ITunes For Mac :: Will Not Add 320 Bitrate MP3 Songs

Dec 11, 2014

Nothing happens when I try to add songs downloaded in MP3 at 320 kbs bitrate to my iTunes library from my hard drive.

MacBook Pro

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Applications :: How To Change The BitRate In ITunes

Mar 8, 2009

I have an Mp3 file that is rather large and want to change the bitrate in iTunes ..

How do you do this?

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Applications :: Change Displayed Bitrate In ITunes?

Dec 27, 2009

I've managed somehow to change the displayed bitrate of songs I've purchased off the iTS, simply by removing the contact details with a hex editor, and it's really bugging me that there doesn't seem to be any way to change it back!

Normally, iTS purchases appear as 256kbps, which is the standard I use (I don't have VBR checked for iTunes plus, as it appears '256kbps (VBR)' whilst songs purchased from iTunes do not, and I like 100% consistency in appearance) - however, now I am getting the true bitrate on songs I've purchased and altered, such as 264kbps, or 281kbps, anywhere from 256kbps to 290kbps.

How can I change the appearance of these files so iTunes displays them as 256kbps again? I've tried AtomicParsley, but it doesn't seem to have a bitrate option, and I definitely do not want to burn them to CD and rip them back!

I know this will sound like an incredibly anal request, but as I said, I like 100% consistency!

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ITunes For Mac :: Bitrate Setup Has Gone From Preferences - OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

Sep 3, 2014

While browsing iTunes features on my Mac being provoked by my aroused interest in the formats that iTunes can play I noticed that in the Playback Tab of iTunes Preferences I don't see the options of setting bitrates for playing imported tracks (that is, not bought in iTunes Store) anymore. All that's remained are the quality options for video playback, but not those for audio. Why is it so and is it possible to change bitrate preferences?    

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Applications :: ITunes Library - Maintaining Multiple Bitrate Versions

Feb 7, 2009

I have iTunes set to rip at lossless, which is fine, as I am willing to add terabytes of storage to my library if necessary. I have a 120 gig classic, I don't mind the fact that I can fit less songs in a higher quality bitrate on this device. I also just got a 8 gig nano, and I would like to upload everything onto it in 128 instead of lossless. I don't want to convery my who library as I would prefer to preserve it is lossless.

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ITunes :: It Keeps Deleting Songs From Folder Or Constantly Loses Track Of Songs And Can't Locate Them?

Feb 10, 2012

My Macbook Pro Keeps deleting Songs from my folder or Itunes constantly loses track of my songs and can't locate them, How Can I stop this? 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), iOS 5.0.1, Lose of songs

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ITunes :: Copy Songs From Playlist To CD But It Changes The Order Of The Songs During The Conversion.

Apr 16, 2012

I am trying to copy some songs from my playlist to a CD but it changes the order of the songs during the conversion.  I want the songs in alphabetical by name but iTunes arranges them alphabetically by artist.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Cannot Listen One Of The Songs Of An Album Of Songs Bought On It

Jun 8, 2012

I cannot listen one of the songs of an album of songs bought on itunes

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Drag Songs From Playlists Into Different Order / Itunes Unable To Drag Songs

Feb 4, 2009

So over the past few months I have noticed this small bug/glitch in iTunes... and it is very annoying.

I cannot drag songs from playlists into different order. iTunes just doesn't let me drag at all.

I have to quit iTunes, then restart it. It will work for one time, but as soon as I got back to "Library" and then try to go back and edit a playlist, I have to exit iTunes.

Any fix for this?

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OS X :: How To Find Out The Audio Bitrate From A Video?

Nov 19, 2010

I have a video and I'd like to know what the audio bitrate is..

The properties window only shows the total bitrate (audio + video)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Controlling Output Video Bitrate

Sep 12, 2014

I created a mp4 file with Share/Export File… (settings: Computer, H.264 Faster Encode, 1920x1080 - edited from an HD camera): its video always freezes at a definite point when played on my BD Player connected to my HDTV through HDMI (audio instead continues on the frozen image).It seem that the issue is a sudden video bit rate pick of almost 50 Mbps while its average is around 20-30 Mbps. It is not clear to me if this freeze is caused by the BD Player or by the HDTV not being able to handle such pick. 

As a test I used Compressor to control the output bit rate (settings: average 20 Mbps and pick 25 Mbps) and this seems to fix the problem. To be more certain I should do more tests. 

if there is a way in FCPX to control such picks (without using Compressor), either in the Share commands (but it seems to me that they don't provide enough setting controls) or in the timeline. By watching the Video Scopes I can see a quite strong signal in the area where the output file has the bit rate pick. But I don't know any way to have a measure useful to identify them before sharing and avoid a trial and error approach... 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), FCP X - Canon HF M56 PAL

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OS X :: Transferred Itunes Library To An External Hard Drive - Itunes Wont Play Songs?

Nov 22, 2010

I transferred all my itunes library to an external hard drive.I had all my songs in itunes and then went to "preferences" and set itunes to look on my external hard drive for my itunes. Then I went to "library" and then "consolidate", and it moved all my library over to my external. I can verify that my songs are all there on my externalHowever, now, itunes won't play any songs of mine. I double click on the song in itunes and it just wont play. There's no error message, there's no exclamation point, it just won't play. Any idea what is goign on? Preferences still shows that my library is directing to the external

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ITunes For Mac :: Transfer Huge Library Of Non-iTunes Songs To PC?

Jun 1, 2014

I have a Macbook with about 5,000 songs on it, all of which are burned from actual hard copies of CDs that I own. Rather than re-burning each CD to my new Windows computer, I would like to see if there's a way to transfer all these songs from Mac to PC using an external hard drive. 

The real question is how can I format my external hard drive to be recognized on both a Macbook running Snow Leopard and a PC running Windows 7?


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Applications :: Transfer Songs From ITunes To ITunes?

Dec 27, 2010

I have 2 macs with two completely independent iTunes databases. They are used for differnt purposes and contain different music. I really do not want to merge these two databases.

From time to time I need to selectively transfer some few songs from the one computer to the other one. Is there a clever way I can achieve this? I would like to transfer the files including the metadata.

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ITunes :: Songs Being Cut-off?

May 16, 2012

I recently cleaned out my computer and reinstalled all of my applications, photos, videos, and music. Now, some of my songs are being cutoff before the song reaches the end. I suspect this is due to iTunes inaccurately placing gaps between my songs.

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ITunes :: Cut Off Songs

May 21, 2012

I have discovered that some of the songs I have purchased from Itunes have been cut off and I no longer have the full song. How can I fix this issue?

iPod touch, iOS 5.1.1

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ITunes :: How To Get Songs Of Other Computers?

Feb 25, 2010

so i have all my music on one computer and on my iphone, but i want to know how to go to another computer and get songs off that one without losing my original library,

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Applications :: ITunes Que Songs?

Aug 26, 2010

How come this feature has never been released? How many times have you been listening to music with friends through a stereo, or simply enjoying a good shuffle list, and all of a sudden you're struck with an urging to hear a different song. Problem is, you don't want to leave the one you're on, you only want to listen to it next. And even after you finish listening to it, you want to be able to resume your previous shuffle list. Seems common enough right?

Then why has Apple never released this feature? I understand the ability to make customizable playlists, but we're not talking about lots of songs. Just one single song. And it could be designed to only allow one song to be qued. Not too challenging I would think.

And it would be so easy to implement. Add a button next to the genius button on the bottom of iTunes with a big Q on it. Highlight the song you want, press that button, and BAM. Done. On an iPod touch/iPhone, just swipe over the song you want to que up (like in email), and a red button will pop up saying "que" and done. And on an iPod with a click wheel, maybe hold down the center button and the fast-foward button when you're highlighted over the song you want to que and done.

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Applications :: Why No DRM On ITunes Songs?

Oct 2, 2010

i made my first purchase in itunes store. I purchased the Following song: Shakira Waka Waka Single. Then i copied it to my bootcam partition and it can play on windows media player and ituens without having to authorize the computer. Shouldn't it be blocked? im confused.

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OS X :: Lyrics Of All Songs At Once For Itunes?

Jan 21, 2008

I am currently using a dashboard widget which shows lyrics of the song playing and places them into itunes but is there any app that will do all the songs at once.

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Applications :: ITunes Won't Add Mp3 Songs?

Oct 5, 2008

This has happened to me many times now. Certain .mp3 songs will not open in iTunes at all. I will double-click on them and iTunes will pop up, but the song will not appear in the Library. I have also tried dragging it into the library manually, but it still doesn't show up.

I have read about this problem before, so it is not an isolated issue, however no one seems to have an answer that actually works. Some suggested changing the file to .mp4, but this doesn't work either.

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ITunes :: New Songs Won't Play

Mar 2, 2012

I've recently copied some cassette tapes onto the computer (using Audio Hijack Pro) as mp3 files. *None* of those longer than a minute and nineteen seconds will play past that point in iTunes on Lion. They show up as their proper length (and are *not* set to cut short in options), but playing them, they just skip to the next song at 1:19 as if they'd finished, no error or anything. If I drag the slider to a point past there, the counters stop at that point and it starts the next song when I release it. The files play perfectly well if I press the spacebar in Finder, or if I open them with Quicktime Player, or if I use my iPod Touch, or if I use iTunes in Windows XP, but not on the Mac. Every last one of them... and no others. Older tracks play perfectly, regardless of source or format. 

All software is the latest version available. (Within reasonable meanings of "latest" for XP, at least.)

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ITunes :: Keeps Sticking On Songs?

Mar 13, 2012

I'm running an eMac 1.25 with 1 G of Ram. My iTunes keeps sticking on songs. I have to move to another song to get it to stop.

Mac OS X (10.4.4)

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ITunes :: How To Get Songs Back

Mar 14, 2012

i went to the apple store and they re imaged my macbook and lost all my stuff. How do i redownlad all the things i bought to itunes, they are still on my iphone, but i dont know how to get them back on my macbook because i sync to icloud.

iTunes, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes :: Get Rid Of Duplicates Of Songs?

Mar 18, 2012

How do I get rid of duplicates of songs? 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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ITunes :: Songs - Sometimes They Sync Then They Don't

Apr 7, 2012

I have a Macbook Pro running the latest Lion, and also the latest iTunes. I am trying to sync my extensive iTunes library with my iPod. The iPod is an oldie; on of the 80GB versions that also play video. It's software is up to date. I sync, and it tells me it is finished, with no errors. When I go and use the iPod, I find that this isn't the case. I go and play an album for instance, and I find that only half the songs are there. I go and plug it into the Macbook, sync again, and then I try it out and I find that in the same particular album, I still do not have the complete album, but what is weird is that some of the songs that are there, weren't there before, and others that were there before, are gone! 

NB: I have selected that my iPod is a iPod classic, but I don't think that is right. Like I said, it is the 80GB version that plays videos too. It is the same I believe as the one U2 endorsed.

iPod classic, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Songs End Before End Of Track?

Apr 7, 2012

Over the last couple of weeks the songs either on itunes or my ipod will skip to the next song half way through the song or about 10sec before the end.

The hard drive was recenty replaced but this has only just started. 

Itunes, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Not Seeing Songs In It On IPad

Apr 11, 2012

I have copied song files from PC to iPad (I think) but when I open iTunes on the iPad, all I see is the store, no songs

Info:iPad 2

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ITunes :: Songs Don't And Won't Appear In Library

Apr 16, 2012

I'm having problems with songs I've loaded into iTunes not appearing in my library, even though they're on the hard drive, and properly filed in the iTunes folder. 

I ripped all of my Beatles CDs a couple years ago, and now that I'm looking at them again, certain tracks are missing when I search under album, title, or artist. 

Strangely enough, they ARE on the hard-drive, properly organized in the iTunes folder. 

Even more strangely, when I try to drag the file into iTunes again, it STILL won't appear, though it WILL play.  However, even when it plays, the library still does not show that the song exists. Do I now have to somehow rebuild the library?  It seems like that's what's called for. 

iBook, Mac OS X (10.3.x)

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ITunes :: How To Delete Songs

Apr 19, 2012

My itunes will not let me delete songs from my library. The selection is on the drop down menu, but i can not select the option to delete.

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