Applications :: Change Displayed Bitrate In ITunes?
Dec 27, 2009
I've managed somehow to change the displayed bitrate of songs I've purchased off the iTS, simply by removing the contact details with a hex editor, and it's really bugging me that there doesn't seem to be any way to change it back!
Normally, iTS purchases appear as 256kbps, which is the standard I use (I don't have VBR checked for iTunes plus, as it appears '256kbps (VBR)' whilst songs purchased from iTunes do not, and I like 100% consistency in appearance) - however, now I am getting the true bitrate on songs I've purchased and altered, such as 264kbps, or 281kbps, anywhere from 256kbps to 290kbps.
How can I change the appearance of these files so iTunes displays them as 256kbps again? I've tried AtomicParsley, but it doesn't seem to have a bitrate option, and I definitely do not want to burn them to CD and rip them back!
I know this will sound like an incredibly anal request, but as I said, I like 100% consistency!
Why is it that for some of my songs, iTunes displays, right below the application title, "iTunes," the name of the song, and below that, the name of the artist. In some other cases, it displays the name of the song, and below that, the name of the ALBUM. All fields in song info are filled out correctly.
I have iTunes set to rip at lossless, which is fine, as I am willing to add terabytes of storage to my library if necessary. I have a 120 gig classic, I don't mind the fact that I can fit less songs in a higher quality bitrate on this device. I also just got a 8 gig nano, and I would like to upload everything onto it in 128 instead of lossless. I don't want to convery my who library as I would prefer to preserve it is lossless.
While browsing iTunes features on my Mac being provoked by my aroused interest in the formats that iTunes can play I noticed that in the Playback Tab of iTunes Preferences I don't see the options of setting bitrates for playing imported tracks (that is, not bought in iTunes Store) anymore. All that's remained are the quality options for video playback, but not those for audio. Why is it so and is it possible to change bitrate preferences?
I'm running OS X 10.9.2 and iTunes 11.2.2 and out of the blue, my iTunes Playlists are not displaying/ not visible in the left pane under "Playlists". It's as if I have no playlists anymore. If I attempt to create a new playlist, nothing new is visible (i.e. the Playlist pane still appears empty). However, all of my music is still viewable and playable. In fact, if I play a song, I may click on its arrow and add it to any of my 20 or so playlists. So they are all visible from the drop down menu on any song that's playing.
Just now, I attempted to restore an older "iTunes Music library" file (.itl) by trashing the current one and replacing it with one from my previous "iTunes Libraries" folder. I restarted iTunes (holding down the option key), selected the previous version library and still the Playlists will not display.
At the moment I am open minded about Ping, so I might give it a try. But I do have a question.. For those who have activated an account.. Does it display your entire library of music you downloaded? Or does it just display who your favorite artists are and what your favorite songs are? I wasn't sure if you get to choose what or how info is displayed.
I just opened iPhoto and found that when I click on an "Album" (menu to the left), it just opens up with full size images. It used to display thumbnails and I'd need to click on the image to open it into full size. Is there some option that I inadvertently adjusted to cause this change?
I am using MBP Pro with OSx 10.7.3. I use admin account. Recently I enabled root account and then disabled it back again. Since then I am seeing applications only for root and not for admin even with admin login. If I go to /Users/<admin username>/Library/Preferences, I can see that the applications has relevant files over there. When I looked more carefully I observed that, I am able to see the applications installed for the root only and not for the admin user. Is there any way to corrrect this?
I have iPhoto 09 running on Snow Leopard and a Canon 50D DSLR. When I connect it to the computer using the USB cable, it does not show up under the devices item on the left side pane of iPhoto. I've tried changing USB cables as well as the USB slot to which the cable is plugged, but to no effect. The funny thing is if I select the option to automatically start iPhoto when a camera is connected, then iPhoto starts automatically when I connect the camera, but still the camera does not show up under devices. Occasionally, it does show up when I connect it, usually taking a long time to appear.
I created a mp4 file with Share/Export File… (settings: Computer, H.264 Faster Encode, 1920x1080 - edited from an HD camera): its video always freezes at a definite point when played on my BD Player connected to my HDTV through HDMI (audio instead continues on the frozen image).It seem that the issue is a sudden video bit rate pick of almost 50 Mbps while its average is around 20-30 Mbps. It is not clear to me if this freeze is caused by the BD Player or by the HDTV not being able to handle such pick.
As a test I used Compressor to control the output bit rate (settings: average 20 Mbps and pick 25 Mbps) and this seems to fix the problem. To be more certain I should do more tests.
if there is a way in FCPX to control such picks (without using Compressor), either in the Share commands (but it seems to me that they don't provide enough setting controls) or in the timeline. By watching the Video Scopes I can see a quite strong signal in the area where the output file has the bit rate pick. But I don't know any way to have a measure useful to identify them before sharing and avoid a trial and error approach...
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), FCP X - Canon HF M56 PAL
Is there a way to have a cell display text, but behind the text is actually a number figure that I can ask Excel to use in calculations? I'll explain what I mean to give you a visual so you'll understand what I'm trying to do. I want to create a monthly budget in an Excel spreadsheet. I'll have one row for each day of the month, and maybe 3 or 4 columns for in which to put expenditures for each day.
Let's say on the 4th of the month I have a Visa bill due, I usually put gas in my car and I pick up some Dry Cleaning. I'd like to be able to type Visa, Gas and Dry Cleaning within the row of cells for the 4th, and have the dollar amounts for those expenditures hidden beneath the text. Then I'd do a summation formula in the last column to tabulate all of the hidden dollar amounts to give me a total for that day. This way, I can see a total expenditure figures for that day (in the summation column) and what the money went to, without having to do the spreadsheet the old-fashioned way of putting the Text in one cell and the dollar figures in an adjoining cell (which in this case wouldn't work in a columnar sense since the text cell would have to be either above the dollar cell, thus making the text cell in the previous day's row...or, putting the text in say, cell B2, and the dollars in row B3, and doing the same for multiple charges per day, which would make for a very wide spreadsheet.
As the title states, I would like to change the password on my iTunes account. I used the name of my (now) ex-girlfriend and want to change it for obvious reasons (I know it is cheesy ). Is there any way to do it?
I'm trying to change an album in itunes. I drag the whole album in itunes: no problem. The artist name is spell slightly different than other albums by the same artist so when I transfer to my ipod you get two artists in your list: problem for me. I select every track in the album, right click and get info. Change the artist name and click ok. The artist name for every track changes however it always leaves the first track on its own while the others move to their own (splitting the album): problem When I check the info/tags nothing seems out of place on that one track? Not the first time this has happened but it seems to be on random albums.
I recently moved all my music on my moms computer from the regular iTunes folder to another. Then when I tried to play the music, it couldn't find it. so I went into prefrences, and changed the target folder to the new one. But when I changed it, it still couldnt find the music. I went back into prefrences, and it was still at the old folder! Is there an apply button or something I have to push?
I know *how* to do this, by going to "get info", and I have done it before. But, for some reason I *can't* actually do it anymore. When I select a group of songs to change info on, it acts like its going to work but then does nothing. When I select a single item, the get info tab is completely grayed out, nothing can be clicked on or changed. I have tried checking the song outside of iTunes to make sure it isn't read only or anything and I haven't found any issues with that. None of these should have any copy protection, they've all been ripped from cd or downloaded.
The only way I have been able to change anything so far is to convert the mp3 to AAC. I really don't want to have to convert the whole library. What is wrong with this?? How do I fix it?
Looks like in syncing my iPad, it tries to place the backup of my device in MobileSyncBackup on my C boot drive, which is an SSD without space, even when my iTunes install and iTunes library folder is in my 2 TB D drive.
Is there any way to permanently make iTunes place its backup elsewhere?
I am having is with editing the tags on song files in iTunes. I cannot modify the text fields in the info tab of get info. So i can't change the song titles, artist names, or anything, which is really annoying. I have tried changing the file access from read only to read and write but this didn't help. Could the problem somehow be that I had all of these files on my widows machine and i burnt them off and transfered them over...
I cannot get the artwork for some of my shows in iTunes to change.At one point they were all the same (this is my Top Gear collection). I found a different photo I wanted to use and tried to get all seasons to update. However, some episodes will not "take" the artwork and have reverted to the random screen cap that is shows when you convert it. Does anyone know how to force the artwork to change to what I want it to?I've already checked file ownership and permissions, and everything looks fine. Right now I am going to repair permissions and see if I can get it to work. I'll report back, but I'm not very hopeful.
I'm looking to find a way to change the play count for a track in iTunes other than manually skipping the song to the last second each time. Since I'm sure someone will want to know why, well, I have an 88 play count for a U2 song that was in 128kb but I just bought a newer version at 256 and want to replace the old one. I'd like to keep the 88 plays and apply it to the new, higher quality track and delete the old version. It would be tedious skip to the last second, then repeat, 88 times. I've done it this way for up to 20 plays but this is too much.
Since it apparently can't be done by using the mouse and doing it inside the program, from what I can tell, does anyone know any sort of workaround that could get this accomplished?
i recently got a 3rd gen iPod shuffle. In my music i have "synced only checked playlists" I also have sync only checked songs. When I make a change to my playlist in iTunes and sync, it doesn't change in the shuffle when I sync.
in my itunes file in Windows directory, there is a compilations file. this file has albums in it that should not be there, but with other albums by the same bands. i have tried relocating the albums, but then itunes cannot play them, and when i locate the file it is automatically placed in a new compilations folder.
in short i am asking how i can change the location of a file in the itunes library. Any ideas?
This hint requires that you have apple developer tools installed in order to use plist editor. I have a root account enabled on my system which i was logged into to use this hint, i'm sure some of the more terminal thrifty users can chime in on how to do this through the terminal.
In the finder navigate to applications folder and right click on itunes and select Show Package Contents. Once Contents is open the path is Contents/Resources/English.lproj/TextStyles.plist. Right click on TextStyles.plist and open with Property List in Property List locate 9003 and click the arrow next to it.
You will see 3 lines of settings on the FONT row i changed the font to LucidaGrange-Bold. on the SIZE line i changed 13 to 18. then save the file
I now have iTunes with a bold and larger font just the way i like it. Im a musician and use itunes to make my bands set lists I just take a screen capture of the list and print in preview.
My wife just got a new Macbook Pro, and she's trying to get her iTunes library situation on there. She's got an iPod with all of her purchased content on it, but it's from an old [URL] account that she no longer has access to.