I have an iPad 2, iPad 3, and a iPhone 4S that I sync with my Mac iTunes. All have the latest software. In the past, a couple of days ago, and for months before, all three devices showed up under Devices in iTunes even though none of them were physically connected to my Mac and were often other places in the house. Then, when I downloaded updated apps I could manually sync each of my devices via iTunes. That was great. Now, all of a sudden (although I did try iCloud backup and then stopped it and reverted to NO iCloud backup), my iPad 3 ONLY shows up in Devices when it is physically connected to my Mac. And when I unhook the cable, it disappears from Devices. I've restarted iTunes and the iPad without any change in behavior. All of the General preferences and Settings are the same for all three devices (the iPad 3 was built by restoring from the iPad 2 backup). It seems I need a "refresh" button somewhere to force iTunes to find my wireless iPad 3. how to force iTunes to recognize a non-cable-connected device (like it did before)?Â
Getting errors when trying to update to 5.1 on iPhone 4s and iPad 1. Iv tried to update through the device and on iTunes and its not working. Both devices are NOT jailbroken. iTunes saying network connection can not be established. And trying through iPad's software update on the device says " Unable to check for update. An error occurred while checking for a software update."Â And I clearly have internet connection.
my new mbp has some isues with its sound ...there is no audio device in the prefrence/sound have restarted and have done the hardware test many time. few days back hardware test use to work for me getting this issue fixed but now notting works..Â
I have this student's laptop who's hdd was corrupted as. Only 10% worked, able to slightly read through external drive reader which took ages to read. Couldn't get testwin or chkdsk to repair it (under windows)Anyway, got him to replace the hdd and he also wanted windows on there. Either XP or 7 on there.Upon trying to boot from the windows 7 or windows XP disc, I get "no bootable device found - insert boot disc and press any key"Thus tried booting while holding C down, and tried booting while holding "option" down", problem is..i think his bios is corrupted as well. I get a white screen upon powering up. No mac logo. When I hold down "option", the mouse arrow pops up but nothing to click on.
I have two 15" Powerbook G4's, 1.67GHz, one has a Toshiba 80 GB hard drive (Powerbook 1), another one has a Toshiba 60 GB hard drive (Powerbook 2). Powerbook 1: The super drive on the 80GB hard drive takes CD's/DVD's but does not eject them, or recognize them. In System Profiler the Disc Burning section says "No burning device was found. If you are using an external device please make sure that it is connected and powered properly". I cannot boot of this CD drive or anything. Powerbook 2: Now the 60GB Powerbook works flawlessly, even though it has a non-oem Matshita DVD-RAM UJ-845S drive. I had to take the 60GB hd out of Powerbook 2 and install it into Powerbook 1. The darkest thing happened, Powerbook 1's CD drive started working without a problem. Powerbook 2 is now with the 80GB hard drive and without a functional CD drive.
I put the 60GB HD back into Powerbook 2, and the CD drive started working again. I put the 60GB HD into Powerbook 1 and left put it together because it is fully functional. Now I have the Powerbook 2 that still has problems with the cd drive. I have tried using 2-3 other hard drives (they were from windows machines though), still no luck on getting the CD drive to work. If I disconnect the 80GB Hard Drive, then I can boot from the CD drive. I just unplugged the internal hard drive, and attached another Powerbook (this one is 17"), and booted the 17" inch one into firewire mode, then started the Powerbook 2 and booted into the firewire HD. Now I'm looking at the System Profiler, and I'm seeing the disc burner.
My conclusions to this issue: It seems like all of the hard drives, except the 60GB one, can't seem to run along with the cd drive. This is not a motherboard or a CD drive problem, because both of the 15" computers can have everything working, depending on which hard drive is used. I heard that these CD drives have an issue of being setup in Cable Select, instead of Master. I tried using different firmware (I had to plug up the drive to a PC laptop and flashed the firmware with D100 firmware http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2094 ) Extra Hard Drive information: 60GB Hard Drive: Toshiba MK6025GAS, DC+5V 0.7A 80GB Hard Drive: Toshiba MK8026GAX, DC+5v 1.0A
OK, I asked this question previously, but not quite succinct enough, I think. I have a Pioneer home theater receiver that is network capable, but not wireless capable. I want to get this thing on my home network without having to purchase another device as my Mini resides no more than 36" away from it.So far, I have been able to get the receiver to connect to the internet through Internet Sharing on the Mini, but it remains blind to, and invisible to my wireless network. I simply want to connect the receiver to my Mini via ethernet cable and have it see and be seen on my wireless network. url...
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.7 GHz i7, 256 GB SSD, 8GB RAM
This is now few days I try to install Win7 from USB on MBP 15 i7. I used the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool Help to create my USB stick. I was successful to install it on my brothers 27" iMac using the same process but Im having problem with my MBP.I create the BootCamp partition 100GB and installed rEFIt.Each time I try to boot of USB I get: No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key
I'm trying to install windows xp professional sp3 from an iso I torrented. I burned it to a disc, but my computer can't find the disc during the start of installation ("No bootable device, press any key").
Not only will holding Option while booting not work, but all of the other boot tricks (safe mode, single user mode, etc), will not work. I am at a loss. I also don't have an optical drive in this particular MBP. I have an SSD where it once was.
I have a Unibody Macbook Pro, and I recently reinstalled Windows XP SP2 (updated to SP3) with Bootcamp. I am unable to see any wireless networks when I know several are present. (OSX Connects flawlessly).
I have attempted to update the drivers to no avail.
He has installed Windows 7 on to his Macbook (to use a program he cant on OSX) and there has been no wireless detected at all, everything else is working this is his only problem.
I have the Australin app called Ninenewsbreak and the app works well on my iphone4 BUT the sound won't work on my iPad.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled it 3 times and still no sound. This app is for the iPhone and iPad according to the advert in the app store. The sound works great on the iPad for other apps downloaded.Â
I bought an Airport Extreme and am trying to set it up. I installed Airport Utility and have my Airport turned on. The problem I'm having is that Airport Utility is saying it can't find any wireless devices. I have the Airport's Internet WAN port connected to my wall's ethernet port and the Airport's status light is solid green. What I want to do is get a wireless signal from the ethernet port on my wall. Everything in the set up guide and everything I find online has to do with setting the Airport up with a DSL or Cable Modem.
my daughters SLEEPING MBP has appeared on my MBP as a shared device. How is this possible if it's sleeping? Perhaps there's a good explanation for this, but I'm concerned about it. She connects via wireless to our home D-link wireless router. Wasn't sure where to ask question on boards..
Info: Macbook Pro 2.53 Intel i5, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
10.7.4 frequently freezes with the translucent dialog to power down then power up. This is not isolated to any particular application. Started with the upgrade to 10.7.4. Bluetooth device Bose Wireless Sound-link will not play either but does show connection.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My wi fi iPad works fine on wireless home network but the Mac will not connect to internet even through airport diagnostics shows connectivity ok, how can I resolve?
I am trying to print via wireless from my iPad (3rd generation) and iPhone 5 to my new canon MG3520 -- but it seems I have to set this up first to use with airprint? How to do that---? Â
OK I set-up the LAN (first connecting printer to the MacBook Pro running 10.8.5) via USB and then removed the USB cables so that now the iPad and the iPhone can select the printer - but it just prints blank sheets of paper and says there is an error each time.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion, Also a Mac SE running 6.0.4 - not upgrading that!
I was looking to access the file sharing functionality of one of my apps (AV Player HD) in iTunes 12 and wasn't able to find out where or how to do this in the new version.Â
After a bit of searching on the internet I gathered I needed to select my device (iPad in this case) from the devices drop down, then on the left hand sidebar under the menu heading 'On My Device' I should see "Apps" listed there along with Music and Movies etc. I have:
Music MoviesTv Shows Books Audio Tones
and then some music playlists..That's it. So my questions are:
1. where is 'Apps'?
2. how am I supposed to access file sharing on AV Player HD if I can't see this menu item?Â
Info: MACBOOK PRO (RETINA, 15-INCH, LATE 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9)
I've successfully moved from a Mac Pro (2,1) to a Mac Mini (6,2), running OS 10.9.5 and iTunes There were several glitches during the move, but I finally associated my iTunes folder, now on an external HD, with the application using the option key during launch method. Everything works, iPhones, iPads, iPods all sync properly, all the playlists are there and play all songs, the App Store and iTunes Store function normally using my single Apple ID.Â
Just one problem.Â
When I try to play content from within the iTunes Music [Media] folder, either by double-clicking on a track or by control-click "Open With", I get an error message "The Application Can't be Found".Â
My iTunes Library goes back to iTunes 3 and contains over 350 GB media. This new behavior is worrying, because I don't understand why moving the iTunes Folder should have caused this.
Bluetooth says my keyboard is paired, configured, and connected (and it works).Keyboard under System Preferences says "no keyboard found" and it continues to search for the keyboard. I have rebooted and also deleted and added the keyboard. Should I be concerned? Does the iMac need service ?
I've been syncing my devices for years, but after I updated to iTunes 10.6 then attempted to sync my iPhone 4, iTunes aborts and does not complete the sync. I tried my iPad as well with exactly the same results. So, I expect that something has begun corrupted in iTunes and I tried to revert to the previous version of iTunes with Time machine, but the Mac reported that I cannot remove iTunes.It could be a library that is corrupt or a cache of some sort, but I can't tell.Â
Ive uploaded around 20CD to iTunes and twice now I have opened up a CD in my iMac to listen to it and the first song could not be found. What is going on here? Its not a big deal or anything because these are my CDs so ive just uploaded them again.
When rebooting my computer I got this 'library not found' error...I figured my external hard where all my iTunes stuff is kept hadn't come online yet. That's happened before. Nope. Now I can't seem to find the current library file. Also, strangely, these files were in the trash:Â