ITunes For Mac :: Bitrate Setup Has Gone From Preferences - OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Sep 3, 2014
While browsing iTunes features on my Mac being provoked by my aroused interest in the formats that iTunes can play I noticed that in the Playback Tab of iTunes Preferences I don't see the options of setting bitrates for playing imported tracks (that is, not bought in iTunes Store) anymore. All that's remained are the quality options for video playback, but not those for audio. Why is it so and is it possible to change bitrate preferences?
I've managed somehow to change the displayed bitrate of songs I've purchased off the iTS, simply by removing the contact details with a hex editor, and it's really bugging me that there doesn't seem to be any way to change it back!
Normally, iTS purchases appear as 256kbps, which is the standard I use (I don't have VBR checked for iTunes plus, as it appears '256kbps (VBR)' whilst songs purchased from iTunes do not, and I like 100% consistency in appearance) - however, now I am getting the true bitrate on songs I've purchased and altered, such as 264kbps, or 281kbps, anywhere from 256kbps to 290kbps.
How can I change the appearance of these files so iTunes displays them as 256kbps again? I've tried AtomicParsley, but it doesn't seem to have a bitrate option, and I definitely do not want to burn them to CD and rip them back!
I know this will sound like an incredibly anal request, but as I said, I like 100% consistency!
I have iTunes set to rip at lossless, which is fine, as I am willing to add terabytes of storage to my library if necessary. I have a 120 gig classic, I don't mind the fact that I can fit less songs in a higher quality bitrate on this device. I also just got a 8 gig nano, and I would like to upload everything onto it in 128 instead of lossless. I don't want to convery my who library as I would prefer to preserve it is lossless.
I've got to setup/configure three new iPad2's on the mac that I have which is already associated with an iPad2. I know that there is a way to have iTunes not sync/backup a new iPad 2 as I've done it before, but I cannot remember how to do it.
I created a mp4 file with Share/Export File… (settings: Computer, H.264 Faster Encode, 1920x1080 - edited from an HD camera): its video always freezes at a definite point when played on my BD Player connected to my HDTV through HDMI (audio instead continues on the frozen image).It seem that the issue is a sudden video bit rate pick of almost 50 Mbps while its average is around 20-30 Mbps. It is not clear to me if this freeze is caused by the BD Player or by the HDTV not being able to handle such pick.
As a test I used Compressor to control the output bit rate (settings: average 20 Mbps and pick 25 Mbps) and this seems to fix the problem. To be more certain I should do more tests.
if there is a way in FCPX to control such picks (without using Compressor), either in the Share commands (but it seems to me that they don't provide enough setting controls) or in the timeline. By watching the Video Scopes I can see a quite strong signal in the area where the output file has the bit rate pick. But I don't know any way to have a measure useful to identify them before sharing and avoid a trial and error approach...
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), FCP X - Canon HF M56 PAL
having trouble installing a trial of Adobe Premiere, every time i try to start the installation a security popup window appears saying:
"Setup wants to make changes. type your password to allow this"
i enter my password, box goes away, then reappears.
Im definitely entering password correctly as it says i don't if i don't!
my account is Admin, have tried the other account on the mac, have tried creating a new account, tried numerous restarts, tried downloading a different trial.
I run a late-2013 27-inch iMac with with OSX10.9.3. Although all my Mail preferences are set to 'never delete', periodically my entire Inbox and Sent folders get completely emptied out, every email deleted. The many emails I have in folders are untouched. I need to refer often to my sent mail and this is causing large problems as you'd imagine - as is losing my Inbox contents before I've dealt with them all.
Can't setup MAIL account on iMac no IMAP server. Says I have wrong SMTP server. I"m using a iMac version 10.9.4. MavericksHere is an example for you. I'm trying to set up Time Warner Cable mail account. I have Gmail, iCLoud and Yahoo mail.
I have found my installation of Mavericks losing some preferences after reboot. So far, I have noticed that my entire printer list will go missing and that balance from a previous ban accountreconciliation in Quickbooks will go missing, as well.
I have been able to recover the printers by attempting to add a new IP printer. The process will hang at some point. I'll quit all applications and reboot, after which my printer list will have miraculously returned.
With Quickbooks, I managed to have the previously reconciled balance reappear after running several previous reconciliation reports.
Based on reading around the forum here, it appears that corrupted preference caches may be to blame, but it is not clear to me how one goes about fixing this problem -- or which caches in the library folder it is safe to delete.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 16GB
Using Mail 7.3. In response to the piling up emails on all devices I went into advanced setting under Mail preferences and set it to removed emails from the server. I immediately realized this wouldn't work bc now I can't get my email for that email account on my iPad. It goes to my desktop and then no other devices.
When I go back to reset that so it doesn't delete from the server I get this message: Invalid Directory
The account path /Users/emma/Library/Mail/V2/ is already being used by the account “cmos”
It won't let me Save the change. Apparently it doesn't like that I have two email addresses (accounts) with that domain.
Ive just installed Windows 7 via Bootcamp on a MacBook. When I go into 'Computer' in Windows, I can see my Macintosh HD drive and most of its contents, some pics and other folders etc are all viewable and draggable into Windows. What im thinking now is, can I setup iTunes or even Media Player to see my iTunes library on the Mac side without actually copying it to Windows?
Ive been searching for the Library whilst in Windows but cant find it.
I noticed that System Preferences, App Store no longer shows a padlock at the lower left hand corner, yet other System Preference windows show the padlock. Why is that? Is there a way to restore the padlock? I have already tried "repairing" my install and the padlock did not come back.
New MacBook Pro. Created test user account for apple to debug a problem. Problem fixed, I tried to delete account, but it just hangs sating deleting account. Trying to quit fails saying System Preferences is busy.
There used to be an option for a UPS configuration under System Preferences - Engery Saver for previous versions of OS X. Can this feature still be accessed for OS X 10.9, and if so, how and where?
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 2.8 GHz i5; 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
having trouble installing a trial of Adobe Premiere, every time i try to start the installation a security popup window appears saying: "Setup wants to make changes. type your password to allow this"..i enter my password, box goes away, then reappears.I'm definitely entering password correctly as it says i don't if i don't!
my account is Admin, have tried the other account on the mac, have tried creating a new account, tried numerous restarts, tried downloading a different trial.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
The computer is completely unresponsive and won't shut down or turn off. It is stuck in Set Up Assistant after trying to sign in to AppleID. Attempting to shut down or restart produces the following dialogue: "The application Set Up Assistant has cancelled shut down. To try shutting down again, quit Setup Assistant and click Try Again."
HOWEVER it is impossible to quick Set Up Assistant— the icon is completely unresponsive even to force quit, right click or anything.I've managed to get into being able to see Dashboard and at the top Desktop and the dock below. But I can't click on anything from there. So it seems it is not the whole computer.
I had an Exchange account that I had been using for years. Recently, I switched jobs, and therefore the Exchange account was discontinued (i.e. my user was deleted from the server, emails bounce). BUT I cannot remove this obsolete account from my System Preferences > Internet Accounts. It drives me crazy. Whenever I hit the "-" minus button, the account disappears, but whenever I open Internet Accounts again, it's right back in its place. Apple Mail keeps complaining that it "cannot connect to the server", but won't let me delete the account.
I don't know why but, I cannot change the option of scroll bar in General, System Preferences. Every time I turned it to "Automatically based on mouse or trackpad", it always changes back to "Always" the next time I launch the System Preferences.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I'm wanting to delete a user (non-administrator) account and it has been "... removing user account and directory" for the last 12 hours. I also cannot restart the system because of this message. OS X 10.9.4
I was doing a search tonight and noticed that it bounced over to Google. I have Bing as my default search engine in my Safari preferences. As a test, I changed my default to Yahoo and the same thing happened. I closed out Safari and started it up again. When I entered some search criteria in the field, it showed the words "--Bing Search" just like before, but Google then took over. How can I fix this?
I am using a mid 2011 iMac 21 inch running Mavericks 10.9.4. Processor is Intel Core i5. Memory is 4GB 1333MHz DDR3. I have had a HP Color LaserJet 2600n connected since I bought the iMac new in November 2011. The printer continued to work after I upgraded from Lion. Thinking that the printer was not working I recently deleted the drivers. It simply turned out that its USB cable had become disconnected. I have since tried to reinstal it through Printer and Scanner Preferences but the iMac does not recognize it. The HP driver download page offers drivers for Lion but not for Mavericks, even though a (different) HP summary page of available drivers claims that that 2600n is supported by Mavericks.
Recently completed the Maverick operating system update. Still getting used to new additions, however I did notice I'm unable to access the Safari preferences section.
I know normally, you would follow the drop down menu and click into the safari preferences. Unfortunately now the words in the drop down menu are a lighter grey and unable to click into he section.