Since updating iTunes and installing the latest iphone software iTunes crashes when I attempt to open my iphone in the device panel. I therefore cannot perform any manual functions on my phone through iTunes. I'm running 10.7.3 and iTunes 10.6.Â
I can access my music, books, and apps libraries just fine. When I click on Movies or TV Shows libraries, iTunes quits unexpectedly. This has been happening for a few weeks, but I don't remember when I last updated iTunes. Currently, 10.6 is installed. I am assuming that this problem originated with my update to iTunes 10.6.
iTunes 10.6.1 crashes on my iMac (10.7.3, 4 GB) whenever I try to open, play or interact in any way with Audible books. This is new in the last 2-3 weeks. Â
I have tried (Command) O, drag n drop, double click on file and "add to library". Every time it crashes. I have sent reports to Apple. I can add the files to iTunes Library, but they never open in iTunes without crashing it.Â
Everything in my Audible account looks appropriate so I don't think it's that end?Â
Anyone with similar issues? Or, better, a solution? I am going to try backing up and re-downloading the app, I think.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, 4 GB 13333MH
I recently had to switch out the hard drive on my Early 2011 13" MacBook Pro. When I got the computer back from the Apple Store I began loading my old content onto the machine. When previewing and opening files, they would appear with randomly coloured splotches of pixels on them.   This continues to happen when browsing folders on my machine.Â
The files do not show up with splotches on other computers, and are not in the same places each time I open the file, which leads me to believe they are problems with my machine and not the files themselves.Â
I hypothesise this is the graphics card, but I don't know enough about the hardware.
I got an error message while burning a CD in iTunes - "the attempt to burn a disc failed. The burn failed because of a medium write error."What does this mean and how do I fix it?
I am running OS 10.7.3 on a 17 in MacBook Pro. I cannot open the address book as it crashes every time I try. However it supplies the email address properly to mail.
my internet was not working and I read that I should go on Library/systemconfiguration and erase the whole file. I did so, and I restarted my computer. However, now when I open system preferences, and I click on NETWORK it crashes.
What should I do if it doesnt open it keeps crashing I cant open network at all... the roulette just keeps turning and turning and turning...
After upgrading from OS X 10.5.8 to 10.6(and 10.6.1) my control panel Security does not open but crashes. With the upgrade to 10.6.1 the control panel now says "loading Security (32 bit" but will not open the Security control panel. All other control panels icons work on my duel 2.93 Mac Pro.
I have Guitar Pro 5.3b1 on my system, which is claimed to be snow kitty friendly. However, every time I open the application, it immediately crashes. Any ideas? I can't really think of any alternatives either, other than finale, and that's just overkill.
I have Mac OS 10.4.11, and Safari 3.2.1. Safari crashes if I try to Cmd-click a link to get it to open in a new tab or right-click a bookmark and choose to open it in a new tab or a new window. It did not do that before I got the Safari update. I also cannot seem to get any content into more than 3 tabs without it crashing. Is there any way to fix it?
Text edit crashes every time I open it. By crash I mean stops responding when I add text and/or try to save the content. It "stops responding" EVERY TIME I try to use it.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Intel iMac 24 7,1. Core 2 Duo 2.8g
I am unable to open a FCPX library (containing at least 10 projects and events).Â
Final Cut attempts to load the events and projects in the library but after about 5 minutes the program shuts down and I get an Apple message giving me the option to report the problem.
All other libraries appear to work fine. I am guessing that the last project created within the affected library is corrupt.
I have tried removing the render files in that last project and I have copied the library to another drive and neither worked.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Processor - 2.2 ghz intel core i7
Every time I try to open an existing document or save a new one Microsoft word crashes. I am able to start a new document but if I try to save it all of the action/editing buttons fade/unhighlight (save, print, quit, copy paste, etc) and I am ubable to do anything. However, most of the buttons in view, history, bookmarks, tools, window & help still work.Then I have to force quit because the option to quit is no longer available.
So my installation of OS X decided to stop working correctly today and after some trouble shooting I found I needed to re install. I decided to Archive and reinstall, my backups are not as recent as they should be. During the first reinstall attempt it froze when I tried to view the install log. I now on my second attempt at reinstalling and a again choose archive (this time the option to preserve user setting is greyed out). With the trouble I had my old files should still be there right?
My MBP has been acting up lately. It seems that whenever I put a DVD into my drive, it sounds like the computer is reading it or attempting to and then spits it back out. When I put the dvd back in a second time, it reads it just fine and mounts it on desktop without any problems. Doesnt seem to matter what kind of dvd it is; game, movie, etc. The SuperDrive only reads it when I put the disk in the second time. I'm running 10.5.6.
i want to re-install my OS from scratch. so i used SuperDuper to backup my HD onto my 1TB My Book but something went wrong. this is my first time trying this so i have no clue why it didn't work.