I redeemed my gift cards and I have a positive balance on my account, but when I try to buy pages it sends me to my billing info and askes for my credit card information. Why can't I just buy it and download it? I don't know what is going on.
I am sure this has been brought up before but I couldn't find it in searches. Why does apple require a credit card with all the info, including my birth date, for FREE UPDATES?I find it very inconvenient when I am asked for payment info for something free. I would hate to click the wrong button and find a $xxx charge that I didn't want.
I want to buy a Macbook Pro from the online store, but this message keeps appearing when I try to checkout. "A request to your bank for the funds necessary to ship this order was declined." I tried 2 different debit cards, both have sufficient funds.
A friend gave me a Gift Card so I could purchase OS X Lion. But apparently he gave me an Apple Gift Card and the App Store requires an iTunes gift card. How can I purchase OS X Lion with a Apple Gift Card?
I have been trying to find my current charges for apps and wish to return the ones that are not suitable. I follow the steps as described and after signing I have gotten the message cannot find iTunes store and it leaves me there. The instructions given do not pertain to the setup of the iTunes store.
Well, I'm trying to buy a MacBook Pro online, the $100 software and the 3 year guarantee and it says that my credit card information isn't accepted.  I called the credit card company 5 times and they said everything is fine. I retyped all the necessary information 3 times. Still the same result: credit card is not accepted. However, the $100 software is purchased but not the MacBook Pro nor the 3 year guarantee. This is extremely weird as to why one is purchased but not the others. Â