ICloud On Mac :: Movie Downloaded To IPad Disappeared On Different Device
Jun 1, 2014I downloaded a movie on the family iPad but it will not show up on my computer that is on the iCloud as well.
MacBook Pro
I downloaded a movie on the family iPad but it will not show up on my computer that is on the iCloud as well.
MacBook Pro
I quit iTunes and my rental movie disappeared after watching half of the movie. The rental sidebar disappeared as well. What do I do to retrieve my movie?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI downloaded and installed the updates for the OS and now there is no "shared" section in the finder at all. Shared items are checked in the preferences. Selecting "go" and "network" doesn't do anything. I checked in the system preferences and the name of the workgroup is correct. The other computers in the workgroup can see my shared folders, but I can no longer see anything shared.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the iPad but it will not come up as a device on the far left scroll bar. There are several movies I would like to download onto here.
iPad, iOS 5.0.1
I have an iPad 2, iPad 3, and a iPhone 4S that I sync with my Mac iTunes. All have the latest software. In the past, a couple of days ago, and for months before, all three devices showed up under Devices in iTunes even though none of them were physically connected to my Mac and were often other places in the house. Then, when I downloaded updated apps I could manually sync each of my devices via iTunes. That was great. Now, all of a sudden (although I did try iCloud backup and then stopped it and reverted to NO iCloud backup), my iPad 3 ONLY shows up in Devices when it is physically connected to my Mac. And when I unhook the cable, it disappears from Devices. I've restarted iTunes and the iPad without any change in behavior. All of the General preferences and Settings are the same for all three devices (the iPad 3 was built by restoring from the iPad 2 backup). It seems I need a "refresh" button somewhere to force iTunes to find my wireless iPad 3. how to force iTunes to recognize a non-cable-connected device (like it did before)?
View 2 Replies View Relatedmy itunes wont sync my ipad. it wont even find it as a device. its never been connected to another mac or pc.
iPad 2, iOS 5.1.1, 27' imac
It started downloading....I went away to watch a movie and it disappered, but now safari intermittently works.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.1
I downloaded a movie (had to because I can't get it where I live, Waltz with Bashir) I knew it was in a different language but I didn't expect there to be no subtitles, so I found a site that had them but now I don't know how to add them, they are in the same folder as the movie, but if I go to Quicktime it says there are no subtitles.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi cant find a movie i downloaded
View 1 Replies View Relatedi cant find a movie i downloaded
View 1 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a movie from the iTunes Store to my MacBook Pro (all latest software) and iTunes says it can't play the movie. Specific error says "This movie requires Quicktime which is not supported by this version of iTunes." I'm running iTunes 10.6.1 and MacOS 10.7.3.
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have just downloaded a movie from iTunes Store. It has downloaded, but not showing in iTunes. The file is there & it plays fine. When I have manually tried to add into to iTunes, it will not do it either. What could be wrong
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I downloaded a movie but it isnt playing
View 3 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a movie from itunes, watched it once, but now I can't play it again. What do I do?
Mac Pro
I am a newbie with the iMac still. I have a couple of DVDs that I want to load onto my iPad. How should I go about doing this?
View 13 Replies View RelatedGetting errors when trying to update to 5.1 on iPhone 4s and iPad 1. Iv tried to update through the device and on iTunes and its not working. Both devices are NOT jailbroken. iTunes saying network connection can not be established. And trying through iPad's software update on the device says " Unable to check for update. An error occurred while checking for a software update." And I clearly have internet connection.
iPad, iOS 5.0.1
I just purchased a new Ipad and am unable to see the Ipad listed as a device on Itunes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just downloaded a movie from Limewire, and I am playing it in Quicktime, it runs slow and gets really choppy half thru the movie. (1.5 G file, MPEG-4). Is there anything I can do to make it run faster? I am running thru my hard drive.
I have a PowerBook G4 15"
CPU Speed:1.25 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB
Memory:2 GB
Bus Speed:167 MHz
Boot ROM Version:4.7.1f1
Quicktime is version: 7.6.4
I purchased my first movie in iTunes on the iPad 2 and I didn't realise how much space this would take up - this was only showing when I was already downloading it - it took up over 6GB of space and I have no idea how to get rid of it again or archive/move it somewhere else?
iPad 2
I bought the film, "Woodstock," a couple of years ago thru iTunes. I see the film listed in iTunes and I see the actual file on my computer, but I cannot get it to play. It has played in the past. I was going to re-download thru iCloud, but it says it's already downloaded, which it is. I have also tried logging into iTunes using my other IDs but still it won't play. I also tried to open it in QuickTime, but I got this error message - <The document “Woodstock_ 3 Days of Peace and Music (Director's Cut).m4v” could not be opened. This content is not authorized.>
View 6 Replies View RelatedDo i really have to purchase(re-purchase) apps that may or may not have been free on my ipad onto my MBP?
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I downloaded handbrake to my hp computer running windows vista. I tried to "rip" a couple of movies. That worked...I think (m4v file format) But I cannot figure out how to get the movie in to iTunes, so that I can put the movies on my iPhone or iPad. I tried dragging the file in to the movie section, and also going to the menu and opening "add file" (or something like that). Nothing happens! When I ripped the movie, I selected "iPhone Ipod touch". I also should mention that when I double click on the file, and try to watch the movie on my computer I am unable to watch it on any program. For example it says that it is a file type that QuickTime does not recognize. I am completely new to this and simply don't know what im doing!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have movies and Tv programmes I have purchased and downloaded from iTunes on my I pad. Can I also transfer/download these to my sons new I pad?
iPad 2
I have had several movies that I have rented on my Macbook Air and then transfer to my Ipad...they just disapear when I go back a couple of days later...not an expiration issue as it is within the 30 days..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
I am currently relaxing on the nice Beach of jamaica and have rent a movie from my German iTunes store. After clicking "Rent" and confirming the movie is not appearing under the "Download" Tab in iTunes neither in the Library.
iPad Wi-Fi + 4G, iOS 5.1
Is it possible to share a rental movie between devises? i.e.: I rented a a movie on my home Mac and want to watch it outside of the house on my iPad.
iPad 2, iOS 5.1, 16Gig
I bought a movie and I cannot find it on my iPad?
iPhone 3G
How can I watch my rented movie from itunes on my ipad
iPad 2
How to transfer movie from MacBook Pro to iPad ?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)
This is my first time on here and I have only just bought a MacBook Pro (1st one) so sorry if this has been answered elsewhere.
I have an iPad 2 and an iPhone 4 - everything I have bought on iTunes has synced with my Mac and mobile devices. All my music, pictures TV shows and books have also synced with mobile devices and MacBook but for some reason the films I have purchased I need to buy again!!
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1